The Helper In The Dream

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that sounds delicious!

I worked at one of Montreal’s top restaurants (they were going for a Michelin start when they fired me). They didn’t make anything that even approached that level of delicious.

I mean, I’m not a super fan of overdoing it with the sweets on a main course, but this is sound as shit. This sounds like a feast.

I’m telling you, people paid $100+ a head. Nothing approaching this level of delicious.

That’s almost foundational, isn’t it? Who are you and who is the other? Religion is an example of something which aimed to give focus to that. Though not particularly the best focus and in one way or another there was always a ‘middle man’ to check the interpretations.

Maybe the helper is me. I had an experience (not a dream) like that once, where after it was over I wondered if that was me from a different time/dimension visiting myself in this time/reality. One of the questions that I asked myself was that if that was indeed me visiting me, then where will I be, what will I become, that it will be as easy to travel through time/dimensions to visit myself as it would be to now just hop in the car and go somewhere.

Well, if Peacegirl is right, one need not worry, because who You are, was, will be is always determined. The choices You make always the only choice that could ever have been made.

Your dream regards this quiry, that You have doubt a about sustaining Your identity through time and space.
Your doubt surfaced through time and then suppressed and hence the dream of interpreting what should You become.

Your helper , maybe You, maybe even one of Your family, in struggling to find out who You are ( helper or helped), ((veering between consciousness and sub or even unconsciousness)) symbolically morphing.

Full-blown determinism? Not too sure of that. Why would a cosmic agency want something fixed to that degree? It would make of our lives nothing more than existentially standardized components. The only upside to that would be if once the standardization is completed that there would be some kind of liberation. Learn to drive the standardized car on the standardized road, then you’re free to drive it anywhere in the way you want. Like some kind of Department of Human Vehicles.

In the non-dream experience it seemed like my identity was still in effect somehow, otherwise why would it visit me? And why would the possibility of such seem like a natural answer when I considered it?

Well, in that possible dimensional context then ‘family’ would have a very different meaning. Family that I knew in this time-space-line, or family of a larger, cosmic context?

Put it this way… I rang one of our utility companies to make a request, and the call centre operative started shouting at me about a past encounter with the company… before I’d even mentioned my name or address… and my telephone number was different to back then, so I could only laugh puzzlingly as this weird RL scenario played out over the telephone and as the operative? continued shouting at me and then hung up.

That was a few years ago… since then, these no-help dreams have subsided but not replaced by any alternatives, so I have no dreams to guide me in this current time, but I do dream.

Did you speak with a supervisor of the company re your experience?

There are many dreams one has and often they’re not guides for awake concerns.

Did you at one time have a lot of helpful dreams?

I did not want to speak to the company after that experience… I had other options for that service provision, so pursued those options instead.

My dreams have always been guides for awake concerns… my last prominent one came to pass, and I mentioned it to those concerned, and there it shall rest.

My dreams were always omens and signals and signs, but never helpful no… I help myself!

I had a vivid (for once) dream two nights back, and it hinted of helpfulness…

Del Overs, “Full-blown determinism? Not too sure of that. Why would a cosmic agency want something fixed to that degree?”

Hyper reality is the apex of demonstrating the maximum beneficial intent of Cosmic Consciousness.
Think of it in the metaphore of photographic imagery.
Before simulation’s inception, stillness was the source of whisper inspiring the gentle caress of spring’s eternal reminder through her rustling leaves.

No time can focus of Nature’s bounty be demonstrated by her, except through such aesthetic obedience to herbdepth, proportions, and stillness.

I certainly want to consider it beneficial, and it’s in my best interest to do so. But it can be a task knowing personal intent let alone one of a cosmic category.

What if Jung IS right and there may be a connection?