Why does god ask people to do daft things?

You fool. These arn’t my ideas I reffered them to Hitler and Nazism and to other people in todays society. Highly intellectual people I might add, one of which is the guy who got the nobel prize for discovering D.N.A, I forget his name.

Secondly I’m Jewish to add on top of that. And dissagree with such reasoning because of the value that I place on human life. A religious idea mind you; that we are all equally valuable. I’m trying to show you where reasoning without humanity and conscious lead us. This I do so in order to demonstrate how one must have moral absolutes and they may only come from god. Again I’ll reitterate for you that one needs moral absolutes because when morality becomes subjective as your ideas make it

we can then very well reason like Hitler did. And his whole thing about the jews mind you was to try to destroy that moral burden to society that they represent merly by existing. Why? Because they are the ones who brought the ideas of morality and god into existence. “Christian Anti-semitism isn’t because the jews killed Christ, but because they produced him. -Freud”

Check this out… http://www.ilovephilosophy.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=140073


Brother, the point is, when you start to reason like this:-

“My friend, surly you understand to keep an industrial society fully functioning you need labor. A man who has full reasoning capabilities and no disabilities is more useful to an industrial society then one who does not. How much work can a person with downs syndrom do? What can he do for the society?”

  • it is a very short step to someone suggesting that people with Downs Syndrome are useless. Then someone else suggests we don’t need them, they’re just a burden. Then someone has the bright idea of building extermination camps. Such ‘solutions’ are anathema and totally abhorrent to any right thinking person. One does not even begin to consider such possibilities for that in itself is a sign that one is oneself a deeply troubled and unhappy person.

To entertain and discuss such ideas is tantamount to insane devil-worship.

Now TUM I know you are a young man and impetuous; and I think it is excellent you have an interest in philosophy and ideas; but please don’t stop questioning everything yet, i.e., don’t settle on any views yet, keep your mind open, and keep exploring and your options open. Be patient young man. You’re doing a great job so far, but don’t settle on anything.

You said you were alone with few friends. That’s great! Treat it as a gift from god. He has given you a solitude and therefore time to build up great power and strength of spirit. Don’t pine for company and lots of friends. But if god gives them to you be happy. And if you’re surrounded by people so much that you suddenly begin to get fed-up with them and pine instead for your own space and some solitude check yourself.



Hadj has his facts wrong. Pork is a fatty meat, but it’s just one component of an unhealthy diet.

The acutal problem is that pigs used to transfer disease. They can carry practically anything and are very dirty animals. Some of this is still true, some is not, but the tradition remains.

Hadj, I agree with you on many of the other points as a fellow muslim

mm… words of wisdom phrygianslave, greatly appreciated.

I’m still trying to think about god as reason as you had suggested perhaps I should make a harder effort. And don’t worry my mind is still very capricous and has not settled on anything yet. So much so that this world still doesn’t make any sense and I only fear that I shall never be able to make sense of it while a part of it.

You wrote:

Yet history has shown what was one of the most cultivated and intellectually flourshing societies of its time can do. The ideas and realities that they produced. Its horrifying to think of such a ‘civilization’ (Hah!) sincerly holding on to these percieved truths.
If it were all only propoganda one wouldn’t be so troubled by it.

What is the life of an individual in comparison to the ‘greater’ good? My view is towards the individual although I have a terrible time logically proving it.


Stick with it brother. You’re doing a great job so far. Progress ain’t easy. But it does come slowly and every so often in short bursts and then all the study and thought and effort becomes worthwhile and you’re on top of the world.



by Christs death,burial and resurrection all of the old laws are gone which includes your list.
The only rule now is to accept salvation through Jesus and to love each other as you love yourselves. Praying just lets God know that you know whats going on and to give him thanks for making everything possible. Its not what he gets out of prayer, its what you get.
Read Old Testament it answers the why behind wierd things God had people do.

If that be so the Torah was an obvious lie for it said who so ever comes and changes a single word or law is a flase prophet and should be killed.

They don’t believe in the New Testament so they still go by the Old Laws. They are still waiting for the Messiah. It is good to know about them, but we are not still under the law. Actually Gentiles were never under the law only Jews.

Jesus is the one who changed the the law.

