Ensuring Accomplishment, No Matter the Task

I successfully completed a bowel movement earlier and my thoughts were of this thread.

Thanks guys, I needed the extra motivation.

James does not comprehend that his philosophy, which is supposed to free people, is actually a theory on how slave’s mind works, and thus, a strategy on how to enslave people. His efforts will no doubt be appreciated by future masters.

Okay little one, how about explain exactly how such a practice would lead to enslavement to others.

How does that feel James? To call me “little one”? Does it feel good? Does it make you hopeful? Hopeful about the prospect of your theory being correct and my posts being nothing but a sign of juvenility? Is that how you think? or feel? or whatever is the name of the process that goes inside your brain when you respond to people the way you just responded to me?

Did I make you annoyed? Because I made fun of you? Oh, I am sorry James, I am really sorry, I really am, I never meant to hurt you, it was an accident, just a bad habit, no bad intentions, no evil, just pure goodness, I just wanted to help, did not mean to make you upset, I am serious, seriously.

But do you know, James, or should I say understand, that not all feelings of annoyance are bad? Just because I annoy you does not mean it’s a bad thing. You need to think beyond pleasure and pain. Not all pleasure is good and not all pain is bad.

I am of the modest opinion that my annoyance is of use to you, it’s just that you’re stuck in your hedonistic mindset which observes everything from the point of view of pleasure and pain. You need to step out of that hole from time to time, get some fresh air, you know.

Not all annoyance is bad and not all annoyance is good. You annoy me too, you know that? But you are a stupid person, and so, your annoyance is stupid. It does not teach me anything other than how stupid people behave. On the other hand, I am a smart person and my annoyance is smart, the aim of it being to free you from your biological slavery. I want to penetrate through your brain and get those suppressed, those enslaved, biological drives to break free from the chains of the subconscious and get some fresh air in the consciousness. You are a tyrant, James, you have all these drives suffering in the dungeon of your subconscious because you are too afraid to let them out. I want to make them free, but you don’t let me, you yell at me “DON’T TOUCH THAT! I AM TRYING TO MAINTAIN MY ANENTROPIC HARMONY AND YOU ARE TRYING TO RUIN IT!”

How can I explain to you how can your practice lead to the enslavement of others when you do not know the difference between freedom and slavery? how can I explain that to you when you look at everything from the point of view of pleasure and pain?

I am sorry, James, I don’t think I can help. You already had too many opportunities on this forum. Many people tried to open your eyes, but they failed. I don’t think I can succeed either, but that’s not my goal here, not my concern.

Do you know, James, that there are many children browsing this forum? do you know what damage you do to their brain with all of this bullshit? you are committing crimes against humanity, James, people go to jail for this sort of stuff, sometimes they even get sentenced to death. And this is my role here: to make people aware of your sickness.

Ladies and gentlemen, stay away from this man, he’s a sickness.


^^^^ In other words: You don’t have a clue?
Can’t you explain to me the essence of James’ philosophy, before I get conned or waste my time?

I felt repressed, because of what I actually preferred to call you but didn’t.

No, merely a little more disappointed because you so obviously attempt to be a macho man declaring supreme knowledge about things that are obviously well beyond your very limited scope.

Oh yeah. “Only listen to what we, your supreme masters tell you.:icon-rolleyes:

Gyahd … what an insecure, egocentric imbecile.

I asked for you to explain your objection concerning slavery. And you spend all that time doing this instead … telling people to only listen to you - a “tyrant”.

“Don’t listen to him!! He is the Devil!! Be afraid! Be very afraid! {{like me}}”

I don’t think anger is very anentropic harmonic, James. It promotes violence. Do you want me to be violent to you? Is that what you want? I thought you wanted anentropic harmony.

I come in peace, James. I am here to help you, to free you from your biological slavery. You are misunderstanding me. I do not want to enslave you, I do not want to make you do what you do not want to do. Rather, I want to make you do what you really want to do.

James, it’s not too late, you can help yourself. Trust me. You have my hope. Give it up before it becomes too big. Once it becomes too big there is no going back. You are doomed. There is still hope for you, James, I can feel it, you are a smart man – albeit a bit stupid – but still smart. Smart for a stupid man.

James, we need to agree on the definition of the word “freedom”. What does it mean to be free, James? Doesn’t freedom mean being able to do what you want to do?

What do humans want, James? Don’t they want competition, James? Don’t they want war?

How do we want what we want, James? Do we simply choose out of nowhere? or is our want rooted in our drives?

And what are drives, James? Aren’t drives sort of like habits? Like when you do something over and over again it acquires momentum and becomes a drive?

So when you do something a lot James it becomes a drive. Right, James?

If people fought in the past they will continue to fight, they will want to fight.

