What exactly is "spin"?

No James, the observation affects the quantum state of the “two items”. There can be no immaculate perception, no pure mind, no ghost that sees and yet moves through things, leaving them unaffected. “Both entities” share a single quantum state, and this is changed as a whole when one observes (e.g., fires light) at one side of it, no matter the distance thereof from the opposite side.

No Sauwelios, Observation changes nothing but what you believe, your internal “equation”, not what is there. Existence does not depend upon your illusions, quite the opposite. Your dreams are real, but not reality.

Dear James, of course the act of observation changes the object of observation. In order for us to see something, for example, light needs to reflect from it into our eyes. If the object of observation is something sub-atomic, like light itself, that collision (“reflection”) will have a significant impact on it. (Of course, in that case we cannot see it with our naked eyes. This doesn’t affect the logic of what I just said in the slightest.)

And if our eyes were not there, the same light would have reflected off of it anyway. What happened to the light after it left the object, certainly doesn’t change the object. Or do you believe in reverse time causation? What happens tomorrow is what causes today?

Sure, if our eyes were not there, the same light would have reflected off the object anyway–unless we shone the light on it in order to see it with our eyes. I never claimed that what happens to the light after it leaves the object changes the object. What I said was that the object’s collision with the light changes the object, if only on a quantum level.

A visual observation requires that light be reflected or emitted by an object. That reflection or emission is part of the observation: for our eyes can detect only light, not the (indirect) sources of that light. A refrigerator, for instance, does not fit into our eyes, and yet we can see it!

Back to the OP.

What we’ve learned:

Spin is the way energy is tied together in mass.

At the time, there were some objections, most notably from PhysBang. I wonder if there are still those here competent enough to either object or agree.

A “Spin” is something Fox & friends put onto everything, every important and serious matter of topic.

Pa- fucking thetic.

This is why this site is losing traffic.

Not just the derailing of a good thread for the purposes of self retardation, but the notion that only the right spins issues.

IQ sub 50 zone.

Aggy much! I’m sure your site is so much better… you’ve been advertising it on here for years, so good luck with your new recruitment drive.