Requesting iambiguous to discuss Judgement and Action

Then you ought to consider taking your arguments here:

These folks are convinced that in order to more fully understand human interactions the place to start is genetically. There are “natural behaviors” rooted in biological imperatives rooted in millions of years of evolution.

And all the so-called “enlightenment” embedded memetically in all the so-called “civilizations” changes none of that. Among other things, men are men and women are women. And all the feminists in the world won’t change that.

Go ahead, give it a shot. If nothing else I’d be curious to see if you either did or did not end up in the dungeon.

For example, on this thread: … imp-talk-3 :open_mouth:

Okay, then it seems [to me] that you “resolve” such conflicts by merely assuming that your own narrative here is the correct one. In other words, if it results in establishing all of the advantages for you.


And, sure, that is certainly one rather effective way in which to go about calculating these things. Though it would seem [to me] to involve one or another tangled rendition of might makes right and right makes might; or in contexts in which no one is clearly mightier or in which a consensus regarding behaviors to be either prescribed or proscribed is not able to be reached, it is agreed that moderation, negotiation and compromise are preferable. At least “here and now”. Until something changes and everything has got to be recalculated.

And, in turn, there are those who imagine that these calculations have litlle or nothing to do with the manner in which I construe the meaning of dasein, conflicting goods and political ceconomy.

Okay, fine.

But then we have to take our respective philosophies – our “intellectual contraptions” – out into the world of actual conflicting behaviors and probe the extent to which just the sheer complexity of all the existential variables involved [and then evolving over time in a world of contingency, chance and change] can be compacted down into a political narrative/agenda more in tune with “one of us” or “one of them”.

In other words, when some folks speak of “the real world” they mean the way in which they understand it, not others.

How far then do you take this? Up to and including the part whereby this very exchange that we are having is only as it ever could have been?

That “mindful matter” embedded in the human brain produces results no less embedded in the either/or world? That your post topples over onto mine, mine onto yours and “I” is but an illusion in calculations that are ever and always only in sync autonomically with “all there is”?


Well, one way to look at it then is to argue – to “argue” – that I’m right from my side and you’re right from yours. But only because there was never any possibility that either one of us was ever going to argue [autonomously] anything different.

Even our “differences” here are autonomically determined.

From my point of view if all of this “analysis” is inherently embedded in the immutable laws of matter going all the way back to the Big Bang, then any manner in which “I” might react to it here and now is too.

How are we not then “stuck” here “cosmologically”?

Well, clearly, if we do in fact live in a wholly determined universe both judgment and action were “fabricated” in whatever is responsible for the existence of Existence itself.

Only here of course the mind is simply boggled. How do we explain why something exist instead of nothing? And how do we explain why it is this something and not some other? And how do we even begin to grasp how matter can evolve into mind able to even ponder these things “self-consciously”?

The point [mine] is in understanding how the act of typing these particular posts is intertwined in judgments that [seemingly] propelled/compelled us to make one set of arguments rather than another.

And how do we determine which sets of arguments make the most sense? And what does that mean [to you] given that the arguments themselves are derived from creatures for whom rationality is not even the fundamental factor?

And that is when I take the discussion out into the world of conflicted behaviors derived from conflicted values. Why? Because that is the part that seems to revolve more around the actual limitations of reason. The subjunctive “self”.

To me, objectivism revolves not around whether one believes that their own understanding of judgment and action works for them, but that those who do not share their own thinking about it are wrong.

Sure, if you have decided that the accumulation of resources and influence works for you in determining whether your behaviors are the right ones or the wrong ones, fine.

That works for you. And it works for you “for all practical purposes” out in the world of your daily interactions with others. And, if you can sustain this “sense of reality” all the way to the grave, what more is there?

I’m still confused however regarding the extent to which you basically predicate this frame of mind on might makes right or on right makes might. And then what unfolds in your interactions with those who challenge your priorities…those who insist that accumulating resources and influence is not the most “reasonable” or the most “virtuous” manner in which men and women ought to interact. That their own understanding of “good” as that relates to “judgment” and “action” is preferable.

You note that:

To me, however, this is just one more “general description” of human interactions that “in your head” makes sense to you “here and now”. You understand “good” in this particular way. I then ask myself: How is this “analysis” pertinent to the manner in which “good” – judgment, action – is understood by me subsumed in my dilemma.

And it still is. Why? Because there are any number of other folks who do not share your assumptions at all. They come at me with competing arguments. Arguments rooted in God or political ideology or deontology or in an essentially absurd and meaningless world.

You manage to yank yourself up out of the hole that I am in by concocting a frame of mind in which calculations can be more clearly made. And then by merely assuming that if it “works” for you, that’s “good” enough.

And there is nothing that I can argue that would demonstrate that you are on the wrong path. It’s just not a path that “I” am able to talk/think myself into following.

At least not here and now.