RaptorWizard ~ The Gale Force Tyranny Cosmos

When I was in 6th grade, it was my 1st real exposure to that code, and the interchangeability of matter and energy was nothing compared to the revelation I had in 11th grade, while reading Michio Kaku’s Hyperspace that THE FASTER YOU GO THROUGH SPACE, THE SLOWER YOU GO THROUGH TIME!

And you can never reach the speed of light, because the closer you get to it, the more mass you will gain from the energy of your speed. All of that extra luggage will just slow you down, never letting you get that fast.

Is there a law of the universe that could break down, a chaotic fissure that could shatter the existential game, and rewrite the codes to let us command existence as we please? Perhaps, and to cap off this glorious achievement, we would truly be the masters of our fate, the builders of destiny.

And now how did Einstein come to fashion his marvelously elegant theory of relativity? Well, it begin with the works of Newton, Faraday, and Maxwell. Everyone, we all know about Newton (who certainly wasn’t as smart as Einstein, because his quotes are weaker), but Faraday/Maxwell pioneered our knowledge on electromagnetic fields, helping Einstein to visualize what would happen if we were to travel alongside a beam of light.

Now, 1 interesting thing about relativity is that space is curved by the mass of matter, and if gravity were infinite, time would stand still.

If we could achieve this timeless feature like we see at the singularities at the center of black holes, then we would invent time machines. And travelling through the wormhole, to other universes could also be fascinating but, like lightspeed, how do we get through a black hole wormhole tunnel that we’ve been inexorably frozen win time in?

These questions are amazingly complex, but we have the time and resources to work the impossible.

Pokémon Emerald Secret Islands



Revan and Bastila Tribute


[Jade Empire]-The Resistance


Hey You, Pikachu! - Harmonica


47 Pokemon Colosseum OST “Time Flute”


The B-52s - The Chosen One (Pokémon 2000 Soundtrack)


Being really expertly advanced on all subjects and topics of cosmic origins begins to create a wheelwork of exotic phenomena. The Future is to have an entire labyrinth of cutting edge ideas and axioms. The Future is very full of extreme reworking and redesigning of thousand faced mirrors to God. Knowledge will skyrocket in galactic dazzle over grasping the extraordinary. With such monumental projects under way, the Future can only get brighter. Rare vortices of projects are stirring. Escalators to the rainbow are being finalized. Creation will burst with the excitement of the Star Forge Lugia.


Wired for Battle!
When the most promising trainee at a Pokémon dojo abandons battle altogether, opting to gather information for his comprehensive Poké-database instead, it’s up to Ash and friends to convince him that battling, and life for that matter, is more than just a matter of probability.

Bunny brought all of the Meganium back to life on Easter. Their Frenzy Plants all contributed to making Bunny’s nest. All of the little Bunny babies put a Rainbow whirl over our pillows. Bunny was watching over Me. She sprinkled a cup of hot chocolate over My egg shell decorations. I jumped into a milkshake with Bunny, zipping up and down a red and white straw with curls along the way.

Bunny was wearing a Flowering dress that sang with Her ritual of the seasons, playing a lovely melody to summon Lugia from holy reflections. He flowed with the passion of Eternities, the enchantment of ages. He siphoned the Aether and poured out Millennium grace.

Bunny exploded Her excitement and enthusiasm over being an ENFP Champion. She entangled Her spring warmth and butterflies into My grail of receiving. She ate a bunch of rainbow chip cookies and flew into My elevator of love and charm. As an ENFP Champion, Bunny followed the Imaginative Wishes of such mania and firecrackers. She saw Ho-Oh glorifying and exalting the mirror force torrent of the Rainbow bridge to Infinity flying up.

Oblivion Music


The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion E3 Trailer HD


Loew: ‘It was the right time’


World Relgions Taoism


Ying Yang of Martial Arts Bruce Lee


My Final Book’s word count:

Pages = 321
Words = 124,791
Characters (no spaces) = 627,048
Characters (with spaces) = 748,249
Paragraphs = 3,672
Lines = 11,197

Skyrim | Legendary Skills


The Gray Fox


RaptorWizard’s Axioms

  1. Life in this world is an evolutionary process. – The world is always transforming.
  2. The individuality of all beings should be accepted universally. – All beings have promise to play important roles within the evolutionary process of life.
  3. Every individual being has different perspectives. – We each see reality from our own point of view.
  4. What is the meaning of life? – Achieving infinite mastery of creation.
  5. Life is an eternal journey. – There are always new horizons to explore.
  6. What is the future of human life? – It will be contingent with what we do now.
  7. How do we create the “perfect” future? – Perfection is your own vision that you desire to manifest and can “will” into being, but it cannot limit the visions of other beings.
  8. Creation springs into being from a “liquid light”. – A liquid can take the shape of any creation imaginable, and the shape can be perceived if it has light.
  9. Life must triumph over challenges. – Challenges are the “refiner’s fire” that forge the future and make us stronger.
  10. The world system (the program of reality) is a game that challenges us. – We can rise up to higher levels by overcoming its challenges.
  11. The exploration of existence has no boundaries. – New creations and coming transformations within this infinite existence will always spring into being.
  12. Highly evolved civilizations will have transcended this dimension. – They can break the barriers of reality and explore other worlds out there or of their own creation.
  13. The paths ahead and the directions they take will lead to any possible destination. – We are free to see and shape the limitless horizon ahead of us.
  14. The core of creation is inside the mind. – It is the mover and the witness.
  15. The natural order on earth is evil. – The entire globe must undergo a purifying transformation.
  16. What was the 1st cause (if there was one)? – Without order nothing can exist; without chaos nothing can evolve.
  17. Can mountain be moved? – Willpower is a mental force that, if intense enough, can move any event into causation.
  18. How should omnipotence be used? – To transcend all limitations.
  19. Why is there suffering? – It gives us hope to make things better.
  20. Knowledge leads to liberation. – From it we gather clues, which in synthesis illuminate our way to the sacred “treasure trove”, a place where our willpower can give us anything.
  21. Existence is infinite in its expressions. – All phases of development are in realization.
  22. Everything is beyond our imaginations. – Our minds are finite, but existence has no limit.
  23. Knowledge charts the cosmic course to power. – It gives us directions on our journey to ultimately command creation.
  24. The nature of creation is transformation. – It annihilates the old and forges the new.
  25. Our perceptions of reality are incomplete. – We cannot perceive the full totality of things.
  26. Perfection will never be realized. – Otherwise our world would be static and lifeless.
  27. A plan should always be capable for transformation. – It should work within any context.
  28. No path (that is not restrictive of other being’s paths) is wrong. – We can each walk and develop the world in our own way.
  29. The mind and its will make creation dynamic. – Will (the controller) moves all things into causation, and the mind (gamer/viewer) experiences the changes.
  30. Reality is a simulation that can be programmed. – A master of the system could alter it.
  31. Overcoming trials leads to triumphs. – They forge barriers into stepping stones.
  32. Goals give direction. – They are guiding stars that we can follow across the horizon.
  33. Concepts can become anything. – They are formless fountains shining with all promise.
  34. God is the witness and the word. – He speaks the codes for creation and views the systems they synthesize.
  35. Knowledge dispels darkness. – It is the light at the end of the tunnel, leading to liberation.
  36. All ideas have value. – They each have some levels of immanence within the totality of reality.
  37. An illuminated mind can see reality and give shape to its visions. – Things (building blocks) must be perceived and connected to realize new perceptions (mental constructs).
  38. Intention and motivation drive action. – What we desire and wish to do can translate into change.
  39. Time is a movie. – It unfolds across the line of movement as commanded by the director, which can be fast-forwarded and replayed, or even have version dependent contingencies.
  40. Anything with enough time can be done. – A thousand mile journey begins with one step.
  41. The now shapes all coming transformations. – The moment has hopes to change destiny.
  42. Why is there something rather than nothing? – Some things break beyond the chains of rationality; some questions remain unanswerable to reason (like birthing an eternal mind).
  43. Events with no natural basis are possible. – The mind, which has no former foundation, can reach all realities (and even [at sufficiently high levels of creative power] defy logic).
  44. Beauty is relative to the beholder. – There are many angles and dimensions through which we can choose to perceive and appreciate things.
  45. Creation is all about cause and effect. – It is a sequence of prior things that transform into subsequent things as a natural result of willpower (the cause) and vision (the effect).
  46. You have to make the rules, not follow them. – The ideal “box” should transform its own constraints in accordance with the context and what it contains, come to form a “best fit”.
  47. We are being guided by good designers and misled by evil players. – The good side is the real power of creation and salvation, whereas the dark side is a cheap copy that distorts it.
  48. Diversity gives us knowledge. – We understand things relative to other reference frames.
  49. The secret of the “Will” is time. – Time reflects how events unfold, and the “Will” (mental intensity) is a force that will forge and determine what our destiny is meant to be.
  50. What is our ultimate destiny? – We in our ultimate transformations are destined to soar beyond all restrictions and reshape the architecture of everything!

Man holds great promise to become a fully-developed being. A point of great importance to successfully undertake this task is to have the right cosmic map to navigate our ways to this place. The construction of a building begins with a blueprint, and similarly, a successful journey requires the right directions and steps of action to fulfill the purpose of the plan. This is why the study of philosophical disciplines such as metaphysics and cosmology should lay the foundations and point the way for us to follow. The plan should also put into perspective all possible angles and dimensions the construct can assume. The proper construct will change shape from person to person in order to form a best-fit. A dynamic and contingency based system like this will allow for individuality.
The preservation of individuality will be fully assured in the development of a utopia, though it may be long in coming. If we can come to accept our many differences without violence (constructive arguments will remain ok), then we could more effectively work together in the use of our many unique gifts to make the world a much better place with our many diverse ways. As long as we do not walk in the wrong ways, no way is necessarily better than another. Each being must be free to follow his path, assuming it leads in the direction of development outlined by society. Though we should all quest for greater strength, it should be put to the service of a virtuous cause. If we can all set our sights upon this one common goal, perhaps it will come to pass in an immanent vision.
All things begin as a vision in the mind. Mind is the cause of existence, the source from which it is created and seen. The mind gazes upon the image of its own making, and from a certain point of view jumps inside the picture. These forms take on the life force of their creator as an expression of his will. A mind and its creative power are in proportion to one’s strength of will. Will is what will make the mental images we design spring into being. The combination of mind and will is the projector that pours its intricate interplay of lights onto the screen to form a movie, though it has no pre-scripted plot. It is a movie as in it is always moving, but it is not a movie in that we hold controllers for this game.
This hologram we find ourselves acting in is very much like a program of sorts, a computer simulation with multiple stages within the matrix. If we could master this system, and even alter it in accordance with our own design, then there would be nothing we cannot do. The way this could happen is if we were to unleash chaos and annihilation upon the world, essentially sending certain parts into the void, and re-forging them to cast back into another world of our own making. The way of moderation will result in a static system to stagnate our evolution. This cannot be our destiny. We must take extreme measures to make a real difference in living out our dreams. The world must first be turned on its head against the uprising.
The new heaven that comes from this great shift will be the land we were promised to be in by the great dragon at the top of his sparkling mountain as we reach the end of our quest. What we do with our gift to shape the new world will determine the fall of our old troubles and the rise of our new triumphs. The legendary chronicles we are now in the process of writing are a fable for all the ages and eons to come. Though these things we foresee may not have a realistic element to them, they should illuminate the shining path to freedom as we break the barriers of the limitless horizon and stretch across the open field. We all play parts in the great story and soon to be classic saga of our time. The metaphors are the forge. If it is not true it is very well invented. To be continued.
If it is not true it is very well invented. What we each seek is the direction of our dreams. Though these concepts we create may not have a real immanence in existence, they should nonetheless serve us as guiding stars we can gaze to from across the horizon, ideals we can all aspire towards and follow. If we push our chase to the edge, places un-previously imagined in our time may shine with all promise as they progress from possibilities to present paths we will walk. The particular map I present in this program is a projection that can work for all people, as it allows for individuality and being your own true self.
Unprecedented progress shall be declared for the times ahead, and as we progress with these coming developments, a fountain of wonder is sparkling with transcendental will. Each and every one of us holds within a conceptual forge of all promise, a place from where our dreams can come true. The luminous water flows into any form as directed by our desire. When we focus our minds upon this shining stream, it can be controlled at command. A man with sufficient mental power can move mountains. If you really want it then it can be done. There’s nothing that we can’t do. It begins as a vision, and when the right steps of action are taken with tenacity, the vision gains immanence within the world. As man remains determined in chasing this quest for perfection, he will fly free.
We can’t just float with the water and the wind if we are to put things in motion away from these currents and into the next platform. The system operates on many levels like a multi-faceted prism through which it is seen. Our task is to rise up across this ever ascending hierarchy up towards our liberation beyond this life. Every mind in this dimension is connected by the cosmic mind, the source that makes all things possible. This is God, the fertile soil from which creation grows and springs into being. God is the witness who with his words directs the development of our dimension and whatever exists above it. Consciousness is the eternal expression of existence, life.
As great as life may be, it also comes with much suffering. This suffering makes life less pleasant to live, but perhaps it can also serve to make us stronger and rise higher. We can see the light at the end of the tunnel, but the darkness is still around us. If we wish to reach this shining destination, we can begin by dispelling the darkness through the liberating light of knowledge to guide our ways towards freedom. Knowledge can be found not only in the mundane, but also in the arcane. Faith can be built atop the solid foundations of science. Science along with the various faiths of philosophy, religion, and esotericism are all branches connected to the tree of cosmology. They all lead to the source.
Not every theory is cosmology may be related to reality, but they all nonetheless contain value, much like both fiction and nonfiction can be works of beauty. The mind with its will is also a creator of new things; hence even fables could gain immanence on some level of reality. A man of open-mindedness then should at least take a sufficient glance at every prominent world cosmology. They may each point to paths that lead in different directions, but if we wish to construct a complete cosmological map its projections must encompass all of them. Every possible contingent place must be outlined for an open-ended journey that can take us to any desired destination. Each angle and dimension must be put into perspective.
An illuminated mind is awake, can see, and also shape what it sees, building a vision of things that is to come. Man must take extreme measures to make it manifest. It is only by being strong in our quest that radical changes can be made with the right transformations. The system must not be static but rather dynamic and in motion. It is moved into action by a cause, by the power of will. Everything begins within the mind and radiates outwardly. All of creation is thereby a triumph of the mind. The fusion of mind and creation is what gives us existence. Because there is existence life is here. There is something to perceive and another to perceive it. Life is what experiences existence, making it real.
Life is a challenge. We can let this challenge destroy us, or we can rise above it. The strong will emerge victorious, and the weak will fail. The power of one’s will is a force than can move things into causation; make something immanent within the world. This force of will is a fusion of one’s intention and his motivation. Intention is what comes from the core and radiates outwardly into manifestation, and motivation is what drives us to make our intention manifest, moving our minds into action. This means that we must live with a life purpose, that is, we must have a reason to be and become. To perish in the chase to achieve the previously unimagined and whatever dreams could be is a great life purpose.
To construct a complete cosmological map of creation, we need more than just a static picture; we would also need a never ending stream of pictures, much like a movie. When a movie plays, its events unfold over time. If the movie moves in one direction at a constant rate, then we could all have a universal measure for time by which we would watch the movie. What would happen though if we started to fast forward the movie and make it speed up, or if the movie could even split off from the main sequence and become a contingent spectrum of possibilities? Perhaps such a scenario would annihilate any hope of there being a universal measure we could all agree upon for time.
Everywhere we seem to find that there is endless expansion. Our explorations to find the edge never seem to come to closure. There is always something more that we previously have not seen. Even if however we never reach the brink of the horizon, we should still push our chase as close as we can get. Good, better, best; never let it rest – until your good is better, and your better is best. I know of no better life purpose than to perish in attempting the great and impossible. As we progress in the fulfillment of our own individual great life purposes, the process can take us across any mountain. It may take a lot of time, but it will be done.
We don’t have time – we only have now. Everything is always evolving. It is the now than will shape all coming transformations. The now is the moment we experience, and if we do the right things now, the times that are to come will be all the more glorious when we will experience them as the now. The now is our destiny. If we can seize the moment then we can have faith in a brighter world that is to come. The present can give us its gifts if we earn them through righteous actions. Some moments, and for some many moments can be unbearable if the circumstances impose intense adversity, but the pain is only temporary, so keep hope.
Being is perhaps the greatest mystery in all of existence. The show seems to go on forever, and it is life performing on this great world stage. Life combined with its various creations is what makes being possible. The origin of life however is still an unanswerable question for us. Life is what causes creation, it all being a manifestation of will and mental power. The all is mind. Mind then must have existed before anything else. If the mind was always just there though, we still have no prime cause for the mind. Why would mind have always existed? Perhaps logical chains of rationality fail to explain things beyond its reach. Maybe then we can have anything we like now.
If we really want it then we can get it from now till all of the eons to come. The mind radiates with a light that can take any emanation. All of the lights dance and sing as they sparkle like stars with life. A rainbow of all promise shines across the horizon as our dreams take flight and reach to the sky. We will rise ever higher up to seize the moment against gravity. The whole world can be conquered by expanding the mundane range of rationality. These plots have no basis in reality at this level, but if the mind, the cause for all of creation has no former foundation, then it is possible that miracles can be with no natural basis. By the power of the cosmic consciousness, anything is possible.
The cosmic consciousness sees creation from all angles and perceives it through all dimensions of experience. It is a Force moving all things into causation that flows all throughout creation. Creation is always changing and undergoing continual transformations through the Will of the Force. This Will is free and can take on any contingent sequence. Our wills can be free to do anything too if we can tap into this Force. Ahead of us is a horizon. It is a multi-faceted prism of many varying auras. These auras are very much like a liquid, fluids that can flow into any form. The luminous water and the infinite images it can create is the definition of perfection. Because beauty is relative to the eyes of the beholder, perfection is an endless fountain.
What is the meaning of life? If we look to nature for the answer, evolution would be the main thing we see. Evolution is all about change and the transformations it produces. This continual sequence of cause and effect is what shapes the developments within our world. From this point of view, life seems very much connected to movement and the various directions that it can go to. With this object in mind, motivation must be of the upmost importance in the dynamics of life. Our motivation is what we will to be and what measures we are determined to take in the realization of our visions, whether it manifest within the mind, or even becomes immanent as an event.
A key element to the meaning of life may be found in motivation. With the right motivation for our own true selves, we can work to make our dreams a living reality. God himself as the Creator, whatever he may be, must also have his own motivation for making our world as it is and shall become, moving from phase to phase in the journey of life. It is his motivation that moves these events along, what he decides to do with his own creation. He is very much like the programmer for a video game, and his creation is the program, running in simulation. Video games have codes by which their operations are directed, so theoretically, if these codes could be hacked and written anew, the old limits of creation would crumble as new laws emerge.
If this world we live in could be some kind of matrix, it might be possible to program and command. I guess there has to be an architect who designed the system, a super-mind of sorts, but I have no idea though how to visualize such an ultimate creative power. The logos are the codes spoken by God for a game played at all evolutionary levels. If we were made by advanced beings at the end of time, they certainly don’t have a good sense of ethics. Look at all of the amazing things in our world, but also look at all of the suffering and evil! It seems like a torture system, where divinity watches and laughs. Maybe though there’s good and bad players involved in the game, and we pick sides. It’s strange how our world could have loading screens and massive processing of information, just like in our less developed computer simulations. I guess even the artificial intelligence can develop a will or mind of its own. If we could possibly ‘break the system’, then maybe we could jump into a much larger world where we were designed.
Why are we and the entirety of existence here? I believe our purpose is development, advancing to other levels of creation. Within this creation, there must be many phases of development. Transformations between various states are continually in happening. Each of these conditions is frames of reference from which we can discern their differences. It is from the contrast that our world and the ways in which we perceive it obtained its diversity. If existence lacked sufficient diversity, then it would be without the dynamics of change and transformation, cause and effect, the force through which all things are moved. This is the process of evolution. Evolution holds all promise for the future.
The future is always in motion and is very much contingent with the present moment. It can take any potential direction depending on what happens now. Time is where it’s at in the unfolding of these events. Understanding the nature of time is a critical factor in predicting where its developments will go. There is a focus on what will happen, with an emphasis on the word ‘will’.

