Your Fancied Beauty

Good point…after you account for “sinful” thoughts, who is chaste and pure afterward?

That’s the expected result, Arc. Impurity begins in fantasy, lust, and attraction. Who can deny it? Who is immune to lust? Who is weak or strong to it? Doesn’t sex and instinct override everybody, in the end? It does.

I wonder just how long before the crown slips off her head and you slip out for the night?lol

Or maybe she will slip out for the night. See more.

I would be very careful about the language I use. Any man capable of using the word slut might be overlooked by a more enlightened and conscious woman.

Would you buy a used car if it was in great condition and looked good? Bad analogy probably.

Jealous? I imagine most women are of her. But she’s just a picture, an image, to use as example.

It’s a fine analogy. But the car’s still been used. Pragmatically, few people can afford a new car. Therefore affording one is rare, while used cars are common.

You are right.


Jealous? lol No I’m not. Beauty comes in different dimensions and looks.
I myself have different types that I am attracted to and they are all very attractive though some are more attractive to me in ways that other women wouldn’t think so.

Somehow I see it as a bit or more of insecurity on the part of a man when he only wants to have sex with a virgin. I can understand of course a man wanting the girl he wants to be with to be a virgin, he wants himself to be her first experience, but let’s face it, just because she’s a virgin doesn’t necessarily mean that she is virginal.

Perhaps it’s also some unconscious need to control the situation…to be the first - isn’t that kind of an egoistical way to view love and romance?

A second-hand car may be quite sturdy and responsible where a new one may come to be seen as a lemon. lol

I think that valuing faithfulness/fidelity and trust is more important than having someone who is chaste. What does that even mean anyway? That is such an out-moded perspective anyway, a christian one.

It also applies to a house and home. Would you rather live in and own a house you’ve made yourself, built with your own hands, designed from your own mind? Or homes already lived in and owned prior? Unmade by you? That your house has been ‘used’ by others. And also, building your own home is no guarantee of its quality.

But one thing it does guarantee is that you know the source, because it is from you and you alone. And that cannot be taken away. And it’s significance is undeniable for those who have created and carved out their own homes.

Even if a house you build yourself, falls over, or catches fire, the pride of building your own is undeniable. And it is an accomplishment that few people can brag about.

That is what I mean.


I do understand what you’re saying here. Your own creation from time and energy you will love, it will be very special and unique to you.

This thought doesn’t appear to go with the one above.

I can understand this too.

True, and all the more tragic to someone who will lose it.

But, that is not the same at all insofar as having sex with a virgin or marrying one.
She comes to you from herself what she has made of herself. You did not create her or build her with your own hands.

You seem to be speaking of ownership here though. If you are her first lover, you own here?
That is not the same as the satisfaction and sense of achievement which you would feel in building your own home.

How are superior families built from one generation to the next, across centuries, except through traditions?

Where do you suppose slutting around, promiscuity, and infidelity fit into the scheme of things, under this context?

Building a home is only one part of the equation. Chastity refers to something more. After all, whose choice is it in the end to build a family?

Here’s an A Frame home I’d like to build with the upper loft. I don’t think Joker has seen my little dreamhouse. I could build this with the help of a contractor for the foundation work.

This one can be purchased as a building kit so it’s very doable with your own tweaks of course.

Seriously Arc? :evilfun:

I’m speaking to both the young(under 30 yrs.old) male and female waiting until they have ceremoniously entered a union. No one is pure in thought or deed when it comes to masturbation, but wait for the right partner before you share your intimacy with another. Both need to show restraint and the men need to stop with their double standards. No woman with a brain is impressed by a male whore or more drawn to a man who is interested in acquiring notches on his belt.

How very Germanic:

The Germanic Low style house with steeped roofing:

Here is where I live inside my head:

Chastity for both sexes remains intact until both male and female unionize their commitment into monogamy. Promiscuity is for the birds, that whole mentality undermines the start of any relationship for there is no value found in another or invested in another. Ten minutes to an hour later, the booty call is over, on to the next conquest.<—very shortsighted.

