My Quest to Power

I don’t know what exactly i mean with power but i know what weakness is. I know for sure emotions play a huge part. By being physical i mean being sensitive to pain pleasure and generally sensations which originate from our body. So for me a weak person is someone who is driven by his her emotions, pain and pleasures and have no control over these.

I am in between. I had strong emotions in the past but also had sociopathic tendencies i think. In time my emotions got weaker and weaker. Perhaps i just repressed them but i know as my emotions got weaker my life improved a lot. I can not believe how strong i got and i can not even remember old times when i was weak.

Most evident change is my pain threshold. I used to be sensitive to physical pain and this used to make me a coward. Now i don’t feel much physical pain. Emotionally i don’t even remember last time i feel fear sorrow or guilt.

If i haven’t felt weakness before i would be much more daring in my life. In fact i am not brave it’s just i don’t feel fear and instead feel some kind of pleasure when there are risky situations.

My biggest weakness and fear is again becoming sensitive to physical pain and pleasure. Also i fear losing my strength because now i feel like there is infinite potential to growth and power. There is a whole different world and life. Because i am in between i can see the huge gap between strong and weak.

After overcoming emotions and sexuality it’s like some humanely limitations lift up. There is an infinite potential to growth as i said. I don’t know exactly the relation but somehow guilt and sexuality is also connected.

I think this strength i gained is not permanent. It is rather like an artificial state i am in. I have zero human relations other than formal things. I don’t have social phobia or something but i love to be alone and don’t like relations generally. I think my isolated state gave me strength. It is said that emotions stem from relation maybe its that.

So i am trying to gain more strength and leave possibility to become weak again.

I see psychology as a tool to understand emotions and psychopathy. Psychopathy is very close to my idea of power. Otto Kernberg says psychopathy is just an extreme form of narcissism. Narcissists are said to have shallow emotional lives.

I am interested in Buddhism, Hinduism because they provide the tools to control, eliminate emotions. You heard the Buddhist monks immolating themselves and they don’t even move as they burn. They have great control over their emotions and bodies. In fact brain imaging studies have shown that Buddhist monks and psychopaths have similar brains.

Of course it’s your right to say anything you want but if you don’t agree with these ideas you will be wasting your time being in this thread. I don’t want to discuss the core ideas.

Lets discuss our ideas about weakness, strength and how to become strong.