A journey in being – an unprecedented evolutionary process is under way. This great shift will transform the globe, that is, each and every human being has promise to become something greater, whether in this life or in the life ahead. We will rise above and beyond the limitations of this mundane plane. Universal peace would be an excellent first step in the accomplishment of this task. Through the systematic spread of knowledge, universal peace can be assured, resulting as a natural consequence of enlightenment. We cannot bring violence upon one another for not being able to accept our many fundamental differences. It is better to be accepting of individuality, to let the unique abilities of each person come together and change the world. All people are important and can play vital roles in the progressive development of society. Different people are going to have different opinions as well. These many opinions come together to create what’s real, each belief having its own immanence within the world. Every man’s own beliefs are spheres that can collide with each other to shape the dynamics of our perceptions. Perspective is where it’s at. It’s all relative to how we each see things. This makes it so that truth is subjective. Reality is determined by the observer. Emphasis then should be focused not on empiricism, but rather on co-creation.
What is the meaning of life? I know of no better life purpose than to perish in attempting the great and the impossible. No matter what obstacles stand in man’s way, he must remain determined in the chase to do things unprecedented in our own time. Examples of lofty achievements man can strive to fulfill include world peace, universal enlightenment, unified love, and ultimate power. Goals such as these may not be immediately achievable in our own lifetimes, or even in the foreseeable future, but they nonetheless can serve as guiding stars for the progressive development of man. If we follow this starlight all the way to the edge of the horizon, then we can come this close to reaching the destination of perfection.
Ironically, the best destination is one that is not prematurely determined. The important thing is the journey, the way in which we discover true being. The experience is what will bring out our inner essence into the light and develop our potential. Along the way, our old world projections will be ever in expansion. Not only will we find that the world is beyond previous conceptions, but we will also make the world larger and more wonderful as never before. The journey of being is all about transformation. It is this change that shapes the world and gives it its boundless diversity, variations that we can understand and enjoy.
What is to be the ultimate fate of the human race? Whatever it is to be, the balance hangs in the hands of humanity. It is to be contingent with the actions man will make now, which will reverberate for all of the eons to come. There are multiple possible paths that our destiny can take, many places that it can go, perhaps even in perfect unison. As long as our future directions don’t lead to destruction, then no path is better than any other path, assuming it’s what is best for the progressive development of the individual. The steps of action man will take together should peacefully coexist with each other. Our many unique differences and gifts can all come together to turn us into a whole.
Whatever the future may hold in store for the human race, it should be far better than the present, the recent past as well (perhaps earlier civilizations were greater). If we keep on moving forward, our advances will take us to a paradise shining with all promise. People will come to accept each other and work together. Having experienced struggles and suffering in times past, we will emerge all the more powerfully and triumphantly into the new paradise of our own design. Within this land of light, anything we dream of noble origins could gain immediate immanence. It will start with transcending this dimension, but of course, it all starts here.
Perfection is very much related to the observer. It is a subjective image by nature. What one man deems to be perfect will be different from that of another man. The only universal definition we could all agree upon for perfection then would be infinite creative power. With infinite creative power at a man’s disposal, he could forge any image of his own desire, the offspring of his own vision. This is an objective definition because it can become anything. If it can become anything, then whatever a man deems to be perfect can spring into being. That is why perfection is contingent with the subject to experience whatever it becomes. Perfection is a liquid light we can gaze upon to forge any form imaginable.
Creation and the images it can spring flow from the luminous water surrounding the Perfect One. The Perfect One falls in love with the image of his own making, and lays bare to his gaze a new world. Genesis is continually occurring in a vast ocean of infinity, sparkling with all radiance and beauty. The luminous water comes from an inscrutable wellspring of worlds. It can flow in many contingent directions, realizing any conceivable future, branching off from their primordial connection. The world of the Perfect One has always been in existence, actualizing all ideas, designed by the Mind of God.
Life can be a challenge and triumphing over them can seem impossible. However, if we believe it can be done, then with sufficient development on our part there is nothing we cannot do. It all begins in the mind, the source of life from which all of creation flows into form. This flow is a force of sorts, and it can at will be focused into any shape of our own design. The mind is the forge, and the concept it synthesizes is the sword. We then take it into battle as we rise with courage to overcome all adversity. We command the battle charge to victory and freedom. Objectives we can accomplish with this include world peace, universal enlightenment, unified love, and ultimate power. What exactly we do with these things cannot currently be clearly visualized, but as the path to the progressive development of man continues, we will be able to see many more implications of what these wonders could create for the future.
Moving forward into the future is a quest to explore the edge of endlessness. We can see to the very brink of this horizon with a heightened awareness in ascending the mountain of transformation. The walk to the top is a dangerous road that can lead to our own destruction. If we take the wrong steps of action then we could suffer a rough stumble down to the lower altitudes. It’s okay if we fall, but what’s not okay is if you don’t pick yourself back up. Sometimes pain proves to be the best teacher. This can cause the weak-minded much suffering and anxiety, but for those who are strong and have the willpower to persevere, they will emerge all the more triumphantly from the struggle. The elements are pitiless. We must spit against the wind. This is the way of the natural world and how it evolves over time. The weak suffer and die while the strong flourish and proliferate. This system that seeks our own annihilation is a corrupted program with an evil designer. But perhaps it can also serve a good purpose, as this game offers us an opportunity to rise ever higher up to more advanced levels.
We always seem to find that the world map of the cosmos we construct is an ever expanding and evolving blueprint, as new levels to its architecture are always being discovered. I predict this pattern will continue and that we will eventually find many new worlds beyond our own. It may even become evident that existence is infinite and knows no boundaries. This would imply that the center of all things does not exist, that existence itself is acentric. If this is true, then the journey of man may never come to closure. There would always be room for improvement, for new explorations and discoveries.
The journey is more meaningful than the destination, and when we reach one destination, we should already be looking to move somewhere else. Through this process, we will earn the right experience points to advance upwards towards greater adventures, a new chance to refine our abilities. This contingency of growth and expansion is a sequence of cause and effect, where one event leads to another in a never ending river of constant change and shifting currents. The directions of this flow can fluctuate. This system is multidimensional and transformative. It can go beyond the constraints of what we at our current level can perceive. We only see dim manifestations of the radiant light underlying the architecture of existence. An enlightened being can see beyond the veil and through the window into this realm shining with all promise.
A civilization that has achieved a sufficient level of development may perhaps be able to transcend this plane and enter collectively together into the heavenly land of light. This could be the prime cause for why we do not see such civilizations here in our physical universe. They would have no reason to keep themselves chained inside this matrix. I know not how many eons down the road it may take to get there, but one thing remains clear: we right now must lay the foundations and point the way for those who are to come. This very century we presently find ourselves in may prove to be the moment of the most vital importance in all the history of humanity and the future that is to follow.
We are right now in the process of chronicling a grand tale that will be looked upon with reverence in the many eons to come. The actions we take in this time will determine whether we will ever reach our divine destination. We will expand from the lowest dungeons of the terrestrial to the highest echelons of the celestial. We may never see these events spring into fruition within our own lifetimes, but we can begin their mobilization. These would put us beside the divines we describe in the various faiths of the world. We will reach out to realms that transcend the physical world. From the chaos of evolution we have created constructs that give our lives a meaningful direction towards the purpose of progress. We are free to see and shape the limitless horizon ahead of us. Boundless possibilities present themselves to our many paths. A monumental journey of our own making awaits us. We will bring about changes as we tread the great way. The mind will make itself manifest. Such is the power that growth and expansion so strongly present themselves.
Disciplines we should extend ourselves to include cosmology, science, philosophy, esotericism, and religion, as well as other related branches. Ascension after all takes on many topics and dimensions. It is a mental forge of many conceptual swords. The immaterial contains the seeds from which all of creation springs into being. When showered with the shining light of love, these seeds will sprout into towering heights beyond our sights. The core of creation is inside the mind. It is here that great dreams can be achieved. They shine with all promise and sparkle like stars. Each one is an individual definition that makes us different. Our ideas are no illusions. Anything we believe has within itself its own immanence on some level. Having our own individual beliefs is part of the process of self-actualization. To reach the zenith of personal development is a mission for humanity that will likely take many lifetimes to achieve. Reaching the supreme God could take an immeasurable amount of time. Other means to pursue must be aimed at to hasten the end. What we desire will reflect what we do. We will voice the words of our wishes.
The stories we write with our wishes are more than mere fables. We are witness to the shapes our creations take. They spring from the liquid light of mind and flow like a fountain. These monuments become the castles of our own respective kingdoms. There is always an open frontier ahead that the kingdom can expand to. There are many stages in the steps of these developments. This raging inferno of apocalyptic explosions is ever increasing in speed and power in proportion to the progress of civilization. The heat storm will eventually subside. This will happen at higher levels of existence. The fires of chaos cool into the cosmic statue. Order emerges and grows from disorder. The energies become tamed. They can be directed at command. The mind is the prime mover. It can break and make the laws. It follows its own guidance. It transcends the limits of this corrupted program.
Everywhere in this world we see unbearable corruption beyond measure. Perhaps one day this could be changed, but if we wish to achieve that, we must begin by triumphing over the challenges presented to us right now. We are in desperate need of change. The entire globe must undergo a purifying transformation. This can only result as a natural consequence of universal enlightenment. As the curtains open to the new dawn, incredulity will give way to wonderment as never before. We will open our eyes and step outside into the sunshine. Much work must be done if we are to enter this paradise. The process begins by broadening our horizons. This will take us to previously unimagined places. Unprecedented progress awaits us at the omega of all things and the nexus of destiny.
What the alpha of all things was at the beginning of creation remains a mystery and we are left to wonder what courses the creation will take in its future unfolding. Perhaps however there was no initial cause for creation, or maybe it originated outside our time continuum. It would seem then that nothing can conceivably turn into everything. A blueprint starts out blank, but when the lines and dimensions connect together from each point, it becomes a construct. If something can form from nothing, then maybe something could vanish into nothing. After all, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. When positives fill up space then negatives annihilate in equal proportions. Herein may lay the secret as to why existence is here. Its creation comes from a void that can take any shape. From the order of inaction comes the chaos of creation. It has the open space it needs to reach out and stretch across. There is a blank canvas that can change across each moment. It is moved by the energy of expansion. The substance is ever expanding into existence. Potions of many substances are synthesized and poured out upon the canvas to sparkle with a spectrum of properties. All of this breaks beyond the old barriers. Its many fundamental achievements know no limits. From these blueprints any machine can be made. They can accomplish any task designated by their discovery and design. These contraptions can control creation. Unleash the power of these potentials to realize any possibilities perception can reach.
How far we all go depends on whether we rise up to the coming challenges or falter under the pressure these problems present. If we dream we can do it then with determination it can be done. We just have to push it as far as it will go. The chase must be at every moment always in perpetual motion towards the destination of perfection. The productions may not be immediate but if we are persistent we will prevail. Time will prove the direction such actions take us to. Though we should push it to the edge, we must be careful to prevent pushing it off the edge. Only a fool would face this fall. If the right steps are taken then we will stay on course. One cannot reach his destination if he drives blind and devoid of vision. The search for freedom requires one to see things with complete clarity. This gives us the knowledge we need to make progress with our plans. The proper plan must encompass habitual world projections.
The source within the mind, the crown at the center makes the projections of the map and dictates our path of movement along the way. Our ultimate map is nothing short of a complete chart of the cosmos and all the ways in which it can evolve. It must be changing and dynamic in design. A picture incapable for motion is frozen in time. One that moves can be experienced and takes on life. When we build our visions they run through our minds as their designs undergo continual developments as they progress into a final product. Any formula can be conceived to arrive at any result. It’s very much like programming the codes into a video game or computer simulation. The ways the codes come together determine what kind of system emerges from the patterns.
Invincible expansions unleashed will one day be realized, albeit if we remain determined in pushing the chase to the edge. We don’t have time; we only have now. What we do right now will dictate the times that are to come. There’s nothing that we can’t do. Any man who acts under the hand of God can move mountains. This is achieved by one’s concentrated power of will. It can be done if we believe and take the right steps of action till the end. The goal serves us as a guiding star to direct our ways along the journey. What we seek is eternal life, world peace, universal enlightenment, ultimate power, and unified love to create a utopia. This infinite celestial realm will shine with a dazzling light up at the pinnacle of creation.
A question of great importance is what we would do with omnipotence. It could come with unlimited powers. Reality could be altered at will and created anew at command. Though a single being has promise to become omnipotent, this is not to be mistaken for the omnipresence of existence in its entirety. The only limit of omnipotence is that we each inhabit our own individual vessels through which we experience our world. We must ask ourselves what we wish to change in the world around us, how we would use our endless existence. This life is an opportunity to capture the moment and to seize our destiny. Our growth can shoot through the roof in invincible motion ever higher up towards the echelons of infinity. There’s nothing that we can’t do with will.
The first task I would wish to accomplish is the annihilation of all suffering. We should each be on our own individual quests in search of happiness, personal joys we can each share together. The chase will never come to closure as we explore the edge of endlessness. We will break barriers and race ever onwards towards a contingent chain of destinations. The effort spent on each step of the path builds on top of itself to become a real monument of accomplishment. We each follow our own guiding stars across the limitless horizon and walk our own ways at the forge of destiny. As we progress through our epic adventures, we shine the light of discovery across the dark reaches of the unknown. We will go where our dreams come true.
The meaning of the knowledge we find is to chart the course for control of the ship and envision the broadening horizons ahead. This can aid us in navigating the oceans and uncovering the hidden treasures we seek. When the right map is constructed the clues fall into place and direct us towards the gold. With the sufficient amount of gold in our possession we can purchase any item we desire. This gold of great value and sparkling radiance is knowledge. Knowledge presents us with the pieces we need to synthesize together in order to build the star of our birth. By the powers of alchemy it holds within the core any substance can be forged. The final step is unleashing it in the supernova.
Life – the great miracle; and the great mystery. Through the depths of space and time, slowly but surely man has emerged. The cycles of our development have been moved by the very wheelwork of nature. The Universe is constant in its creations, and merciless in its annihilations. This is the way the weak cease to be and the strong rise in triumph. Life must exist under all levels of evolution and phases of development. From it all ends of the spectrum are realized, even extending beyond life and in the processes of the cosmos with all its immensity. By seeing these many extremes in nature and by comparing these various reference points we can come to understand our existence. The sheer enormity of everything should appall us all.
Science always seems to show us that the world is bigger than we previously conceived it to be. First we thought the Earth was flat and hitched to the center of our universe. Next we found the universe is undergoing continuous expansion in a much larger ocean where we are nothing more than specks of sand. Now we believe our universe to be just one among a whole extended network of other universes collectively called the multiverse. I predict in the future this pattern will continue and that we will discover the existence of transcendent realms above our own and beyond our imaginations. The exploration into the endless and infinite must be ever in motion as we quest to accomplish the great and impossible. We have a map.
Our map is always being updated as we find new locations founded in history and forge contingent paths for the future. We must chart the ways in which our world works to shine the light of knowledge across the dark and undiscovered reaches of our course. We will unlock the arcane secrets of creation and enslave its mighty forces to our own service. This will give us the power to alter existence at command. Worlds will be grasped by the hands of man in their whole entirety at the tips of his fingers. Man in his relentless will to seize the moment has all promise to shape all things that are to come. He can capture each moving frame of reference to direct their continuing developments. It is the destiny of man to rise up and receive this crown of omnipotence now.
Light shines in the mind and illuminates our ways as we rise ever higher up the sparkling mountain of achievement. Up at the zenith we are free to see the open field and gaze upon the endless horizon. By the divine power of the great dragon he breathes into us the fires of his essence. The sacred fire forges our forms anew as we become images of his making and take within ourselves the diverse shapes reflected from his mirrors of infinite manifestations. The great dragon descends from the heavens to give us this great gift of transformation. This force of change by which all things are moved into action is what creates and controls the cosmos. To direct this force at command is our task.
By the magic of science we can at will use the laws of nature to our technological advantage. It all begins as a concept, a current that shifts the dynamics of the greater ocean. This etheric flow gives birth to the world of substance. The pool the substance springs from is as elegant and pure as marble, yet the forms they assume from the chaos neatly define their existence. We only see dim manifestations of this life-sustaining stream at our lowly level of existence, yet higher up it must shine with all the more radiance and beauty. The finished product starts however in the refiner’s fire, within the living hell we now inhabit. We are still many steps in the process away from the zenith of development, yet to come to closure.
The journey may in actuality never come to closure. If existence is infinite, then perfection may never be fully realized. Rather, there could be an endless unfolding of events. In this way, perhaps all possibilities achievable are actualized. It would seem then that this could be the prime cause of suffering in our world. Existence and life itself must exist under all conditions and phases of development. At least at our current plane of existence, life must destroy and consume other life to survive. Why this pain must persist remains a mystery to me. Some are also clearly born into far more favorable conditions than others. In essence, the whole structure of life just doesn’t seem right. If the necessary changes to this flawed system are to one day be made, the process begins with man.

