The army will be out on the streets tomorrow

I would miss concerts, musical theater and libraries.

I would not miss the political correctness that seems to surround everything these days.

They have/had such people who police their own people. Someone like Saddam Hussein.

The same people who recently improved those countries where those so-called refugees are coming from, are improving Western societies as well.

I guess, it’s just that you have to break a few eggs/distinct people, if you want to make your mulatto utopia.

the failure here with most of you is simple,
you don’t understand WHY, why do terrorist attack?
and that is where you must begin…

it is to create change… every action they take is to create change…
and every time you change, you feed them, so stop feeding the terrorist…
do your normal due diligence at security and the like and don’t allow the terrorist
feeding by reacting to their need for attention…

by doing so, you become the one in charge and not the terrorist…
they are reacting to you and not you reacting to them…

this is important… it is not about some appeasing crap…
it is about how to deal with disgruntle children who have bombs.
it really isn’t much different then that…
the same tools needed to deal with unruly teenagers is the same tools
to deal with terrorists…

you have teenagers who demand the entire house run by their rules, teens rules,
and it is no different with terrorists, they want the house to run by their rules…
every terrorist ever has wanted this, this is the point of terrorism… and the reason
for the death count…and just as you don’t allow the teenager to run the house, you
don’t allow the terrorist to run the house… it comes down to deciding who is in charge…
you or the terrorist… and then sticking firm after that…

dealing with humans is still dealing with humans regardless if they have a bomb
in their hands or not… human relations is still human relations
if you react to teens or to terrorist, you allow them to think they have the power,
that they are in control and you must let them know that is not true and only
by acting in everyone’s best interest will they ever have some power…

people are people are people… they aren’t any different regardless
of the tools they use or the threats they make… they are still people ’
and thus have the same needs and desires as everyone else…
and they react the exact same way when given either mandates or
choices or demands…

if you have handled teens, you have handled terrorists… just
the tools are different, nothing more…recall that most terrorists
are very young, usually less then 25 years old and that makes all the difference
in the world… they are teenagers with bombs…


No, I don’t mean someone like Saddam Hussein. I mean people who go to the same mosques as the bombers and the people who live in the Muslim communities with the bombers… in England or elsewhere in the West. They have to turn the extremists away from terrorism.

If all those news media outlets wouldn’t be so reactive and try to counter-signal those right-wing extremists.
Just don’t react to what they do or say and ignore it.
Let them do their own thing. Soon they will get tired, because all they want is your attention.
I promise.

Guys, don’t be so reactive, stay in control and ignore.

I guess you believe that those who sympathise with those terrorists or in more general, those who hate Europeans and or the country they live in the West are a (small) minority.

I think that democracy in Middle-Eastern countries leads to Islamic Theocracies over there.

#race is real

#different peoples are a thing

#genetics are limiting individual potential

#liberalism is not the end-state of mankind*

*Let’s hope it doesn’t trigger the end of mankind physically though…

Nature abhors a vacuum, the mind abhors a vacuum,…
So you gotta tell people to either submit or to go on the offensive.
Submission is what they get their heads filled with today.

But who knows, maybe there will soon be an opportunity to channel all that generated resentment and bomb some Muslims, helping to advance the goals of our greatest ally.

I guess I do believe that.

What offensive? What would it involve?

It would involve bombing a Middle-Eastern country filled with Muslims and killing and destroying the life of millions of people.
Nah just kidding, it would involve making Western countries a less welcoming place for replacement migration from Muslim countries.
Impossible stuff, I know.
Morally and logistically unfathomable. So many people, sending them all back where they came from the last couple of years in more or less a couple of years.

But seriously now, the change in morality and morale would be the really difficult thing. The change in morality and morale among Europeans.

But I suspect, the really pressing issue for the older generation will be this:
Will the equity of my house stay high and grow if we don’t welcome all these new mouths to feed and bodies to shelter?

WO 1 never ended in the ME… its finally caught up with Europe again.

You can see the need for it as people like PK and Phyllo feel the need to ignore all this immense pain, laugh at it, ridicule it and brush it away - not a shred of humanity left. That is when disaster strikes, purifying humanity of its apathy.
The weakest are the slowest to feel.

The butchers measure death in statistics.
Obama stood laughing at the sidelines of 6 years of butchery while his SS went to engineer some more. Slavemarkets in Lybia now, Clintons pet project.

“Sad.” - Trump


I’m pretty sure that I did not laugh at anyone’s pain or ridicule it.

The Manchester bomber was a UK citizen. Presumably citizenship means that people can’t just be “shipped back” to somewhere.

Basic rights and religious freedoms are going to be protected during this “offensive”. Right?

It would includes forms of discrimination, so nope.
No universal openness.
And to quell the cries of islamophobia, this offensive would be much more offensive to liberals than Muslims.
Most Muslims would say something like - “We were wondering when you’d quit being faggots.”

Fixed Cross: WO 1 never ended in the ME… its finally caught up with Europe again.
You can see the need for it as people like PK and Phyllo feel the need to ignore all this immense pain, laugh at it, ridicule it and brush it away - not a shred of humanity left. That is when disaster strikes, purifying humanity of its apathy.
The weakest are the slowest to feel.

K: I offered up an solution to the problem and that is what is required…offering up my condolences
and appearing sad doesn’t solve the problem at hand…I can’t do anything about those deaths…
but I can create solutions to prevent future deaths and that is the most important thing right now…
I feel pain at the death of anyone for any reason… far more then I used to, probably because
I am old and death isn’t that far away for me… I have seen death and I have felt death’s sting
in the people I have lost and as I grow older, if shall feel death breath even more as the
people I know and love begin to join those who have already begun their eternal slumber…
one can react to death’s eternal victory in any number of ways…
with anguish and with pain and with sorrow and with anger and with hate…
but none of those reactions changes the fact that death is coming, for you and for me and
nothing we can do or react to will change death’s inevitable victory over human flesh…
the best we can do is treat it as a problem for which there is no solution… and come to grips
with death’s cold embrace…it is not that I don’t feel enough but I feel too much…
It is not enough to deny death for that is a foolish quest, but to learn to accept
death’s eternal victory over my body, but I don’t have to concede defeat over
my soul or my willingess to fight death for as long as I can… death will win out in the end,
I just don’t have to go quietly into that good night…and I don’t have to react to death
as you or anyone else wants to me to react…I simply offer up solutions to the problem
and let the dice fall where they may…

“Sad.” - Trump
K: death can be sad or as in anything else, death can be a learning lesson moving forward…
I prefer to use death as I use everything else in life… as a learning lesson…


Then you are throwing away something which makes life in the West better than in other places.

That doesn’t make life better.
Having your country not prioritise your culture, your religion(s), your people is what makes you having no country of and for your own kind.
It’s what rots away the quality of life in the West for the natives.

But I have heard that for many liberally minded people, this vague fuzzy feeling they get when they think of the ideas of equality humanism is what keeps them afloat in their daily rootless grind.

You can’t make them cling to something real, like their race and ethnicity, increasingly not even family, they will reject it. They are zealots of and for the afterlife, their ideal realm.

Maybe invent something new for them, where they can have their wish and perish blissfully without dragging everybody else with them.

As soon as you target one group for “special treatment”, then it opens the door for any other group to become the “unexpected” target in the future.

The rule of law, due process and accountability has to be enforced or it’s going to turn around and bite you.

So the rights and freedoms that are established have to apply to Christians and Muslims and others. It’s in your interest to “prioritize” it.