What are you doing? (Part 1)

The raccoon on the table sure likes his cheese

Shaking. (Earthquake related shaking). :astonished: :confused:

Well it’s not your fault, it’s the plates.

Buh dum tshhh

Eating dinner whilst watching TV… half a pheasant n veggies is proving quite a lot to get through. :open_mouth:

Doing a booty. Tightening pencil from left to right.

What I am really drawing is hands, of course. The booty is just context.

I love the mountains and the water. Kind of a nice harmony there but there seems to be a contrast between that and the little shack which looks to be gasping with fear.

I like a man with nice hands… nice hands, on a man, are important. : )

Watching Ancient Aliens: Aliens and mysterious rituals.

Are such rituals, manifesting as pomp and ceremony, simply an ode to the ancient alien visitors… now revered as gods.

Mourning Kobe.

Enjoyed reading his posts.

So do I. The first thing I notice is the man’s eyes, always the eyes, and then the hands.


^^^ damn moms be trippin. i’m tryna get lit.


First there was


And then there was


Attention Walmart shoppers. There is a bomb in the building. Evacuate the premises immediately. (that was my neighbor that walked up)


myfox8.com/2020/02/02/nc-police … h-walmart/

Probably a fucking liberal, right?

Damn that was fast. Fox news is johnny on the spot, ain’t they?

Trump probably tipped them off.

Dammit Bobby