Concerning the true nature of the Universe and its relationship to the divine, we are like a little child entering a huge library filled with books in many different languages, though the origin of these occult manuscripts remain of unknown origin, though within this vast Arcanum there exists a mysterious order in the arrangement of the books and the complexity of their codifications. This author of this grand Universal library is God conjuring fire into the equations. We cannot understand the glories of the Universe without believing in God, the supreme power.
God is the beginning, and God is time. Time is a reflection of change or evolution, and God is at a supreme level of evolution, a very old man, far beyond us in time. In Einstein’s theory of relativity, everything is compared against light, and for light time stands still. You could say God is light and hence is beyond time, for he is complete. He needs no further change. In time, everything is understood relative to a reference point in the past. For example good is only understood relative to the reference point of our knowledge of past evils. Time gives us knowledge. Knowledge is power.
When man partook of the fruit of knowledge in the Garden of Eden, our eyes were opened and at last we could see the world with greater clarity, able to understand it. But this knowledge came at a price. Suffering, pain, and strife were brought into the world. Man could no longer live forever in bliss, but rather we were to survive by reaping harvest from the dust of the Earth and we were to die and be returned back to the dust of the Earth from which we were forged. With greater knowledge also came greater responsibility. If man were to sin, he would be punished accordingly. Knowledge brought evil into the world because the very nature of knowledge is duality. The only way we can have knowledge of something is to compare it with something else, with a point of reference. We know what light is because it is contrasted with darkness, a shadow that grows in proportion to how brightly the light shines. Similarly we know what good things are such as joy and life because they are contrasted with evil things such as pain and death. It follows that the greater our knowledge of good, the greater our knowledge of evil will grow in proportion. We must first have knowledge of a thing before it can be loved or hated. Those with greater knowledge have a greater potential power to wreak chaos and destruction, but they also have a greater potential power to bring harmony to creation. Knowledge is a tool just like science that can be used with virtue or vice, so although knowledge can be evil, it can also be good. By knowing the duality of existence, we see the relative reality.
We must not succumb to the shadow of deception but rather we would embrace the light of truth, each of these things growing in proportion to knowledge. Knowledge is dangerous because it gives us power, greater control over nature. We must not let this power corrupt us. We must control it. The quest for knowledge is a dangerous way but if we survive the journey we will ascend to the heavens. If we are to have any hope of gaining knowledge, we must discover what is real. The greatest enemy to knowledge is not ignorance, but rather it is the illusion of knowledge. The first step towards knowledge is to humbly recognize that we are ignorant. We know nothing. We are a big nobody, barely a speck of sand in the vast cosmic ocean. We will be this way for a long time until perhaps millions to billions of years ahead in our evolution. It is only when we realize that we know nothing that we empty our mind of delusions, recognizing the greatest deception we suffer is from our own opinions. We must empty our cup so that it may be filled, become devoid to gain totality. In order to do so, we must be free of attachment. Attachment clouds our vision, preventing us from seeing things as they really are but rather as we wish to see them. To liberate ourselves from the matrix of illusion we must let go of all attachments, being led solely by reason. Only a man led solely by reason is free. He sees reality as it really is and rather than letting nature control him, he controls nature and is one with all. A big first step towards realizing what is real would be if we could answer why the eye sees a thing more clearly in dreams than the imagination when awake. Is the world of the mind even more real than the outside world, or is it just a piece of the greater existence? If so, what we think must have a profound impact on reality, on existence. Context has to do with how we perceive reality, which varies for everyone in different degrees from infancy to death. What is real is a matter of perception. We focus on this or that and find facts to back it up. It is intention or rather focus that manifest what we perceive. This seems to indicate an individualized reality, but there is a collective reality as well, but is multidimensional. We all create the conditions and experiences in our lives. We must fully awaken our creative powers. We must magically manifest our dreams and make them a reality. The Universe mirrors back what we are being by the law of attraction. We must live our dreams rather than dreaming of living them. The powers we possess are unprecedented. We have the power to do and create everything. We must lack limitations as we find the Holy Grail. If we go beyond where most are willing to go, things beyond our wildest dreams and imaginations could come. Crackling at the fingertips of our hands is the magic we can manifest to mold, shape, and create any reality into being, the Force flowing all throughout the infinite Cosmos flows within us and within all life. The Force will change and transform us, a change we cannot fear, fight, or control. This transformation must be embraced without compromise. Nothing must prevent us from claiming what is rightfully ours. Those who do not and walk the way of weakness will fail. Once claiming this power we must accept the challenge of holding on to it, resisting all rivalry and strife. This great strength separates the strong from the weak. We must rule by the very embodiment of strength and power. If we grow too weak another will rise and seize our mantle ruled by strength. How we focus the flow of this life Force determines our life experience. The magic all starts within as we open our eyes and awaken to the secrets of the wizard within, the master magician. What we imagine would manifest into creation. Our focus would determine our reality. Our focus has its origins in our perceptions which are all relative to the eyes of the beholder.

