BGE commentary

Yeah, this is because it was his historical task to diagnose the problems. Now it is our historical task to create the medicines.

Medicine is the DNA machine

In terms of bombs he explodes in the unsuspecting soul, you can’t do better than Twilight of the Idols:

(Beginning of the book):

Friedrich Nietzsche - Twilight of the Idols


Maintaining cheerfulness in the midst of a gloomy task, fraught with
immeasurable responsibility, is no small feat; and yet what is needed more than cheerfulness? Nothing succeeds if prankishness has no part in it. Excess strength alone is the proof of strength.

A revaluation of all values: this question mark, so black, so huge that it casts a shadow over the man who puts it down — such a destiny of a task compels one to run into the sunlight at every opportunity to shake off a heavy, all-too-heavy seriousness. Every means is proper to do this; every “case” is a case of luck. Especially, war. War has always been the great wisdom of all spirits who have become too introspective, too profound; even in a wound there is the power to heal. A maxim, the origin of which I withhold from scholarly curiosity, has long been my motto:

Increscunt animi, virescit volnere virtus. [“The spirits increase, vigor grows through a wound.”]

Another mode of convalescence (in certain situations even more to my liking) is sounding out idols. There are more idols than realities in the world: that is my “evil eye” upon this world; that is also my “evil ear.” Finally to pose questions with a hammer, and sometimes to hear as a reply that famous hollow sound that can only come from bloated entrails — what a delight for one who has ears even behind his ears, for me, an old psychologist and pied piper before whom just that which would remain silent must finally speak out.

This essay — the title betrays it — is above all a recreation, a spot of sunshine, a leap sideways into the idleness of a psychologist. Perhaps a new war, too? And are new idols sounded out? This little essay is a great declaration of war; and regarding the sounding out of idols, this time they are not just idols of the age, but eternal idols, which are here touched with a hammer as with a tuning fork: there are no idols that are older, more assured, more puffed-up — and none more hollow. That does not prevent them from being those in which people have the most faith; nor does one ever say “idol,” especially not in the most distinguished instance.


1 Idleness is the beginning of all psychology. What? Is psychology a vice?

2 Even the most courageous among us only rarely has the courage to face
what he already knows.

3 To live alone one must be a beast or a god, says Aristotle. Leaving out the third case: one must be both — a philosopher.

4 “All truth is simple.” Is that not a double lie?

5 I want, once and for all, not to know many things. Wisdom requires
moderation in knowledge as in other things.

6 In our own wild nature we find the best recreation from our un-nature, from our spirituality.

7 What? Is man merely a mistake of God’s? Or God merely a mistake of man’s?

8 Out of life’s school of war: What does not destroy me, makes me stronger.


Unfortunately many people seem to look at Nietzsche’s words as gospel (I used to be one of them) and so they look at his solutions as gospel as well. Imo that’s a recipe for disaster.

What are Nietzsche’s solutions?

It is no small irony that Nietzscheans, so called, turn Nietzsche’s writings into a religion. Nietzsche himself would have laughed mightily at this.

You must be talking about Fixed.

If you think Fixed Cross has turned Nietzsche into a religion, then you don’t understand him at all.

Well, he’s clearly a hedonist. That much I understand.

No, you don’t.

Fierce defense of drugs is a symptom of hedonism. Aligning with people like Mr. R is another. Taking astrology seriously is yet another. I can go on but I don’t have the time. He’s full of hedonism and only other hedonists, such as for example you, cannot see it.

Get off my dick.

Maggot, it is too filthy how you are crawling up to me wherever you go.

Please leave me alone if you cant be bothered to attempt to read my post and respond to my posts, rather than to drool over my genitals and pleasures, as you do in every single post I see of you.

Filthy fucking sex slave that you are.

Lets get this thread back on topics. And to the others, lets not quote maggot cancerson or any of these sextrolls.

Lol. Yep.

