a new understanding of today, time and space.

so, when last seen I asked about identity.
Why are we, in this modern or postmodern world depending on
who you speak to, so concerned about and with identity?

If you read the Greeks or Romans or Medieval writers, you don’t see any such
wonder about identity or gender or even a sense of "where are we going? that
we see in the writings of the last 200 years. The certainty that existed for those
Greek/Roman/Medieval writers does not exist for us.

The question of “Who am I” never occurred to those writers of the ancient world.
It is a “modern” question but why? Why do we ask those question?
what is it about the Modern world that forces us to ask ourselves,
“Who am I”? What has changed?

Clearly, science and technology are a major reason for the change from
the ancient and medieval world to the “Modern” world, but what is the
change that has happened in our modern world that has occurred from
the beginning of the modern age, say 1500 to today, 2018?

Some sources I have read believe that the change is from the “Enlightenment”
to the current thought… which is to say, the “Enlightenment” thought, beliefs,
idea’s and methodology carried the day for roughly 150 years, depending on
when one believes when the “Enlightenment” began, some like Jonathan Israel,
believe that the “Enlightenment” was over by 1750 and some believe that it was
over at the French Revolution, 1790. In either case, the end of the “Enlightenment”
seems to have occurred at the beginning of the First World War, 1914.

Romanticism which was the next phase of thought, can be said to begin with
Goethe’s “The Sorrows of Young Werther” and has never really ended.

Has it been this clash between the ideals of “Enlightenment” and “Romanticism”
that has created the modern world? Hitler, for example was an Romantic.
Hitler was an romantic by trying to recreate an Aryan person, an aryan society,
that hadn’t existed for over a thousand years.

Ronald Reagan was also an Romantic… How is this? Raygun believed in
trying to recreate a past that didn’t exist in the first place. He was always
trying to bring back the 1950’s but a 1950’s that didn’t exist in the first place.

so this question of identity is about who we are in this modern age of
2018. Read the Greeks or Romans and you don’t have this modern
question of sexual identity. Many Greeks and Romans did have homosexual
relationships but it wasn’t the identity crisis that it is today. They simple
did what felt good and was pleasurable to them. So, once again, why in the
modern era, do we have this issue? One possibility was that the Greeks, and Romans,
lived in far more certain times. If the state was floundering and problems existed
as they do, then it was felt that the gods were mad at the state/people and brought
these problem to the state/people as punishment. But it wasn’t because of the very
nature of the universe was random or chaotic as we believe the universe is today.

What is different about today then it was 2000 years or a 1000 years or
500 or 250 or 25 years ago? What makes our times, “Modern” times?


so, a Romantic is one who wants a return to a past, either
a past that didn’t exist or one that has been romanticize.

Now this last election had as the theme of IQ45 being,

MAGA. Make America great… Again.

This is a romanticize idea of an America that was, not as it is today.

The key word is Again. Once America was great and by following the
village idiot, we can be great again. How did that work out for you?

Greatness can never be achieved by following a past result or history or
past events… Greatness is a function of adapting to the current conditions
and then seeing a possibility/possibilities that can be achieved in the current conditions.

In other words, we must follow a vision of where we want to be, not
a vision of where we were. That is greatness. Going from here to some
future possibility, not going from here to a romanticize or never existed.
IQ45 is a Romantic and anyone who follows him is following a Romantic
vision of the past where America was great. We must go from here to some
future possibilities… we must have a vision of a future and then work toward
that future. That is the only possibility of greatness available to us.

A vision of achieving the past has never lead to greatness. Can you name
one who had a vision of the past who lead any society or culture
to greatness? I can’t think of anyone and you can’t either.

The quest of either a person or a society is to go from here to there,
and there is always the future. So how do we achieve our possibilities
of the future? By creating a vision of the future we want.

But to get from here to there, we must properly understand exactly
where we are and that means understanding the “modern” world
and what it means to exists in “modern” world.

Why are we different from the past? What has created this difference?
And what is the means for us to take that knowledge and go into the future.


We have this question of identity and the Modern age that exists
because we are uncertain or unable to get a fixed on
what vision we are to follow. Are we to pursue a prior vision
of what made us “great” or should we attempt to pursue a vision
of the future and its possibilities?

Ours is truly an age of ideology, Capitalist, communist, liberal,
conservative, totalitararism or democracy? All of these are not
statements of fact, they are possibilities for who we might be.
We are in the midst of severe issues and the solutions offered up
are ideological solutions, not solutions based on the problems.

Let us look at and understand the nature of our problems.
First we have structural problems, non ideological problems,
climate change, extreme poverty, massive pollution, the coming
scarcity of resources… these are not left/right issues but issues
that challenge us as human beings. Another way to understand this
might be this, these issues are issues because we have to come to
understand that the rights of human beings are a legitimate concern…

Thus we can state that human beings have the right to… food, water,
clean air, education, medical resources and care,

Will continue later, wife is home.


[quote=“Peter Kropotkin”]
We have this question of identity and the Modern age that exists
because we are uncertain or unable to get a fixed on
what vision we are to follow. Are we to pursue a prior vision
of what made us “great” or should we attempt to pursue a vision
of the future and its possibilities?

Ours is truly an age of ideology, Capitalist, communist, liberal,
conservative, totalitararism or democracy? All of these are not
statements of fact, they are possibilities for who we might be.
We are in the midst of severe issues and the solutions offered up
are ideological solutions, not solutions based on the problems.