Why should monogamy be the only option? What about open relationships where one is allowed to have other sexual partners? What if one is bisexual so is attracted to their own sex as well? What if one is no longer getting sex from their partner? How many in long term emotional relationships have remained faithful to their partners? Given the high sex drives of most men and some women is it really natural to expect them to only have sex with their partner during the entirety of their relationship? Should the concept of marriage for life be abolished if faithfulness cannot be guaranteed like divorce figures seem to suggest? Should men be allowed to have multiple wives like Mormons or Muslims do in order to satisfy their sex drives? What about women? Should they be allowed to have multiple husbands to satisfy their sex drives?

Who said monogamy is the only option when modern people are clearly not of or in their right minds? Your questions have more to do with being out of your mind than in it. Like I said, if your crotch and ego needs multiple constant strokers then by all means live your insanity, even become a porn star and get paid for your crotch services ta boot.

Monogamy is a commitment to another person in spite of your desirous crotch making it clear that the head above your shoulders rules rather than the head below your belt. If the totality of your being relies mainly on the happiness of your crotch, then by all means whore around.

No…chastity means something different for either gender. For women, chastity refers specifically to an intact hymen, and also a young woman’s refusal to engage sexual relations until she is married. These are ideals of course, idealism, symbolizing the hope for purity and innocence, and really the core of traditional Monogamy and church practices. It wasn’t until recently, within the past 100 years, that Churches would even allow promiscuous women to marry. These are Protestant or Liberal Churches. A “Conservative Church” would not allow a girl to marry unless she had her hymen intact, a virgin.

Therefore, “virginity” applies to women. It doesn’t mean much in terms of men. This is another, recent in history, liberal advance. Nobody really cares whether a male has sex or not. And when it comes to women, women prefer promiscuous “experienced” men rather than the other way around. This is known as the “bad boy” factor. Young girls want to tame a bad boy, with promises of sex, but when the bad boy dumps them after they give up, become jaded and spurned. Women want to “tame” the bad boy. This is a phase in adolescence, and quite natural. Females desire what they cannot have or cannot get. Desperate males and “thirsty” men are repulsive. Women’s desires are focused on what is above them in value, which is rare among males. Most males, maybe 80% (?) are therefore 2nd-rate, or lower in hierarchy. Most males are a woman’s…5th choice. Or 12th choice. Or 100th choice, considering modern women.

There’s something to be said about men who “settle down” with a promiscuous woman. They’re desperate. Such men will take whatever they can get. Most modern women spend their beauty freely, having lots of sexual partners, and then, only in modern times, believe they deserve and are entitled to the conservative marriage and traditional lifestyle afterward. Many live these delusions. And then people wonder why the divorce rate is so high in the u.s. It’s no coincidence, and, it’s exactly as I describe. How am I wrong? You haven’t provided any reasons or in depth analysis, to support your case. Try me. I have walls and walls and walls of text, of my thoughts, if you like.

I openly advocate a “return to tradition” although I admit it is unrealistic and idealistic. Because modern times are headed in the opposite direction from my personal mindset. I want to preserve some aspects of the past that I deem valuable and worthwhile. While most disagree with me, and instead want to focus on chasing hedonism or advancing liberalism, which is a very hedonistic ideology. Therefore, western societies are becoming more promiscuous and liberal, instead of the other way. Conservative and traditional marriages are becoming much rarer than before. There are reasons and causes for all this too.

Female beauty is un-comparable to male’s. Whether a male is handsome or not, is nothing alike what a woman’s beauty affords. Because, again, a woman’s virginity is worthwhile and attractive while a man’s is not. They’re not equal, despite your suggestions otherwise. I doubt people will agree with you or join your cause, because it’s so unrealistic. Everybody experiences these things. Because girls and boys are taught from young ages, and then experience directly in adolescence and puberty, the effects of hormones, and the beginnings of sexual desires.