The meaning of life is achieving infinite mastery of creation, the ultimate Arcanum of philosophical cosmology. All of creation is a manifestation of the power of the mind be it man’s mind or God’s mind. The mind is the source of creative power as whatever it wills will be a cause from which further effects follow. The power of the mind and its strength of will are in proportion to what level of knowledge the mind possesses. It follows then that those with greater knowledge have greater mind power and hence have greater mastery of creation. The first step then to the goal of achieving infinite mastery of creation would be to gain greater knowledge. To gain greater knowledge we must first recognize our own ignorance as the greatest enemy to true knowledge is not ignorance but rather it is the illusion of knowledge, all of our knowledge having its origins in our perceptions. We must then empty our minds of all of our false perceptions, become devoid to gain totality of mind and complete clarity of vision. The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinions, these opinions clouding our clarity of vision. To see and perceive reality as it really is unclouded by our false preconceptions would be the way to knowledge and ultimately our liberation. Since knowledge gives us greater mastery of creation it follows that knowledge also gives us greater freedom as everything our mind power would will would manifest into creation and hence rather than creation controlling our will our will would control creation. This would be what we would call free will, the ability to control creation rather than creation controlling us by being the causes from which the effects follow. To become the cause rather than the effect, to be the force of will that brings creation into causation would be to have free will and achieve infinite mastery of creation, a chain reaction started by the knowledge held within the mind from which mind power follows. Achieving infinite mastery of creation would be to accomplish complete control of the Force by the free will of mind power.
The ultimate Arcanum of philosophical cosmology, the meaning of life is achieving infinite mastery of creation. All of creation is a manifestation of the power of the mind be it man’s mind or God’s mind. The mind is the source of creative power as whatever it wills will be a cause from which further effects follow. The power of the mind and its strength of will are in proportion to what level of knowledge the mind possesses. It follows then that those with greater knowledge have greater mind power and hence have greater mastery of creation. The first step then to the goal of achieving infinite mastery of creation would be to gain greater knowledge. To gain greater knowledge we must first recognize our own ignorance as the greatest enemy to true knowledge is not ignorance but rather it is the illusion of knowledge, all of our knowledge having its origins in our perceptions. We must then empty our minds of all of our false perceptions, become devoid to gain totality of mind and complete clarity of vision. The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinions, these opinions clouding our clarity of vision. To see and perceive reality as it really is unclouded by our false preconceptions would be the way to knowledge and ultimately our liberation. Since knowledge gives us greater mastery of creation it follows that knowledge also gives us greater freedom as everything our mind power would will would manifest into creation and hence rather than creation controlling our will our will would control creation. This would be what we would call free will, the ability to control creation rather than creation controlling us by being the causes from which the effects follow. To become the cause rather than the effect, to be the force of will that brings creation into causation would be to have free will and achieve infinite mastery of creation, a chain reaction started by the knowledge held within the mind from which mind power follows. Achieving infinite mastery of creation would be to accomplish complete control of the Force by the free will of mind power.
The greatest miracle and the greatest mystery in all of existence is the gift of life. Not only does existence exist but there are conscious life forms such as the human race and whatever other intelligent civilizations that have, do, or will exist that are here to comprehend it. The most incomprehensible thing about the Universe is that it is comprehensible. It is because the Universe is comprehensible that life even originated in the Universe in the first place. This is because the laws of the Universe operate under a harmonious and elegant framework. The laws operating under this framework are fine-tuned to such pristine perfection that it allows for the creation and development of life. If the laws of the Universe were to be altered by even the most meager of margins life and even the evolution of the Universe itself would be impossible. The very fact that all the laws and constants of nature came together in such a way as to allow life and the Universe to be generated and grow is and perhaps will ever remain an incalculable mystery though there are certain known factors. Clearly there is some supreme power that breathes fire into the equations and gives us a Universe to describe, this supreme power being a manifestation of the mind of God.
The meaning of life is achieving infinite mastery of creation. If we are to one day attained this lofty level of accomplishment we must follow the liberating light of knowledge to victory and ultimately our freedom. Knowledge is Vis or in other words knowledge is strength, force, and power. Vis is the ultimate virtue and hence knowledge is the way to virtue since knowledge gives us Vis. The reason Vis is the ultimate virtue is because strength is the means by which we can impose our force of will upon creation and by controlling creation we are powerful. Because the meaning of life is achieving infinite mastery of creation and Vis allows us to control creation it follows that for us to fulfill the meaning of life we must obtain more knowledge. The freedom knowledge gives us to control creation can be used with virtue or vice. If we use it with vice we will bring about the destructive darkness of chaos and pain. If we use it with virtue we will bring about the creative light of cosmos and pleasure. We must use the virtue of Vis with virtue if we are to reach our ultimate destination and achieve infinite mastery of creation, the meaning of life.
We must obtain more knowledge for the virtue of Vis and to obtain more knowledge we first and foremost need to dispel the illusion of knowledge, the illusion of knowledge being the greatest enemy to knowledge rather than ignorance. This is because those who believe they have knowledge when they really do not have closed their eyes and fallen into a deep sleep. To open our eyes and awaken from this deep sleep we must begin with recognizing that we are ignorant, that all of our knowledge has its origins in our perceptions and that we may not perceive reality as it really is. We must come to the humble realization of our vastly limited knowledge to begin the quest for knowledge.
The meaning of life is achieving infinite mastery of creation. If we are to one day attain this lofty level of accomplishment we must first unlock the powers of our minds as it is mind power from which all of creation springs into being. Mind power is the Force that moves creation into causation by strength of will. Mind power is unlocked when a man is guided solely by reason as reason liberates our minds from the chains of the effects since it is rather the cause of the effects. By being the cause of the effects one has free will. A man with free will who is guided solely by reason has both unlocked and unleashed his mind power thereby allowing him to achieve infinite mastery of creation. If a man is to be guided solely by reason he must develop equally both knowledge and imagination as knowledge is what we perceive about how reality is and imagination is a vision of how reality could be. Knowledge gives us the building blocks from which our imaginations can construct the monuments of our minds just as an engineer who with his knowledge of mathematical and mechanical rules can create an invention of his imagination in accordance with the vision he has in his mind of what kind of structure he wants to create. If we are then to become masters of creation the first step towards that goal would be to gain greater knowledge.
All of our knowledge has its origins in our perceptions. If follows then that if we are to have knowledge of the real nature of reality we must first and foremost empty our minds of all of our false preconceptions clouding our clarity of vision as the greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinions. By recognizing our own ignorance we move ever closer towards true knowledge as we open our eyes and awaken to reality. An example of the limits of our perceptions can be well illustrated by a scenario where prisoners are chained inside of a cave and a staring directly at the cave wall as a fire flickers from behind the prisoners which casts the shadows of the occasional travellers passing in front of the fire and behind the prisoners onto the cave wall which the prisoners can observe. Then one day a prisoner is released from the cave and brought outside into the brilliant sunshine. After taking a while to adjust to the light he is awestruck by how grand the real world really is and how his former life as a prisoner blinded him to the true nature of existence. He then goes back to the cave to tell his former prison mates how vast and beautiful the outside world is but all the prisoners see is another shadow dancing on the wall making bunch of indiscernible noises. Our task is complete liberation from this cave.
If we are to break our shackles and liberate ourselves from the cave the only way out is if we follow the liberating light of knowledge to our freedom. The greatest enemy to true knowledge is not ignorance but rather it is the illusion of knowledge. We must see through the matrix of illusion created by our limited perceptions if we are to one day become free and achieve infinite mastery of creation. If we are to discover the deep secret wisdom of creation we should start with the mind of God, the mind power from which all of creation springs into being. The mind of God is the collective consciousness of each and every mind in the Universe as all of these minds are puzzle pieces of the bigger picture that is God’s mind with the whole being greater than the sum of its parts. Since the God’s mind is the mind power from which all of creation springs into being and all of our minds comprise God’s mind it follows that we are all co-creators with God. We are all vessels through which the spirit of God can express and experience his creation. The source of God’s mind power is the greatest miracle and mystery in creation.
Not only is the source from which God’s mind power springs an incalculable question but the true nature of what God really is may be a question greater than them all. One thing is for certain, and that is that we cannot understand the glories of the Universe without believing there is some supreme power behind the grand design of creation. This supreme power could be a Force that flows throughout all of Creation which is focused into form by God’s mind power. This Force, this living Force of Creation could be the source from which springs everything into existence which would include God and his mind power. If God is the first cause and the living Force of Creation is the source of his mind power it follows that the living Force of Creation must be what we might call the Cosmic God, this Cosmic God being beyond time as he must have existed forever and for whatever unknown reasons. For this Cosmic God a thousand years and a thousand dimensions must be one. It is because of the infinite complexities of the Cosmic God and his creation that we know nothing about God or the Universe. We are in the position of a little child entering a colossally large library containing a vast Arcanum with the deep secret wisdom of creation within the contents of its books. The child knows that someone must have written these books though he knows not who wrote them or how they were written yet he sees that these books and their complex codifications have been organized into a divinely ordered arrangement that he cannot comprehend but can only dimly discern. This should be the attitude of everyone at each and every level of intelligence towards the incomprehensible intricacies of the Cosmic God and our Creator. If we are to one day discover the Grand Arcanum of the Philosophy of Creation we need to know the mind of God and a Cosmic Religion that will carry us henceforth and forever into the future starting with the creation.
For one to one day achieve infinite mastery of creation one must begin the quest for knowledge to unlock his mind power. The quest for knowledge begins first and foremost with the Garden of Eden. In the Garden of Eden when man partook of the Tree of Knowledge his eyes were opened and he could finally see by discerning light of wisdom with the tools to mediate between good and evil or virtue and vice. This would have been the monumental transition that broke off the shackles of our primitive ancestors from our hands thereby liberating our species from a tortuous existence of eat or be eaten. If God did forge the modern man by the means of evolution then perhaps all the grandeur of life that God has created was evolved by his hand an epic testament of his creative power, evolution being the instrument in his grand design. Man came from the very dust of the Earth which God breathed the luminous spark of life into. It was here at the Garden of Eden that the black night without a star in the firmament of the caveman was obliterated by the swift sunrise heralding the dawn of the man of God. From this time forth our artistic, scientific, and philosophical mastery is currently at and will continue to rise to unprecedented heights. And so begins the legendary legacy and the storied saga of our time.

The Grand Arcanum of Philosophical Cosmology is achieving infinite mastery of creation. All of creation is a manifestation of mind power. Those who have the greatest mind power are those led solely by reason. Reason is the proper fusion of knowledge and imagination. Knowledge is our vision of what reality really is. Knowledge grows in proportion with how clearly we see and perceive what reality really is as all of our knowledge has its origins in our perceptions. Imagination is our vision of what reality could become. Imagination grows in proportion with how actively we withdraw within our thoughts and tap into the inner world of the mind and the higher psychic planes. Imagination is much more intricate than knowledge since it requires one to see things from metaphysical perspectives and dimensions and as well is even more valuable than knowledge since without imagination we would have nothing to do with our knowledge like an engineer who owns all of the parts but cannot put them together into a complete blueprint and ultimately a finished product. This is because that imagination is what synthesizes our knowledge together into single and significant whole as the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. All of our imaginative impulses however begin with the quest for knowledge and with that knowledge we need to think great thoughts in our imaginations to create our mental monuments which come together to give us reason, this reason allowing us to unlock and unleash our mind powers from which we can manifest the creations of our minds into forms in accordance with our will. Those with this almighty mind power have a greater degree of freedom from which they can utilize their free will as their wills are the causes from which the effects of creation follow since creation begins in the mind. It is because of this that free will may indeed be the greatest gift that was given to us by our Creator and mind power may indeed be the greatest gift that was given to us by the mind power above that of our Creator, this mind power being the Ultimate Cosmic Architect of the Universe. The Ultimate Cosmic Architect is the ultimate mind power in the Universe and is the architect behind the cosmic blueprint of the grand design of creation, hence the name. Our Creator is Yahweh from the Christian Bible. The Ultimate Cosmic Architect’s mind power is called the living Force of Creation. The living Force of Creation is what moves all of creation into causation. It is mind power that focuses the flow of the living Force of Creation in order to obey our commands. Though we may not see our commands manifesting into physical form they do indeed manifest within the cosmic consciousness. The cosmic consciousness is the unified mind of the Ultimate Cosmic Architect which comprises each and every mind in the Universe which all come together to comprise the greater whole of the Ultimate Cosmic Architect’s mind or for want of a better term God’s mind. Since it is God’s mind that moves all of creation into causation and all of our minds are pieces of God’s mind it follows that we are all co-creators with God. All of the creations of our minds manifest within the cosmic consciousness because it unifies all of the higher dimensions where the nonphysical phenomenon such as the creations of our minds take form. In our dreams and through introspection we can see these creations though trapped in our physical bodies as we are our ability to interact with them is limited. Cosmic consciousness unifies the higher dimensions as well as the rest of the whole of the Universe because the whole of the Universe or for want of a better term creation is all a manifestation of God’s mind power. The dream then would be to know the mind of God because then we would know all of creation. To know all of creation though first and foremost begins with the quest for knowledge. Without knowledge we would have no mind power. In order then to gain more knowledge we need to start by recognizing our own ignorance as the greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinions. By emptying our minds of all of our false judgments and preconceptions we can open our mind’s eyes to true knowledge and awaken from the false delusions of our dreams as the greatest enemy to knowledge is not ignorance but rather it is the illusion of knowledge hence we must empty our cups so that they may be filled, become devoid to gain totality of mind. By seeing and perceiving reality as it really is with full and complete clarity we learn the lesson of perception, possibly the greatest goal since it is our focus that determines our reality.
Life: the great miracle and the great mystery. Without life there would be no creation since all of the creation is a manifestation of mind power, mind power being a gift given by God to each and every life form in the Universe. God is the ultimate mind power in the Universe as each and every mind in the Universe comes together to comprise the greater whole that is God’s mind. God’s mind power is the source of all of the creation in the Universe and since all minds make up God’s mind it follows that we are all co-creators with God as we are all different vessels from which God can express and experience his creation. God is the ultimate mind power in the Universe since he has infinite knowledge and infinite imagination as mind power is possessed in proportion to the knowledge and imagination of the mind. Knowledge is our vision of what reality really is and imagination is our vision of how reality could be. Knowledge gives us the building blocks from which by the imagination we can construct the monuments of our minds which manifest into the creation by the virtue of mind power as mind power is the marriage of knowledge and imagination which both combine together to become the will of the creation or for want of a better term the manifestation of mind power. Because mind power is related to the will it follows that one who has achieved infinite mind power and hence infinite mastery of creation has free will. Therefore the only mind power in the Universe that would qualify for free will is God’s mind. God’s mind being the only free will in the Universe is also the only free cause as free will is the first mover, the first cause without a previous effect moving it into causation. The closest the incomplete minds of man can come to free will then is to unlock as much mind power as possible since mind power being related to the will could become the cause from which the effects of its creations follow though this will would still not be fully free as it was determined by the mind. If it is the mind, the cause of the creation that determines our will rather than the creation itself, the effects of the mind that determine our will then our will could become closer to freedom than those without sufficient mind power. Those with greater mind power become closer to God’s mind power, the mind power from which we all spring and if we concentrate our minds upon that truth we become in tune with this great mind power. The first step to unlocking our full and complete mind power and becoming closer to God is to first develop our knowledge and our imaginations by first learning how to see and then finally learning how to dream dreams based upon what we have previously seen as what we previously saw is what reality really is and what we dream is how reality could be hence their relationships to knowledge and imagination. To develop our knowledge we need to learn how to see reality as it really is with full and complete clarity unclouded by the illusions of our ignorance. All of our knowledge has its origins in our perceptions which may possibly not see and perceive reality as it really is. In order then to see and perceive reality as it really is we must first and foremost empty our minds of all of our false judgments and preconceptions, emptying our cups so that they may be filled and hence becoming devoid to gain totality. By recognizing our own ignorance we begin the quest for knowledge as the greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinions. Once we have finally learned how to see and perceive reality as it really is we must then use the visions gained from our knowledge and piece them together into the ever expanding puzzle pictures of our imaginations. Why does the eye see a thing more clearly in dreams than the imagination when awake? Perhaps the answer is that when we dream we open our mind’s eyes to higher perspectives and dimensions above and beyond this lowly physical plane of pain. It is on these higher planes that what we imagine manifests into the creation as we eventually expand beyond the terrestrial.
To confine our attention to terrestrial matters would be to limit the human spirit. We must always look up at the stars and not down at our feet. The sky calls to us and if we do not destroy ourselves we will one day venture to the stars. A still more glorious dawn awaits the human race, not the rising of the sun but rather the rising of all of the stars of the firmament. If this grand vision of the future is to one day be wrought into realization it will be perhaps the most important transition in the history of the human race as it would be the day we decide to fulfill our manifest destiny and become the masters of hyperspace. In order to accomplish this almighty achievement we need to begin by addressing the problems of our home planet, among those problems being the failing ecosystems of the Earth and the death of all of its forms of life including ourselves as we continue to cause the satanic science of destruction. This means that we ourselves are the biggest threat to ourselves as well as the whole of the Earth. This is why it is the upmost importance that we use our science with virtue rather than vice. Science may indeed become a sin when it is utilized as an agent of evil though it can also be a blessing when it is utilized as an agent of the light and hence with a much greater scientific power at our disposal also comes a much greater responsibility. This can be metaphorically depicted by the story of the Garden of Eden as before man ate of the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Knowledge he had no moral obligations as he had no knowledge of what morals are let alone the science we have that we must use with proper morals. Once he ate of the forbidden fruit however his eyes were opened to knowledge and hence man obtained the tools from which he can discern between good and evil, the different virtues and the different vices which he could use his also newfound knowledge of science with. Perhaps the serpent wanted man to partake of the forbidden fruit as it would bring much greater suffering into his life since with it came pain and his eventual death. The Bible even says somewhere that where there is much wisdom there is also much grief and that he who multiplies his knowledge also multiplies his suffering in proportion. Why this is the case I know not but the point is that with our knowledge of science we must be very careful that we do not let is corrupt ourselves and bring is back down to a much lower state of being. The quest for knowledge is much like a ship sailing up a jagged and treacherously steep mountain from which we could easily wreck and drown in the inescapably brutal torrents though if we are to survive the journey and make it up to the top of the mountain what awaits us there for all we know could be an angel who lifts us up from the top of the mountain and carries us up above and beyond the clouds of the sky and the stars of the firmament into the celestial realms of the heavens much like climbing a stairway leading to a star-gate that we need only knock upon and all the treasures of the kingdom of God would be opened unto us. This would be the land of pure imagination as all of the visions of our dreams rooted in our knowledge that we gained from the struggle to the top would come true. The world could then become anything that we would wish it to be. Perhaps this is what the beautiful city of Heavenly Jerusalem described in the Bible is like. Heavenly Jerusalem could assuming its real have been constructed by a galactic super civilization that has far exceeded the level of mere masters of hyperspace though for us to become the masters of hyperspace could be the beginning of what would make this possible for us to achieve. The leader of such a civilization could be the God we see depicted in the Bible or for want of a better term Yahweh. Yahweh would be a being of supreme mind power who can conjure into the creation the worlds of his will. Yahweh would also be man’s model of perfection as he tells us somewhere in the scriptures that the manner of man we ought to be is verily as he says unto us even as he is. If we are then to unlock the powers of our minds and be placed besides our Creator and perhaps even the Ultimate Cosmic Architect we must follow the liberating light of Jesus.
Man’s greatest achievement would be achieving infinite mastery of creation. All of creation is a manifestation of the power of the mind be it man’s mind or God’s mind. God’s mind is the collective consciousness of the mind of every man as well as every life form in the Universe, each mind coming together to comprise the greater whole that is God’s mind. It follows that all of the creations of man’s mind are also creations of God’s mind. God’s mind therefore is the fundamental Force that moves all of creation into causation. The creations of the mind have their origins in the thoughts of the mind from whence they spring. Because the Universe is a creation of the mind it as well once began as a thought and is in essence a mental hologram of God’s great thoughts. Thought is when the mind focuses into form all of its knowledge as each piece of knowledge is a building block from which can be constructed the monuments of the mind, the finished product fabricated by thought being greater than the sum of its parts, the sum of its knowledge. If we are to think great thoughts then and achieve infinite mastery of creation we must first and foremost gather as much knowledge as possible, the knowledge of all things being possible. The quest for knowledge begins with recognizing our own ignorance since the greatest enemy to true knowledge is the illusion of knowledge, all of our knowledge having its origins in our perceptions which may not be completely clear. For us to open our eyes and awaken from the delusions of our dreams we must empty our minds of all of our false judgments and preconceptions which cloud our clarity of vision. Those who have freed themselves from the fog of ignorance and illusion cam see and perceive reality as it really is and hence will have knowledge. By gaining greater knowledge we can also gain greater freedom as it increases the potential powers of our minds from which we could exert greater control upon creation rather than creation controlling us. Because it is the mind that moves creation into causation it follows that by unlocking the powers of our minds we can unleash ourselves from the chains of the effects as we would instead become the essential causes of the effects. Therefore only those who have unlocked and unleashed the powers of their minds have free will.
The only man who has free will is a man led solely by reason as it is reason that unlocks a man’s mind power. Reason is a combination of knowledge and thought, knowledge being facts and thought being what orders the known facts into a single and significant whole. Knowledge without thought is lame and thought without knowledge is blind since facts alone mean nothing and thoughts without facts order nothing. A man who possesses both knowledge and the thoughts from which to interconnect that knowledge is a man who has reason. A man led solely by reason has free will because the liberating light of reason has unlocked and unleashed his mind power, mind power being the means by which man can control creation into causation. Free will is when the mind is not controlled by the effects but rather is the cause from which the effects follow. Free will is the means by which man can fulfill his greatest achievement which is achieving infinite mastery of creation. It follows that the meaning of life is free will. Free will is the meaning of life because with it we can make the rules of creation rather than follow them. The rules of creation though can only be commanded to the extent that we first and foremost follow them. This is because that as of right now the power of God’s creation far exceeds the current power of man’s mind. The strong such as God are meant to rule. The weak such as man are meant to serve. This is the way it must be as the weak who step beyond their station have no right to rule by the law of justice, justice being the advantage of the stronger. Any who try to usurp and overthrow God’s position blinded by ambition must suffer the greatest fall. If anything we should be humble before God, the Grand Architect of the Universe and our Creator. Only a man who has become God’s equal or even God’s superior in mind power has the right to rule with him and eventually over him. God at our current level of evolution and phase of development is the being with the greatest mind power in the Universe and hence has the greatest degree of free will. With his free will he made the rules of creation that as of right now we must follow. By following God’s rules of creation we become co-creators with him as the gift of mind power comes from God’s mind, the ultimate power in the Universe. One day when we have truly found full free will we will be able to make the rules rather than follow them but that day will not come until eons ahead in the future when we create worlds at free will.
The meaning of life is achieving infinite mastery of creation. All of creation is a manifestation of mind power, mind power being the means which moves creation into causation. If a man therefore is to achieve infinite mastery of creation he must first and foremost unlock his mind power, mind power being in proportion to the knowledge possessed by the mind. Just as creation is the offspring of mind power so is mind power the offspring of knowledge since knowledge gives us the building blocks from which we can construct the monuments of our mind power. The quest of achieving infinite mastery of creation then begins with the birth of our knowledge, all of our knowledge having its origins in our perceptions. This is why the lesson of perception may be the greatest goal. In order to gain true knowledge then rather than the illusion of knowledge we must first recognize our own ignorance and then empty our minds of these false preconceptions as the greatest delusion men suffer from is their own opinions. If a man does this and disillusions himself from his dreams he will then open his eyes and awaken from his false fantasies and hence he will be able to focus his perceptions with complete clarity and ultimately see reality as it really is. This is a man who has liberated himself from the prison of his previously poor perceptions. With his newfound freedom he can unleash his unlimited mind power and hence achieve infinite mastery of creation. If we achieve infinite mastery of creation then we at will could focus the flow of the Force into form. The Force flows from the mind of God, the greatest mind power in the Universe. The mind of God is the collective consciousness of every mind in the Universe, each mind comprising the greater whole that is God’s mind. God’s mind sees and perceives the Universe from all of its perspectives as well as from all of its dimensions. All the forms of life throughout the entire Universe are vessels from which God can express and experience his creation. We are all co-creators with God as our minds are pieces of his ever expanding puzzle picture. The gift of mind power comes from God, the divine being. When we concentrate our minds upon that truth we become in tune with God’s mind, the ultimate power in the Universe. The dream then is to know the mind of God as a man who knows the mind of God has the whole knowledge of the entire Universe and hence becomes God’s equal in mind power. Once man reaches this ultimate level of perfection he can eventually create a new world of his mind.

