Transactionary Prostitutive Nature Of Women.

4 minutes and 42 seconds or so…shit had my dying.

^^^^Mr. Reasonable

Yeah, that was pretty hilarious. :laughing:

Did you see the female one posted?

I ran through a few of them while doing 3 other things. Pretty good shit.

Everything is correct in this, except your closing statement.

But women are naturally inclined to look for males that are good providers, with steady jobs and a solid steady income. This has been the way it has been since the beginning of time. Women will almost always (except moderns who want to pretend that the world is different from how it really is) pick the male that is the best hunter for her and her potential family. Most women do not want to be with a man who is unstable, and hasn’t had steady work or has proven to himself that he is a successful man. The problem with men who are not successful, is that they often have low self-esteem themselves and make lots of excuses why they haven’t become the best person that they can be. They are often melancholy, or even bitter about not achieving and display properties that women do not want to expose their children to.

This behavior is instinctual.

Now, some women that have been corrupted by mass media and stupid social engineering to believe that they deserve the rich or don’t have to put any work in as the gatherer and nurturer and those women are really quite stupid. Those are the ones that you should avoid at all costs. But you shouldn’t let those low status women looking for a leg up through money and not value taint your ideas about women.

A good woman will still look for a man who is stable and can show an effort to succeed. She will stand beside him and they will lift each other up through all their accomplishments as a good hunter-gatherer pairing.

Here’s an excerpt from your post that I want to respond to;
This is how a woman looks at you as:

  1. Your total worth. - This indicates the ability to save and be responsible, as well as make sound investments for your future (and potentially hers)
  2. Your income and job. - Your job says a lot about who you are, personality wise and that may be a logical indicator for her of who she can live with for the remainder of her life. Also, income is important because she also wants to succeed in life and doesn’t want to be the only one carrying the weight.
  3. How much property you own. - Again, this is an indicator of a good investor in the future, someone who looks forward and plans to live in a stable environment with a modicum of safety (ownership)
  4. What people you know.Who you are friends with, and how well you network with others is an important social factor for most people, including men. It means that you can work amicably with others and show and ability to compromise. That can be negative as well, if you surround yourself with sketchy people, you are more likely to make sketchy compromises with friends as well both ethically and morally. No woman wants to plan to have children with sketchy characters… they leave that to the low status females who have “accidents”

There are some very valid reasons that some women value a few things (among others) seemingly above others. She is biologically driven to find the best father/provider/hunter for her potential children, just as men are driven to find a woman who is fit, with ample breasts and slightly curvy hips for child bearing. The bigger the breasts (within reason) the better the odds of attracting a mate. It’s simply science.

In this day and age, we also look for other values depending on the person. For me, it was someone with a great sense of humor and an extremely intelligent and logical mind, as well as someone who had height and was highly attractive to me sexually. I was lucky to find someone like that, despite several relationship failures prior that should have altered and tainted my ideas of men. But I have an intelligent mind, and I am logical so instead of wallowing in my failures of judgment and shirking responsibility for the choices I had made, I decided what would be best for me in my life and I went after it.

Don’t blame only the women for the behaviours you see, become the best person you are and they will come to you not for money but because you’ve become a man.

I think you missed the forest for the trees.

Women are simply walking lie machines, they can’t go for 1 minute without telling a lie.

It is not about money or success, it is about instant gratification. Women are inherently unstable and need to constantly have ego attachments of other human beings[1], they cling on to men and then quickly change their minds. What man would want to put himself through that? Women are no different than the feminine man who uses women as sex objects, then disposes of them. The only difference is, most men are not like that, but most women are, although not sexually speaking, but wholly speaking. Women treat men as disposables, in fact the entire world treats men as disposables.

The reason for this is lion psychology, the majority of young males in the pack are killed by the alpha, then some escape and then die of starvation. Then, some return, kill the alpha, then kill the other young males, rape the females, and the cycle begins anew.

