The Decline and Fall of the American Empire

The only way it’s not in a decline is for the 1% of people coalescing their power.

The US has no resources, and little industry because they resources are purposefully blocked, and the industries were quite openly sent to China, Japan, and a few other countries. The US has been designed, pretty much since around 1912, as I said, to be England’s hand in setting up the global empire they openly write about setting up. This is practically laid out, including the chemtrails, in The Next Global Revolution, which was published by the Club of Rome, a geopolitical thinktank.

Now that the US has done it’s part, it’s to be purposefully destroyed so that we can usher in a NWO global society, where there are no superpowers—no way for anyone to revolt, really—and nearly everyone works for the state, the ones that don’t are the criminals/resistance the state is in employ to jail.

That is what is coming. If you think the world is headed in a different direction then by all means, feel free to tell us your version. I doubt it will be that different from mine fundamentally, even if you want to lift known, verifiable people and clubs into abstraction so it’s more psychologically pleasing.

This type of stuff isn’t conspiracy. It’s all public fact for anyone who has the energy to look it up, which surprisingly few do for whatever reason. You cannot call me a conspiracy theorist (well you can, but it’s retarded) for this type of stuff. When I start talking about aliens running the show at a higher level, and things like that—that is a conspiracy theory, because it’s mostly based on testimonial evidence. There is a difference, and those of you who lump it together are lazy thinkers.

fuse - you have clearly been breathing in those contrails.

O_(M)_G -

Here I am with my ass in the air. What in god’s name are they waiting for?

Do you know why 9/11 happened on 9/11, and not say, 9/12?

Their system of control is based on making the public think that pseudo-science like numerology, symbolism, astrology, etc, is pseudo-science.

If you’ve looked at those topics and found them to be, in all honesty, devoid of any intellectual substance, then there is nothing I can say to you. From my experience, Faust, that’s exactly what happened with you. Maybe I’m wrong. I’ll admit that, with you at least, I don’t care anymore.

Why hasn’t it happened yet? Cause it’s not time, that’s why. Look at you, you’re halfway into acceptance already. Why rush when, in a couple more years, you’ll be fully primed?

Anyone want to talk about the decline and fall of the american empire, then?

Responses like that fuel my arrogance.

Again - REALLY, Gobbo? You would do well with a reading comprehension course. Did I say I base everything off some movie I saw 10 years ago? Nope, pretty sure I just said I saw it and it was ridiculous. I’ve attempted to listen to you spout off, but where we got stuck, if you remember, is when I asked you what you plan on doing with that knowledge. You were unable to give me an answer. Like I said, KNOWLEDGE is the first step towards CHANGE. If you go no further than reading an article and spending some time thinking about it, what fucking good are you to anyone? I’m sure it makes you feel special and important, to believe yourself to be “in the know”, but being “in the know” isn’t going to prevent you from having a black bag shoved over your head, either.

I already answered this. Your linear view of change is simplistic. That’s not how things work.

As I said, if everyone knew what I knew, the problem would be solved. Learning is action. It is an act. All the acts which work against us are done, except for the 1%, by people just like you and me. The more they know, they more they can exercise their freedom (before it’s too late) to say, not lock up an innocent person for voicing dissent, or not follow those orders to kill whomever in some clandestine mission, or not pass whatever law. I could go on, and on, and on.

I’m embarrassed for you that I have to spell this out. You know me, and what you’re asking is like the instant defense mechanism question everyone asks when very first presented with this material. I would have thought you were past this.

My opinion of England just went up a little. Wow. Didn’t think that would happen.

Are we talking about the same England…? We’re more screwed up than most of the world put together.

That’s what they want you to believe, Tab.

You’re so gullible.

You do realize that we have to deal with what we’ve got, we’ve got to fix THIS, HERE, NOW, and knowing what the problems are isn’t going to magically make it all better, nor will bringing everything out into the open suddenly make all of our problems melt away. You’re bitching about reality while your head is full of ideals. That’s all well and good, I won’t fault you for it, but don’t fucking sit up on your intellectual high-horse and be embarrassed for me because I see the need for ACTIVE change.

The knowledge that only you and other “special people” like you possess can’t change the past. The future, sure, but if you haven’t noticed, in the PRESENT we’re kind of preoccupied with the fallout of past decisions.

What…umm…sort of…golden age of America are you referring to? There are a lot of versions of the US’s idealized past around, and none of them are true. The hyper-masculine fantasy of the cowboy, the moral fantasy of the atomic family, the capitalist fantasy of industrialization, and nd now the mystics fantasy of equality, freedom, and social awareness? How about a time frame, rather than the horribly controlled perspective that the past - thus the old status quo - is better than the future. You know Gobbo, this sort of argument is media control 101 here in the States.

I am not, nor never said I was special. That is 100% projection on your part - some assumption that to know enough to not be irrelevant takes some special skill or ability.


You had a (decent enough) economy and you didn’t have the patriot act and its subsequent progressions down that road of non-freedoms.

The PATRIOT ACT was a whopper, and I can most definitely accept that it made things worse for the individual. Although, there is no reason to think that it is a change in spirit from before, it’s just technology allowing covert surveillance to become ubiquitous. Internet age’s version of police infiltrating societies deemed radical, library monitoring, and pre information age gathering. It isn’t so much that the government has become bolder in it’s actions, rather the proper way to view it seems to be that there is more information that can be gathered. Ofcourse this does represent a loss of freedom, but it does not represent a change of policy for the government. Nice thing though, there’s so much easily accessible electronic information that they still cannot filter it effectively.

Don’t buy the economy thing though. It doesn’t make any sense on a conceptual level to compare upturns and downturns and conclude that one is inherently worse. They are one process. If on the other hand you wish to lament Wall Street, NAFTA, globalization, and consolidation then I am with you. Specifics are required here, though, otherwise the discussion has the same affect as 100 repressive garbage theories about how we need to roll things back.

As I said before, economically the real golden period was between your war of independence, and 1913, when you lost control of your country back to the British bankers. The entire period since then has been a systematic progression towards globalism.

I realize that running around screaming “PROJECTION” at everyone who disagrees with you is the norm over at ILO, but you’re not on ILO, so leave the pseudo-psychology over there.

So you don’t have a response to me correctly pointing out I didn’t say what I, in actuality, didn’t say.

Yeah that’s not projection at all.

You don’t have to say it. Your words reek of assumed superiority.

wobbly -

Which individual? Name one. Sure, traveling through an airport is more of a hassle, but the TSA has responded to complaints. The problem there is the same problem with any large bureaucracy, but those problems aren’t new.

And how has that affected your life? Or mine? They can surveille me all they like. I wish my life was interesting enough to justify it.

Wall St. has had another ignominious episode, yes. It’s the price we pay for greed. And I’m not being sanguine about it - it’s just not very different than it ever was. NAFTA - it can be debated - as economic policy. To debate it as a conspiracy against the little guy would be a political view. take your pick. Globalization has been happening in the West since the Crusades - at least. The West as we know it today was founded upon globalisation. Again, it’s merits can be debated, but there have been multinational corporations for centuries. Consolidation? Can be good or bad, but is also a longstanding phenomenon.

I’m not claiming that everything is rosy - only that it’s very easy to give a litany of very general phenomena and simply claim “it’s worse now”. That has been a tradition that has lasted centuries as well.

You realize what you said, is, to the T, what projection is…?