Turd's warped views of masculinity.

Too late, it festered. So I carefully judge every woman who shows interest in me. I want a smart, passionate, beautiful woman, one better than me, but have to consider her in the light of modern feminism. Can she possibly be a good mother, could she handle a child from me of all people. I was jumping chain link fences and going off on the run across the city as a toddler, police used to swarm multiple neighborhoods miles around looking for me. They found me once in a college during course sign ups once, they said the police had to duck down to see the little feet running through the crowd. I did not live close by at all. I recall jumping barb wire fences in industrial areas within a few hours of having my diaper changed.

If my kid inherits just a little bit of that, most mothers would go nuts. I was never tamed, I learned the necessity of society and blending in from the needs if my siblings and the threats of the police. I would of preferred a good mother. San Andreas, not a good place to run amok as a child. Yuba City a tad bit better.

With the DnA machine, we will all have wealth beyond our wildest dreams. Women won’t have to have 3 jobs a day like modern society and modern living.

There will also be a button, modern women can flip a switch so that they genuinely modify their brains to enjoy being with their own children and mate instead of selfies all day. Then, once they spend 5 hours with their kids, they flip a switch, the selfie-switch, then they can go back to bitch-mode and post selfies for 5 hours.

Now, you may have noticed I said the word mate. Their mate, could very possibly be a chick with a dick, male with a penis. I would not use the word husband to describe such an entity, but rather a maid or nanny of sorts, a nanny tranny.

See Pandora, you and Trixie are a match made in heaven. Only thing left is for Magnus Anderson and I to have a knife fight, deciding who will be the flower girl at the wedding.

Some people put their faith in God, others in Money. I put my faith in rubber. Specifically, latex. Specifically, a rubber latex condom. Wizard says, my soul goes into my child and I will reincarnate as him or her. From what I’ve seen of Pandora, she exposed her inner bitch one time too many, I would not want to experience life with her as my mother.

I wouldn’t put too much stock in condoms, kids still happen. Just don’t fuck a woman you can’t bare the idea of being stuck with in some fashion for 19 costly years. That’s the bare minimum cost of intercourse.

Since I don’t like (giving) buttsex and im not into oral, I guess Pandora’s not an option.

I have no job or family and I am of no use to society so am a scum bag according to Turd but I already know I am of no
use so it does not bother me. I am too old to be justifying my existence by making excuses anyway. I suppose the only
saving grace is I know I am worthless. And if Turd ruled the world I would be taken out with all the other undesirables

No, you would just be reminded your undesirable and encouraged to contribute, even if it just means buying a jacket for a child in the winter, or having a meal at a diner with a homeless person, or helping a guy find a job.

With the DnA machine, we could turn you into a hot lesbian, you’d definitely be useful then.

With the Dna Machine, we’d all be geniuses, world poverty and hunger would be solved, guys would have jobs they enjoy.

You surprise me. I would have thought you would have zero sympathy for someone like me. I do not think
you have any moral objection to killing given your military background. And so it must be some thing else

Hot lesbian isn’t inherently more useful than anyone else. Your confusing a “making your own values” kind of sterility with sexual eroticism.

Far more likely, sexuality would rapidly decay and decline in your society, like it did with the self-cloning species of the Tleilaxu.


They learned to look upon sex with extreme abhorrence, not wanting their younger cloned selves ever to experience it. They allowed useless non-threatening mutations to build up too, and each clones became uglier over time, till they looked like ugly elves, but otherwise healthy and functional.

There will be no hot lesbians in your DNA Machine future. It would become rather pointless fast.

Turd, a person with your history needs a strong support community. Not all church communities are conservative (there are some churches that even accept gays). If you want to go more liberal, there may be some hippie communities in your state that live off the grid (your thing) and put emphasis on traditional gender roles. With your ideas, you could even be in the leading position within such community, and get the appreciation and acceptance that you seek. You could fit into a closely knit farming community as well. But you shouldn’t be living alone in the woods, holding a grudge against your mother. This usually doesn’t lead to good things. Just my opinion.

I will be long dead before a DNA machine is ever made. And while being a hot lesbian may have
its advantages it is not in and of itself very useful to society. That is not in any economic sense

Don’t say such a blaspheme. I will not rest until my childhood dream of saving the world and unleashing utopia has gone satisfied. Humans have spent far too long with their mediocre sex styles and their terrible politics. It’s time to take a break from the hell and blight of their dictated shitshow and endless blight&bombing.