Let us look at and understand the nature of our problems.
First we have structural problems, non ideological problems,
climate change, extreme poverty, massive pollution, the coming
scarcity of resources… these are not left/right issues but issues
that challenge us as human beings. Another way to understand this
might be this, these issues are issues because we have to come to
understand that the rights of human beings are a legitimate concern…

Thus we can state that human beings have the right to… food, water,
clean air, education, medical resources and care and the right to determine their
fate, both economically and politically.

these are the rights we can state that are basic and inherent in every human
being. That there are other rights can be accepted but note, that the
concept of rights for human beings change and adapt. This idea of rights
has changed and evolved as our economic, political and social systems
have changed and evolved. The rights of human beings during the times
of the Pharaohs were different then the rights of the average Greek
and different then the average Roman. The evolution of the human
being since ancient times can be rewritten as the evolution of rights in
human beings. The Egyptian had no rights, the Greek had a few rights if, if they
were a citizen, the average Roman had more rights under the Republic and
gradually over the years lost their rights until by 300 AD, the average Roman
had virtually no rights. This state of affairs last until the rediscovery
of rights when the Renaissance rediscovered ancient writers like Cicero and Horace.

The Roman writers brought home a new/old idea of rights that was unknown
during the Medieval times. The Renaissance writers were not about
exploring these idea’s, they were simply about discovering these idea’s.
The exploration of these idea’s was the beginning of the modern world.
The modern world began by reacting to the ancient idea’s of science
and religion and philosophy. For example, Descartes was simply following an idea that
was suggested by St. Augustine over a 1000 years earlier. But if you think about
Descartes and his suggestion, you see the new thing about his “radical” thought
experiment. He thought of himself as a single entity. I, Descartes, to discover
the thing I can be absolutely certain about, will try this personal experiment,
using my thought and my body as part of the experiment. Descartes thought
of himself as an individual participating in an individual experiment. This is
the radical nature of his experiment. He was simply an individual, one person,
not as the medieval man thought about it. For the medieval man,
he was simply another person hoping for a ticket to heaven
and god. The artist of the medieval times didn’t sign their works. We don’t
know who built the massive cathedrals of the western world. Who actually
built the Chartres Cathedral in Chartres France? We don’t know and they
didn’t care about taking personal credit in medieval times. It was a collective
effort. We don’t hear about the individual in medieval times.

We begin to hear about individuals during the Renaissance. Not just
about Kings or Popes or nobles, but about the average citizen in a way
that didn’t happen during the Middle ages.

The question of “who I am” changed from the medieval times to the
Renaissance and then changed again during the period of the Enlightenment
and changed again during the Romantic period. This change has continued into
the Modern age. But it has become complicated, this idea of “individual”,
but the question still remains, why? Why do we have the question of
identity when no other culture or society or civilization had this problem before?

And the answer lies once more, with the industrial revolution.
It has changed the nature of who we are and what are our possibilities.
We must confront the industrial revolution in a way that we have never
done before and we must confront the nature of production and consumerism
that exists today. The answer to “who we are” lies, in part, in our economic,
political and social systems that we have today.

what to make of the current social, economic and political systems
that created both the modern man and the modern age.


The question of where we need to be tomorrow is best
answered by understanding who we are today.


“Make it new”

Ezra Pound dictum that is the heart of Modernism…….

But as anyone “knows”, everything we see or say or hear or touch
as been done before, what can be new after a million years of
human history? Recall your art history……. You have art from the middle
ages which was religious art up till 1880’s which was your basic portrait art,
the art that sits in museums like the Mona Lisa or you have landscape paintings…
pretty pictures of cities or the mountains…….

but Art beginning in about 1880 started to become something different……
you begin to have your various ism’s in art like Dadaism and surrealism
and art Nouveau and symbolism and fauvism and Die Brucke….
there are many different types of Art ism’s that existed after 1880…

You have to begin to historically understand, that by 1880 a new
medical approach was beginning in Europe which we now call
psychoanalysis……. This new method was beginning to make its
way into the conscious of people everywhere and it made it
home in the place where it made the most sense, Artists……

for Artist, the unconscious was where art is created and formed…
Art exists in the realm of the unconscious and Artists use
their unconscious to create that art. “To make it new”
was about taking the unconscious and making it manifest…….
Every great artist uses the unconscious but to “make it new”
the Artist began to show us the unconscious in many different platforms.
Music, painting, sculpture, architecture, literature…………
look at the art created after 1880 and you can see how the
Artist would try to show us the unconscious at work in their art.
For one example, stream of conscious writing in literature…
the act of putting down words without “editing” as in James Joyce
“Ulysses” for example. This form of writing would have been impossible
before 1900……….People did not have the “ears” to hear such
“babbling”… but because of the new “age” that we are in, the Modern age,
we now have ears to hear such “Babbling”… but can you also see the results
of the use of the unconscious in history? We have several events like
the “Two World Wars” and the Holocaust and the cold war…
There does seem to be a connection between this new process of
seeking the unconscious and the horror of the 20th century.

Perhaps this is the reason that the “Frankenstein” mythos is so
compelling in the 20th century. We have released the monster
and it is our unconscious. So the question of the release of
the terror and horror of the “Modern” age is the result of
the understanding that we “must make it new” and we pursued
this attempt to “make it new” into our unconscious and we made
the unconscious visible in our paintings and literature and poems
and architecture among the platforms made conscious.

This age has done something no other age has done, which is make
the unconscious visible. But once again we must ask ourselves,
why this age? Why now? What has changed that made it possible,
even necessary for us to explore the unconscious mind?

what event or event’s has forced us to engage in an understanding
of not only our physical bodies, but our unconscious mind?

The history of the 20th century is a direct result of this emphasis on
making the unconscious visible from the two world wars to the holocaust
to the nihilism and despair of the world of 2018.

For what must we do to free ourselves of our unleashing our
unconscious unto the world?

Doubt me? then ask yourself this, why do we have such an emphasis
to heal our minds? We have thousands who job is to heal our mental state,
to heal our minds, our unconscious minds. Why is psychology such a big business
nowadays? Why are we so mentally fucked up? This is beyond the normal state
of people who are mentally ill which has existed since the beginning of time to
the point where have a crisis in mental illness that exists in our “Modern” times
and to what can you attribute this crisis to? What has changed that has increased
mental illness to become perhaps the leading medical issue of our times?

