Straight From the Heart

I don’t think I explained game theory and sexual stratification well enough for you.

Males are sexually stratified, and socially ostracized. Women have the dating power. For instance, males are prevented from flirting with women, but women are not reprimanded for flirting with men. Women are catcalled on the streets, but men are never catcalled. Males commit suicide 10 times more than women. Female prostitutes are considered valuable, male prostitutes are not considered valuable, but a joke, like a gag gift.

Women are socially valuable, men are not socially valuable, they are deposited overseas as soldiers. Take this into consideration when examining behavoirs.

In reality, women hold all of the power in relationships for this reason. Game theory was made to combat this, to create the illusion that women do not have the power, to lessen the probability of rejection. Men are truly the victims, not women, and they have to use special tactics so they don’t get hosed.

If a male secretly has a crush on a woman for years, and finally tells her how he feels, she will reject him 9/10 out of ten. So when a male does find a woman who does seem to love him, he falls in love. Only the woman cannot understand this, she cannot fathom how someone is in love with her so soon. It is because the male already has had a lot of experience with women, while she has little experience with dealing with men. THe male has the capability of discernment (Such as Sherlock Holmes) and the ability to quickly read people, and the woman does not, she takes a long time before she can accurately read someone’s essence. Therefore, it puzzles and confuses the woman as to why he falls in love, and due to her own confusion she runs away from him, which quickly turns his love into despair, and rage, and just as quickly as he falls in love, he falls out of it. This gives woman the confirmation she needs, saying to herself that she was right all along, that he never really did “love” her.

It is clear as I can say. Anything excess, is excess. For example a rich woman who has all the money she needs, who refuses to date anyone poorer than her, no matter how superior they are to her, genetically or memetically. I have encountered several females like this, they are unbearable. For instance, I knew a woman who programmed videogames…she said she refused to date anyone unless they were as wealthy and successful at videogames, she said she did not want to date anyone who thought she was cool, and thought she had a cool personality for making videogames as a female, she only wanted someone who was as successful as her. This psychology indicates a blurring, an inability to discern superior/inferior values, the underlying ideal is money and wealth, and they cannot discern genetically superior or memetically superior entities, all is funneled as a function of money to them. For instance, they cannot discern good art vs. bad art, they simply buy expensive art because the price tag tells them to. This is different from just wanting a decent bit of pocket change to raise a baby, this is spoiled hedonism, and just plain odious and rude.

And with the money thing, again, if a woman says she does not like “broke niggas” it means she is either a spoiled hedonist, or cannot discern genetics/memetics without funneling it all down to money. The other option, it could mean that she equates sex=baby making and she implicitly assumes technology to prevent baby making, such as contraceptives, does not exist, at least in the back of her mind.

I offered you my sperm woman, to get you off my back with this Romanticism, and yet you persist. I am not the stuff that Romanticism is made of, Arc

I am hairy, and fart a lot, and inappropriately scratch myself in public. I sit in restaurants, and read… and sometimes I start picking my nose, forgetting where I am, and look up to see a shocked female looking at me… I try to be cool about it, and slip it away non-chalant into my mouth to chew, but it doesn’t seem to make their shock go away.

I don’t always do my laundry, rarely pick up after myself, pizza boxes stacked up high, my wrinkles on my shirt only go away once I sweat through them a bit.

I walk slow from a bum knee, my voice in monotone, and I’ve stopped shaving, and I am deeply impoverished.

I am not a source for flirting. I am unflirtable.

Why not go do this with Mr. Reasonable, or Only Human, or Satyr even? I am just not up for the challenge, I see nothing in the act of flirting if it doesn’t lead to sex, and nothing in sex if it can’t lead to a baby… no point. Its a waste of time. Id rather ear a pizza that uselessly flirt. Especially when the “woman” I’m flirting with could look like Richard Simmons for all I know. I gives a fuck about Feminine and Masculine forces at play. I got plenty of access to pornography with girls eye fucking the screen if I want it.

And calling me Gussie makes you sound like a old woman. Geriatric woman with a stroller. My name isn’t Gussie, it’s Steve. I am a real person, not a rubics cube of romanticism, you can’t figure me out.

Wow! you’re really selling yourself there Turd :wink:

I follow the philosophy of Popeye.

I yam what I yam.

I’m tired of being targeted as a disposable philosophy cock. I keep getting targeted at group meetings, they want intelligent DNA and a decent biology, but not the nasty man that goes with it. I even wasvtargeted by a model in San Francisco… no matter where I sat, she sat with me, knew nothing of philosophy. After a few months, she admitted she was breaking up with her boyfriend, despite constantly hitting on me, and was going to Europe for a few months.

