These are not universal truths...

Nihilists can have a personal value system but not a universal one.

News to me. You mean that moral system that applies to all beings (objective) that there are no objective morals? A direct contradiction !

I just made a post about truth tables in philosophy…

You might be interested

That’s a set empty of morals. Therefore it’s not actually a contraction since it’s a non-system.

You have to make a positive statement to make the claim, which makes it not an empty set, which means exception is allowed into the system, which makes the system self contradictory

"If “reality” doesn’t mean “the empirical world” to you, you’re probably a philosopher. If it does, you can relax. You’re gonna be okay. "

Our king Alexander held his Christmas speech and he soothed us by saying “If you’re down on your luck, don’t worry, its okay”.


If we define truth as an accurate representation of some portion of the universe, then the following quote is weird.

It makes no sense to say that a representation is accurate “today” and not accurate “tomorrow” or that it is accurate “in Africa” but not accurate “in Australia”.

Either it’s accurate or it is not.

Instead, it is what we think is true that can differ from one moment to another and from one place to another.

People tend to confuse “what someone thinks is true” with “what is true”.

This quote has a different problem. Truth (\neq) reality. Truth refers to a representation of reality. It does not refer to reality itself.

This, on the other hand, makes sense.

In this case, the term “universal truth” can be interpreted to be a reference to a representation that is accurate but not completely accurate. If we say something like “Every women is shorter than every man” then this is clearly not completely true, since some women are taller than men, but it’s also not completely false, since most women are shorter than men.

(On the other hand, if it wasn’t meant to be taken literally, if it literally means something like “On average, women are shorter than men”, then the statement is completely true.)

Godammit Andy. That statement is completely false because of the existential quantifier ‘every’.

I hope you aren’t making the same mistakes over in the math thread because I got a lot riding on it. If you lose, these guys are gonna want their money.

There’s still some truth left to it.