The essence of fascism … chtenstein

That’s a mischaracterization… He gave you a limited set of things that were loved.
That in and of itself, is discriminatory… unless you love all things equally you are discriminating between things.
There is no way around discrimination… it is necessary for any degree of preference… hell, it’s necessary for any kind of perception.

If I feel love at all and I perceive a threat to the things and the people I love, I will be highly motivated to remove that threat.
This extends into political systems and leaders… I would want systems and people in charge that would preserve and defend what I love.

More than that, depending on my level of conviction in what political means of preservation would and wouldn’t work I might consider dissent, at best, a foolish mistake…
But if that dissent persists after the mistakes were corrected, I might begin to see it as a deliberate attempt to put in harm’s way, that which I love… a threat

You, right now, are doing just that.
You see “fascism” as a threat to the values and society you believe will best safeguard what you love.
You imagine “fascists” as mentally compromised by pain, loss or other such malady, seeking a scapegoat for their anger and resentment.
That’s an easy way you can dismiss their views… but in doing so you are blind to what’s really behind it.
You don’t know what you’re fighting, you don’t even know how to guard against becoming the thing you oppose… much less able to talk someone else off that ledge.

Neurologically sound people do not go out of their way to look for enemies… especially when they themselves or the people they love are suffering.
They look for solutions… and if they are told the solution is to conduct a witch hunt for jews, illegal mexicans, white supremacists or fascists… that’s what they do.
To save what they love.

And every single one of them will jibber-jabber about how their side is motivated by love and the other by hate… or some such self-congratulatory drivel.

Nonsense, Poppers paradox shows us that intolerance towards intolerance is needed.

OMG, the people who are intolerant, like the left and liberals, always think they are tolerant folks. Lefties show up with their boom boxes and microphones, whistles and bullhorns to silence other people’s voices in the name of tolerance. Their levels of retardation and insanity is amazeballs.

You’re mis-characterizing what that type of tolerance is. They are tolerant to cultures, different races, different ways of life, and even women being equal. Yes, they are intolerant towards those who are intolerant of that, just as they should be. That’s what tolerance requires, intolerance towards discrimination.