Did you know about this new ethical technology?

For your information it is my joy to announce the existence of an Ethical technology of which you may not have been aware, namely, the Bcorporation …a profit-making business devoted to the public good. These firms (in a sense, to some degree) practice Ethics; they apply it in their business model.

Go to this link and look around: bcorporation.net/community

That link [when you scroll down] offers the reasons that it is justified to call these firms ethical. And they also often cooperate with each other, thereby practicing Ethics in one more way.

This concept - the B-Corporation ( …the B stands for Benefit) - can be copied in your nation, provided you make the effort to organize the county, province, state, municipality, or village where you reside to initiate such an institution. This means you would set up a central office, or agency, to coordinate such businesses that may already exist in your area, or that you would persuade a business - perhaps for purposes of public relations, at first - to list itself as beneficial to the public interest because of the way it conducts itself. You would then work to get legislation passed to make it official. The offices in the U.S.A. which already do this bcorporation.net/become-a-b- … e-a-b-corp

Jim Frick, for example, the founder of a B-corp named Mightybytes - a website design firm - is described by journalists as “having a passion for social good.” These firms also need to make a profit.

Check it out. You might like what you see!

By definition, within the Unified Theory of Ethics, a a business is ethical when it gives equal attention to the customers, the staff, the community (which includes the Environment), as well as to ‘the bottom line.’ It will have a superior Customer Service attitude, and will treat its employees in a beneficial manner. It will have programs to enhance its community or its neighborhood.

Since I wrote this I learned about a path to a new economy which they now have in Great Britain which is, ethically-speaking, even a step above the Bcorporation concept :exclamation: It is an alliance of worker-owned cooperatives. If there is interest on your part I will in a future post give more information about that.

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