  • Christ changed the law

on what grounds? with what authority? why?
and what good did it do?
as far as i can see, christianity has brought far more suffer than anything else…


If you don’t believe in the Bible, why do you care what people of the Bible believe? If you are confident with your own truth, why seek further?

The Messiah will lead the Jewish people to full Torah observance. The Torah states that all mitzvot remain binding forever, and anyone coming to change the Torah is immediately identified as a false prophet. (Deut. 13:1-4)

No man may change the law. And if god would choose to do so he would do it the same way he gave the law. He did not give the law through Moses but through national revelation, therefore the only valid and logical way for god to come and change the law would be to do it the same exact way through national revelation, not through a single man, Jesus; who by according to the law itself should be treated as a flase prophet.

And if you study your gospels a bit more closely you’ll see that the original followers of Jesus actualy held the law. It is when they seeked to convert gentiles that they came into conflict amongs themselves about keeping the law, mainly of circumsition.

oi, we’re havin a converstation lass… :wink: don’t worry, i’m quite confident that the scientific views approach reality best…

God’s reality or satan’s reality?

In all of your life’s years, what is reality for you?

Jesus was God! Jewish religion and Gentile religion cannot be combined.
Yes, the servants of God in the Old Testament upheld the laws. And there were many many prophets sent forth by God to testify of the coming of the Messiah. But when the Messiah finally showed up the Jews rejected him and sent him to the Romans who crucified him.

Now back in the day of Moses. Sin was forgiven by sacrifice. Burnt offerings, made to the Lord as an offering pleasing to the Lord. So Christ, the Messiah was the sacrifice for all of the sins all of the time for ever and ever. That is why there is no more sacrifice. Its been taken care of through Jesus.
Again, if you haven’t read the ENTIRE Bible, you won’t understand. Lack of Knowledge. I can discuss with you the Bible, if you knew the Bible. I don’t anything about Scientology so I cannot conduct a wise conversation with one who studies it. I can offer no valid questions for I have no understanding.


i’ve been reading the bible once… lol, because i was bored… they were just stories to me… no more
again i see no reason whatsoever to believe what it sais, as someone said before; you can’t claim the bible to be valuable on ground of the bible…

lol, so if all sin is already forgiven… does that mean we can sin as much as we like??

scientology is a secte, science is based on perception, the only clue we have about reality… the only reality that matters to us is the one we can percieve



To answer your sin question, what I say is this, based on my own knowledge of Scripture:
Yes you can sin as much as you want, yet once one has received salvation through Christ, the desire to sin is greatly diminished. I am not saying people who are saved don’t sin. What I am saying based on my own conclusion, People who are saved have less desire to go out and fullfill the lusts of the flesh than those who are not saved. But when the lusts of the flesh are fed, yes, those sins are forgiven.

Have you seen the Passion of Christ?

This is precisly why I find christianity so childish if not ridiculous. No offense to anyone but that statement above is one dangerous and two unjust. Sin all you want for all your sins are washed away through Jesus. Indeed…

I love this scene in a movie where a homosexual Jew comes to a rabbi and starts confessing his transgressions to him. The rabbi stops him and says "Vat are you doing do I look like a priest to you? Christians believe in forgiveness, Jews believe in guilt. :wink:

Maybe you should be Jewish.
My family is Jewish, but I was raised Christian. There is a thing called Messianic Jews, maybe that’s up your alley. God bless, with love

Taken out of context it would seem childish, but if you had left it alone in the paragraph, it fits. I was re-stating your question to give you an answer. Do I think Christians sin all they want? Of course not! Nobody I know goes around sinning just because they have received salvation. I said once one is saved and has received salvation the desire to sin is minimal. Yet, when one does, one is forgiven through death,burial and ressurection of Christ. Jews who don’t believe in Christ, most definately will enforce the laws for they believe the Messiah has yet to come to redeem them and set up his kingdom. But even Jews believe from study in the Torah that there will be a Messiah to redeem them. So Christianity and Judaism agree on something. There is a Messiah that will save. The difference is it has already happened and many Jews have missed him. That’s where the Messianic Jew appears. Jews who have accepted Jesus. Although they also believe in the old law while also accepting the new. Its the best of both worlds.