The girl I always noted this with at the groups, trapped me later at her apartment in another town when I dropped off all my books for her to have, I was more or less raped, trying to get aroused at her sight (wasn’t appealing, I just wanted it done). I had to stay the damn night, thought she was into philosophy, but it was just cock.

Its happened to me a few times sense on various levels. I… just don’t have the heart for it anymore, I’m always let down. I’m not real, I just fit categories. Ex military, paratrooper so I seem tough (debatable), and am obviously intelligent, original yet very well read, stubborn, etc. I have class yet crudeness, elements far apart and incompatible in most men, yet any given point is unremarkable. Yet, women never appreciate that complexity, it’s all very simple to them. I’m not allowed to be a person, if I step out of their expectations for even a moments, they become weird. I’m just not interested anymore at playing at that level. If they like my looks, then take my sperm, don’t harass me otherwise. Ecmandu is just as attractive as I am. Mr. Reasonable looks like Jared from Subway, but isn’t that bad either. Just like… dammit, lay off my cock unless your willing to go for the full ride. I want my full adperations and vision, my ugly and my stinky, everything that dissapoints. I expects to see it in woman, don’t really see that depth. I expect more out of a mate… for starters, the capacity to mate, that’s No. 1. Married with children just doesn’t work out. I’m not a alcoholic with women issues like James Bond, want something more than just a pretty face, but dammit, I want at least a face. I’m not going to waste my time flirting with a faceless person who could be a balding, 400 pound, 45 year old make. I may not be the best catch, but do have requirements that the person constantly flirting with me St least certifies herself visually as female.

Ill be locked up in a feminist ran gulag for saying that, but dammit, it’s how I feel about it. I want real women, complexity of character and aspirations, not just a generic flirt. I want to see the movements of her soul in her actions and defiance, risks and endeavors. I want to feel the woman in her, not be mislead with Hello Kitty shit.

So till then, I’m a disgusting slob, and to be honest, it’s close to the truth in many instances.

An interesting site, but not one I’d come across through choice :open_mouth:

What do you, personally, get out of subscribing to the site Trixie?

There are aryan sites that want to prohibit liposuction and makeup too, who want the KKK to resemble the NAACP (honestly only a matter of time till they merge and fuck everyone over), I’ve seen them pull out just about everything. I wouldn’t bother asking questions of Why when it comes to their affiliation, it’s always a convoluted mix of Nazism and modern liberal arguments, always your neighbor next door, just misunderstood crap, with a dose of cryptic, latent violence and genocide, no different really from modern green friendly marxist. They are all enlightened progressives who insist either bevause of my blond hair and blue eyes, or my class background, I should support their Nazis/Marxist group. Sometimes they give you the zinger and combine Marxism and Nazism together… which isnt too hard to do, as both are Young Hegelian philosophies (Nietzsche was heavily influenced by them and took heavily from Stirner).

I doubt they can identify a single Aryan artifact from the Aru Darya river that yielded that civilization… rememer I pisted asking for Khazakstani and Uzbek historians on this site. They have literally zero concept of what is Aryan and what us not. I mean fuck… the guy who developed the idea married into a Jewish philosopher’s family… it was a linguistic theory only, and heavily mistaken at that. Very little archeological evidence back the shit more Aryans posit these days, I know it quite well, made a effort to learn the actual evidence arhrological site by site, myths and their mutations, routes they migrated to several civilizations. It has no bearing with these idiots running lose talking about Swatzikas and the white race, fuck… they werent even that white to hegin with.

Its a idiots game, shaking the dice and going with whatever collection of rotten data they have. Erik is a dark skin Mexica, so is a instant Aryan, clearly a mixed breed. Trixie… fuck, the Nazus would of mirdered the fuck out of him for crossdressing on the spot, in the streets, infront of children… no hesitation. Dont even get me stsrted on Zoots public masturbation and pot smoking, I doubt the gestapo was accepting of that shit.

None of this shit makes sense, till you stop trying to make sense of it. These two udeologies attract every absurdity and rotten taboo now. I really do like the idea of a angry Tranny rising to the ranks of Mein Furher. It seems rather fitting, we can salute them for their progressiveness as we push them off the plank. Im sure Eisenhower would chuckle at this show.

TF wrote:

The Trixie one crossed my mind, the other two are just as hilarious. :mrgreen:

You might as well try another planet. Ive encountered women who wear hello kitty shirts, who don’t even like the franchise. Just meaningless shirts, to add mirage to their meaningless 1 dimensional personalities.