Bene Tleilax have no souls, I’m well aware of failed alien races such as the Zetas, races which have no wisdom but technical professiency, Zetas castrated themselves and banned sex when they discovered howto genetic manipulate.
I dont have faith in the humans, but i have faith that their hollywood obsessions, anime, and sex obsessed tendencies will steer them in the right directions, you shouldn’t map your plan of the future based on fictional scifi TV characters anyway.

I’m not gay, never said I was. I’m a totally different category of beast. Difference is night and day, Batman and Joker. Joker wears women’s makeup, “wait till you get a load of me”, “this town needs an enema”, chases after hot busty blondes because he geniunely wants them. Batman is gay, has nipple suits, hangs out with boys, chases after hot busty blondes only because he is tired of Alfred.

Tbh, LG is not LGBT. Gay rights are not my rights, gays could have rights but for a 1000 years I could not have rights. I am not gay.

In fact, I am jealous of gays. They can have on-demand sex at bathouses whenever they want. People who like girls cannot. There is no girlhouse. If you like girls you are forced to a life of celibacy and sexual frustration until you encounter a rare moment when you get lucky. But gays can have sex on-demand every 2 minutes. Gays have more privileges than whitecismales.

As for me being born gay, argument doesn’t apply to me. But if you meant it as a double entedre, what can i say.
I always wanted to be a lesbian, I mean, i was an extremely sensitive kid, fascinated with sex-changes at an early age, the first time i ever masterbated i imagined i was a lesbian, im pretty sure having a vagina is hard-coded in my sexuality and there is some sort of neuronal-mixup when I was born.

Its natural, an inevitable, for nature to produce entities such as me, trasexuals, its’ the same process of nature producing philosphers and geniuses. philosphers, geniuses, half of them are failed mutations that never reproduce, neitzche, tesla, etc. same with trasexuals, half of them have families, half of them dont. nature produces genetic abnormalities such as philosopher, or trasexual, as opposed to the majority of humans it produces are basic, simple minded idiots, in their mind they might say there isn’t much use for the philosopher, just as the philospher doesn’t really see much use in them, but that is nature’s way, its what it is, we learn to get along and not nuclear holocaust, because our instincts are to love and to survive.

No, my military background, a close reading of many texts, emphasizes the worth of men, that ethically it is wrong to pointlessly cause harm and take life, and that the way forward in violence, if pursued at all, is exceptionally difficult to navigate. It isn’t something you let emotions or prejudice lead in.

You just assume off of culturally projected stereotypes. I actually advocate far less death than most liberals, and when I do, it tends to be exceptionally well studied, I pay a lot if attention to reducing secondary impacts, be it in collateral damage or lost if life. As a security guard, my goal was to never make a arrest, but rather to intimidate people in not stealing- a criminal record can reduce a man into poverty, and that can last for generations.

I’m the exact opposite of a fascist. It is why I can say I’m more liberal than most, I’m exceptionally well read, try to be broad in my associations, and try not to write off most humans. Who was it on this forum that defended Muslims? Who was it that befriended Trixie? Who is the Christian?

These are not contradictions, if you feel that way, it us a testiment to the weakness of your outlook, and the civilization you were born into. I am not a part if that, you can see from my life I wasn’t much allowed to be a part of it. I learned by a careful study of myself and others, and going back to the root classics of philosophy. My useless as fuck uncle is gay, I’m not gonna kill him. Be nice if he contributes to help others though, even if it is just his time.

Yeah it is. Best moral booster ever made.
The happiness of the individual is really what matters.

Let me ask you this. Do you think a cow measures its life in terms of it’s usefulness to human society? It’s like, killing a cow may ultimately be useful to society, but the cows aren’t actually happy. And if we had a herd of cows killing cows, it would be just a bunch of sad, unhappy cows killing each other, to perpetuate their meaningless and vacant lives, lives they dn’t actually enjoy, to generate more unhappy generations of unhappy, miserable cows.

I don’t think I could make you into a man even if I really wanted to. Only another man may be able to do it for you.

Don’t want to be a man, but I’d rather you make me a man than another man. The thought of a man making me a man, he must of be so disgusting that I never want to think of another man again.