What are you doing? (Part 1)

Viewing a friend’s latest photographic exhibition

Angels and Wolves

Below a sample.



A. An Iron Will
B. Genetic Superiority
C. Truth
D. All the above
:evilfun: :laughing:

:-" =D> When one can entertain oneself, that’s glorious! :laughing: :laughing:

It Seems that Magnus doesn’t want to say, but I had pictured the how already… the second I realised, and wrote, that line #-o


I’ve rarely ever gone to a normal club night out… it’s either always been a boutique cocktail bar and club, or a private event held before the club opens and the members and locals start descending on us… at that point we continue to party for a while longer before deciding to head off home and leave the clubbers to it.

I have been to larger clubs like Fabric, Scala, ex-Vibe Bar, Mother Bar, and ex-Subterranea… but I’m not a fan, beyond the experience of going there.

I would love to say but unfortunately I have trouble trying to decipher what you’re asking. The word “hoise” was unfamiliar to me, so I had to google it. If we’re to trust this popular source, the word is synonymous with “elevate”. Thus “to hoist one’s particulars” means “to elevate one’s particulars”. But what are these particulars that have the property of being able to be elevated? I cannot think of anything. How many of them are there? I am afraid that, even if you answer this question with maximum precision, that you would have to be explicit. Even use pictures to illustrate your point. Until then I do not think I will be in the position to answer your question. Though I would more than love to.

Spurs lost to Warriors. They blew a 20 point lead. Very unfortunate.

How do you manage to go out dancing if you suffer from chronic fatigue or otherwise some kind of energy deficiency? Do you drink energy drinks or is it alcohol that boosts your energy? How does that work?

I know you are not into after-party sex, so I don’t really understand why you need to buy lingerie.

1 man can’t make a team, unless it’s LeBron. Leonard isn’t going to win a championship alone. It’s teamwork man…like socialism. Unless you have LeBron.

Kawhi? Nooo. That one man is Popovich. There is a rumor floating around that he can win a basketball match without any players on the court. True story.

Kawhi is out for game 2. So they’re done. Popovich is a role player.

And you would like the one white guy in the entire NBA. You’re such a racist.

I am white. So why not? What color are you? Black? Maybe black and white? Maybe white soon to be black?

Nothing against Kawhi. He’s a great guy. Met him once.

I met Michael Jordan when he played minor league baseball for a season. Chicago sent him to their minor league affiliate team which is in my city.

Picking who you’re a fan of because of race is kind of arbitrary and its considered a little tacky. That’s why. I mean, there are better players, why not be a fan of a better player?

Or you could say because he’s from your town. But picking someone because of race is just tacky. It’s bad manners, and having bad manners hurts you even more than it does the world. Self interest and all. You should act in it.

How can I be a fan of a white guy without it being racism?

I never said I’m a fan of Popovich. Just that he’s a white guy who’s been pretty successful as a coach.

You said basketball ain’t white.

So if he’s from my town, that’s okay. Is it okay if he’s from my country? And if so, why not extend it to race too?

Just because man. Part of it is your history of that crazy kind of power/hierarchy/eugenics stuff you’re always doing. It’s rational to view your preferences as being arbitrarily based on that kind of nastiness because everything you say relates to that stuff. Like if a guy has been caught stealing 100 times, and he comes to your house, and something comes up missing, then its natural to assume he stole it. Sorry man. You’ve made your bed, now you have to sleep in it.

You could post pics of yourself partying with some black people and I might reconsider my assessment. But for now, you liking Popovich probably means you’re racist. Sorry bro.

Well, if they don’t like my history, I am sorry, that’s their problem.

I’m a white guy in Alabama. Should I want to own slaves?

latestplasticsurgery.com/ivanka- … er-photos/
Yeah, I think it’s very possible that Ivanka had some facial augmentation surgeries (maybe even chin/cheek implants) to give her a more chiseled look. I think her natural face shape is closer to Chelsea Clinton’s (more rounded). (I was wondering why Arabella did not look like her mom…I guess she’s like Lourdes, Madonna’s daughter, and takes after her original look).

You think its possible?

I’m like, 100% certain that there no way that she hasn’t had surgery.

I doubt that ‘particulars’ in the way that I have chosen to creatively use it here… is in the dictionary, but I will try to enlighten you on its intended meaning here… without the need for explicity.

Your ‘particulars’:-

your male member
your baby-making equipment
your little Magnus
your Magnus replicator
your cell replicating system

  • I use my offshore energy savings account… from which I will be making a small withdrawal later on this evening. :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Good question… energy drinks (and most foods) have no effect, and so would probably just turn to fat from the unused calories, and I’m not sure what effect alcohol has on the condition… apart from making life as I currently know it more palatable. :neutral_face:

  • I seem to be depending on energy that doesn’t derive from the mitochondrial cells, so maybe that energy is coming from glucose (I will have to research that) so I can only dip into my offshore account while my current account is temporarily suspended.

…as opposed to underwear?

Lingerie (as opposed to underwear) completes one’s party attire… just as much as shoes, a coat, or a hat does… which are also as equally as important for party attire as the aforementioned is… especially for dress-up.