Turd's warped views of masculinity.

Thought about it but I dont think transmen are reincarnated transwoman. If anything, I would be the weird bilesbian you meet at the bar, you ask her “You ever wish you were a boy” she says, “Maybe fore a day or two, but really I just want to know what it’s like to have a penis.”
That would be me, the curious bilesbian, don’t think im a reincarnate transman, never really went gaga for the male form ever, I’ve gently respected it, but never went gaga for it except in the occasional browsing of yaoi manga. I can do things like play soldier without really having a solid need to embody a male avatar. Doubt in a past life I would ever be so attached to the idea of the physical male form that I would want to have it as an avatar, unless i was a obese chick with lopsided boobs and a pussy that smelled every 3 seconds, then maybe in that life i was a transman, otherwise theres a 98% chance i was never a transman in a past life.

Thats not Biblical. Garden of Eden existed without the slightest of evil.

Biblical Garden of Eden has Satan roaming around it. Besides, Bible isn’t the only source we have on it.

Nice to see you just refutated your bullshit belief that everyone is everyone else reincarnated, one person living each life in succession.

A design oversight. God is like a librarian, all knowing but not all wise.

Didn’t refute it perse, allthough it seems that way, many persons could be pzombies along the way.
The alternative, parallel souls, presents an information paradox.

That is entirely possible but I think on balance Trixie would be happier being a woman

She could have multiple orgasms and sex with lesbians which she currently cannot have

tru, tru, all good points my man.

Sex with lesbians is not hard, I can go across the street and get that, sex with attractive lesbians under 200 pounds who aren’t ignorant druggies is much more difficult.

You gotta have standards, not just a desire to fuck anything and everyone.

And you know what, sometimes your standards are higher than what you can reasonably get. Just saw a Trump Election video, and she was reporting.

Abby Huntsman, wouldn’t have anything to do with me. Wouldn’t even be able to get close before she would have a guard rush down the hall and pepper spray me. In fact, might just get a package in the mail, open it, pepper spray explodes for even thinking about her. Like her anyway.

Standards, all about standards.

I see zero reason why a young educated man with a military background like yourself could not have a beautiful intelligent woman like her for
your wife. And sex with lesbians is not actually easy less you are a woman. If it was then Trixie would be having hot lesbian sex all of the time

When Trixie gets her vagina she will be able to have hot lesbian sex with women like this
Would you not want one as well Turd even for a day so you could have hot les sex as well

…and which INTJ traits would they be, that I do not possess?

Would all my traits be evident/exposed by me to others, on a philosophy forum? would anyone’s’?


I am not INTJ but can not have a partner because it would severely compromise me psychologically
I function far better the freer I am so being in a serious relationship would be no good for me at all

She went from being a privledged media scarlette and senators daughter to fucking hobos and lesbo trannies overnight.

S57- no. Just no, definitely not how it works.

Like, at a minimum, I would have to save her from drowning in a river, by leaping off a bridge and pulling her out of a sinking car, take her to shore, do CPR, then fight off a wolf pack trying to eat us for three days in a rock shelter, with just rocks and my fists, till the last wolf is defeated, then carry her 100 miles back to civilization, before she even notices me enough to ask my name. Just not anyone can get a woman of that hotness. Easy to get a fat ugly chick, not like her though.

A man who has been neglected by a mother will have to deal with deep seated underlying abandonment issues. He is more likely to unconsciously sabotage his success and relationships (b/c I don’t deserve it). He may also be clingy and try to control (correct) his partner’s behavior/actions, while at the same time trying to get their approval. All of this is based on fear of abandonment and low self-esteem.

Think about it, if a guy is craving unconditional love (mother’s love, really), what things would he unconsciously subject his partner to, in order to be sure he has it. He would require a continuous non-stop reassurance, a bottomless pit of need really, perhaps even until the day he dies, which would be quite stressful in a normal relationship. Average people have shorter limits as to what is acceptable and what is not, and beyond the limit, they would simply walk out because the boundaries of autonomy would not be equal. And that would only serve to support the confirmation bias of undesirability.

I am a bottomless pit of need and despair.

Probably, but who isn’t? More likely as the first born child who watched for years as a mental illness swept over his mother, I’m much, much less worried about seeking parental approval, either mother or father, and am uncomfortable with it. Your presuming I was having a competition for my mother’s affections, I’m a self absorb INTJ, I merely noted others were having thanksgiving dinners, as I walked through distant towns, looking through the bay windows, not me. When I was around, my goal was to avoid her, and my connection was to my younger siblings I couldn’t help.

I never had much of a connection to my mother, and have few memories of seeking her approval. I was under five when that happened, after that, I started detecting something was amiss and the effort wasn’t worth it. I was usually just told no, severely beaten, or had whatever accomplishment I achieved destroyed by her. It isn’t a Citizen Kane situation, I wasn’t left with a question nor a longing for her or a simpler time, I saw it fall apart worst and worst over years, and watched the kids get hurt worst, as my mother became more and more twisted.

Who would seek approval from such a woman. If anything, if forces a militantly paternal complex on a kid, juxtapositionef against the rest of society. I saw our inequality, then saw the whole thing happen to the rest of society starting under Bill Clinton when the town broke down.