It’s more along the lines of you being an exhibitionist, an attention whore, seeking for people to be impressed by you, to compliment you, to react to you, to see you.

It’s not me needing you, but you needing me. To give you the compliments you think you deserve.

You are everywhere. You make yourself the center of attention. How can I not bump into your bullshit?

That’s rich, coming from you.

Fixed spreads his ideas. You only spread your legs.

Your beloved idol is spreading disease. He is making people stupider. He is distracting them from addressing their mistakes and learning from them. He is distracting them from progress. He is distracting them by constantly reminding them, and in doing so weakening their defenses, of how pleasurable and comforting certain pathways are. He’s a smooth talker.

I am not going to leave alone someone who is actively trying to fool others into thinking that I am merely failing to understand what he’s saying.

I don’t give a shit about your stupid obscurantist pseudo-philosophy that you call Value Ontology.

Your deeds betray you.

I don’t have to understand anything about your stupid incomprehensible foolosophy before I can conclude that yes, you’re a hedonist.

Now go and summon Mr. R to protect you.

Haha, so it’s true that philosophy separates the wheat from the chaff. Sometimes it’s refreshing to have a reminder of that.

Anyone who can write the following isn’t here to “distract”, he is here to spread ideas, as I said:

Now why don’t you write something, anything, that actually includes some, oh I don’t know, ideas, and we will see if you have any true merit.

Let’s just say that you are confusing the fundamental with the superficial.

Life is not about ideas, it’s about virtuous (= moral) behavior. Virtuous behavior means choosing the path of optimal level of resistance. Optimal means the middle way: not too much and not too little.

The virtuous one strives towards the neutral center (= objectivity = indifference = neutrality = order = anentropy = harmony = balance.)

Ideas are a reflection. Mere reflection. Of what? of underlying behavior, which can be either virtuous or vicious.

Ideas have no worth on their own. It is the behavior that births them that gives them their value. Virtuous behavior births good ideas, vicious behavior births bad ideas.

One need not produce ideas in order to be virtuous. And one who is producing ideas is not necessarily virtuous.

Most importantly, this is not about me, who I am, but about Fixed, who he is.

And it is evident that Fixed is vicious.

He is choosing and promoting the path of lesser resistance. He is demonizing every other path as being “fascistic”. Why? Because he’s confusing it with the opposite path – that of greater resistance.

He does not see the middle way. He only sees the extremes. Pleasure and pain, resignation and frustration, entropy and anti-entropy.

Anentropy – the middle way – is invisible to him.

He has unresolved problems, mistakes accumulated no doubt through multiple generations, that he cannot approach without frustrating himself.

Whatever reminds him of his self, his painful self, he must judge negatively, as cancerform.

It frustrates him. And he’s unable to distance himself from frustration without forgetting that which frustrates him.

He bounces back and forth between the two extremes.

That’s his diagnosis.

There are many symptoms he shows.

One is his need for attention, fame, popularity. It manifests through his incessant production of ideas, through his over-active imagination, the purpose of which is to create material with which he can impress others and forget about himself. His mistakes.

He’s over-excited. Too optimistic. Hyper-active. Megalomaniacal.

Is it not obvious?

He clearly does not think that we are living in the age of decadence. That people are dying. And that we have no future.

He thinks that European democracies are “self-valuing”. Where every sober individual sees a desert, he sees life.

And then, he is into drugs and refuses to admit that they are a vice.

He is an alchemist – a magician, as he says – who thinks that he can take contradictory, incompatible, elements and fuse them into a sustainable whole.

This is a sign that clearly tells us that he is unwilling to admit contradictions, incompatibilities, inconsistencies, problems, mistakes, etc.

He once made a claim that rap “music” is a sign of “self-valuing” and that it cannot be compared to classical music because taste is, well, relative.

He will tell you that no “friend of everyone” was ever worth of anything, and yet, his deeds clearly tell us he is one.

Philosophy is friendship after all.