Women need to stop treating men like animals. It causes a worldwide schism. Men, are subconsciously being treated like animals, yet at the same time, denied use of their natural instincts. Frustration, and feminization understandbly arises. Men, have little incentive to contribute to an animalistic world, which pretends to be civilized, yet is deeply barbaric underneath. Nobility, is deferred, barbarianism is preferred, but at the same time, openly refused, which brings me to point 1, women are simply walking lie machines. Women’s world, and feminism, says animal behavoirs are uncivilized, yet in actuality, they promote animal behavoirs. Men are confused, they are told one thing, that they should not act as animals, but subconsciously, they are being told they should act as animals. Should they act as men, or should they act as animals? Is their only worth, measured as their value in a barbaric society? Is a man, by extension a slave, because self-sustaining men in the forest, outside of society, are not sought after by city girls? Women will try to rationalize their behavoir, saying women are justified at being whores because it provides college tuition for their kids, etc. anything to deflect awareness of the true core, which is that love is not the same as money, women just use men as disposables for their money, I know several girls who married rich guys and don’t love them at all. What really turns women on is not money, but sheer barbarianism.

I think you’ve missed the forest for the trees.

[1] (unlike men who only become ego attached when they are horny or in love, and hornyness and eros is feminine anyway, otherwise men become ego attached to aesthetics, creativity or nature and do not need human novelty)

Arditezza, the point is that women are materialistic and hedonistic by nature.

Of course it is a reasonable demand that a man has a job and can provide for himself and to have a family, but that doesn’t make one a materialist and a hedonist.

What does make one a materialist and a hedonist is when people become identifying with the stuff they buy, and when they become obsessed with obtaining material things regardless of whether they serve a function or not, and begin to consider them extensions of their identity. These are the people who buy a new smartphone every year, or people who buy absurdly expensive cars when an average car could fulfill the same function, or buying new shoes constantly.

Take the example of the video of a guy trying to pick up women by alluding to them with gestures that he has a lamborghini, but then he picks up his bike. This would exemplify women leaving him justifiably - first, it seemed like he was intentionally giving off false signals about his possession of the car, second, there is no room on the bike for two, it would be uncomfortable for the woman to ride with him. If it was a normal car then yeah, the women could be justifiably considered gold digging whores (and I do believe there was a guy, I think it was Vitalyz or something, who did the prank with a normal car in place of a bike).

HaHaHa, I consider materialism and hedonism just filters. Aka, if a woman displays them it tells me she is worthless for anything more than sex and so I adjust my behavior accordingly.
It’s kind of like complaining about women going for the black guys… yes, such women are disgusting, BUT, the fact that they do it also exposes their nature for what it is, and helps you recognize them for what they are, so that you don’t make the mistake of treating them as anything but filth.
I noted earlier that one of the advantages of liberating women from the constraints of conservative social norms is that you can observe female nature for what it is, if left unchecked, and it becomes easier to avoid airheaded and degenerate women (or use them), whilst in conservative societies all females would be forced by social norms to pretend to be virtuous and dignified even if most of them are vulgar and governed entirely by primal instincts and urges. The female nature is now on full display… Enjoy the show while it lasts.

Some women are materialistic and hedonistic by nature, that is a choice that they have made.

Good women see value in all things, not just materials and sex. That’s what I was trying to say. High value women (not monetary, but women who should be valued) are the ones who understand all the factors and make choices that are worthy of their status and their own personal value.

A high value woman would not have to dress like a whore or use whorish tactics to get a good high-value man. She would go about her business of being a successful woman (gatherer/nurturer) in body and mind, and the men who appreciate that would be drawn to her as she would to them for being stable, intelligent and a good hunter/protector.

The problem is that there are too many women in today’s society who value themselves in terms of money. Therefore, when you can buy them things, they feel this increases their value even though it’s an empty value in reality.

