So yeah.

Donald Trump is Israel’s bitch.

Well, I suppose it all comes down then to who is more effective as an authoritarian personality. And Trump [one imagines] would kill for the level of resistence Putin has.

Are those who own and operate the state capitalist apparatus in Moscow, intent on molding and manipulating the Chief Executive of the crony capitalist apparatus in Washington D.C. and New York?

And, if so, is that a good thing or a bad thing?

Me, I focus the beam here on the implications of political economy [wealth = power] in shaping and molding the world that we live in. In other words, it’s a good thing or a bad thing depending on how particular policies [on both sides of the pond] either strenghten or weaken your own perceived material interests.

Trump [some surmise] wants to tug America closer to the Russian model. Or the Chinese model.

In other words, the ruling class in America becomes more overt in running the show. With the part about “democracy” revolving largely around conflicting corporate interests.

The “fools” here are those who imagine that what is being done and what is happening are in sync with one or another righteous moral and political narrative. In other words, in sync with one or another God, political ideology, philosophical/deontological contraption, understanding of Nature.

And that our personal “values” in turn can reflect this. Ontologically?

Them and those foolish enough to believe it.

Unless of course I’m wrong.

And, given the manner in which my own “take” here is but one more existential contraption rooted in my own subjective understanding of dasein, conflicting goods and political economy, I find it hard to imagine that in all ways [or even in most ways] I am actually right.