Rational Metapysics: Egocentricism

Rational Metaphysics reveals not only the behavioral mechanism behind particles in physics, but also the mechanisms behind living creatures and social entities such as political idealism and religions. One of the most, if not the very most, significant behaviors concerning homosapian and his social entities involves what has become commonly known as “the ego”. Almost the entirety of recorded human history can be understood merely in terms of egocentricism.

An ego is a self-protecting filtering system concerning ideas or thoughts and is typically very actively defensive and difficult to overcome. What is protecting the inner structure of a mind is an anentropic shell that filters perceived positive thoughts from perceived negative thoughts. These affects are generally in the form of proposed ideas communicated either internally or externally/socially. The positive affects are held onto by the inner order and reinforced while the negative affects are rejected; compliments are accepted and believed while insults are rejected and ignored if not directly attacked.

What allows this effect is an exponential incline of perceived positive affectance at the surface of the ego, the entrance, where thoughts are evaluated for their significance. In effect, that exponential incline captures what is perceived as good or positive while ignoring or rejecting whatever affectants are perceived as negative or insignificant.

An ego is formed as a defense of the mind. The mind is formed as an epistemological and ontological structure that allows for discernment of hopes and threats. That is the function and service of the mind to the body. A mind cannot function at all without such elements and thus it naturally defends any structure that seems effective in that regard. Thus any destroyed ego must be either restored or replaced as soon as can be managed, else leave the person truly mindless.

The exponential anentropic assessment rate of positive affectance is an issue of the immediacy of recognition of significance. If that exponential incline is reduced to a slower slope, the anentropic effect cannot be maintained and the ego will dissipate. Once the exponential rate of acceptance is disabled, the filtering of positive and negative can no longer occur. Thus both positive and negative affectants cling more equally to the inner structure, entropically dissolving the structure.

In order to alleviate the exponential bias and overcome the hysteresis involved, a concentrated and obfuscated field of both positive and negative affectants must be present at the anentropic shell surface. This slows the ability to distinguish the positive from the negative. It doesn’t disable the ability to discern. It merely requires more time to be taken to sort the noise.

By slowing the ego discernment of positive and negative, both affectants enter more deeply into the ego and thereby further dissolve the ego structural boundary. As more negative (relative to the structural needs) is associated with the structure, the structure itself offers less discernment ability and the less positive and useful it is perceived to be by the mind.

Once the ego can no longer provide a positive hope, the balance of hope and threat is no longer decisive. At that point, the ego is ineffective and allows for alteration quite easily.

In order to put this in practice, one must know the elements of the inner ego structure or be able to provide such a degree of confusion that it wouldn’t matter what those elements were. Exactly what is the structure that the ego is defending?

The problem with egocentricity is not the defense itself, but rather the hyperbolic degree of presumptive judgment. Often in an attempt to defend a rational position, the mind will accept presumptuous assessments of a threat when there was no actual threat involved. The whole point to having a mind is the active assessment of potential hopes and threats, so in a sense the ego is doing its job. But if trying too hard, usually out of a sense of urgency and emanate danger, “first thoughts” of possible danger get immediately acted upon before more realistic assessment can be made by the mind. Patience is lost and thus presumption takes over leading to biasing errors. The filtering becomes hyperbolic and prejudice.

Primarily the ego attempts to maintain respectability for its paradigm of assessments. It is respectability that maintains a reasonable level of influence over a chaotic situation. Perception of respectability of discernment is paramount to social and psychological influence. People, animals, religions, and political idealism all require a degree of respectability in order to have influence and maintain their authority. This occurs within a single mind as well as spuriously encountered thoughts arise or are received.

By revealing the negative nature of each structural thought, either its falsity or its inherently perceived negative consequences, the discerning qualities of each thought are obfuscated thereby weakening the ego filtering mechanism. This is almost the entire effort in religious, personal, and political debates.

Typically it is only when egocentricism cannot be overcome or is presumed to be too challenging that military and medical attacks are inspired as one ego either attacks or defends against another. Occult orders, propaganda, and hypnotic media practices are primarily involved in ego support and/or dissolution as they narcissistically attempt to adjust social behavior to a perceived favorable form by the ego in charge.

Authoritative Ego Defense
As stated prior, an ego is a necessary structure in order to have a mind at all. It is only the excessive and prejudicial tendencies involved that lead to contention and become a problem.

Because the speed of discernment of positive and negative influences, the anentropic exponential filtering mechanism, are the primary concern supporting an ego especially during times of chaos or impending contention, anything that simplifies and thus speeds the discernment process helps to maintain the ego and thus the mind itself. A common means of doing this is the referral to a recognized authority on the subject at hand. The Bible, the writings of Nietzsche, of Hitler, Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Guatama, Aristotle, Plato, and very many others are examples of such authoritative figures used to defend mental paradigms by simply referring to their words.

And because this method is so effective, social organizations based on such documentation are common throughout society and leads to people becoming little more than drones serving an unseen master, blind to any affectants that were not mentioned in the book.

The issue becomes the accuracy and relevance of the words and/or the interpretation of the words involved. What did each of those noted authorities have to say about Internet chat programs? Or about driving on the left side of the road rather than the right? Or the use of technology to control society? Or more significantly, about the use of DNA altering viruses and radiation to enhance or manipulate human behavior and genetic protoplasm?