So we look at the way our ancestors lived in the past. How did they live, James? Did they fight or were they peaceful, James?

Umm… No. You very obviously do not (with hardly anybody) “come in peace”. And you hardly ever read anything either. You are obviously here to attempt to express your imagined manhood rather than learn who and what your real enemies actually are (like real men do). You are merely a young minded actor.

Was that supposed to be your refutation? Dumb presumption followed by dumb presumption?

It means doing what you decide to do, which directly implies that you are accomplishing what you decide … which is exactly what this thread is explaining how to get done.

Did you read ANY of the OP at all?
You can read, right?
… haven’t seen much evidence.

Most certainly do not. They are driven into war by their “masters”, usually of merely deception. But even if they did, this thread is merely explaining how to better accomplish even that. Obviously your are not reading the thread (or not with any comprehension).

Most often, people are getting programmed into it … by those masters that you seem to want to hide from people rather than free people from.

“Since people have always failed when they tried to fly, they will always fail when they try to fly…”

… unless they learn better how to Ensure Accomplishment.

There is no need to read anything you write, James, because your premises are incorrect. Some structures can be destroyed without knowing much about them.

You are a fool, James. You defend yourself by appealing to possibilities. That’s embarassingly weak.

I know who my enemies are, James. You are my enemy, James. You are full of shit, James. I fight against people who are full of shit, James.

James, you really are a stupid person. There was “war” long before there was war and this “war” was called fighting. There were no masters back then. Noone to force anyone else into fighting, apart from, of course, reality. War is simply a higher stage of competition.

There are, of course, people who were forced to fight, but this proves nothing, it’s just a way for you to miss the point and misinterpret reality because you’re a coward, James.

You are a wuss, James.

Gyahd, how pathetic.

“I don’t need to read anything because I already know everything.”

I’ll repeat myself.

There is no need to read most of what you write because your premises are incorrect. If your premises are incorrect, the whole structure falls apart. I am sorry to disappoint you, but sometimes, it’s not necessary to understand the entire theory before one can demolish it. This is the case with your theory and no amount of wishful thinking will ever change that.

This proves that you’re a terrible thinker, James. You desperately want to be done with me. Your brain isn’t, but you want to be done with me, so you invent reasons to dismiss me. One of these reasons is that “I didn’t read anything you wrote”. I am sorry, James, I will repeat it, I simply don’t have to, your premises are incorrect, and this is enough for me to destroy your theory.

You didn’t explain to me how do we want what we want and what do humans want.

You deny that humans want war and insist that such desires are unnatural. This is ridiculous. War naturally builds upon our competitive desires, such as desire to fight. There is absolutely nothing unnatural about it.

Masters do not want competitive slaves, they want obedient slaves, which means, slaves who don’t want to compete. That said, it is slaves who are peaceful, not masters.

How do you explain this, James?

I can go on and on, but it is pretty clear that you’re an idiot.

I would rather you improve yourself.

Then point out the error in which ever premise you disagree with, dummy.
What’s so hard about that?

Exactly what premise did I state that you have an objection to. Quote me.


When it comes to Magnus, all I can say is this: better you than me. :wink:

He has already threatened to torture and to murder me on another thread.

Still, it will be interesting to follow this clash. First however you have to decide between you what words like “freedom” and “enslavement” mean. How to properly define them. In other words, in order to be sync with an exchange of serious philosophy.

But if you do manage to achieve that task perhaps you will join me in the task of situating the meaning of the words “out in the world” of conflicting human value judgments.

I am laughing right now. Still laughing. Wait a minute. Okay.


The premise is that humans do not want competition/war and that’s wrong. Therefore, your anentropic harmony is not something humans really want. It may give pleasure to them, but it’s not something humans want.

That is YOUR bullshit topic and presumption. This topic is about Ensuring Accomplishment.

…you know. That thing that you didn’t need to read about.

I read the topic, actually.

See this:

James, you are a sick, dishonest, lying person.

So exactly which part of that, even though only indirectly related to this topic, do you object to. Point it out specifically … and preferably along with you counter claim and support for it.

:laughing: … as if YOU were one to judge … :icon-rolleyes:

Fear is the barrier.

I’ve seen nervous and anxious people of all ages, young and old, who stumble when they used to walk, and drop teacups when they used to drink, under the influence of fear. Fear changes and interrupts normal behaviors. Fear can make any simple task, like walking, into an impossible difficulty. It doesn’t matter the type of fear, whether rational (history of previous failure) or irrational (being scared of invisible demons), either have the same affect upon the mind, and therefore the body.

Ultimately, all fears are connected with death. Death represents the greatest unknown. Fear is derived from unknowns.

Best represented by the fear of darkness, being scared of the dark. Represented as by fear of the unknown…ignorance.

Ignorance and fear go hand-in-hand.