
We’re still in motion; give it time. It’s only been three years since I woke up, what more do you demand?

Are you fully awake now? Are you sure? :-k

let me tell you something. I’m getting a lot of pussy in the mind and spirit, but not the body. I assure you that I am very awake.

The above alone tells me that you are not fully awake - that you are indeed half asleep but then again, to my way of thinking, no one is always fully awake except at certain times, during moments of meditation, contemplation, reflection.

Perhaps those who walk through life believing that they are fully awake or awake are those who are indeed half asleep. But again that is just my thinking.

Not yours alone, Arc, a Zen Master concurs with You, not in those exact words, but close: substitute ’ Enlightened’ for ‘Awake’.

Yes anyone who thinks rumination is negative has a problem with language and as such will have a poor time understanding reality.

The negative connotations become apparent in the psychological fields where rumination is…

That is technical jargon.

There are two senses of the word; Consider the whole. We are not in the field of psychology here.

Ruminating, dwelling, brooding are quite similar to me, always have been, but I see that it is also defined without any negative connotations. It’s meaning will have to be clarified from here on out.

I really think that you’re getting too caught up in the fantasy-style vague-romance of it all that distracts from what I said it as. I’m not getting laid physically. I’m not getting a lot of things that I want and need physically. That makes me very much ‘awake’ for all that it means, and ‘aware’, for all of what that means. It means I’m still as much allergic to bullshit as I ever was. Now knock your shit off.

Aren’t we?
The sandbox isn’t full if you want to stay out of the field.

We are in a forum in which multiple definitions of the term was provided. Do you think the field of psychology is unaware of the other definition of rumination that was being discussed?

Arguing the finer points of the definition of rumination is probably unhelpful in regards to the original question. Words can be defined one way and applied another depending on context as i’m sure everyone knows. Trying to be a smart arse about semantics is unlikely to further the discussion, it won’t elaborate further the question originally posed, nor garner answers to said question.

It has negative connotations in psychology Checks board index title because it suggests repetitively thinking (Chewing over) too hard about the same thing over and over again without a positive outcome is a bad thing that can lead to feelings of hopelessness, inadequacy and self harm behaviours leading to a negative outcome (Stagnation, death etc.). Oftentimes the rumination in this regard is rooted in personal unhappiness, lack of self fulfilment and an inability to see solutions to this. Off the top of my head, for some it may be an attempt to blast through a problem by using a continuous assault of problem solving, for others obsessive type behaviours, fear, anxiety, low self worth etc, or all of the above. I think though the cause of rumination in this sense is the inability to find an acceptable or positive outcome/solution which causes great distress for many people and is something I experience on a daily basis and have done for a very long time. It denotes being stuck in a rut and occupying ever decreasing circles of repetitive thought, hence why in psychology it is generally seen as something that is a bad thing, as after all, on the whole if we find a positive solution or outcome then we can move on. The causes of rumination in this sense I think vary from person to person and unpicking that madness can be a quagmire that is difficult for a person to do on their own just because of the very nature of the act and how blinkered and hopeless an individual’s thinking can become in such situations.

I do wonder though off the back of this whether cows are content with their lot.

No, I will NOT!