The Prospect of Immortality?

Money is a means of satisfying our drives, not a drive in itself. Does anyone want money for it’s own sake? Or do they want it for the things they can buy with it?

Doesn’t mean they don’t want money or more than dole money so they can have a better standard of living.

I’d say most people want money for the things that they can buy with it. Thats the only thing that you can do with money really - other than for a minority of people, keeping it because they like it provides a drive for acquiring it. But by saying just ‘money’ in general is motivational, I cover both applications of money. So I think its a valid motivational drive.

Money may seem as a motivational drive for some people. I’ll agree with that…

If you’re not motivated by money, you have enough.

Perhaps comfort or material wealth would be a better term to use then. Or power, since that’s what money gives you.