Serendipity made me blart like a babby

And men too.

Very few women have such concerns. Like, emergency room doctors, a obvious case, such a man better show he can bend over backwards for her. If the woman is a politician. That’s what angers me about Anthony Weiner, not so much he is a despicable Democrat, that his wife was assasstant to a mad woman, but that obviously she cared about her job as assistant to Hillary, and Anthony road their coat tails, but blew the whole damn situation up, repeatedly, in a way utterly selfish, perhaps ranking number 1 in terms of worst shitheaded, self destructive husbands ever in terms of damaging scope.

Far less women search out pirtant careers than men. Not my fault that is the case,but it is,so chances are far more men arent selected for such traits in marriage as women are, even in our modern power puff girl culture.

I have always valued being independent. But I suppose I had different concerns.


Nobody is shocked by the revelation that 20 something girls see themselves as the center of the universe. Makes sense, given up until they find a long term mate, every waking decision a woman makes somehow relates to mate selection. You gotta reproduce before menopause, and women are looking in general for the best deal they can have. A guy could drag it out till he is 80, still have a child. We have substantially more wiggle room early on. Why most philosophers, politicians, etc tend to be guys.

We do hit midlife crisis where that shit goes out the window.

Well, that’s the unfairness of natural selection for you.

I know, that’s why I’m always crabby.

There’s no point moaning about what you’ve been dealt. Attitude makes the world of difference.

Fuck that, it’s my lot in life, and I will cry if I want to.

Not to say I couldn’t find a woman very quickly, but my heart would turn to stone and I would just dissapear down into a basement and die.

Well, as Tolkien said, not all tears are evil. You decide which are which.

Well, that supposed woman certainly couldn’t make you feel very good about yourself and your life in the first place.
So good for you. Best to leave her. Who knows but that you might find someone worthy someday while you’re out there saving lives.
Anyone or anything worthy is well worth waiting for, especially if one values their self.

About Serendipity, one way to also look at this: If they had been together and had not lost one another for seven years, who knows what might have happened? They might not value their love or relationship if they hadn’t lost each other and might have been divorced by then.

So the “wind” came and blew the phone number away. That was the beginning of their journey…

Sometimes eerily it does appear as though the Universe knows exactly what it is doing. It isn’t as if all they did was search for one another for seven years. They changed, they became different people, more right for one another, and when it was the “right” time the Universe brought them together.

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

  • Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio

That is so so easy to intuit!

Or, they could of had a grown up relationship, learned about one another’s needs, and got married, had a child, an moved into a wonderful direction, instead of remaining in unsatisfying relations they both despised and desperately wanted to flee.

It’s said half of marriages end in divorce, but what we don’t want to say is half work out well, and they build the best and most stable of lives. The half that don’t pull it off are little shits who keep distant, don’t communicate, grow out of love and lifestyle.

Notice there wasn’t a sequel to this movie? Cause they are the half that suck. I hope the hyenas get a full stomach.

Another thing, Kate’s character, she is the kind of stupid woman who names their kid something retarded, like “Destiny”, or “Chair”, or a normal name with bizarre spelling, like instead of Samuel it is Sauhmeil.

“Oh, I just want my child to feel special”… dammit, honestly, I don’t think women should be allowed to name their child anymore, some of these fucking names has caused me to loose faith in the idea parents know best. It’s like the time Arsenio Hall was told by his very proud African American cousins they wanted to name their black child after the River Niger… that’s a extremely bad name for a black child to have. Everyone is gonna call that boy Nigger in school.

So Kate and this guy, they are divorced cause they are idiots, and have shared custody over their little girl, named Chair… not Cher, but Chair.

I didn’t realize blarting was a thing babbies did.

You haven’t been around many babies then.

Finger of birth-strangled babe
Ditch-delivered by a drab,
Make the gruel thick and slab.

Macbeth, Act 4, Scene 1.

Note how it doesn’t rhyme, at least when written in modern spelling, and spoken in received pronunciation. In fact, in Shakespeare’s own dialect, which also happens to be mine, or near enough, bab (without the e) rhymes with drab and slab. Bab, of course, has the diminutive form babby. Blart is also another local word. Writing in dialect is always a hit and miss affair, but in titling this thread I was rather pretentiously attempting to reproduce a form of babby-talk, to further convey how I felt. And in writing the foregoing, I am simply showing off, by shifting my linguistic register to pedantic pseudo-intellectual.

I tend to write phonetically, and often use old words completely by accident, not realizing they seeped into my usage. I was spelling dummy as dummie, came naturally to me and was correct, for the era of books I had been reading. I don’t have the same control as others do over this, just comes out that way.

We had it drummed it at school. Write in standard English.

They tried to, and failed miserably with me. I had a far higher reading level than everyone else but couldn’t spell worth shit. My speech classes were absolutely evil, refused after a while to play along.

Try learning how to spell properly when the only written form you know is Braille.

That wouldn’t effect me as much. I’m a very independent learner, learning through others can be utter hell for me, especially when it is by forcing me to practice over and over again. I have horrid phonics lessons trying to get me to pronounce S and T in words, over and over and over in nasty black and red workbooks, I eventually shut down and stopped cooperating.