We see mental illness existing even in the White House where clearly we
have a mentally unbalanced president. Why this increase in mental
illness? Answer this question and you have the answer to one of the question
of the “modern” age. What the hell is wrong with us?


In an earlier post, I asked why are we so “soul” sick?

You can see this in both the serial killer phenomena and
the various mass murders that occurred in America.

In fact I would say that America is the place where the
soul is the most in need of healing and the vast number
of soul healers exists here, known as psychologist or therapist.

But why here and why now? The answer seems evident. This is the place
where the nihilism of capitalism is the most evident and where it is most evident
that workers are devalued, negated the most. What does it cost the human soul
when it is evident that we are valued less then profits/money?
Human beings must feel as if they have value and in the modern society
where profits/money are given the highest priority, we see this damaging
the human soul. Personal worth is not just a number in a bank account,
but personal worth lies in the value we offer to the world and to ourselves.
If we have no value to offer the world, then our soul suffers… It might
be thought of as a basic human condition that we must feel like we are
part of and value to and contributing to ourselves, our family, our group
and our society. Then and only then can we feel ourselves to be of value.
The nihilism of the modern age has denied us our opportunity to feel we
are of some value to the world besides some abstract notion of contributing
to the GDP. That doesn’t give us any real or first hand knowledge of how
we are contributing and how we are of value to society. This notion
of feeling that we have something to contribute is of prime value
to humans and if we don’t feel we are making some sort of contribution
we become “soul” sick. It is ingrained in human beings to feel valued
and wanted and we need to feel like we have contributed in some fashion.

The modern world has denied us this as it practices nihilism on an ever larger
scale. Nihilism: the denial and negation of human beings and their values.

It is society with its emphasis on profits/money that has created the soul
sickness of its citizens. We are victims of a society that has no time or concern
for the human being and their values. Our society doesn’t value the citizens
who exist within our society and that, that creates the soul sickness that
has so become epidemic within society and why we have so many healers
of the soul, psychologists. Here we begin to see how the drug epidemic of
our modern times has began. With the members of society trying to escape
the fact that society doesn’t value them or their values……. Drugs, alcohol,
opioids, reckless behavior, addictions, mass murder and serial killers, are all symptoms
of citizens in a society that doesn’t value them. Want to end these problems of
drug use and addictions and mass murders, then you must stop the nihilism that
denies and negates the human being and their values.


Upon what do we build our “certainty” of the world?

We are and have been searching for some certainty in the world for
centuries, since the days of Descartes. This need of and for certainty
is quite clear to anyone who looks at how people live their lives.

Part of our human certainty lies in the ground level of the society/
civilization in which we live in………For example, we can not really feel
certain in a society where the our basic human needs of a secure society
and where we are loved and where we can depend on our fundamental needs
are to be meet. If on a daily basis, we are unsure if we are going to
have our fundamental needs like food, water, shelter, clothing, then
that uncertainty affects us both mentally and physically. Part of the
certainty of a human being lies not only mentally, but physically, emotionally.

The uncertainty of the modern age not only exists from the physical needs
that must be met, but the mental and emotional needs being met,
and that extends into our ideologies and ism’s. Conservatism is
a human need being met. The need to have security is one of the prime
reasons of people being conservatives. Conservatism as an ism is a means to
create certainty in the world. The attempt to gain certainty is not just mental,
but is physical and emotional. We as human beings must have certainty
as a basic condition to lead our lives. And what happens if we don’t have
certainty in our lives? We become “soul” sick and turn to other means to
gain certainty in our lives, be it drugs or complete belief in an ism or ideology.

In other words, those who are “born again Christians” become born again
because they lacked belief in the certainty of the world. To become born again
is to create certainty in ones life. To become born again is an attempt to heal
the soul by an ism/ideology. But the ism/ideology doesn’t address the real reason
one became soul sick in the first place hence needing to be born again.

No, the reason why someone becomes a born again Christian is to create
certainty in ones life and the reason why they didn’t have certainty is because
of society’s nihilism which has denied and negated us as humans and denied
and negated our values that we have as human beings. This is the root cause
of born again Christians. There either in values or personally, have been denied
and negated and they are attempting to find the much needed certainty we must
all have in being born again.

This example of trying to create certainty by an ism/ideology is commonplace
in society today. The culture wars of the last 40 years can be simply an attempt
to create certainty by one side or another. The vast right/left battle of the last
many years is also an attempt to create certainty in the world by means of
using ism’s/ideologies as a means to create certainty. In fact, one could
rewrite the history of the last century as the search for certainty.

Part of this search for certainty is also including in the search for meaning.
If we find certainty, we might find meaning in our lives which is another
form of finding certainty in our lives.


Now there are a listing of issues that reside in our world,
we have among them, what might be called “social” issues.

That are problems within the social order like poverty, social change,
pollution, income inequality, bigotry like racism and sexism to name a few…

these issues are the result of social actions and beliefs and doings that
the human being has done individually or collectively.

These named problems are the result of our actions and thus we have created
the problems and we can solve the problem with our actions and beliefs and
doings, both individually and collectively.

The question arises in how important do we consider these problems in
the midst of our affairs. In other words, how do we rate poverty in the midst
of our other issues, which are also socially created by human beings.

The so called “welfare state” is one possible solution to the problems created
by our actions or inaction, as the case may be. The “welfare state” is a perfectly reasonable
response to the problems that have been created by human actions or inactions.

In other words, if we create the problem, then we must find the solution.
If our ism’s and ideologies have created the problems/issues, then we can
find a solution within other ism’s and ideologies that are meant to solve
the problems created by the guilty ism/isms and ideologies.

