Blu's mind

lately ive been geting an idea from media.

This idea portrays to the meaning of life, science, theism and so on.

The idea that will become my thesis in college im sure is, The meaning of life for humanity is to have sex.

Anything else is only a pointless endeavor.

Its in our hardline genetic instictual coding. we are born with the tools, we develope the hormones later that make us want to do it. We spend all day working to get money to buy things that enrich our life which makes us more attractive or comfurtable with our mates.

Society was based around sex.
The first law EVER I am willing to bet was “No touching my woman and stuff” We see this today in social aniamls. We created justice to enforce this law. From justice we created other laws. We have gone to war for minerals to make our life more easier just so we can have more sex.

i would continue this but i must save something for my thesis paper.

what about people who are homosexual, sexually impotent, abstaning from sex?
i just dont see how anyone derives meaning from sex. but thats just me…

homosexuals still have sex

impotents still have sex.

those that abstain still think about sex.

It depends on how you see it:

Is the meaning of the day that you get out of bed in the morning, or is it what you DO during the day? Just getting out of bed does not tell me anything about life.

There is an endless chain of stuff that you have to do for being alive and to give life, not just having sex. All those things are meaningful. The better you know the full spectrum of the processes that is the substance of life the better you can act.

And if you change the metaphysical platform; sex and having a baby may not be so important. You might as well do something that stimulate the holistic process.

Personally I don’t have to have sex in my best moments, I just do it when I feel low of energy and need a kick :slight_smile: Normally I maintain high levels of chemicals in my brain using meditation and eating aminoacids. That way I can feel sexually stimulated without “making babies” every day. At those high levels it’s wonderful to have sex, but I don’t need to have it to releave any kind of pain.

“Just as in heroin addiction, when the receptors become accustomed to a certain level of endorphins, in the absence of oxytocin, the person involved will experience “sex withdrawal” and will need to move on to a “new and more exciting” environment, that is, a new sex playmate.”

Sex is neccesary for reproducing, but staying away from sex will have a higher meaning now and in the future: The earth can not inhabit the dynamically growing population. If population continues to increase at the current rate, then by the year 2750 each human being would theoretically have a mere two-by-two foot patch of land in which to live.


Perpetuation of the species does not require everyone to have sex. Perpetuation of an individual`s genes might do, but non-reproductive sex argues that this is less important. Some individuals are “sacrified” for the good of the species.