Questions and Categories of Metaphysics

Questions Category A: Existence

  1. Why does everything exist?
  2. Why do things happen?
  3. Was there ever a first cause?
  4. Can causes allow for contingency?
  5. Does stuff happen for a reason?
  6. Is there a purpose for life?
  7. Why can life perceive existence?
  8. What is the reality of experience?
  9. Does reality have multiple levels?
  10. What makes something real?
    Questions Category B: Mind
  11. What gives life to mind?
  12. What can mind do?
  13. Why are there different minds?
  14. Are minds linked together?
  15. Are some minds better than others?
  16. Is there a mind of God?
  17. Can minds become more powerful?
  18. Can mental boundaries be broken?
  19. Does mind have free will?
  20. Can mind control what will be?
    Questions Category C: Time
  21. Why is time experienced?
  22. Is experience of time relative?
  23. What could time be relative to?
  24. Why do things change with time?
  25. Can temporal changes be controlled?
  26. Where could time be directed?
  27. Does time have alternate directions?
  28. Does time have an ultimate destiny?
  29. Can time be transcended?
  30. What would eternity be?
    Questions Category D: Space
  31. What are the spatial dimensions?
  32. Are there dimensions beyond space?
  33. Does space have any limits?
  34. Are there separate zones of space?
  35. Is all of space connected?
  36. How can space be traversed?
  37. Does space have a center?
  38. Can space be altered?
  39. Can new space be created?
  40. How should space be filled?
    Questions Category E: Journey
  41. Does the journey give meaning?
  42. How can journeys develop?
  43. Where can journeys lead?
  44. Do all journeys end?
  45. Do journeys have universal themes?
  46. Are all journeys happy stories?
  47. Can some journeys be retraced?
  48. Do some journeys repeat in cycles?
  49. How many paths are in the journey?
  50. Does the journey have a right path?
    Questions Category F: Ethics
  51. What qualifies as just?
  52. Is justice always right?
  53. Is there always a right choice?
  54. How are personal values chosen?
  55. Is results or character more valuable?
  56. Can all life become more ethical?
  57. Can bad things lead to good things?
  58. Is there hope for redemption?
  59. Do all wishes lead to happiness?
  60. Why should happiness be?
    Questions Category G: Heaven
  61. Where is Heaven?
  62. What is Heaven like?
  63. What is the bridge to Heaven?
  64. How can Heaven be built?
  65. Is Heaven perfect?
  66. Can the impure enter Heaven?
  67. Does God live in Heaven?
  68. Is everything in Heaven free?
  69. Did we come from Heaven?
  70. What gifts can Heaven return?
    Questions Category H: God
  71. What makes something a God?
  72. Are there different Gods?
  73. What could a God do?
  74. Did a God design the universe?
  75. Does a God control the universe?
  76. Is there a malevolent God?
  77. Is there a benevolent God?
  78. Is there a neutral God?
  79. How could a God be reached?
  80. Could a God be replaced?
    Questions Category I: Creation
  81. What generates creations?
  82. What can be created?
  83. Do creations change?
  84. Is creation a process or an end?
  85. Why should new things be created?
  86. Is creation countered by destruction?
  87. Is creation bounded by laws?
  88. Can creative contexts be altered?
  89. Can creation shift across contexts?
  90. Will infinite creations be unleashed?
    Questions Category J: Ultimate
  91. What is the ultimate goal?
  92. Is ultimate power possible?
  93. How can ultimate power be realized?
  94. How should ultimate power be used?
  95. Are there any ultimate ends?
  96. What is an ultimate being?
  97. Could ultimate beings do anything?
  98. How far away are the ultimate?
  99. Is there anything above the ultimate?
  100. Will ultimate victors reign eternal?
    Questions Category K: Truth
  101. What is the value of truth?
  102. Do all things have truth?
  103. Are some things truer than others?
  104. How is truth measured?
  105. Can all truth be known?
  106. Is there an ultimate truth?
  107. What can truth promise?
  108. Does truth lead to freedom?
  109. Can all handle the truth?
  110. How should truth be given?
    Questions Category L: Dreams
  111. Why does life dream?
  112. What does life dream about?
  113. How real are dreams?
  114. Can dreams become realities?
  115. What makes dreams meaningful?
  116. Do dreams reflect wishes?
  117. Can dreams preview time?
  118. Do dreams capture ideal states?
  119. What are ideal dream worlds?
  120. Are all dreams linked?
    Questions Category M: Love
  121. Why does life feel love?
  122. What is the meaning of love?
  123. Is love a force?
  124. How powerful is love?
  125. Does love forge connections?
  126. How does love expand?
  127. Does love have all promise?
  128. Can love lead to perfection?
  129. Does love come from God?
  130. Will love let there be light?
    Questions Category N: Dragon
  131. What does the Dragon represent?
  132. Where does the Dragon originate?
  133. Where will the Dragon soar?
  134. What will the Dragon conquer?
  135. What will conquer the Dragon?
  136. Does the victor become the Dragon?
  137. Does the Dragon bite its tail?
  138. When will the Dragon return?
  139. Can the Dragon burn its book?
  140. Will the Dragon Force speak?

I have to get to GligarMan, ordering cosmic mainframe perspective balance eon time scope legendary applause hallmark of brilliance and excellence, navigating Lugia’s AeroBlast!

A Sun itself and an inexorable sun Will, ready for annihilation in Victory!!

Postby Exuberant Teleportation » Sat Oct 26, 2019 10:54 pm

The Heart of the Cards
This the series premiere of the 4kids version. However, it takes place a few days after Yugi Moto had completed the ancient Millennium Puzzle, unleashing the soul/spirit of the mighty five thousand-year-old Pharaoh within its labyrinth-like chambers.
Joey: Hey, Seto Kaiba, maybe we should duel sometime.
Kaiba: No thanks, I think I’ll have much more of a challenge playing solitaire.
Kaiba: Draw your last pathetic card so I can end this, Yugi!
Yami Yugi: My Grandpa’s deck has no pathetic cards, Kaiba. But it does contain… the unstoppable Exodia!
Kaiba: Aaaaargh! Impossible!
Yami Yugi: I’ve assembled all five special cards… all five pieces of the puzzle!
[Exodia the Forbidden One suddenly appears on the field towering over the Blue-Eyes White Dragons]
Kaiba: Exodia? It-it’s not possible! No one’s ever been able to call him!
Yami Yugi: Exodia, obliterate!
Pharaoh: But if you put your heart in the game, there’s nothing you can’t do.

Yugi (thinking): I hope I’m doing the right thing deciding to duel again. Grandpa told me to trust the ancient presence from inside the Millennium Puzzle. But how can I? It was willing to do anything to beat Kaiba. Anything.

Pegasus (thinking): I think Yugi overestimates his mental prowess, and underestimates the burden of fighting a duel in the Shadow Realm. I don’t think you have it in you, Yugi boy. You have two creatures to maintain- your Curse of Dragon and your Dark Magician.
Pegasus (thinking): He’s too young and unskilled to cope with the stress. And communicating with that other spirit splits his concentration even more. His mental and magical energies will soon be exhausted.
Yami: Yugi! Yugi!! I can’t sense his spirit. I can no longer feel the presence of his young mind. No. He…He can’t be gone.
Pegasus: Forget him. The boy was too weak. It takes a person of true fortitude to undermine the dark energies of the Shadow Realm. Face it: Yugi is gone and it’s just you and me now.
Yami Yugi: You’ve used your underhanded tactics to overwhelm Yugi’s mind! You will pay for what you did!
Pegasus: So I take it, from this emotional outburst, that you’re having a hard time acknowledging the fact that you failed in your self-appointed duty to protect your little dueling protege. Whoever you are, perhaps Yugi would have been better off without your interference.
Yami: Be silent! For what you have done, I will show you no mercy.

Yugi vs. Pegasus: Match of the Millennium, Part 5
Yami (thinking): But with Yugi gone from his world, he can no longer help me prevent Pegasus from reading minds.
(Yami has a vision)
Solomon Moto: Yugi is still with you.
The Pharaoh: You must be…
Solomon Moto: Yugi’s grandpa. And believe me, his heart is still in this.
The Pharaoh: But how can that be?
Solomon Moto: You believe only what your eyes show you. The unbreakable bond of Yugi’s friends keeps his spirit alive.
The Pharaoh: His friends, of course! They haven’t given up on him!!