It’s why “high” fashion is so deplorable, it preys on women with low self-esteem and gives them a fake platform in which to build their fake empire of self-worth. But it’s all smoke and mirrors and they all find that out eventually. It’s a shallow life for most women, and unfortunately is spreads to their children through osmosis.

More importantly, is the question of “Can the woman provide for herself”? Nature’s role is for the female to care for the baby. Often times homeless females get knocked up and then find themselves unable to provide for the baby.

The female’s function in life is as a secretary. She is second rate at all things. For every genius female programmer, there is a John Carmack who is better at her at programming.

The goal of feminism seems unclear, it seems wholly contradictory. The goal seems to promote the idea of women needing to be strong and independent, yet at the same time, promotes the idea of gold-digging and looking down on poor men. The cognitive dissonance of the movement is very high.

I believe women should be strong and independent, this is nature’s role. The man’s goal is to be a hunter/farmer/inventor, not a wageslave providing for woman that don’t love him’s babies.
The word job is meaningless, it seemly refers to money which is an abstract agreement between two parties. Job refers to the ability to please men and women, abide by their rules, and accept a contract of temporary servitude, in exchange for money, which is an invisible agreement between two parties of “hey, Pick me, because I helped you out and was your slave for this amount of hours!” The days of “having a job” actually meaning something as it pertains to natural survival, have long been over. Freelancing, entrepreneurship, and jobs that have a tangible value are all but dead. Jobbing relates to “How well can a man suck up and conform to the needs and whims of other men, and how well can he behave as a female secretary?” The days of walking up to Farmer John, shaking his hand and doing an honest days work for an honest days meal are all but dead. Jobs are just building endless piles of shit that they dont need, to buy more shit that they dont need, a pyramid scheme. The real test of a man is, can he live in the woods? Hahaha seems to have fulfilled that experiment, yet he does not have hordes of women fawning over him, why because women are attracted to slaves, nothing turns them on more than to be a slave and to be with slaves, nothing more turns her on than to see a man suck the proverbial dick and contribute to the communal herd of jackoffs, groupthink, slaves and nodding heads.

I understand what you’re saying especially concerning the upper echelons of women in society [which makes sense] however you must understand the epic nightmarish proportions of the society we live in now where even the lowest common denominator of women are viewing themselves as princesses or royalty where they deserve the best of everything even though when they have nothing to offer themselves.

We have a society where extreme hypergamy has completely thrown everything out of balance where chronic singleness, declining reproduction numbers, and marriage rates plummeting reflects this.

All of these extremities bring society on the verge of collapse over a period of time especially concerning overall diminishing returns of population renewal all stemming from feminism and women themselves. Any behaviors from men is merely reactionary as these are all things women are waging on their own.

I can not stress enough that modern consumerism and capitalism added with political feminism are the determining factors as to why we’ve find ourselves in our current nightmare in western civilization. [Ironic of course because feminism is purely a socialist manifestation but when albeited with modern capitalistic culture a disastrous potent combination.]

Concerning the destructive manifestations of consumerism and capitalism in aid of feminism we clearly see this prostitution transactionary nature of women all the more clearly in that under both systems relationships, families, or all social interactions have become commodity based. They in effect all become commodities within such an environment all centering or revolving around the marketplace.

What do you get with a declining global economy, endless amounts of unemployed men, and naive women without a clue that in their vanity cannot see past their own hypergamy?

What’s that old saying? Ah, yes, once a woman enjoys certain specific amounts of privileges, luxuries, securities, entitlements, and protections she’ll refuse to ever again lower her own living standards. [Not on her own anyways.]

Feminism meet the wall of reality and consequence…

Buckle up, it’s about to be a full head on collision.

A little humor for everybody.

The evolutionary psychology of all females are that all men are Johns or at least potential Johns to have children with and everything they need in life taken care of by them. Like any functioning hooker it’s all about cash up front or anything of monetary value before any kind of relationship engagement.
