
MAGA is nothing but nostalgia.
Rekindling the glory of the 50s.
Thing is, things change.

Oh thats what you were doing?
The “lady” who uses filthy ad homs about someones family to protect herself from having to read, much less think, she is “holding a system up to logic”…

Thats beautiful Phoneutria. Just grand.

You’re going to leave it at that?

Oh no, you can blurt random quasi-statements all you like. And Ill keep very busy ignoring them.

Here I am in complete agreement.

But, for the moral and political objectivists among us, what doesn’t change is their commitment to their own assumptions about what does make America great. It’s always their own “telos” that, uh, trumps all the others.

Things change, sure, but they’re on top of that. It’s only a matter of what teleological font they prefer to back their own rendition of “greatness” up: God or No God.

If No God, then deontology, political ideology or nature.

Either way in regard to any particular instance of conflicting value judgements, heads they win, tails you lose.

You being, among other things, those fucking liberals!!


Whats certain is that such slaves as you do not deserve the gifts of the founding fathers - but it was never about deserving. They gave you so much more than you’ll ever be able to deserve - and thats part of whats so beautiful about it.
Lofty men.

There is no greater confirmation of my argument than the fact that on this respect, the constitution itself has been amended.

So go on and ignore me. Keep your Hero story. It is sufficiently edifying for boys without an identity.

Im more of a Nietzschean, than Parodites, or than the founding fathers - I can pretty well see that what they bestowed on you people is much more than you are worth.
Still I like this idea of axiomatic rights – IF we have any people-favouring justice system at all, it better start with axiomatic rights or it cant start anywhere at all.

A classic “argument”, the truth [certainty] of which, is contained only in whatever he means by these particular words placed in this particular order.

In regard to what particular context, pertaining to what particular folks construed to be slaves not deserving of what particular gift from the Founding Fathers?

As that either does or does not relate to what he himself presumes makes America “great”.

What do you say you two geniuses go figure it out amongst yourselves?

No can do. She as “foed” me. Apparently, no one has more contempt for me here than she and tab do.

So, you will either pursue this with me “out in the world” of masters and slaves, or it’s heads you win, tails I lose.

They gave me nothing.

I - Well I guess that gives you some credit.

Note I wasn’t making an argument.
I was blissfully abstaining from making an argument for a change, since arguments have a tendency to be shat on by the illiterate goonsquad and Im frankly tired of these all too typical humans.
Which leads me to…

Its simple. Lefties deserve a properly Leftie government. I know governments like my work too well for me to ever get in trouble with them, left or right. Im lucky like that. And Im deciding now to let my luck ride.

If Trumps victory has shown anything it is that America, save for Trump and his brave, hardline supporters, is pretty damned far from being Great. Probably no country has so many fanatical illiterates.

Ive always strained myself to get myself in trouble with governments, from a very deep seated moral sense of duty, noting I was usually the only one who was even aware of what governments are dong and, taking he suffering of people on myself.
But this whole recent episode here, which had people on a philosophy site explicitly turning against rights, literacy and other gains from the enlightenment, has made me stop and pause.

Why do I fight for these hordes?
Fuck it man. I quit this whole philanthropic business.

Im a new born misanthrope.

Fixed, what are you reading?
Who is fighting against rights, literacy and other gains from the enlightenment?
Are you talking about other forum members, or about the demons in your head?

"Here I am in complete agreement. "

Holy christ.

The Trumpster, still performing miracles.


Snark does not thinking make.

It does make a multi-trillion dollar college business, though.

No, I disagree.

I been fucking telling you for years, Jesus Christ.

These people are animals.

And let’s stop calling it Enlightenment, shzzal we?

The American Independence was post-enlightenment.

It was…

no but why fuck it up.