If Capitalism has made poverty a permanent issue in society today, then
we must find a solution to that problem. But why, one may ask?
And therein lies one of the many issues that exists within society today.

We have failed to take responsibility for our actions even if the actions were
taken by our grandfathers and fathers………

If our collective actions taken hundreds of years ago has created a permanent
class of underemployed or unemployed people, we must be held responsible for
that collective actions. But why? Why am I to be held responsible for actions taken
hundreds of years ago? Ask yourself, then why we are being held to be guilty
of the actions of Adam/Eve, in the matter of the original sin, disobedience?

If the sins of the father can be passed on to the children, then we are
responsible for the actions of our father and grandfather. If we are not responsible
for the sins/actions of our father/grandfather, then we are not accountable for
the actions/sins of Adam/Eve.

You can’t have it both ways. Either we are guilty in both counts or we are
innocent in both counts, you can’t have us guilty in one instance and
innocent in another instance.

But I can’t have it both ways either, I don’t believe in original sin, of
disobedience to god and yet, I believe we are accountable for the actions
of our father and grandfather in their actions or inactions that has created
the issues and problems of today.

How do I solve this dilemma?

By noting the context. We have social issues like poverty which
damage people, socially, economically, politically, emotionally,
and psychologically. It doesn’t matter if you believe or not,
you are still being damaged as a human being by ism’s and ideologies
that have led to these social issues, whereas you can overcome
the indoctrinations of your childhood which include religious
indoctrinations like Catholicism and belief in god.
By knowing thyself and overcoming those indoctrinations which
then lead us to becoming who we are. We can individually overcome
our indoctrinations whereas we cannot individually overcome collective permanent
poverty cycles. We must work together to overcome permanent poverty
whereas we can individually overcome our childhood indoctrinations.
Overcoming permanent poverty requires everyone in society to engage with,
and therein lies the difference. The belief in god and the idea of original sin
is an childhood indoctrination which affects us only if we allow it to,
whereas poverty damages regardless if we believe in capitalism or not.

The question of knowing thyself and then overcoming those childhood
indoctrinations and with that, becoming who you are. That path of
knowledge is essential in our individual engagement with the universe,
with reality. But we don’t need that engagement to overcome permanent
poverty. We need another level of engagement to overcome permanent
poverty… We must overcome permanent poverty by collective actions
of society, of everyone. So our engagement really has two levels,
first our engagement with ourselves to overcome our childhood indoctrinations
and the second level of engagement is with society and its issues and problems.

The first engagement is a private “battle” and the second engagement is about
our collective actions we must achieve together. That is the difference between
our being guilty by the actions of Adam/Eve and our being guilty of the actions
or inactions of our father and grandfather. We can solve one collectively
and we can solve one individually. It is important to understand that
engagement is both collective and individually.


As we tend to find our meaning and salvation and certainty in
things outside of us, I might suggest we find things inside of us.

for example, we might find certainty not in matters outside of us, but
we could find certainty in that which is in us, and that is values.

We can find certainty in values such as justice and love and harmony
and the list of values we can base our certainty on is a rather long list.

Let us take Justice for example, we can use the value of Justice as
the centerpiece of our certainty in the universe. Let the winds of change
howl over us and try to loosen our bearings but if we hold tight to
values like Justice, we can survive and prosper if we hold tight to
the value of Justice. Even in our search for Justice can provide us with
a center and a Moring that allows us to withstand the trial and tribulations
of life. We don’t need to be center on matters outside of when we can
be centered in matters within us. We have lost this ability to become
centered with internal beliefs and values. We are so certain that we can
become centered with material goods or money or a title or fame but
these things are empty promises. They cannot deliver what we crave, which
is certainty. A title or money or fame are whispers in the night that fade
with the sunlight. They don’t amount to anything of value or of substance.
They promise of money or a title or fame is fleeting and short lived.
It is like eating Chinese food, it is filing for a short time, but within
the hour, you’re hungry again. The temporary promises of modern society
is short lived and leaves one feeling empty.

It is only in values can we find something that will sustain us into
the night. With values we have something that is durable and forever
because values like justice and love and honor are not something that
fades away during the day like fog and titles and fame.

We must hold onto that which gives our lives meaning and substance
and values are the only thing we have that gives lives meaning
and substance, values like Justice and Love and honor.

If you want to find certainty in your life, you must reject the temporary
and translucent like fame and money and titles.


The question of Identity and the polis, city, is an interesting one.

The Greeks felt that a human being could not reach one full
identity without the polis, city. When the Greek person identified themselves,
the used their name and their city, Socrates of Athens.
The Greek person identity was tied up with the city of their birth.
Which meant they thought that their personal growth was tied up
in whatever city they were born in. It was not possible to become who you
are without a polis and in their eyes, a Greek polis. The question of identity
was tied into the possibilities that was the polis. A person could only find out
their possibilities in the context of the polis and no where else. Is the question
of possibilities for us tied into the context of the city? No, today a person’s identity
is not tied up within the city/polis. How do we find our possibilities today?
Today we use education instead of the polis and education is usually understood
to be the university/collage settings of today. That is where our possibilities are
understood to be found. Alternatives are offered up as places where our
possibilities are found, one alternative offered up is the Army, Be all that
you can be, is a slogan of the Army. But think about it… that slogan
is suggesting that you can become “all you can be” in an organization
that in the bottom line is a place where you learn to kill someone in
a wide variety of ways, on land, on sea and in the air. This returns us to
an earlier idea that the U.S. is basically a martial, military based
society. Not devoted to peace or searching for peace, but engaged
in a martial state, a continuous state of war. And given the longest
lasting war in American history has been the war in Iraq/Afghanistan war
that has been going on since 2003 and given the budget of the United States,
is a military budget with the vast majority of resources going to the “defense”
budget. As a moral document, the budget makes it clear that, we the people,
believe in security instead of freedom and the minimal amount of resources
we devote to the health, education and welfare of our citizens is
a failure on our part. If we take our budget as an understanding of possibilities,
then our possibilities are martial, warlike, become all you can be……