People are still left with concurrent issues that cannot be discerned merely by referring to older authority figures. In an effort to maintain such convenience and the profit such ease of discernment offers, new authority figures are often propped up such as Einstein; “But Einstein said…”. Unfortunately all such authority figures are shortly proven to have been wrong about so many issues that their words cannot be taken as authoritative for very long. Individual thinking and discernment is required.

Also anything that has not been sufficiently presented as an authority sourced concern is left as something to occultically slip into the minds of individuals such as to get passed the ego defense mechanism, again rendering the individual as merely a drone serving an unseen master often far off in another country and unconcerned with the individuals true needs.

So when authoritative reference is directly relevant and assumed to be accurate, it can be (and is) used so as to defend the ego and thus the mind. But such a convenience is becoming less and less available while occultic practices are becoming more and more technologically enhanced.

Ego Passion Defense
In an age of information overload, technologically enhanced occultic media, and medical manipulation, the individual ego is largely rendered defenseless and thus resorts to a variety of defense mechanisms for sake of survival of the mind. Another of the commonly seen defense techniques is one of hyper passion; absolutely loving or hating a thought based upon any indication of the thought being positive or negative. This offers defense in three ways.

Such hyper reaction first offers defense by increasing the exponentiality of the assessment process and thus filtering very quickly and strongly. The ego and mind depends on the rate at which it can discern and make decisions.

Also such association with strong indicators of good and bad aids the memory in maintaining the hysteresis involved in preventing the ego from collapsing or being overcome.

In addition the defense is offered that repels the sources of negative thoughts via perceived threats. People who see someone hyper reacting to an issue are less likely to bring up that issue at all unless they believe it will be favored. Thus the ego surrounds itself with sycophanticism.

But each of these defenses comes with a downside.

Due to the hyper reaction, presumption and prejudice prevails over more accurate contemplative assessment. Due to the hysteresis and memory associations, corrections that are identified by the mind cannot be quickly adapted into the ego. And due to the repulsion of potential communication of thoughts, the ego becomes blind to possible errors in judgment simply because it has prevented the introduction of anything that would imply such an error.

Ego Logic Defense
The use of logic can offer very rapid, simple, and accurate discernment on many issues. Logic is based on the simple notion that something is whatever it is and isn’t what it isn’t, regardless of what it might be called or of what it is made. Thus logic often offers that rapid exponential discernment of positive and negative thoughts. It also offers simple conclusions to be remembered and thus aids the hysteresis concern. And often it can be quickly communicated and identified so as to disable confusion before it begins. But as the ego attackers often propose, logic doesn’t quickly apply to many concerns.

If 50 cents is given in change for a one-dollar purchase, it can quickly be surmised that the proper change should have been 75 cents and 50 cents is not 75 cents. But then the person might claim that it is 50 centavos. One must then also be aware of and calculate the exchange rate in order to verify that something negative hasn’t occurred. Obfuscation deters discernment through logic by using unidentifiable, uncertain, or ambiguous words and identities that are required by the logic process. Merely by connotative, ambiguous definitions, a logical conclusion can be rendered completely false.

Also logic doesn’t easily or quickly resolve what incentive should be sought concerning many potential endeavors. Logic can tell the person the good and bad steps involved in getting to a chosen goal, but it can seldom offer much in the way of choosing the primary goal to be sought. It requires serious time and consideration to weed through the centuries of obfuscation that has been used in order to logically resolve the very purpose of living.

Interestingly and understandably, these three defense concerns are also the three concerns mentioned by Aristotle as the primary methods of persuasion. The total list of defensive and aggressive strategies is pretty long, but those are the fundamental issues.

Often an occultic attack involves instilling alternate egos within a society to destroy or entrap it into servitude and often even within an individual mind. These are known as “demons”. A demonic ego within a mind will defend itself and aggress against the primary ego in the same manner as the primary ego does. They often share the same strategy database although different perceptions of reality and need. This creates internal dissonance.

Internal dissonance is very much like cancer in that it both belongs to the entity and doesn’t at the same time. In politics, a typical example is merely the struggle between the Republican party and the Democratic party. Because they struggle against each other, they haven’t time to address the actual issues of the nation and are often both serving an outside agent in the process. Time involved in discernment is of primary concern. By slowing decision making due to internal conflict, the entity cannot afford the time to be accurate and thus prempts unnecessary conflicts with foreign egoes and often by direction of an outside occultic manipulator (this is what allows False Flagging to work).

A personal demon creates the same scenario of creating internal mental battles that cause the individual to not be aware of what they are not doing concerning their true situation and thus fall victim to outside manipulation. Thus creating demons within other people is a common narcissistic means of disabling their ego defenses and then assimilating them into a preferred behavior. Occultic orders do the same thing to entire nations rendering the nation into mindless servitude due to their internal conflicts.

Exorcism of a demon is merely targeting the above mentioned strategies to disfavor the demon and favor the primary ego.

Defensive and aggressive ego battles explain the entirely of human history and psychological behavior. Society’s struggles are always an issue of group ego conflict but usually named by political or religious association as a part of the ego strategy. The variety of emotional responses of individuals as well as cognitive conclusions are all predictable and explainable merely through a clear understanding of ego and its defensive and aggressive stratagems.

An ego is very required by any intelligence. It is only when that ego becomes overly defensive or aggressive that ego conflicts arise and shape human history. And despite the egocentric notion prevailing the governance of humanity for thousands of years, ego conflict is not at all required for social or mental development. Ego harmony and honesty can be arranged that not only offers far more advancement, but also far more freedom than has ever existed within any society.