Very Fake News


This “fact”? Lol. You’re a bunch of silly paranoids masturbating to your racist fantasies.

Go ahead and demonstrate the “fact” as you say. You actually believe that a small religious minority, one continuously persecuted over time and which nonetheless forms part of the grounding structure of the archetypal mythic consciousness of modern western civilization, “controls the world”. You’re insane.

I’ve already outlined the distinctions between global elitism and “the Jews”. You clearly do not understand what you talk about, if you think the Jewish people are anything but victims and scapegoats in this whole globalism cabal elitism mess.

Victims that own most of everything? Don’t the owners control what they own? Your being a stupid liberal again to believe that they are innocent…innocent like Hillary right? Poor Hillary…poor Jews.

There is no “the Jews” person or company or organization to “own everything”. You’re being stupid.

If I said “the Christians own everything” that would be stupid not only because everything isn’t owned by Christians but also because “the Christians” isn’t a group, an entity, a person… “the Jews” doesn’t exist except as a demographic group label for entirely different people. A label cannot own anything.

Still waiting for that proof, by the way.

The last three Federal Reserve chairman all being Jews is paranoia? GTFO!

Jews practically fucking invented globalism moron.

Yeah, the great fucking victim that kills Palestinian women and children.

They use their religion to organize, infiltrate, and takeover dumdum. The Jews are their religion which only serves them and that’s the way they want to keep it. You are too stupid or blind to ask what do they have planned for the non-Jews who will own nothing eventually.

Federal Reserve dumbass.

You can’t even formulate your own premise properly. Let me help you out. You should be saying, “everything is owned, the world is controlled by, Jewish people”. Except that isn’t even right, as my Jewish neighbor doesn’t control the world, or own everything, so you have to amend that to “some Jewish people control and own everything”.

And even that isn’t right, since I know plenty of non-Jewish people who own and control things. But beside that, another error you have is needing to determine what percentage or number of Jewish people “own and control everything” (lol) compared to the rest of Jewish people who do not, like my neighbor? So, what do you think the percentage or number is? I’ll wait for your “facts”.

To sum:

-many things are owned by and controlled by non-Jews

-most Jewish people do not own/control everything (in fact none do, see above)

-“the Jews” is a label for a religious culture group, and such groups cannot “own and control” anything. Things are owned and controlled by individual people, companies, or governments.

So yeah, your claim “the Jews oen everything and control the world” displays only retard level thinking.

Omg the leader of an organization is Jewish!! Conspiracy!

Haha. How fucking stupid are you?

Is it just one organization Void? Why don’t you do a recount?

If your neighbor is a naturally born practicing Jew who does manual labor, grunt work, I’ll stop right now. So what does your neighbor do?

Why don’t you mention those “facts” you alluded to, or answer my question: what percentage of Jewish people “own/control everything”? 1%, or less?

So yeah, even if hypothetically 1% of Jewish people owned and controlled everything, which they do not, that wouldn’t even prove your point.

You need to look into the cabal. I don’t recommend it, but until you do you’re going to fail to understand how this “elite” group of globalists uses politics and religion for their own ends, while not belonging to any politics or religion. Jew hate is an excuse for not thinking, an excuse that the “elites” are perfectly happy to have you believing in, because it keeps you stupid and distracted in petty racist and unreal nonsense.

Challenge the facts of the Federal Reserve I dare you.

Do we really have to post pictures and names of every Jewish banking or media exec here? GTFO!

Where’s my answer…the truth?

Jewish manual laborer?! :laughing:

You would have a better time spotting a unicorn.

Cannot you not grasp that the religion holds the value and dispenses it according to the needs of its congregations to start businesses or take over businesses…all between Jews, through their banks…duh dumdum.

I know but dumbass Void wants to go down to the mat but without getting himself knocked out. Pow! Pow!

Jews have above-average intelligence and have been breeding, and educating their own tribe, for a long time, millenniums in fact, with such principles. When you teach your own tribe mathematics, doctoring, medicine, banking for 1000+ years then obviously you rise through the ranks. Jews are internationlists and religiously devoted and loyal to israel (Jerusalem).

I disagree with scapegoating as scapegoating is inherently immoral. “People only have themselves to blame.” Even if it were true that jews, or any other group, “had absolute global power” then that wouldn’t mean they’re immune or impervious to overthrowing. But it’s a moot point since it’s not true anyway.

The real point is, if you want power so badly, then you have to take it for yourself. Learn from your enemies. And if your enemies are the jews, than what have you learned from them? Shouldn’t you take away, at least, the fact that education is important and that, perhaps, you ought to educate your own children in such and such way, for 1000+ years?

That’s hard to compete against, against a group with a millennium head-start over you.

What have your ancestors been doing for the last 1000 years?

What is your inheritance?

I wouldn’t blame the jews for that. I would look inward. If I do not have an inheritance then I better start saving now. However most people don’t do the hard work, which is, planning out a 1000 year dynasty. Hell, most people don’t see beyond tomorrow, or today. Or 10 minutes from now.

Forget having children then Urwrong, many dollars short and many days late, your kids will never stand a chance against a 2000+ years old religious conspiracy, but this is not about their greed as individuals or even as a collective, it’s about their lack of respect for all non-Jew life on this planet. They and theirs will eat while you and yours starve, that’s how they have set it up and its working its way there bit by bit as the West unravels economically and as Otto said they being the parasites they are will “invest” in the Chinese until they bleed them dry.

Jews are an enemy to the sanctity of life for all on this Earth. You and your kin will be the dust that blows through their techno mansions.

And in addition as Ive already said, it is part of Jewish culture and tradition that they tend to care for family more than others. Jewish people tend to value higher education in the professions such as medicine, law, politics or business and they often help their children out getting to be successful in life. Christians aren’t so much like that.

And as I’ve also pointed out, there are only so many positions of leadership in those various professions. If you have a relatively small number of such positions available and one group of people who value education, professional success and family helping out each other, then yeah they will tend to occupy a larger percentage of those positions than they represent of the overall population. It’s not hard to figure out. It isn’t a “conspiracy”.

And yeah, if these values of some or most Jewish families are really that good, maybe we should try to learn from that example.