But our possibilities are much greater then simply learning to kill other human beings.
That is basic and simple, every animal alive must learn that trait… but we are
human beings and we are possessed with far greater abilities then just being
able to kill our fellow human beings. Let us stop taking the easy road to discovering
what our possibilities are which according to the budget of the United States,
is martial values, when we could really begin the process of becoming who we are,
which is rising to our full possibilities, instead of our lowest value/instinct which
is the simply killing of men. We must search for the positive instead of the negative
which is the another way of saying, the positive is to build and the negative is
to destroy… simple as that. We want to be positive and build and that is the
true way to find our possibilities…… to just ask man to kill is to deny that we
even have a positive value like the act of creation. To build, to create is positive
and to kill, to destroy is the negative………and until we as a country learn the
difference between the positive and the negative, we shall be forever lost
and confused as to what are our possibilities.


existentialism = existence.

The question of existentialism is existence. What does it mean to exist?

What gives existence its meaning or purpose?

During our existence, what happens and what should happen?

Existence is past, present and future and the Kantian question
are questions of existence.

What can we know?
What should we do?
What can we hope for?
What should our values be?
What should we spend our energy on?
What do we express and how?

These Kantian/Kropotkin question and ask, in our existence, what can we know?
What should we do? What……………

Existence is such a brief and finite thing………

So we ask the another Kantian/Kropotkin question?

What are we certain about?


Kantian/Kropotkin question:

I exists; what does that mean… what is the point, meaning, purpose
of existence?

I exist… in time and space…

I exist as matter… in a matter universe……

I exist……… without any guidance or guidebook……

I exist…as a biological being…

I exist… with a biological finite existence…

I exist…I exist with awareness…unlike other animals…

I exist… I can rise above my instincts/my programming… unlike other animals…

I exist… It is this rising above my instincts/programming… that makes me truly human…

I exist… as a creature that evoloved from something else…

I exist… it is this evolution from something else that defines us…

I exist…I don’t see myself as a set, uniform, final animal…

I exist… today because of the evolution of the human being…

I exist… and it is in that evolution we must understand ourselves…

I exist… as evolution goes from past to present to future…….

I exist… it is in the future that we must evolve to…

I exist… but we are always in the state of becoming something else…

I exist… and I am always in the state of becoming something else…

what are you becoming?


We have created such forms as political institutions
and philosophy and history and economics and
and companies and transportation and microwaves and cell phones
and TV sets and hearing aids and …………

But we have mistaken those forms of existence for existence…

We are not political institutions or historical or economics
or transportation or cell phones……

we are human beings and all those other things we have created are not us…
they are simply extensions of us… we confused the things we have created
with who we are… when they are simply aids to us, not us……

When I was young and I created… it was a creation that was basic/plain/
uncomplicated……. as I grew older, my creations grew more complex,
more difficult, with more moving parts…… now that I am old,
my creations have simplified… less complex, less moving parts…

Look at the path of artists… they usually begin their creative process
with simple forms, basic/plain/uncomplicated, less moving parts…
artists in music, literature, sculpture, architecture, poetry…….

as they approach the middle stage of their creative process, their
art, in whatever form it took, became more complex, more difficult,
more moving parts…

and as Artists mature, they return to simple, less complex, less moving parts
art… regardless of the format of the art……

Today, we are in the middle stages of the creative process and we
are making our creations complicated, more difficult, with more moving parts…

soon, soon we shall return to a simpler, less complicated form of
creations……… our art, our understanding of history, economics,
science, philosophy, biology will begin to be less complicated,
less moving parts, less difficult…

that means as artist, and creations such as science and philosophy
and history and biology is an act of creation such as any artist would
do…we will come to a deeper understanding of what those disciplines
actually mean and we can state them in a simpler, less complicated
fashion…………. as we create, we find the lessons we learn can be
turned into simpler language…

Or as Einstein once stated, someone really knows his stuff if they
can simplify it to the point of making it plain to anyone… that is
when people really understand what they are talking about…
when they can make it plain and simple… if they are still using
complicate language to make something understandable, they really
don’t understand it………….So, do you understand something?
Can you make it plain and simple for anyone to understand it?

That is the goal of understanding… to make it simple enough
so we can explain it to anyone… understanding to the point as being able to
explain it to anyone…

do you understand?


As an average person looking at the academic disciplines that we
depend upon such as history and economics and science and of course,
philosophy, we see a complete lack of understanding of those disciplines
and a disregard of those disciplines. In other words, the common man/women
might ask, what has those academic disciplines done for me? Do those
academic disciplines help my life in any, way, shape or form? The common
person most likely sees someone who engages in those disciplines as
not much more then a “egghead”, whatever that means, and they dismiss
anyone who engages in such matters as history and philosophy and political science
and economics and……….

The “average” person cannot make a connection with any of those
academic disciplines and see them as not much more then
intellectual masturbation. The common person has no engagement
or connection with such academic disciplines.

The common American is “practical” and they don’t see any of those
academic disciplines as being “practical”. Americans have always
disliked and distrusted “intellectuals”. In Europe and Asia, intellectuals
have a much higher level of respect then here in America.

Part of the slam against Clinton was, she was an intellectual who didn’t connect
with people. As if connecting with people was a prerequest for being president.

Anyway, how do we get the “average” person to reconnect with such academic
disciplines as political science and philosophy and history?

