Which is First?

It is probably a bad time in your education. Can you even define what “consciousness” means other than simple awareness that any thermostat would have?

Yes, given that they see at all and that such “reasoning” is merely innate, not cognitively formulated as philosophers do. Initial perception is pre-wired into the neural network, else the creature cannot see or hear anything. The inherent logical condition of every living creature is that “if I see it, it is there”. It takes much higher consciousness to dispute the validity of that reasoning (higher than most modern-day Quantum Physics enthusiasts).

This is from Wikipedia, and it is accurate:

Considered a major figure in mathematics, he [Frege] is responsible for the development of modern logic and making contributions to the foundations of mathematics. He is also understood by many to be the father of analytic philosophy, where he concentrated on the philosophy of language and mathematics. Though largely ignored during his lifetime, Giuseppe Peano (1858–1932) and Bertrand Russell (1872–1970) introduced his work to later generations of logicians and philosophers.

You are a genius.
I mean I assume these other people are reasonably intelligent, and that my sentence was EXTREMELY complicated.

Yeah, Im Faust.
Heres where I split up into two persons.


Im enjoying the fact that I have 50 posters circling me purely based on how cool I am to be around - none of them even reads my posts. They just want to be close, to think about my person.

It does distract from the topic, but hey, I already resolved it.
For those who are intelligent but still have trouble doing the work:

Ethics is the study of right and wrong — how we should act.

  • 1: we should act logically.

Logic is the study of valid reasoning — how to reason.

  • 2: now we can reason.

Epistemology is the study of knowledge — how we know.

  • 3: now we can apply reason to formulate a statement.

Ontology is the study of beings or their being — what is.

  • 4: now we try for a statement that pertains to something.

Phenomenology is the study of our experience — how we experience.

  • 5: now we can apply our statement to our making of the statement. Now, we can begin to philosophize.

I must admit that at first glance, I thought you meant “when I posted in this thread for the first time in almost six years”, but then I read the words “had done”, and knew that couldn’t be the case. Logically.

Does ethics not pertain to how we should act morally rather than logically
Acting logically is not always ethical so logic cannot be the basis for ethics

Logic does not pertain to behavior. Logic only applies to language and thought structure. You are thinking of people who behave inconsiderately out of self interest. IF someone has only the betterment of their self as a goal and rationally pursue that goal, they can be seriously unethical. Some people call that “being too logical”, but that is a misuse of the term.

I think a better term would be rational because that pertains to behaviour whereas logic pertains to thinking like you said

Why this never made it to Cannes, I will never know.

Depends on the ethics.

It is ethical in as far as one has the ethics to act logically.

The only safe source we know about “you” is this:

So Leyla is possibly right: “you” are possibly the fifth sock puppet of the one who has no real supporters.

Kdding, Faust. Alf is my sock-puppet.

Its true I have no followers though.
I have friends, fellow philosophers.

And a whole shitload of trolls, but I agree that these can’t be seen as followers, as they don’t care about my philosophy, only about me.
Or are those actually what one calls followers?


On the fence.

Wel, crap. Logic forces me to regard my trolls as my followers.
They follow me from thread to thread, and post underneath my posts wherever I make them.

Their voice in my life:



Funny that Fixed Cross does seem to be more popular than Satyr these days. I mean, formerly Satyr was the one known for his many sock-puppets, and suspected of having even more.

Wait, could this mean Alf and Leyla are not Satyr’s sock-puppets?!

Funny indeed.

Also my ascribed sock puppets are getting to be of notably higher status.
Im honoured that I am considered capable of inventing Fausts mind and persona.

The term is “groupie”.

I was only talking about the fact that we know nearly nothing about the ILP member “Faust”. Who really knows more than this about “Faust”; username, avatar, numbers of posts, registration date, post content, pm-content?

As for him, the term is “delusional overestimation” of himself, alternating with “persecution mania” (don’t know, which is first)

I can tell you that Faust and FC are very, very different people.