What are you doing? (Part 1)

Life is suffering, the self is an illusion, desire is bad, everything is circular.

The End.

Watching catch up TV and catching up on ILP posts, after having helped the annoying ex update his CV.

Marrakech really took it out of me, so I’ve practically spent the whole weekend sleeping… and I’m guessing all of next week too… still got 2 suitcases to completely unpack, and a house to still tidy. :neutral_face:

I am the same in that way. It is separate.

Big Little Lies theme song

youtu.be/DSDXnrid5rY … awesome

and this also


Until I’m with someone I’m not with someone, so any intimacy up until then means nothing… as that’s unnecessary energy expenditure… like many emotions are.

I don’t know many women like you Mags. Once you commit, it’s on…I mean the emotional faucet?

How to graft a new religion out of all the already established religions? Since they all lead to the same afterlife essentially, that should be the unifying piece which is Peace if you behave. #-o O:)

Yeah ya do… Kris :slight_smile:

Commit to what Wendy? There was nothing to commit to… can we not enjoy any moment for what it simply is?

An old buddy of mine would constantly get caught up in each such ‘moments’ then bed the guy the same night on fake promises of dating… it broke her for years after… she should have took the moment for what it was, and then took herself home to her bed. These guys were serial monogamists/liars, and she… not very clued up on posh attractive alpha-male rugby-playing public-schoolboy-educated serial monogamist/liar types.

There is always someone waiting to take advantage of the weaker other… it’s like a human default setting… I’ve seen it happen all around me over the decades… humans simply cannot help themselves. Having a non-responsive setting to counteract the human default settings come in very handy during times like these.


Try this version… it is shorter as the original soundtrack I think goes for about 10 mins.

Eating a fancy cheese plate and drinking a flight of beer on a lovely patio, reading the news, collecting pokeballs and waiting on a friend’s boyfriend to pass out so that she can come and meet me for drinks.

A serious relationship…then the emotional faucet is on?

Mags wrote

Well, Kris caved, fell in love, and tied the knot. You are a holdout, very different. What’s needed for you to cave? :evilfun: :angelic-sunshine: :orcs-whip:

That Buddhist forum was a bust. Hardcore moderation of even simplistic questions. Half of my posts, which were so restrained, were not approved. Not a place to ask questions, not a place to learn. Anyway, I told them to close out my account. Studying alone is often safer than falling victim to moronic teachers.

I explained Buddhism a few posts up. What other questions did you have?

Good question!

Reading it and living it are two different things… the former being way easier than the latter.

How do you fare in living it… just for one day, MrR?

Tell him magz, don’t take no crap from any man!

Preach it brudda! preach it! :icon-rolleyes:

I know a few monks and occasionally hang out with them. Lama this and Lama that. I don’t think one chooses to be or not be a Buddhist, I think its just a fairly accurate description of how the world is. What’s so hard about it? Avoid attachment, realize that the self is an illusion. Everything is circular, yada yada. I saw the Dalai Lama once. Sat in the 5th row. He was alright. I’m going to a thing a few weeks from now where one of his translators is giving a lecture. I think eastern religions are remarkably simple, and properly stated, quite eloquent. It just seems like intuitive stuff that most kids already know. They just don’t know the jargon. People look for depth where it isnt. Religion is an easy path, philosophy not so much. Most people just don’t want to read Russell or Kant. So they make believe that religions are deep in their mysteriousness. Its a waste of aptitude in many cases, and thereby somewhat of a tragedy. I don’t think that the Buddah would have given anyone a vocabulary test, he probably would have just said to live in peace as a result of understanding some fundamental things about philosophy. But that’s too hard for a lot of people.