What Mind Is Like

Dystopia will never burn down unless we make the DNA machine. Without the DNA machine, utopia will last for a few hours at most.

DNA machine? What is it like? What will it do?

Now whether one favours metaphors or not it would not be wise to rigidly separate the conscious and unconscious
Because they are both functions of the mind and so therefore exist within the spectrum of all that that actually is


=D> Well put.

DNA machine will remove the greed and idiocy gene. It will implant all with wisdom gene and make them physically beautiful and healthy.

If something is unconscious we cannot be sure it exists (directly). Through empirical mirroring, we can assume it exists (we induce/deduce that it exists, but not directly.)

however, I don’t think all unconscious processes are 100% unconscious, so if they are 1% conscious they exist. Unconscious items have a lower intensity of existence, translucent and blending fading into the background mud of non-existence.

It would be more accurate to refer to it as the subconscious rather than the unconscious

Well, it’s a good metaphor for neural nets–spreading themselves all over the brain, capturing information as it passes through, absorbing it into its own matrix.

Eugenics? Reminds me of “Brave New World”. (Huxley)

We watch our favorite TV show, well aware that the sound and picture images are an interpretation of certain signals. The signals undergo the basic physical limitations of sight and sound. They are transmitted, moved through a medium and translated by a receiver. But what is the medium? Space? It may be that , in our galaxy, there exists intelligent beings who are just getting reception of “I Love Lucy”.
Enlighten me. Where do the radio/TV/computer images go?
If the TV analogy is correct, brains receive signals from outside themselves and, with the aid of electricity, run the signals through their structure in order to produce the sound and pictorial images. Thus, if the analogy stands, the signals of whatever exists outside the brain are interpreted to give us an accurate picture of what lies beyond the brain. In other words, the images are faithful to the signal and are not something surreal or bizarre.

A common analogy of mind is that it is like an iceberg, with the above water tip representing the conscious mind and the underwater bulk representing the subconscious. This analogy was popularized by Freud and Jung. Is it science?
About the televised images analogy–it seems odd to me that the invention of television appears to coincide with the first instances of UFO sightings in the US. Could ETs have come close enough to Earth to receive radio and TV signals?

How do you know that that was a sick mind, Ierrellus? That’s not to say that HaHaHa doesn’t have one. I don’t know. :wink:
I’m more than just joking here, HaHaHa. I mean, I’m more or less joking. :wink:

How do you know that that wasn’t really the birthday boy in costume enjoying making such a mess of things, Ierrellus?

Mind is a box. We all see differently what is in it. Some see beetles, some see gems, some see a leaf blowing in the wind, some see a cave-in incapable of being opened.

A mind is a sunny day full of light. It can also be the darkness of a night which is without a moon.

Mind is a box filled with angels and devils. Maybe I overreacted to HAHAHA. I’m just tired of the negativity–even if it’s presented jokingly. The clown certainly appeared demonic to me. I could be wrong.

Did you mean angels and devils “literally”? I don’t believe in them but I do believe in the daemons which roam the psyche. But they aren’t devils.

You looked at the clown and you saw the demonic. I can understand why. BUT at the same time, can’t we dive a bit deeper to see what else we may see. Is everything which we see on Halloween “real”?

The mind at times needs to open up its shades and blinds to see what’s really there.

I asked for metaphors or similes describing what mind is like. Is that too much to ask?

You’re not in the classroom now, Ierrellus.

Apparently not. And apparently not a topic for speculation or debate. Let it die gracefully.


:laughing: It certainly would appear that letting something die gracefully is a process unless the cord compassionately is pulled out.

I think that i can provide you something better in that context.

living orgasms are just like cellphones.

A cell phone needs three basic things to perform completely, which are its hardware, its software and a sim provided by any network provider. Remember, a phone cannot serve its actual purpose (making calling and receiving) unless you cannot insert an active sim into it.

Now, in the terms of organisms, their bodies are hardware, their conscious part of their minds are software, and their sims are their souls. It is also important to note here that just like cellphone sims, souls also comprised of both hardware and software. The subconscious minds are the softwares and consciousness is the hardware of a soul. And, just like cellphone sims, network providers (governing spiritual entities) can activate and deactivate any soul (sim) just sitting by their server. That is precisely what birth and death are.

with love,