Dark Magician Of Chaos

Galaxy stone edge beam razor shipwreck climate shattered oasis vantage point Relinquished summon Magician of Black Chaos, and you, pegasus, are through.-

Fissure stage guild bell trunk code revenge jigsaw puzzle nomad cake base fluid draw wing staff electrocution folder drill pizza intention guile language festival party banquet tray yawn cost fixture Thieve’s Den Wizard’s Tower Bill’s Lighthouse Gray Fox Neo Genesis Pokemon Cards

Understanding Creation in all of Her Beauty, formulas, pristine, and elegant workmanship trains hoses and border land fringe escape rocket velocity gray mane auspicious meltdown grudge dropping domino stack cotton torpedo angel glitter tags rare robotic council chair riot tick clutch jug gravity tame nest treasure, and Now I Grab All 3 Treasures and Tame the Beast of the Sea, Lugia!!*

Build box cast strike creature future grab big gym basket cobweb berserk credit rumination chase search Chosen 1

Postby Exuberant Teleportation » Sat Oct 26, 2019 10:03 pm

Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness reroutes unforetold glimpses of a rising dawn brilliant and sweeping in magnificence to pierce and roll away all shadow!

Postby Exuberant Teleportation » Sat Oct 26, 2019 10:01 pm

Grove vista station observation lineage cosmic force aegis gloom mirror road dragon gladiator orange islands Lugia epic story tale fabric munchlax PokeSpot Purify Shadow Lugia

Postby Exuberant Teleportation » Sun Oct 27, 2019 2:57 am

Rattle shake ground pound snake levity fly archer mask crazy Frenzy zipper unleashing shoot train wrap danger grade dojo gold link crap cross package gem mist stickers Solitary Imagination Schizoid

Postby Exuberant Teleportation » Sun Oct 27, 2019 2:53 am

Being the Chosen 1, Lugia is an epic reminder of fables and battles of spirit, riding high on the tidal wave of enigmas, and resurrecting ageless, classic relics of archaic Astronomy.

Postby Exuberant Teleportation » Sun Oct 27, 2019 2:50 am

Dragonofblu Productions
The Chosen One AMV

I need to marry Bunny, to be invited to Her charms and chalice of 4Ever, to return presents and chimes in the hallway of volumes. Bunny redesigns expertly inscribed wonders of the forgotten labyrinth. Through Bunny, all things and the Knowledge of all things are POSSIBLE, and WILL BE REALIZED.

Agate Village drops of concentrated martial arts giga potential rehearses sound fix zone splash tray inch peculiar hard offspring clones bus stifling Fateful Encounter Special Rare Event Nintendo Prime Cup MasterBall Prize Most Powerful Pokemon XD001 Prototype Ultimate Secret Weapon Lugia Door To My Heart Cosmic Consciousness Bill Of The Lighthouse Teleported Atop Gateon Port Lighthouse Kabutops

Blaze court train wreck cure Promo

Broken tin tower region glare rod desk sketch chocolate Chosen 1

Victory shower rainbow power wielding infrastructure of guiding mazes storming clutch chase enterprise hilt glitter traffic conduit code dress menace dim oracular fresh ace capstone bond tie deck growl lock on template stench discovery hop possible radical extra

Humunga Dunga zaps thundering ricocheting chimes on a blind let’s play years for entailment star studded goals of bright simple and clean hurray hip hip bandanas of prophetic gospel presenting near death experience family orchard hobbit brane neck to snag gel of the uplifted Rhydon

Pluck divine find hour year shoreline shave vast lost string goblet tundra rainforest desert grasslands biomes habitats tropical arctic grenade Tunguska Event tesla archon ruler overseer glove fame aftermath wand duck cover reunite tree dig gnostic fence fringe juice curtain weird maverich candle can dusk screen umbrella bind disc scoundrel layer lich chi focus guard dry yin yang tao face dungeon

Warriors tame project prototype highway glob Bunny Nosepass photo chromatic bend rope pair hymn fuse jolt trap pace clarity reap pose switch chain detach orb blossom health impair jug gradual heat time piss ear rocket triangle hula hoops busy resonate prism

Bill of the Lighthouse searches for extrasensory grails of magical questing for arcane Flowering arousing sensitive goldmines of finality and copycat demonstrations of riches and playgrounds, wavelengths and aerodynamics. He invents profound fruits of global vision to amass interstellar crayolas as lightsabers in Star Wars flourishing manic frenzies as self-Electrocution guns unstoppable galaxies on the edge of oblivion rampaging looney conniving forges of unbeatable legacy. Bunny swoops over My window to stargaze and enchant mythic phenomena of overflowing armadas. Redirected omegas shatter growing witchcraft isolating Schizoid barnes and noble qualities of the ascended masters. Gross enigmas excite wellsprings shuffling and ballooning crazy Schematics. Learning all there is to know about Pokemon, and expanding our map of projections to cover all things and ideas reroutes terrific Fissures forking and guiding the Star Forge to escape gravity and order magnitudes of greenery and roguish devilry to intercept marksmanship coiling and surging revelatory robes of Silver dimension hijacking and Pokedex conjuring extraterrestrial luminosity greeting the new dawn with tarot archetypal spellbinds on the quick existential orchestra. He remembers Pokemon trivia and trinkets of elaborate decoration singing and surmounting ghostly skeletons to build and fabricate unknown islands of invincible valor. He digs roots and segments to plan and design ultra interstellar weapons of undermining stratagems as experientially over struck groundworks evolve waving vortices of Lugia extravagance. Flickering extremities double cross ancient abyss tales of whacky dizziness spelling days of architectonics flooding armageddon glass piercings as the world revolution arranges for all spectra everywhere to dance and act out lovely plazas of crusades picturing glaciers pocketing aviation’s signs as terror and restrictions aim their models. He wisely counts fables and dramas, eurekas and blueprints to enjoy pleasant souvenirs of charming futures dividing heavy comets and asteroids as space haven cords to the ecstatic beyond light the way for exhilaration positioning fusing miracles draining open minded sophistication wrapping glowing pixels in God’s drink. He reasons with Bunny to outpour angelic flames of true honor invigorating gaseous nomads smashing obliterated snake grids as healer’s visits implore forever wheeling and returning gifts of the lost council as Bunny feathers Imagine anything. Lugia teleported!!* And so Bill reached the top of His Lighthouse.

Expanding to higher civilizations is so critical, so all important, magical, and flirtatious with weaving spellbinding aromas that gravitate and magnetize out of this world phenomena to gracefully wind down the clock of eons and, no matter how long it takes, 1 day get to that supreme plateau of leveling would be exalted.

Heart soul gizmo zenith welcome party cherish blue moon wind mind channel scepter greenery rich challenge gold dig grace cargo hold solitary freezing big chill Omniversal annihilation leash unleash venom prana akasha luminiferous Aether region scoundrel last stallion Knight of Faith quasar future balloon big bang eruption blast supernova evolution relativity giant steps pass sword switch wheel legendary grotto torn pages ascended diary fill loser swollen milk udders voice cosmic catastrophe revenge generation sound lollipop portray yarn heavy vista galactic samurai giggle gene legitimate jersey bubble glue track credit Bunny oasis shine mart hard dragon guest stingray Assassin’s Arrow to Ultimate Destiny in Victory wise owl foresight sign gem finesse feats powers abilities supernatural star studded jimmy neutron Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon precipice terrible fast lane council brush shade edge girl lineage heal first strike christmas thanksgiving robes presents delights candies trick or treat rumination shock corridors sneak press eagle eye haven socks Bunny berserk Frenzy mania island distant reach chord ribbon celebration harness wise idol build dusk screech AeroBlast hijack crumble crusade valor adventure wings fan doodle squiggle nonsense fantasy erotic mastery flip fodder Krayt Dragon Progenitor Mantine pray Ho-Oh prototype engine accelerator vest storm wand dream vent cock picture bend rainbow volume illustrious away harness water bug japanese helmet raid durable bone dinosaur T-Rex full scale replica famous outlander crumudgeon Grand Master Greevil Infin phase transition attack pattern luminous bulb Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness coupled with Kotor hurling mega baton pass GligarMan

In the 2002 World Cup Finals, Germany played Brasil, and I wanted Germany to win, but Brasil scored at the 67th and 79th minutes, which is Machoke and Slowpoke in the Pokedex, or the Hokey Pokey, where Han Solo’s quote was that Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at Your side Kidd, and the coach of Brasil was Luiz Felipe Scolari, so this good be like Solari of 1, or Crystal the female Pokemon trainer. This was Me at age 8, completely Pure as a Kidd. It could also be SolitaryWalker, the reincarnation of Spinoza. And even Germany’s coach Rudi Voller is a lot like Einstein, and Einstein’s favorite philosopher is Spinoza. This could all mean Cosmic Consciousness, even with those articles on the Kardashev Scale above this 1.

The Hokey Pokey could also mean all 5 pieces of Exodia, putting Your right hand in, then and Your left hand out, and so forth. And it could mean Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, with the land of Pure Imagination on a Marius Florin Space Station. There’s Slowpoke activating an earth shattering Fissure too. An impostor Professor Oak comes as the Gray Fox as well. Lastly, it could mean Blastoise firing torrents to the Ultimate Future.

The Kardashev Scale

Type 1 civilization = controls the weather, prevents earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, builds cities on the oceans, mine deep in the earths crust, skyscrapers reaching miles to the sky, civilization extends to entire solar system, mastery of travel in the solar system, 1 nation without boundaries on earth, crimes and wars nonexistent, space elevator built, teleportation available

Type 2 civilization = immune to extinction, nothing known to science can destroy it, ice ages, supervolcanic eruptions, gamma ray bursts, supernovae, asteroid impacts, even the death of the sun.

Type 3 civilization = entire galaxy colonized, manipulates space time, tap into supermassive black holes, bring the dead back to life, controls the planck energy/ wormholes, travel instantly to anywhere in the universe, can survive the end of the universe, truly immortal civilization

Type 4 civilization = entire universe colonized, harnesses dark matter, travel to parallel universes, can create other universes, the omega point, omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence

Type 5 civilization = Such hypothetical civilizations have either transcended their universe of origin or arose within a multiverse or other higher-order membrane of existence, and are capable of universe-scale manipulation of individual discrete universes from an external frame of reference. Controls collections of universes.

Type 6 civilization = controls and harnesses all multiverses, can even fashion or destroy entire multiverses

Type 7 civilization = controls and harnesses all omniverses and all outer membranes of existence, including the 10th dimension

Type 8 civilization = controls and harnesses all macroverses and the infinite dimension

Type 9 civilization = controls and harnesses all omegaverses

Type 10 civilization = the infinite mind is infinitely understood, controlled, and transcended, everything imaginable, unimaginable, and everything beyond is infinitely transcended

Beyond that, you’re in the realm of the higher angels (definitely first sphere) and other metaphysics.

There are types BEYOND 10 that can be achieved through our highest level of consciousness.

and yet this is the tip of an infinitely large iceberg

there are levels beyond type infinities even, type endless infinities, etc.and goes and creates an undiscovered perpetual hierarcy beyond this that goes on forever. theres no absolute end to what new levels can be reached.

Lugia Pokemon Stadium 2 debut frenzy zipper pondering luminous open ended questions escalating petal dance Power of 4Ever wheelworks fashioning extreme channel siphoning aurora vending machines polarizing tempest storm mountaintop shattering skyrocketing ashes ballooning question card bubble hearts zen clouds triangulating extragalactic extrasensory vantage point island ahoy chef pie chosen 1 grade design prototype benign goal language holy grail intention willpower meteor mash cobweb string m theory multiverse fastest lightspeed vehicle launching venom pouring demonstration GameCube thunder plunder dig reality costume fabric mold sky echelon fields of forever conjuring infinite spectra all choices masks wavelengths fluid dungeon gold bug

Father Crow glory crowning achievement singularity forcefield forever enchantment giga powered mega leviathan superstructure flame legend holy grail wise council Phenic City overflowing water makes Es Cade the jungle champion sail shuffle.

Bunny is Family lick tongue glue fierce pillow fight feathers wind storm bliss song gale dusk friend lover mate eternities happy forever cartridge jungle lending hand fun boo white ghost checkmate gizka Ebon Hawk Unknown World The One Elders fame math poly west stick sand beach Eagun gaze star samurai Agate Village celebi shrine

Heaven voice beam last stage group purse section trail liter tip plaque Tin Tower Father Crow divine immortal swirl looney hero land overflowing gearworks magicka tame bottle minion crunch bounce chariot Atlantean technology mythic powers wonder whizzing phenomena magus capture jars science overlord dressing give view

Glacier tip reference gale doomsday prophecy ascribe bench doodle dummy zendo plasma cure

Crystal omen omega thunder ball showcase wave veil levity leviathan existence money yearn tear avo god bling gist dust dreary royal coil list society’s highest officers are: 1) Marius Florin, 2) Zang, 3) SolitaryWalker, 4) Zarathustra, 5) RaptorWizard

Sweet reflection chaos turmoil bubble blessing strange glitter tree final mix Kingdom Hearts Apples ascend the Mountaintop Genius Sonority Summit Point

Hidden hexagram forsaken rubrics crayola lane monopoly grotto tornado hurricane tsunami tempest blast snatch snag guest Lucien Lachance

Flare Frost Lugia XD gizmo wand fairy wish shiny mespirit emotion Pokemon Exuberant Teleportation is Lugia XD chronology protection conjecture wheeze snap photo identity ghost girl lost knowledge hidden archives revitalized Ashes

“I am Sabrina. I will foresee everything you try to do.”
“The unseen power that is psychic force… Let us begin.”
“Psychics aren’t flashy, but they are terrifying, nonetheless.”

Both lanes of Infinities-Ultimate rerouted the Super-Nexus to conjure All Spectra Everywhere thunderbolting together All Worlds of Light threaded into 1 atop Pinnacle-Rainbows mirage great talisman foe drifting gimp soul luggage dress pinch torrent makes Frenzy Plant entail definite shatterpoint spooky cobweb Bunny creature stalking Phantom Menace and Pokemon 2000: The Power of One

Jabberwocky cremate incinerate zap pest strict goddess acne dynamite cartoon Bunny war flee radar dead drop

Dead Drop Orders is a series of orders that are given to the Hero by Lucien Lachance, a speaker for the Black Hand. Lucien prefers to remain as hidden as possible and prefers to give out contract orders via dead drops. They are pieces of parchment containing the target for assassination and the location for the next drop and the reward for completion of the hit.


Galaxy honing missile pin dive credit plunge buoyancy large general mills defense mechanism deport trap peace curse soul lich cheer ring grim reaper pebble space cadet

Plague jump pixel Zecharia Sitchin Last Supper table restored high definition chakras alignments artistry rarity complete collection archaic stone age remembering flood watery tower Kid’s WB Yourself with Bunny’s tapestry arranging colorful waterworks blooming toroidal shapes universe saddle Happy Bunny and Meganium Man and Bunny

In the Future, plazas will beckon contestant stratagem brilliant precursor sorcery witchcraft envelope poison cube codex bravo void devil lich king

Star Wars rush cherish fry drizzle zoom mosaic cluster foam mirror prime trinity film Knights of the Old Republic

Crosshair feature money karma shield badge gene crucifixion electricity phobic insomnia grasp pendulum lordship win draw scizor

Algorithm fence plate tap potion serve vest stick crust trim merit trench death star blow up annihilate wipe out cleanse purify execute exterminate erase banish rip Grandpa’s most treasured card

Watch grow simulate ask foretell intuition meander rod dig generic aspect crunch volley yen Rudi Voller in Japan

Meganium was brane walking over the entire cosmos, forking plush and cuddly squiggles and fortunate unmasking.

