Which Tarot Card are You most like?

Another interesting question would be what character of the Chinese Zodiac that we were born as, and/or which 1 we are most like. (Although I was born as the Rooster on 10/31/93, I’m really most like the Rabbit, since I’m so playful and imaginative.


Rat – 鼠, shǔ (子) (Yang, 1st Trine, Fixed Element Water)
Ox – 牛, niú (丑) (Yin, 2nd Trine, Fixed Element Earth)
Tiger – 虎, hǔ (寅) (Yang, 3rd Trine, Fixed Element Wood)
Rabbit – 兔, tù (卯) (Yin, 4th Trine, Fixed Element Wood)
Dragon – 龙/龍, lóng (辰) (Yang, 1st Trine, Fixed Element Earth)
Snake – 蛇 (巳), shé (Yang, 2nd Trine, Fixed Element Fire)
Horse – 马/馬, mǎ (午) (Yin, 3rd Trine, Fixed Element Fire)
Goat/Sheep – 羊 (未), yáng (Yin, 4th Trine, Fixed Element Earth)
Monkey – 猴, hóu (申) (Yang, 1st Trine, Fixed Element Metal)
Rooster – 鸡/雞, jī (酉) (Yin, 2nd Trine, Fixed Element Metal)
Dog – 狗, gǒu (戌) (Yang, 3rd Trine, Fixed Element Earth)
Pig – 猪/豬, zhū (亥) (Yin, 4th Trine, Fixed Element Water)

I am a: chinesenewyear.net/zodiac/rooster/

The personality and characteristics attributed to the rooster are near spot on… the health part the most especially.

One or two aspects… the weak ones, are not spot on, but I dare not say why here. 8-[


I wouldn’t want to be anything but the rooster, as that is what I am. :wink:

The ideal is the Rabbit, for adventurous frenzy, and charming exhibition of storybook merry-go-rounds (Bunnies like Lewis Caroll do love childish novelties after all), but, since I’m ALSO born a rooster factually, then the hard work aspect could personify how I’m Justice in the tarot, pouring out immense efforts to grasp and archive the fundamental aspects of phenomena.

Many elements contained within this card embody me, or have personal meaning of things I’ve seen and believe in or have experienced: Scorpio… the One Power of the universe… the Caduceus… Hermes the Messenger… the Mystical

The central figure on The World card used in newer decks… The Lady