You have to connect the disciplines with what is happening in people’s lifes.
Why does philosophy matter? You have to show people why philosophy
matters in their life? The dry philosophy of deconstruction and analytical
philosophy doesn’t tell people what they want to know about how to live life.

Or to be more exact, people don’t see the issues in their life.
In their quest to be “Practical” people miss the fact that their
lives are an empty shell. People are simply going through the
motions in getting through life. Capitalism and democracy and the
western way of life has failed. The promise that life would be better
under this form of government and economics has failed…… but why
has capitalism and democracy failed? That is a question the common
people don’t grasp. They don’t see how capitalism and democracy
has failed. But the failure in both, stems from the same failure.

Both capitalism and democracy have money as it final judgment.
Both are judge by profits and losses where as we must judge
a political system and a economic system with a different
judgement values. But these matters don’t engage the average person,
the average person simply wants the system to work and they don’t care
how that happens or who is damaged in the rush to make the system work.

But that is the point, we should care not only if the system works,
but how it influences people, for better or worse. The failure is
not understanding that a system that works is still not the best system
to have. Success or failure is not just a matter of profits and losses,
it is about the effect that system has on its citizens or the people within
the system. We must make it clear that system understanding is really
in the best interest of people. We have said for decades, let the experts
do the thinking for you. And the experts have been in the pay of those
who make the decisions and thus the decisions have benefited those
who have paid for the “expert” opinions. The answer for me has always been
simple, the more people involved the better. Democracy or any political
system works best the more people you have involved in it. Any economic
system works best the more that the people benefit from it, not just the
1%. The answer is to increase participation in every area of our lives.
That is how we get engagement from people. We engage them by
getting them a voice, a place in the system. The academic disciplines
can become part of our engagement with people by bringing the disciplines
to the people, not just leave it in the hands of the “experts”. Make philosophy
part of peoples life by allowing them engagement with philosophy.

I believe in the wisdom of the people, the group more then I believe in
the wisdom of the few or the one.


As usual, I return to existence for that is the basis
for any thought or philosophy that we have.

Existence is something we work through and discover about,
but existence also has an historical context that should be discussed.

Existence as punishment.
Now I don’t claim any of this is new or something different then what others
has thought of, but it is another attempt to make sense of it.

Buddhism and Christianity for example treat existence as punishment.
Recall the Buddha and his teachings. The point of existence as to escape
suffering and by becoming enlighten, we can escape the ongoing rebirth
and death of life, reincarnation. We are ever being born and reborn and
all the while, we suffer. We suffer as humans and we suffer as animals
and we suffer every time we return to this earth. To end the endless
cycle of being reborn, we must achieve Enlightenment. That will put an end
to the constant cycle of rebirth and suffering. That philosophy/religion
is anti-life. It is an attempt to end the suffering we have in life.

Christianity is also anti-life, but its opposition to life is of a different sort.
The goal of life is not life but to rejoin with god in heaven. To join at the right
hand of god and spend eternity in the reflection and contemplation of god.
(this idea of the point of heaven is a direct steal from the Greek philosophers.
They thought that life was best spent in the contemplation of existence and god)

Now recall the Medieval ages when man was anti-body and anti-life.
Recall that many in the church felt the need to punish the body in
various actions such as in flagellation of the body for religious
purposes. To deny the flesh was a major fixture of the medieval man
and this denial carried over to even our time. Recall the
programs directed to youth about abstentions. It worked until it didn’t work
and for the most part, abstention programs failed.

Today, we still have an feeling or idea that to deny the body pleasure
is an positive behavior and not a negative behavior.
This idea of abstention is still strong in conservatives but not so much
in liberals.

To deny the body and place primacy in the soul is still a fixture in our
modern society. Jesus said:

“What does it profit a man if he gains the world and yet loses his soul”

so existence has many different aspects. For the religious, the body means
less then the soul. But we are body, we cannot deny that simple fact.

to paraphrase Jesus: “What does it matter for you to gain your soul if
you lose your body”?

This entire debate hinges on one point, is the soul eternal?
If the soul is eternal, then the religious is right but, but
if the soul or what we think of as the soul, ends with death,
then those who engage with the body over the soul is right.

As of this moment, there is no evidence that the soul or what we think
of as the soul is eternal…….We have bodies, that much we know.
but do we have eternal souls? I cannot subscribe to that point of view.
For the simple reason, that I cannot discover anything that is eternal.
Even the universe is finite. It began and in billions of years, it will end.
Just as our solar system began at some point 14 billion years ago, it will
end. As we humans beings began at some point and at some point, we end.
I cannot find anything that last forever, is eternal.

And because we are finite beings, we must not only engage with the soul but
with the body. We must be in harmony and in moderation with both soul
and body.

So we return to the original point, that of existence being a punishment.
I cannot hold that point of view that existence is a punishment because
existence is not just a punishment but something that has
worthy pleasures and goals that make existence worth living.
Life is not about suffering, it has suffering in it, but the main
function of life is not to escape suffering, but life is to embrace
and overcome our suffering and pain and despair and unhappiness.

we can turn any negative aspect of our life which is suffering
and pain and despair and unhappiness into something positive and
worth remembering. For suffering and despair and pain and unhappiness
is part of this thing we call existence and it is a negative, a dark aspect
of life… but as in the two aspects of life, the light and the dark,
light needs the dark to reveal the how lifegiving and astonishing the what
the light shows us. For the dark needs the light to reveal that life is two parts,
that of light and that of dark. To make sense of our existence, we need both
light and dark. To understand our existence we must accept both the light
and the dark. The light part of existence which is beautiful and wonderful
and uplifting and the dark part of existence which is the pain and suffering
and despair that each of us feels at some point in our life. We must have both
parts to help us appreciate what our life is and what is possible for us.