If I was seeking her approval, I would of sought it by now. I have what is called a “spiritual mother” in Christianity, a unofficial adopted mother. I care for her, and vice versa. You really don’t grasp the level of loathing I have for my real mother, if she was detected knocking at my diir, I would hide holding a baseball bat, with the full expectation she would force her way in with some guys hiding in wait. Zero love for her. She has all my intelligence bit is twisted insane, and likes to hurt others while playing mind games. She is a absolute mockery of anything maternal.

If I’m needy in a relationship, it is for very different reasons. It wasn’t learned from the hell demon I learned from a very early age to increasingly avoid. I’m more worried about NOT expressing my emotions, or authentically connecting. As Shirldmaiden noted, I’m a INTJ, we don’t have the advantage of finding out opposite… The formula in MBTI only makes sense if your not aware of where we uniquely sit in the cognitive networks of the mind, most people have unconscious opposites, we really don’t at a statistically meaningful level, best I could do is find another, which at 1.4 percent of the population is extremely unlikely. Most will lack similar life experiences. I don’t think a non-INTJ grasps just how utterly diverse we can be. I’m left sharing like, 20% of who I am with a woman, the other 80% anguished and repressed. 50% I can’t even talk about, even if I was open. I’m needly like anyone else, but mist women just aren’t up to the task, has nothing to do with my mother, be the issue even if I was born with a silver spoon. In order to change this, I would either have to give up on who I am, or fundamentally change who she is. If you know anything about my philosophy, you would know either is without option. I’m a philosopher, and already long ago disgested my memories of my childhood. I’ve analyzed it with brutal precision, did the walks in the storm and the quiet sitting on the beach watching the rising sun burn the fog away, 6000 days ago. A lot has happened since, I’ve undergone a lot of changes. My taste is women doesn’t reflect my mother, but unrelated experiences. She is more or less a extreme warning not to repeat. She is one of the worst people I’ve ever known, and I specialize in bad people. She is a lesson not to be repeated. That doesn’t result in need, but extreme caution.

Well, my opinion was based on personal observations (and personal experiences), and a lot of these things function on an unconscious level, revealing themselves only through actions, and often recognized only by others and not the self. If you have managed to make your personal underlying complexes conscious, as you claim, then good for you, but I’d still say that the shadow aspect of personality has a knack of wearing different masks and hiding in the unconscious, so even if you think you might see it, you might still miss it as it just adopts a new mask. It takes a lot of conscious effort to really know yourself.

We don’t wear masks, psychology has moved on from a examination of theater a century ago.

Nobody knows all their complexes, even if I had a future survey of all complexes a personality type could have, varient by varient subtype, I found I could recognize all in myself. I do have a great range of awareness, but some topics I don’t delve into. I’m not a child psychologist, doubt I’m gonna rewrite the stages of childhood development in a new fundamental manner. This doesn’t mean I don’t stare my own thoughts and origins down either.

Secondly, a lot of psychological theory is shit, we see traits, and force them to match the theory. Individuals become slaves to presumptions of others. It isn’t too different to someone like Dawkings explaining with simple clarity how evolution works… That’s a big red flair being shot up in the dark for me, when the explanations come too easily and fit what we know. Suggests a drive for the completion of known schemas is in effect, and much less one for actual empericism or skepticism. We live in one if the least skeptical eras in history, despite our supposed emphasis.

When a man is found to be needy, causality and history matters less, personality and situation matters more. Our personalities are only partially crafted by our parents. Did my mothers neglect make me a INTJ? Unlikely, but she effected some of my parameters. Not having a math book in 6th grade likely lead in a shift away from my Thalamus, so I couldn’t become a proper INTP for example, not to mention constant moves. Any antisocial tendencies I have, have that unconscious aspect hidden away, waiting to rebel if a severe enough trauma occurs. I’m not exactly a fan of the INTP mind set though, you see Sauwelios and I don’t exactly get along. Anyone and everyone potentially sits in our minds, I try to find out where they sit in my own, how I’m similar and how I differ. I know it is a practical impossibility neurologically to combine the two, it us one or the other, none of Fixed Crosses retarded magic merges the two, Freyman’s math and conception of beauty comes closest, but that’s using the network already as it is.

No, when a adult us needy, it is coincidental if they had a shitty patent. Has a lot more to do with actual psychological needs of the individual, needs they would have either way. We were given a plausable scientific notion that strife in development carries over, but the mind constantly struggles against childhood trauma, and will balance itself out in time. If someone is needy, it says a lot about the kind of stimulus they require back in return. Suggests intimacy is currently lacking, or they just need it more than a person is used to. Extremes within a personality type aren’t unknown, either low or high desires. You have sinewaves against a larger backdrop, and in healthy relations we all drive in time for the mean.

We don’t carry carbon copies of our parents in our heads, they are partial models for adult sexual relations. They don’t even make for half of it though. You gotta have some deep psychological issues for it to carry over. Like, in the movie Psycho, or Trixie claiming to he homosexually gangraped. A parent denying love isn’t enough, as mist children learn to get that from others. Our biological mates aren’t replacement for parents, nor are our children. If a man is needy, it is best to just focus on the man and his sexual relations first, before looking at his dreams, parents, or tie collection.


What is this actually saying about the motivations of exchange and process of information within intimate relations? It isn’t derived from parental instruction, but our own needs to balance and explain information with someone dussimal, reaching a working synergy and synchronized understanding. Interpersonal isn’t always mnemonic, there is always strife and inability to connect, and when we do, it is often less about the adult behavior- the play we indulge in, and more coincidental, by paying attention to both ourselves and the others. Hence the INTJ paradox, there is a bit more to ourselves than others are aware of.