Desire for sexual promiscuity is common. Desire for monogamy is rare, and based on romantic idealism. Marriage is very much a ‘third’ option or part to the equation. Because men and women don’t need marriage for sex, in the modern day. But in the classical era, marriage was very much a requirement for sex. In other words, in Medieval Europe, you really could not have sex, until you were married, if you were a woman. And so men specifically sought after marriage, so they too, could have sex. Today the social utility of marriage was undermined, especially in the 60s and 70s, and so the “requirement to be married” was removed. And “divorce is an option now”.

Give me a wall of text in return or I’m not going to waste anymore time on this.

Why do you need a wall of text to have a discourse? Is a young woman who breaks her hymen playing a rough sport still a virgin or the chick who plays with a cucumber? In my book, virginity is the lack of sexual intercourse with a partner and it applies to both sexes.

Women care when males have sex and it’s high time that men are held to higher standards so as not to be unpaid, man whores or pigs for short.

Below is proof that you are wrong…more than right. :evilfun:

The second study compares between two surveys, one given in the 1990’s, the other given in the 2000’s, the numbers of sexual partners reported by males and females is very similar when participants were given lie detector tests, but that aspect was not included in the statistics of this article…bummer.

BTW, I rarely read wots due to the psych meds I’m on, reading causes migraines.

Sounds like you’re not available for conversation then.

All I will mention is that, historically, it wouldn’t matter or not how a young female broke her hymen, whether accidental or through sport, regardless she would be barred and disallowed access to ‘conservative’ and traditional marriages. No excuses in stricter traditions. However I’m referring to bygone eras when virginity was cherish, valued, prized, and sought after as a marker of status and upper hierarchy, nobility and class. Those days are not modern days. So it seems I’m talking to myself about these ideas and topics, nobody worthy to discuss with.

It’s obvious that you’re ignorant about history and the change of the tides from century to century.

Final point, I still personally detest the idea of being a woman’s “last choice”, no matter how happy or fulfilling a relationship can be. It’s still a dark, and humiliating truth. For a man to settle for second-best is a marker of his lower quality. However, realistically speaking, concessions and compensations are made. I understand that when it comes to beautiful women, most men will settle for tenth best. Last place. That’s really what modern society is all about.

Degradation, Humiliation, Shame. No pride, loss of pride, loss of dignity. These are modern values.

Actually, one more note…

There is a severe difference of pride based one’s own accomplishments, which are private and connote a sense of “self-confidence” versus the confidence traded between and dependent upon person to person. What I previously mentioned is that a man’s pride is dependent on women insuch that women react to and judge men, deeming this or that man as ‘worthy’ to access her sexuality, trust, and therefore reproduction, which is the power of women, and who denies it? However the pride created by an individual (man) and worth to himself, is the real importance. And because of this, the previous point is not as important as how “self-value” develops, or value in spite of social and sexual connections.

In other words, self-confidence is real and substantial. Confidence reliant on others, or a woman, is subsidiary and a lesser form, albeit important in its own regard. Pride built on others is false. Even parents cannot be “too proud” of their children, as it becomes a vicarious “living through” another, which is ignoble. So individual sense of pride are markers for worth and value in life.

The value and worth gained and “worked up” by an individual is significant. This is Meritocracy, to judge a person, or yourself, based on deeds and accomplishments. That pride is undeniable. As I already mentioned, it’s like building a house (or a family) with your own two hands. However, it is much more difficult to do things alone. Cooperation is required to build larger and larger structures. Or a larger family. Or a society. Etc.

What I notice about the people of this newer generation is they are talkers rather than doers. My generation was the last of the self-made person who did not only for themselves but for everybody else as well. These people had skills, useful skills not held in books or bound to PC screens. When you don’t do much, your merit is non-existent.

[An aside: Succinct, shorter rather than longer, works for me so I don’t go flailing about on tangents anyway. If only my word choices made my thoughts clearer.]

Sounds like a personal attack, but you would be wrong if that’s the case. I’ve worked over a dozen types of jobs of every field, and for a few years 80-100 hours of labor per week. I’ve been through the worst of it. My ideas are backed by experiences, trial, error, and sacrifices.

I’ve been a preschool teacher’s assistant, welder, metal worker, baker, house painter, data analyst, line cook, orchard worker, hotel clerk, waiter, and many more