The exuberance of life is tempered by the realization of the negative, dark
aspects of life which is the pain and suffering that accompanies life.
We cannot just have the light part of life, we must, must have the
dark side of life and that allows us to enjoy the beauty and
promise and possibilities of life all the more.

So existence has two sides, the positive and light side
and the dark, negative side and we must have both to
correctly understand what life is……


Given the above post, where can certainty be found?

Certainty is found in the knowledge that life is both the
light and the dark… the positive and negative,
or as the eastern religions mark it, the yin and yang of life…
the “taichi” symbol… where opposite and often contrary forces
are often complementary, interconnected, interdependent.

It is not in the things, the material things that have certainty but in the
process of life is certainty and what that means is simple,
Life is a process. we are born, we live and we die…
Every human being goes through that process. Some days are in the light
and some days are in the dark… Yesterday was a really shitty day at work
and some days are like that, dark days and perhaps my next day at work will be good
and it will exist in the positive, in the light.

the pain and suffering and death of both the Buddha and Christianity exists
and the beauty and joy and wonder in life, also exists.

that is where the certainty of life exists, in the process of life…

I will someday, die. I cannot escape that fact. My material body, the body
that is called Kropotkin, will cease to exist. but my individual cells within my
body will go on and become part of something else. As my individual cells were
something else before they became part of the material body known as Kropotkin.

We are finite and we are infinite, once again depending on how you look at it.
If you just look at our current form of material being called a human being,
then we are finite and soon, this form will cease to exist. But my cells, atoms,
they last forever and were present at the begining of time and they will
be there at the end of time. Which Kropotkin do you look at? The finite one
or the infinite one? The positive one of the light or the negative one of the dark?

Or do you understand human beings as being part light and part dark?

We can find certainty in this universe, you just to stop thinking that certainty
exists in a material matter or form. Certainty is a process in how we view ourselves
and each other. That is where certainty exists, not in the material objects themselves,
but in the process that created the material objects.


In thinking about the need for obedience, we must be obedient to
the state, to the church, to god, for the Jewish people, they must be
obedient to the religious laws of their forefathers.

If there was a trait to mark the modern age, it would be obedience.
But the question of obedience means we no longer “obey” or understand
the question of the Enlightenment which is basically a call for people to
think for themselves. As Kant said about the entire Enlightenment,

“Sapare aude”

which is a Latin phrase meaning, “Dare to know”. And that phrase did sum up
the entire Enlightenment thought and goals. Dare to know. But the modern
point of view of obedience at all cost, rejects these phrase and the thought
behind it… the modern world is about knowing exactly what the state wants
you to know and no more… if there was a modern phrase to match the entire
agenda of the modern age, it would be this,

“need to know basis”

that is the one phrase that is the modern version of “Sapere aude”…
everyone is on a “need to know” basis and the average citizen
doesn’t need to know anything outside of what the state tells them
and once again the greatest crime anyone can commit is to violate
this “need to know” order and reveal information that was a “need to know”…

This disobedience will get someone years in prison… to violate the State
agenda which is to hold and maintain all relevant and pertinent information
which the state decides is relevant and pertinent. In other words, in regards to
the “need to know” basis, the state is judge, jury and executioner…… the state
lays out the rules, the program and the punishment for any crimes of
“disobedience” of the state mandated by the “need to know” basis.

The enlightenment fight was just another version of the “need to know” fight
we are experiencing today. But their battle in regards to the “need to know”
was a battle against the authority of such institutions like the church, or
authorities like Aristotle or St. Augustine. The Enlightenment was
saying, don’t just accept the authority of church or Aristotle,
dare to know yourself. And the same can be said today, it is not enough
that we accept the authority of the state and simply bow down
to their “need to know” basis. Under the guise of authority of the state,
the state can and has limited our access to information and knowledge that
the state “claims” will somehow damage the state in some fashion…
but if this is a democracy, then as the people who govern, we have a right,
indeed a absolute right to access that information……

let us take an concrete example, the FBI investigation into Kavanaugh that
was done this last week is being held on a “need to know” basis and the American
people apparently don’t need to know……. but, but if information is being held
from the American people, then how are we to make “informed” decisions as
to our choices when we vote. In other words, a world that is a “need to know”
world is anti-democratic for it excludes the very people that are supposed to
be in charge, the people. The vital phrase is simply this,

“government of the people, for the people and by the people”

and if we operate with government done on a “need to know” basis and
the people don’t need to know, then we don’t have a democracy…
we have something else in which we don’t have

“government of the people, for the people, by the people”.

If actions are taken in the name of the people, such as military,
governmental, political and done with a “need to know” basis
then we have a dictatorship. For if the people have no say and no knowledge
of said actions taken in their name, those actions are not done in our name
and without our consent. Those actions are done by
the consent and knowledge of the “leadership” of our country but not the people
and thus are illegal. If the people do not have a say in or even knowledge of
actions taken in their name, then it is not done for the people. It is done
for the benefit of those who are in charge… The ones who “need to know”.

For example after 9/11, we “the people” were forced without our consent,
to have TSA examine our persons and go through our luggage and take off
our shoes, belt, and have all other material go through a screening machine…
if it is done without our consent, it is illegal. Does the safety of the people
override the fact that we still live in a democracy and we must, must, must
consent to actions taken in our name. For if actions are taken in my name,
then I am responsible for those actions because they were done in my name.

This same theory can be established for religion especially Christianity.
for I have not given my consent to god for actions taken in my name.

The concept of consent is suppose to be the basis of our modern world
and yet, what consent have you ever given to either government or the church
or even god? I submit that part of the “modern condition” that afflicts the modern age,
lies in this problem, the fact, that so much of our modern age is done without
consent or permission of the people in whose name the actions are taken.

