time travel?

Well, I don’t think that counts as time travel.

But this might:


Very nice.

There is, perhaps, a much simpler objection, one that does not depend on causality.

Either X (e.g. Corona virus outbreak) happened in the past or it did not. If one accepts that it did, and goes back in time in order to to make sure that X does not happen, then that would mean that X did not actually happen.

If you made a mistake in the past, you can’t go back in time and fix it without denying that you made it.

What this means is that, in this particular sense, it is logically impossible to change the past.

What’s possible is to repeat the past in the present so as to influence the development of the future. This, however, isn’t “changing the past” in the literal sense of the word – the past remains unchanged. It is “repeating the past in the present” which is configuring a good chunk of the future state of the world to look like an earlier one which is a quite expensive process. The Boys from Brazil kind of thing.

This type of argument would/could be questioned sans the parallel universe supposition, which could probably account for the idea of infinite recurrence.( ecce homo)

Still, you are not changing the past. You are merely jumping from one branch onto another.

True. But relativity is a toss up between phenomenal and epistemological certainties. So even if You jump between quantum and quality, it is merely a simulation of space time effects.

The jump changes both, the temporal and spatial matrix, where one can literally jump into a universe where the jump off point may already ceased to exist.

Hypothetically this ’ existential jump’ could be effected, and displacing the dasein boxed in stasis of the apprehension of of ego reduction. >>>>>>>>>>

Reverse dialectical ant-synthesis.