The Brain Creates Religion

There is a simpler explanation perhaps, that implies a trend or exposed essentially the way the mind works, its function, as indicative of its structure, its evolutionary goal, as being what it essentially is.

The way science has developed , as an interloper, by insistent verification of causes, of hypotheticals, , is , by developing paradigm examples of Ideas, which can be demonstrative of the reductive effort to find caused causes.

And these causes are reductive by lessening the number of these choices of developmental factors, which are lessening because they leave out more and more particulars, in order to retain hegemony which can adhere to the paradigm.So, the paradigm idea becomes more reified and in a sense , idealized , by virtue of repeated cyclical re-association with IT’s Self.

So far so good. All knowledge, in addition to scientific knowledge works in this manner, and that is why such knowledge can not let go, in fact, mankind can not let it go.

There develops an interminable relationship between the Idea and its application…

So it can be safely assumed that this developing sense of Self becomes the essential developing relation between the source. and its developing and yet to be defined outcome.

The relationship between this self and and the source is results in the shift of the paradigm to the right, replacing its manifested individual self being replaced. This logicality, is an expression of at first, of the totality of the center.Man was placed in, and after the so called great change of the failure of the Cogito ( Descartes) to travel to the left of the center, where central beliefs were protested against, and broke up the paradigm.

After that, the dissamblence increased to total denial of a central causative origin, and faith became just another liberal visage.

That said it brought us to post modern despair of the greatest doubting, the inability of the new God-science to become a substitute, instead if that, it. divided the self into two realms, by the razor of the peaceful uses of science being able to uphold mastery into its destructive potential, by creating a super intelligence-super man, who is posited with incredible power, and is able to save man; or its dreadful opposite.

The superman, the Messiah, the man god, the cybernetic hero will save us, so the argument goes.

This is no near fantasy of fake news, it is a structural reality, which is a very real paradigm , in the works, where the invention of god, will need to be renewed to sustain the greatest test of creation of faith in the difference between animal, man and machine.