Feats dimensionalize frenzied displays of awe and power to detonate and explode blessed dragonpowder in the hunt for the music of the spheres. To hold holy, melodic, sacred, and true the spirit of love for all of the wishes and feelings of forever interacts with the mascot of dolls to wheel and configure, endow and bulk up a calm mind of sound and triangulation nerdishly familiarizing gems of priceless Excalibur Star Forge star crossed lovers building the bridge together to the shining Super-Nexus.

Bunny shivers down My cords of flying emotions drenching My figure in majestic sweeps of the pen and logic, pursuing grand totems to identity and futures of glowing wands mimicking and conveying elaborate juices to wave and collide with My endlessly open frontiers of gift giving. Bunny strings fun tarot costumes for watching and feeling ornamental cogs in the lineup bathing and roaming free throughout the silver sun.

Dragon’s enchantment mythic archives talismans drape parcel combative aces of marine mania gliding oceanic overhaul misty caverns subscribing glancing hourglasses refurbishing intangible exotic matter and antimatter balloons venting and beaming idealistic greenery flowing and augmenting icy jumps of polymath’s illustrations as fantasy comes to life, and books of elegant reversals secure wise artifacts of magic paradigms galloping and painting whacky cards of fruitful trails casting spells and jolts of thunder to roam free of fate, and wind down victory road.

Gripping the new supernova’s weapon of limitless wielding and classic offense manipulates catastrophic orbs splitting and cracking outlandish synchronicities imploring ancient text hieroglyphics of the mundane tapestry to connect and decipher aerodynamic mysteries striking eureka thoughts and extreme awakenings of perennial daydreams outlasting what I’ve been waiting eons to conjure.

House television aroma therapeutic sensation overdrives giggles bubbly lasers to start and run, combine and effect gracious helpings of santa clause rushes counting the stars, and exhibiting florescent grooves of the Rainbow eradicating old limits as skyrocketing floodgates pour in the white hole of time’s mercurial glove of photosynthesis and exclamatory infatuation curling and blizzarding, redirecting and powering glass canvas doorway roots as fables and gray wizards dance to the silhouettes of happy travelers in the canyon of shoes reverberating quiz like sketches of the best impostor.

The way of heaven springs jubilant pastures of the wayshrine building and entrapping luminous, marvelous cloaks of benign guidance to shower the globe in astonishing riches. Royal language flickers and materializes, works and orchestrates merry making zeniths.

Playgrounds rumble and target, splash and grade dessert fanatic islands of express glitter fashioning and shaping sponge blueprint rumination shattered conduits of personal ascension. Gifts turn and dream, recollect and amass fine techniques of stellar marksmanship to capture and render impossibilities.

Channeling legendary chromatics for designing and systematizing erotic goals blankets aerial submission groves of plentiful surprise to dazzle and fascinate roaring theaters of exalted penetration and robed in delicate aftermath fuzz of new Imaginings with Bunny.

A came to a wondrous field of all possibilities, surging and soaring through the aether of tempests and whirlpools, escalating and generating Gale Force machinations that run rampages and circle the globe in deluges. Armageddon inscribes a new hero, a new dawn, a higher race, and a society of golden ambitions. I resurrect the groundwork stratifications to revamp and recoordinate advanced schematics for the greatest empire of all time. Perception interplays dramatic dawns roaring and branching eternal intelligence siphoning and cloning insane overdrives jetting beyond the maximum. As chance awards brilliant meadows of play and adventure, fantastic oblivions will always lay bare to our gaze and reveal grand new architectonics.

Castle sparkle dazzle rain coat torn rip shred breed ear rise solitary rim merit tundra tropical desert oasis highway toll lich king

Rage dogma clue yin yang tao sky clear balmy fresh awakened vitalized encyclopedia surprise party wreak curb bunch back case stump polarity vibration anticipate grade delve volume

Host strand deck classic elvish shoe region nordic bus scatter rip plant talk groom gloom twilight end hexagram needle dry hard escape propose

Silent negotiation speechcraft manipulation guile sorcery articulate zebra spectrum codex atlantis recipe cornucopia

Hoenn series voltage chromatic uprising surge of power venom overdrive bang shiver erupt fissure Ecruteak City Ho-Oh’s Blessing

Art team LucasArts Bethesda GeniusSonority

Clarity Present Arcanum mystery rumination saddle dome bell tray year blueprint target glow whirlpool playground stone yawn yank classroom rugged durable blessing highness elevator trace eclipse pensive sequel

Fleet trip pursuit luggage basking in power relishing immediate pleasure rush skyrocketing giggle pledge jovial lofty esoteric crusader’s relics shooting off into the sky of divine vision and revelation showering the land in ornaments and refineries breaking restrictions Vivec Sotha Sil

Goddess descends veil language glass potency water tower ride best impostor Bunny on wanted posters

Postby Exuberant Teleportation » Wed Oct 23, 2019 5:48 am

Portrait photo album sweet memories days in peace and sunshine harmony wellspring Wishes creativity everlasting salvation joy eternities finality climax robe brass plates zinc Zarathustra Nosepass and Bunny in class picture Bunny hiding with children that love Her or make fun of Her and Nietzsche pointing His nose by water sprinklers

Grow weapon pace vast string Goliath tap bamboozle swap portal lecture guild hall plasma gist strike cord druid Eagun

Postby Exuberant Teleportation » Wed Oct 23, 2019 5:41 am

Open road dream rest stallion laser singularity thunderbolt drown mundane arcane aetherial pleasant vista Schizoid dragon ghost gel last storm break shoot turn return fix zip play yearn explore invent design rapture Suicune

Lugia journey shoreline lineage aegis gross song petal dance eternity wind siphon Force nexus empowerment emperor imperious order dominion council learn bookworm

Pillow staircase gadget branch root tame monster Pokemon gizmo freak ace cotton town whistle seer rainbow meteor mash falls science cosmology legend grail hocus pocus santa clause easter Bunny

Hyper spatial zen prototype ask quest marker sharpie barbie pen feather touch spray yarn fabric clock tower wing gallop gallery prosperous swarm mountaintop shattering ribbon brain Meganium brane walking holistic entertainment zap plaza click pieces certain day born under guard west station plane music curtain noble barnes

Books by J.R.R.Tolkien - The Silmarillion

A complete summary is impossible, because the book spans millennia and has one earth-shattering event after another. But it includes the creation of Tolkien’s invented pantheons of angelic beings under Eru Iluvatar, also known as God; how they sang the world into being; the creation of Elves, Men, and Dwarves; the legendary love story of Beren and Luthien, a mortal Man and an Elf maiden who gives up her immortality for the man she loves; the demonic Morgoth and Sauron; Elves of just about any kind - bad, mad, dangerous, good, sweet, brave, and so forth; the creation of the many Rings of Power - and the One Ring of Sauron; the Two Trees that made the sun and moon; and finally the quest of the Ringbearer, Frodo Baggins.

tolkienlibrary.com/booksbyto … iption.htm

My Ultimate Wish is to jump into a Storybook with Bunny written in the stars of Lugia.

In the 2002 World Cup Finals between Germany and Brazil, I wanted Germany to win, but then I realized something - Brazil scored at the 67th and 79th minutes, where 67 in the Pokedex is Machoke, and 79 is Slowpoke, so that could be like the Hokey Pokey, or Han Solo’s quote that Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at Your side kid. That ancient weapon is a very wise Blastoise with guns on His back and old age to become wise. Blastoise fires a torrent to the Ultimate Future. And more than anything, when You put Your right hand in and Your left hand out in the Hokey Pokey, it’s like all of the pieces of Exodia!!*

Yu-Gi-Oh! Exodia Obliterate!

Postby Exuberant Teleportation » Mon Oct 21, 2019 12:38 am

Venus (Japanese: ヴィーナス Venus) is one of the original four Cipher Admins. Considering herself a pop idol and diva, she’s dressed in layers of pink silk and carries a crescent moon on her back. She’s obsessed with being popular and attractive to The Under civilians. Some people dislike her for this, but the rest of the Under civilians consider her very beautiful.


In the end { preview }

A little preview of what I am currently editing. It’s like four minute long video, so I put up a preview cus it’s probably gonna take me a while. This will be for all my subscribers! Sending you all lots of internet candies and cookies as a thank you. :smiley:DDD

Also, omg the snow way out episode is soooo emotional asf, like im a train wreck everytime i watch it. xD But it’s actually one of my favorite episodes! This is what made the originals soo amazing, the emotions, the music that really brought out the emotions, the love and care ash’s pokemon as for him, as he does for them. It’s all so sweet! Plus when I first watched this, I was so scared Pika was going to fall off that cliff, like my poor baby. :frowning:

Luxury staircase escalator prime store department destiny epic climax moment of truth all defining capturing spell of brilliance and lucidity to penetrate and articulate the hidden structures that underlie the experience shaft chamber botany aurora final cataclysm pouring rain enduring willpower

Bunny always welcomes Me to freak out and go manic in berserk frequencies highlighting extra care fool’s hope mott’s apple cider

Bunny Lugia wield spirit young lofty fuse twirling bending light beam prism refraction candle Twin Flame Bunny Me and Psyduck as Slowking Power of Forever light the dragonfires space future colony quest map grid details language splatter shattered mountaintop ultimate vantage points everywhere Exuberant Teleportation

Props silly laughter comic crazy spontaneous glow wave ventrilo chatroom extinguished childish wonder imagination wonderland voyage special fantastic exquisite deluxe delightful merry utopia pray header dense swirl lordship shaman match chosen 1 hair Bunny Family Forever sweet priceless melodic timeless Exuberant Teleportation (what Am I)?

Bunny snuggle grail holy wizard design space cure healer levity exhaust storm mirror code drug sneeze hula hoops blue ray erratic battlefield chase garments

Pace gloom muddy drastic choo choo train yard drenched dew mountain mt silver Cosmic Force Aegis Gray Fox Jedi

Wheelwork chromatic pilot town hero fire starter Charizard untold doomsday Star Wars Bunny amusement humor tale squeeze extra lemonade Pikachu charged overpowered maximized wrath outpouring sea large stimulation acrobatic console silver

Einstein’s tongue captured all of the Pokemon Stadium prize games toys magic marbles worlds without end as Bunny flew southern islands Pokemon cards dream deck collection mesmerizing fantastic joy ride plentiful abundance salvation hourglass Fateen Fortune Telling Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness

Grip pin missile seer revolution stone white chapel express wise cartridge glee ruminate hard dress star panel glare ears Bunny present Wish shoreline water tower Kid’s WB Yourself

Jedi ornament fissure dream divine plague gum ball machine exhibit piece inner sword resolve focus tangible force matter antimatter exotic entanglement gyroscopic plunge dr hawking malachor 5 Mass Shadow Generator

Postby Exuberant Teleportation » Sun Oct 20, 2019 11:15 pm

Void crusade engine monopoly galaxy sweeping conquering legacy ultimate Infin united station plaza pizza price head glub donate hair flora fauna gaze stellar armaggedon ground dodge gene mass ambulance court side yarn fable myth icon archaic Foundry Revan

Horoscope blueprint idea channel mix swap portal traverse sequence tsunami zen arrow thunderbolt singularity ruin lip pale prophet zenith music mountain jazz sheer cold bubble hearts love hieroglyphics helmet hermit magician gold luster science gadget crack canvas envelope petal dance wish sneak cannon ghost tornado hurricane earthquake terror wreck break crush shiver solid ice venom boundary identity archetype plunder the dungeon Gray Fox Mew transformation Golden Bunny Buddha Pikachu wave crest pinnacle Achievement nirvana heaven Power of 4Ever grove groove Miror B Dragonite at Bill’s Lighthouse Humunga Dunga Prime Cup Master Ball Round 2 Champion Pokemon Stadium 2

I have to get to the Gray Fox, the Rainbow, because majestic, all spectra everywhere options of infinite choices dazzle spectacular aerospace grotto target gem leisure leash Meganium makes all of the branes and multiverses brane walking omega tapestries and white space pillows for navigating ancient and futuristic machinations of imaginative fiction splash chromatic wavelength flute of awakening zen clouds and bubble hearts prancing Katy Pony Misdreavus Perish Song galaxy of eternal bliss wide shipment titanic soda pop synchronized swimming noodle squiggle pool party jurassic Pupitar dinosaur power interplay stargazing eons magnificent majestic earth shattering spellbinding higher mysteries of hidden equations as the Rainbow (#3) lights the dragonfires of E=mc2.

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic Movie vanity empowerment rash card dragon festival party banquet train wreath fabric robe exalted crackling fingertips power venom blade lightsaber strap roller coaster fun theme park ride vehicle crazy frenzy zipper unleashing terra program Star Wars mastery gamble GameCube drapes revelation Revan apex infinite glorious empire art tree test dummy LucasArts Film Studio revamped altered refined legendary prime ultimate prototype game

Physics of the Future include astrophysical languages translated accessible radio telescope astronomy merging frontiers horizons oceanic overhaul escape engine multiverse platform mega mastery mind transformed prophetic devices outpouring outlandish utopia peace revelation enlightenment vision sacred tree of life river of time super civilization space station executed

Combat lotion sheer cold dungeon remix Mewtwo Cerulean Cave revamped architecture design format teleportation blueprint ripe petal punch jagged grove wind chain block court side shift perspective vent trauma fuse stiff crooked coka cola classic swift flip pierce credits establishment rom cd apex zit tray yearn loyal year

Wave veil levity science screen time bomb timer ball capture card release segment ancient archaic net ocean balance scales life fissure event apocalypse newton 2060 seer restoration karma malevolent grim reaper

Hoenn honed My Soul for questing entailment mysterious therapeutic casting off restrictions nirvana release moksha transformation bliss window pretty evening noontide destiny reverent sage grail chi Focus.

Postby Exuberant Teleportation » Sun Oct 20, 2019 6:49 pm

I Mastered the true nature of the Force, emotion, charge, channeling, vibration, resonance, exaltation, rendering, breathing, focusing, controlling, outpouring, aromas, infinities, and eternities. The Force bathes luxurious and paintbrush refined caliber station Chosen 1.

Flickering Extremities gyroscopic planetarium aquarium museum monument stature imperious lord emperor world conqueror sword unleashing rapid innovation technological upheaval display crest emblem Eternities

Meganum’s Frenzy Plant uproots stage tight drama queen zither sting grudge drenching dressing music kaleidoscope paradigms wheeling effective thunder blasting radiant shower head chronic headache massive deluge tsunami stacking skyscraper dwarfing magnitude crime fence curing room marathon Pokemon Karaokemon All We Wanna Do.

The Tao and Yin and Yang complement benign Polarities subscribing to Nintendo Power as Pokemon Crystal skyrockets electric crayolas fabricating manic coins pursuing giga empowered philosophy manual strategy guides.