If I have liability for my actions taken, then I must have some consent, some
say in accepting that liability… I cannot be forced to accept liability for
something I never accepted or consented to and yet, the modern state
and the church and god forces me to accept liability for actions taken
when I never accepted or agreed to or choose or consented to.

and one solution I would advocate is this, at 18 or 21 as the case maybe,
I would stand people in front of a judge or in a written statement,
to publicly give consent to, to voluntarily choose to become
members of our society and state. To allow people the option to
give consent to the actions taken in their name and by this consent,
they earn the right to become one of the “need to know” basis.

If we are a democracy, then we must actually begin to act like it.
We must make participation in society and the state part of being
a member of said society/state. the entire point of democracy is to
have people have a say in matters of concern to their lives, be it
politically or economically or socially. To be a democracy demands
participation by those people in whose name actions are taken.
If I am going to be liable to pay taxes for warships and bombs
and nuclear weapons, then I deserve a voice in the process
and I deserve to make consent to those actions…

Now one might say that that consent will create chaos and
confusion within society? but what is the point of democracy
if we have no voice or consent in actions taken in our name?

Either we have a democracy and we have a voice and give consent
to actions taken in our name or we don’t have a democracy, in
which case we don’t have a voice or give our consent to actions,
certainly not taken in our name, but taken by the leaders in their
name and their consent, for their benefit, not ours.

The bottom line is coming to a head. Do we have a democracy or don’t we?

That is the modern question. Do we have a real, live, operating democracy
that is

“of the people, for the people, by the people”

or don’t we?


The question of our age is simple, freedom or security?

That is the primary question of the modern age.

The constitution and the declaration of independence were quite
clear in their answer, freedom. Regardless of the question, the
answer was, is and always will be, freedom. The reason seems to be
clear as to why. But let us take security first. As we know,
no matter how hard we try, we cannot ever be 100% secure.
There is no such thing as absolute security. As we know from
our understanding of systems, that no system is 100% anything.

An example of this is with energy. No matter how hard we try, we cannot
get an energy system to be 100% efficient. That in every system, we can only
have a percentage of the system use energy efficiently. There is and will always
be inefficiency in a engine for example. So what this means for example,
is the relationship between the total energy contained in the fuel
and the amount of energy used to perform useful work. Most gasoline
engines are only about 20% efficient. Which means that the engine “waste”
80% of the energy possible in gasoline. The human body is about 25% efficient
and a Iowa cornfield is only 1.5% percent efficient at converting incoming sunlight
into chemical storage.

So we understand that in systems, that they are not 100% efficient,
and this is true in any attempt of a system, a person trying to be secure,
that he/she cannot ever, regardless of the energy put into their security,
ever be 100% safe and secure. It is simply not possible.

So let us look at freedom. We cannot ever have 100% of freedom.
In other words, we do not have absolute freedom. We can have a
percentage of freedom, but never absolute freedom. Our actions
are limited by various limitations, we cannot have bodily freedom because
we are biological creatures and that creates limitations in our bodily
freedom. I can only run as fast as my body will allow me. I am limited
in that aspect. I am not free to fly by just flapping my arms. I am
limited by the rules/laws of the physical universe. I am not free to act
with impunity regarding the laws of the universe. I cannot escape the laws/rules
of physics and evolution and gravity. I cannot be free to grow wings
nor am I free to float upwards on the earth because gravity is holding me
down. Nor can I travel the speed of light. My range of actions is limited
by the rules/laws of the universe. I cannot have freedom of actions.

So we know that there are limitations to both security and freedom.
What else can we understand about security and freedom.

Security is trying to make us safe from something. Security is
going away from something. It is negative in nature. You are trying to
escape harm by making oneself “secure”. It is a fool’s attempt.

so, what is freedom? Freedom is not going from something, but is going
toward something. I want to be free to act in some fashion. It is positive.
There are limitations in what I can be free in and how I can be free, but still
it is striving toward something. I am trying to be free to……….

This is why we must engage in freedom over security. Freedom is about
going toward something and security is escaping from something.

The attempt to freedom causes chaos and violence and
upheaval. Oh, yes it does, but since we cannot ever become 100%
safe and secure, we should work toward the positive actions
and positive results. The search for freedom is a dance, a celebration
of what is possible and the search for security?

that is a reaction to fear and the opposite of the reason for
seeking freedom. The drive to seek freedom is far different then
the drive to find secuity…the drive toward freedom is far riskier
and far more dangerious and full of traps to ensnare the unsuspecting
human being, but, but the drive for freedom is a positive action in
our lives and the drive for security is a negative drive in our lives.

the young person wants freedom, the old person wants security.
Who do you want to be?


Or perhaps said another way,

Security is the search for a certainty that does not exist,
freedom is the search for possibilities, not certainty.

in our search for freedom we sacrifice certainty,
and in our search for security, we sacrifice our possiblities of becoming.

In security, we no longer are overcoming, we are safe and set in the act
of security…we only seek to be safe in security, we no longer attempt to
become something more… we are done with what drives life and that
is the act of overcoming who we are. We accept the habits and biases
and myths and prejudices and superstitions of our society, our upbringing,
our indoctrinations. We no longer seek to overcome our childhood indoctrintations
because in our search for security, the only thing that matters is our safety and
security. Nothing else matters outside of those things that make us “safe” and “secure”.

It is by freedom that we engage with the overcoming of “who we are”
and the search “to know thyself”, and when I know myself, I can then
discover what values I have been indoctrinated with and then overcome
those values by accepting the values that are the real me, become who I am,
in regards to the values that really matter to me, not the values I was indoctrinated with,
but the values that are the “real” me. The search to be human is the search for
the values that are the real you, not the indoctrinated values of childhood.
the search for those values require, no demand, not security, but freedom.

To become who we are and to overcome our childhood indoctrinations,
means we must have freedom to engage with knowing ourselves.

Thus freedom is a more acceptable path then security because it allows
us the opportunity to become who we are.
