Hi, I am fairly new to this forum. I’m attempting to do some research on Postmodernism in film, does anyone have any good examples of films that encapsulate the postmodern theme??

thankyou in advance for any examples


Doing a degree in film history and have covered much of this subject. What is that you are unsure of and I’ll be glad to discuss it with you


I don’t really know what is meant by a post-modern film? Some good stuff to check out though might be like Samual Beckett’s “Quad” or really any film that he made…maybe Andy Warhol films. I don’t know, I just don’t know what would classify a film as postmodern. I know what would classify as philosophical viewpoint as postmodern…


Postmodernism is a very floating term, and when it comes to film it’s even more floating. You can call a lot of David Lynchs films post-modern, and then you can ask yourself why you do this. My opinion is that in most cases you just replace something that is truly new with absurdity. If it’s absurd it’s likely that it always will be post-modern because it’s only in the synthesis a meaning is created and it can be left behind. It’s a difference with a situation that just looks absurd because we have the wrong focus, and something that is absurd just because it is absurd. If that’s the case it’s useless and without a meaning, and it should not be called art.

For example here is some post-modern poetry for you:

hsfgh k442m, 4444kjhfvjvjf v gggg d,hbb,j ftghhg.

I guess it takes a little more to trick you right:

Floating hearts, one hour. Water - takes my eye - flying, and left alone. Wind - eye - dollar in my chest - two hours from drowning.

You start to build a meaning from those words, but it’s absurd. It’s only your personal projection that creates the meaning. This can ofcource have a meaning, but all absurd art have this meaning. To call it post-modern would be wrong. It’s tempting as a poet to be absurd instead of facing the fact that all that can be told is already told. This is ofcource not true, but what is needed is a major shift in the focus and the very ground we stand on; then we can talk about post-modernism again.


The film Moulin Rouge by Baz Luhrmann was recommended to me as a “post-modernist” film. I’m not sure how true it is but it certainly brings together a whole range of cultures, times, fashions, styles etc. A good film to watch in any case :slight_smile:

  • ben

You can call a lot of David Lynchs films post-modern,

only your personal projection that creates the meaning. This can ofcource have a meaning, but all absurd art have this meaning.

but it certainly brings together a whole range of cultures, times, fashions, styles etc

the issue with p.mod. is that it is post something. something that is continually said as to be. that is modern is what is to now be considered. to be up to date as from consideration.

there are issues that are considered relate to what is understood as post modern. such as image, intextuality, interpretaion, authourship, logos and significance. both as signifier and significator what it all means.
p.mod brings all the issues that could be considered factors of its meaning into play.

with the openness of diversification both culturally and individuality.

films that are considered as p.mod. films are as those already suggested from postings and any where visual images are often made and incorporate into the films narrative.

also those films who’s juxapositioning is seemingly unstructured as to any form.

p.mod, to be understood has to be a discussion of the narrative within its narrative form.