The color scheme, like baby blue, is relaxing, and reminds me of babytimes. the conversations are easy going, and this is my equivalent to my social life. I can’t go outside due to my spectrum of disabilities.

Amorphos and Wizard are my favorite posters, but Amorphos avatar sickens me so I can’t read his posts, and Wizard has gone in the land oz.

Amorphos has a bit like a psychology of “one size fits all”, the kind of guy who walks into a library, and when people complain about his loud voice, he tells them that they need to get over themselves and it shouldn’t bother their peace of mind. Ie. the loud voice=a metaphor for his “avatar”.

What does me liking aryan beauty have to do with Is it not possible to agree with some of their views, but not all of them? What ever happened to give and take, picking the cream of the pudding? As a matter of fact, Hitler’s generals were quite ugly pasty looking, and would have walked off the plank along with everyone else, because they failed at the aryan ideals. I am not a nazi, the reason I want to castrate Jews is not Nazi related. Any good sane reasonable person would want the same thing. Nazis are a sad, defeated people. They will take any leader they get. For example, the comic books provide a character, a Nazi heshe dyke, who is a goon of the Joker. Back in the day, Hitler would have banned Joker’s makeup, but now Joker has the makeup, as well as Marilyn Manson. it is as Darth Vader said…“Now I am the master.” It is really the best deal a girl could ask for, get revenge for what the jew’s did to babies, and make nazis my slaves. Together we can overthrow the Illuminati. I am no fascist, my rules would be fair and reasonable, no turning people into toast and what not.

Ferguson/Steve :evilfun:

Well, your response certainly was Straight from the Heart. I have to hand you that although there were moments when a little less information might have been better. lol

By the way, I also sit in restaurants and read too. I like to sometimes sit and simply observe people but unobtrusively. But I don’t do the things which you do in public. :open_mouth:

I’ve already intuited/gathered that you’re not much of a source for flirting. But I’m not sure that under the right set of circumstances with some women, you still wouldn’t be. I would hope that you would be open just in case the right one came around but take your time since you won’t know that she is or isn’t until it’s too late.

I would love to be in the mind of other women as they read your words here to see what effect they had on them. Have you ever placed what is in this post on an on-line dating website. You might be surprised at how many hits you just might get.

LOL I’m not even sure how to answer this question directly for obvious reasons so I’ll answer it indirectly.

Do remember Hume’s words: “Beauty in things exists merely in the mind which contemplates them.”
That has to be so since there is so much beauty which I see in the world which others do not and visa versa.

You know, I really do not want to “put you off” or make you uncomfortable so I will not, as you say, flirt with you though I, personally, do distinguish a difference between downright flirting and being warm and friendly on line. I’m warm and friendly with many people in here but there have been a chosen few who I have flirted with, not trying to be so blatant about it. But I can see where discernment and yes even compassion and understanding consequences may be called for when engaging someone in a deeper form of conversation with them. I can’t help who I like and feel attracted to but I can help what I do about it. You’ve actually done me a favor in rejecting me though I am not offended at all because I feel that I understand where you’re coming from. The favor comes in making me a bit more enlightened when it comes to my dealings in here, for lack of a better word, I use dealings. lol Please do not misunderstand my use of the word “rejecting” here…
I know that you have not, in reality, rejected me, myself and I — just another form of reality which wouldn’t be realistic. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I only called you Gus because the word itself is in Ferguson. As I said, I do not want to call you Turd. I was once going to call myself “pond scum” lol, believe it or not, not here though, because I was out walking one summer day in a park with a lake and the pond scum actually looked quite beautiful to me as the sun shone on it, as it floated on the water - it glittered. Beauty REALLY is in the eyes of the beholder, isn’t it? So, being the skeptic, I would have to ask you if your name really is Steve? Steven or Stephen. It’s a nice name. I once walked with a stroller, two of them actually - my son’s and daughter’s. I’m far from old but that has nothing to do with either of us because I do not want any more babies and I don’t understand why you would - as you say, you are impoverished. A man needs to be able to care for his children but you can’t really be that impoverished since you say you do have a job, I recall in a post that you said you worked nights. It’s best, for YOU, to keep your life just as simple as you can and I have a feeling that you are doing just that or at least trying to.

Don’t you know, Steve (?) ever the skeptic, :laughing: that half the fun is in trying to figure someone out but not totally. The mystery of a human being adds to his/her beauty…that is, if one is seen as being beautiful or interesting in some way in the first place.

By the way, DO NOT ever refer a woman to another man or men - let her make up her own mind. Women do have them you know. That is a downright sleazy unacceptable thing to do, you know.

Stay away from those railroad tracks. Nitey nite. :mrgreen:

I’m not what you think I am. There is a reason why I won’t type you, not because I can’t, but it’s better for you that I don’t. You merely want to be reflected in another’s eyes, the woman’s instinct to be seen. Your not going to appreciate just how nasty someone skilled can see. Such people are neither a point of romantic attraction nor of mystery, they are a abomination to be destroyed, because after a while, everyone becomes incensed at the truthful accuracy of what they can see, stuff we never want exposed.

I can see aspects of a individual best left buried in the deepest, darkest part of the soul. I fuck on the edge of death and delerium, love in the space of fear and exasperation, the very act of destruction and creation are the very eyes of my soul. It will disturb you, it would burn your sense of being to experience this in raw form., to sense the swirling totality of the malestrom that is my spirit. You really do not want it.

Your better off reading the books I sent you, and building your own capacity to read and type people on a novice level. I’m not a wise choice for a romantic entanglement. I haven’t met a woman yet up for the challenge indepth.

Its better to just explore your relationship with your husband, type him under a few systems and explore the unknown with him. I can fill you with what you need, but I wouldn’t stop pooring, it will burst your ability to tolerate and sense if reasonableness. The cure is worst than the deisease in our situation, so it’s best to not make it a situation to begin with. It’s for your own good, as well as mine. Just avoid guys like me.

AD wrote:

Straight from the Heart. Fucking hell, what did they do to you when you were a child.

I have read with interest your responses to various people here and it is only in the last six months that you have shown a little of who you are.

It is quite disturbing and sad, that you keep up this pretence, as you feel it is necessary for you to be acknowledged, accepted or liked. This last post of yours was quite scary, almost demonic.

What is really going on for you?

Its true Arc, your posts have been getting increasingly demonic. What did they do to you?


I’m not married…not that it matters in this case…definitely not.
So, since your thinking was faulty in one direction, perhaps you might consider that it is in other directions. Do you ever take the time to doubt what you think or believe that you know? It’s important in any endeavor or process of discovery.

Ferguson and Shieldmaiden too…

As for the last two posts, I will respond after I have caught my breath…maybe.
Words do have meaning you know – they can be quite powerful and they are capable of cutting like a knife.
Thank you both for raising and reinforcing my own awareness.

Have a good day.

There is only one way to resolve this problem between the Ferguson and arc.

They have to send each other naked pictures in a PM.

Until they are willing to do this their agapetos will never develop properly.

Sent a nude, I don’t know how this will help though. I know seeing that in my box wouldn’t make me too happy.

Well played.

Arc, your turn.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

On the contrary, it made me quite happy when I saw your nude picture…couldn’t take my eyes off of it. :evilfun: It was quite delightful and I couldn’t stop laughing.
I do have to admit though that I had more than a moment’s hesitation before I clicked on it. You would have been in deep waters had it been what I at first glance thought…but only at first glance…though it did take some will power to open it. :blush:

I’ll let you know ahead of time when I’ve found one of me so you can enable your PM…if you so choose.

[size=85]What is it anyway? [/size]

What is it? Geeze, Full Body Pic, with my dick in my right hand. Don’t ask me how I took it, it involved a timer and some mirrors. Lots of shaving, coconut butter… maybe a bad choice given temperatures and all.


You’ve mentioned him a few times.

Turd Ferguson


Wow, such finesse you have. At this rate, that agapetos Zooty was speaking about might be long in coming. :wink:


Okay, I said I wasn’t married and that is true.

Now, re-read my above quote and think! Tell me what you come up with. :-k

I’m still too poor, have a bad personality, out of shape, unreliable and anti-social, unattractive, and have a odd, lingering smell, with questions about my past no perspective parent in law would accept the answers to, to be a reasonable choice for a mate for their daughter. You know next to nothing about me, and I haven’t the slightest clue your age, what you look like. Just know you hate Jesus.

I’m not a healthy target for romance. I was a cynic most of my time on this site, they generally make for aweful providers, sleeping outdoors and not bathing for long stretcher of time.

Do you know how many cavities I have? A horrible source for flirtation I am. You might as well go after Oscar the Grouche. I’m just as qualified as he is to be a step-dad. If your flirting with me for any other reason that for having me as a step-dad to kids, then it’s insulting. Even Oscar the Grouch has standards and self respect, and knows damn well Romance once kindled is expected to go somewhere. If it doesn’t, then it’s not worthwhile. Really isn’t, at all.