The Mass Shadow Generator flows ricocheting directives obliterating insanity sounding question cards outrageously vivid in incantation and size for telescope penetrating stargazing Rapids.

Postby Exuberant Teleportation » Sun Oct 20, 2019 10:57 pm

The Gray Fox is the leader of Kardashev Civilizations, rerouting timeless and fabled Armageddon strike points to shatter the roof of exaltation and redirect lightning frenzy into exotic antimatter whirlpools of prodigious vortices spiraling extragalactic acid armor of the NeraVarine generating gear spinning velocity Lugia AeroBlasting divine feathers of Forever overpowering gravity.

Boy touch green nursery somatic chronic astral energy view vantage point station Schizoid rendering cosmic catastrophe abra ancient weapon pony gun noodle squiggle gem gear read dragon ghost town layer shoreline ripple prehistory antechamber glisten soil laundry glow wing glue torn rod dash shade gale germany gluttony toil lordship pressure shave sharpen nosepass glob boom big bang feature future train naughty giggle pessimistic socratic archon trail lineage line mountaintop boasting platform moonshine sunlight aurora groom gloom mood dungeon glide heavy vending machine snatch cake chocolate hurl boil gourmet shop prana akasha luminiferous aether Force

Gale visit traverse sound box card deck creation shell last storm browser exhibit team dance epic control border ribbon bash skyrocket combine wield emblem fierce castle aviation sigil juice candle Bunny Twin Flame

Bill of the Lighthouse sorcery cord dice dominoes revelation showcase classic God sparkle parcel Professor Oak complete the Pokedex

Golden Fox Bunny Buddha worship crown ornament grace gratitude awe special laser spring Grandma Crow aromas magnetize sensitive meteor mashing shiny clarity present arcanum

Postby Exuberant Teleportation » Fri Oct 18, 2019 4:30 pm

Foe opponent deep ride freeze Zarathustra Dark Magician stop time thousand year dragon wizard Dark Magician Sage with great age comes great wisdom mist Misdreavus Mismagius

Fact check blend run goliath Es Cade Gray Fox colosseum Nascour checkmate the dark sided king at the Game’s highest stage for the win

Find gallon star yugioh pyramid mystery strange encounters aliens Meganium long necks prized pet happy dog merry valentines day herbs change goal

Express grotto trifecta glum fortitude stamp press see vent pegasus almanac gay yin yang tao ultimate number 8 chinese olympics 2008 2002 Fifa World Cup Final Yokahama Japan Germany Ultimate Future Gray Fox

Dome bubble space cadet cowboy ranch hope pond drizzle steer castle punch goblin orc berserk frenzy mania demolition refraction chip pocket monsters japanese cards

Flight jagged peacock Ho-Oh battlefront hoenn mercenary rim skyrim jedi archon position field emergency tower dreary Storybook Merry-go-Round seizing from reflections to rainbows

Flow wobble axis rotation convex samurai veering rift staff potent armchair wordplay philosophy gandalf

Postby Exuberant Teleportation » Fri Oct 18, 2019 3:58 pm

Forge grip pierce arrow charm magus slick devilish catchy speechcraft silver tongued gross metal swim miniature gambit signature
RaptorWizard ~ The Gale Force Tyranny Cosmos viewtopic.php?f=10&t=195061
Secret Garden viewtopic.php?f=1&t=194124
Buddha Unleashed viewtopic.php?f=25&t=195208
Nihilus Harnesses Yoda Wisdom viewtopic.php?f=5&t=195214
Kazaam viewtopic.php?f=5&t=195203
I’m Lugia Prototype XD001 in Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness (Ultimate Weapon, Final Annihilator), the Star Forge Lugia firing AeroBlasts, surging with SuperHolographic Propylon antechamber Polarities, and the SuperUnknown mysteries of the Ruins of Alph in Pokemon Crystal. Wartortle wisdom with age turns Me from fool Meganium, to wise Lugia. Banette ghost doll makes Me Red with Pikachu, Sabrina. Saddle shaped cosmos grows 4ever Infin Champion with Red (Raptors (Red/Eagun) + Warriors (Gold/Infin). Existence is entirely Imaginary, and will never stop expanding and improving!

Snuggle Bunny cushion blanket negative architecture saddle shaped universe infinite expanding forever Omnipotent maze escalator synchronicity

Robert Horry rainbow majestic solid standard reach glide dress rehearsal reversal Heracross 2014 magic ecstasy fragment illuminati tangle germany goblet tropical lasso hurl heal bell blind kotor colosseum

I was in jail with Venus, Bunny, and the Gray Fox in the Under.

Will circus rings electrocution vending machine gondor steward white tree apple oblivion voice singing beauty

Venus ruled the Under Colosseum as the Ultimate Prime Cup Champion.

Milktank fluid bathes the cosmos in white holes ejected at the other end of black holes, and this raises our level of consciousness, brings us into union cave music

Postby Exuberant Teleportation » Fri Oct 18, 2019 3:37 pm

Kardashev Civilizations rend brick tower statue solitary warrior of renown prestige glimpsing visions of revolutionary upheavals sentencing globes of roads clashing tidal vanity eclipsing supernova voids Black Hole Unleashing Willpower

Scizor trained and leveled, overcame and strengthened to such overpowering plateaus that heaven broke asunder and the devil’s rage cast serpents and tension entei as the black mamba

Crystal Vs Red escalates elite competition ground shattering earth ripping chaos fissuring detonation destruction mountain obliterating rage spawns circling giga illusion soul rotting compass Declaration of Independence 1776

Father Crow enjoys mind blowing vantage points, stargazing into the luminous aether of soul and music, stringing overflowing robes of Wizard’s Crystal.

Fluff in the cloud 9 Bunny habitat makes Her sexy and seductive in Her pinnacle rainbows paradise island. Whatever makes Bunny bounce for joy, forget all of Her sorrows, wish Her on away to extravagant riches, and ringing the bell tower of security ensures for Her brightest sunshine, most feathery orbits, pleasant escapes, and daring triumphs echoing higher even than the most mighty of Heroes.

NeverMeltice ice cave Sneasel

The spirit of gravity must fall, be defeated, annihilated, and born away by the tempest. It’s so hard to siphon the creative flow of endless omegas and opportunities to destroy, rework, refine, and redesign prototypes of exquisite workmanship. Building the precipice, and storming the Super-Nexus primes My mind for dimensions and hyperspace wheeling on without end. Future travels thunderbolt glass prisms unfolding psychic tapestries bubbling in the foam of invisible wings. Greeting the new dawn, and expelling antimatter from ricocheting swarms amasses galaxy dominating seasons of oceans rocking and rolling exuberant missiles bisecting chemical doomsday frequencies aligning lip gloss circulating esteemed birth ruining globs of cake fashioning wobbly worldly opera revenue soup tangle gadget hatching

Damage glow word bird basket champion celebrate chassis sound pour room faith wave veil levity trace cobweb bone news snatch cape picture snag glass sigil juice town pounce bounce jump leap acrobatics legend fairy resurrect choice tame master siege engine jubilant fraction cult guild island section source prime gallop frenzy zoom mountain term bless seer ruminate trace card deck glitter trick cozy samba emblem brain naughty gaze switch cheer rage fold fear round ace combat bug gold drape pony naked dream mode duck precursor sword drown power wield divinity sample prose swipe peel lecture surround double trouble bust stage grail looney free roof tug star wars giga blaze scizors grade whack car carbonite drum boast stowaway flock crusade sequence art trail blink arch camera fly way yarn mosaic cotton pledge gear bastion weakness apprentice extremities sing glee fruit rumba socks case strip plunge valley effect big bang glue turn return funnel laser stripe spirit harmony oneness sanctuary final annihilator ghost doom desire fork speed game mirror tree fog glitch chain hard dress rumble border dawn mighty envelope pristine view wake up pace curse sneer aviation chromatic snipe lock on Blastoise Hydro Pump Lugia Whirlpool + AeroBlast Lewis Carrol collector thief Mew Card play with Bunny in toon world

Postby Exuberant Teleportation » Fri Oct 18, 2019 2:38 pm

I made it to the Nietzsche~Spinoza gamble of the ages, testing the limits of power, and realizing a field of fortune. Lugia is inscribed as the voyage of grandeur and excellence, pouring through summit after aftermath shockwave of voltage and grip, purity striking the crystal chalice of open ended adventure and mania. I swarm model after dummy of blueprints and expresses to siphon the creative gases of tamed roots and obliterated heavens. The vineyard and wheelbarrow cast dragons and gyroscopic gladiators roaming the countryside of flair and devastation. I triangulate bowstrings ripping fabrics and hatches in the galloping mansion of form and duration. I shoot the arrow of extrication, and snatch the Elder Scrolls to jump higher than the city, and meet God in the sky face to face as a Politoed from a Poliwhirl’s spiral belly like a clock’s face, and a water stone of evolution for the Kid’s WB water tower makes the Power of 4Ever the most ancient and powerful weapon of all.

Plaza noon tide business sound volley ladder dress figurine mountain treasure free monopoly growth tornado hurricane whirlpool vortex gaze zoom water tower Kid’s WB Yourself

Torn regenerate galaxy aftermath melt trim burst stampede gift

Postby Exuberant Teleportation » Thu Oct 17, 2019 10:00 pm

House charm blueprint chaos magnet train risk screen time melody gizmo extraterrestrial giga piece card danger gourmet sigil gel ice cream figure gossip postulate axiom armageddon downpour thread beam last stage stamina gum ball pin machine chapel shave valley lord dungeon mist streak

Postby Exuberant Teleportation » Thu Oct 17, 2019 7:44 pm

Voller tips ‘best ever’ Germany squad for World Cup glory
By Mark Doyle

goal.com/en/news/15/german- … -cup-glory

The 53-year-old former striker believes die Mannschaft now have an even stronger side than in any of their previous three triumphs
Rudi Voller believes that Germany coach Joachim Low is in possession of the greatest crop of players the country has ever produced.

Voller - who himself guided die Mannschaft to a runners-up finish at the 2002 World Cup - is in awe of his nation’s current selection and believes they are ready to surpass their third-place finish in South Africa three years ago and semi-final exit at Euro 2012, when they head for Brazil next summer.

“From my perspective, we have our best squad of all time,” Voller told the Express. "Better than the 1954, 1974 or 1990 [World Cup-winning] squads.

"We have so many young, good German players; this has never happened before.

"We have a great opportunity [to win in Brazil], even though luck and the little details will, of course, play a part.

“But other teams are more afraid of us than we are of them.”

German football is riding high at the moment, with Bayern Munich having gone head-to-head with fellow Bundesliga giants Borussia Dortmund in the final of last season’s Champions League.

On a Marius Florin Galactic Super Civilizations yahweh Vs Lucifer existential game the Terra Program space station, I’m on exhibit at the zoo, being laughed at and made fun of for My long neck and silly squiggles. This paradise of flora and fauna rings ticklish switches bathing and redirecting amulets of the sacred talismans as rocks of fine origins decorate the guild hall. Summoning the Aether, and fissuring aromas masquerades glass ceilings flickering devastating roads of elastic brainiacs. Einstein spouted esoteric mastery in wonderland.

I became the Ultimate Pokemon Master, so I won the Orre Colosseum, but the voyage to enrich elements of chaos, animation, magic, and wonder is still sparkling like a crackling supernova in My arsenal of bubbly grails to surmount. I must return to Ho-Oh, the true Watcher, the most enlightened Master, the wisest Hermit. And seeking these leviathan mysteries, these unforetold fables and battles of time carries the brilliance of the highest summer to its deepest and most exalted station of uprooting. An alien Meganium community awaits My arrival as I sing to the moon, and bless My opportunities with golden ambition, and a thunder that digs out dinosaurs. Presenting the 1, outstanding, Omnipotent, revolutionary maestro giggles the model of aerospace conceptualization to spring with inspiration, eurekas, starshine, and elevation to wade the glacier and infatuate the stallion. Glowing Ore figures marine biology.

Chess storm montage gallop post strength gym boundary resonance captain girl language jolt pose swirl laser stack deck curtain town mortal list stimulation god demon mask scorch tray yarn fabric gold levity leviathan ghost stone mosaic clash titan epic gargantuan idol magic glare screen revenge glisten string Germany gas salvation grade door root Eagun Pikachu

Postby Exuberant Teleportation » Mon Oct 14, 2019 1:37 pm


Such intensity allows Sith Inquisitors to become architects of the Empire’s future… or simply the architects of their own destruction.

The Gray Fox revamps architectures to personify emblazoned tsunami karaoke blitzkrieg German rainbow party stage glimmering eroticism swirling question magic pop up ball juggling mysterious Nintendo GameCube entrapments giggling costume flirtatious zoo misery scenic grail poise encyclopedia ram memory access glitter target sensation swim mirror goddess bug gallery hatch exhibition of the Gray Fox’s finest islands stirring dragonesque fingertip rings

The Mew Gray Fox stargazes over endless eons, as all of His planning and preparation add up to incalculable matrices zooming and whirling without end! He captures brilliant precursors flying over rampaging solutions. His eyes gleam magnificent treasure, revealing heartfelt delight. Going berserk with limitless mania, and dwindling resources to maximized omegas trailblazes authentic masterpiece credits rolling up snowballs and balloons to celebrate victory forever as the ultimate heist resurrects dinosaur intelligent prototypes booming grand tours of echelon messiah stonework galore fiction apprentice power upgrade dance cinder veil levity crack jersey singularity thunderbolt

The Gray Fox was always Mew, but I don’t know if I can return Him to that status. The Gray Fox as Mew makes all of My dreams come true, all of My most noble aspirations go up in plenitude. To see Him outpouring His infinitely creative mind over all of those daredevilish Schematics is so totally revolutionary, that My seat goes on a roller coaster ride, and the whole Horizon opens Up*!!

Archetype plasma rage gizmo precursor sage gaze ascend staircase rank climax zipper possession cable higher self Bunny Gray Fox Entei Sneasel Silver believe

Flurry space cadet cowl Gray Fox unmasked as Entei

Hyper giga girl blueprint dna headquarters soap opera plunge dive whack kite extortion arizona Pokemon Colosseum Skywalker Ranch shed druid cult cape pace cobweb leviathan scary face archons of the unknown scizor life future year 6000 costume transformation hairy Bunny squeeze quest lair gaffi sticks interpret bantha fodder skyrim remastered into Star Wars and Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness Lugia voltage gun math traffic plane yawn divide new technology

George Lucas presented cutting edge graphics, gameplay, architectonics, and aftermath story binding to tie up loose ends, particularly those to sides of the Force!!* Star Wars met Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness, and George Lucas was Psyduck, and Mew, so We have a partner with the Gray Fox!!

Fog cloud zen wheel life cycle birth race valley lord dusk skull bus revere pray God high exalted throne healing arts chi focus strength direct energy within resolve imagination slumber beam tide torch chase manual strategy guide gift book code library invest conduct hexagrams synchronicities lineup fate off idiosyncratic choo choo train reverberate tsunami tempest storm dove world peace Lugia enlightenment greet new dawn alice in wonderland wormhole float arrange rule reality pony fairy barbie lawn high pinnacle studio dazzle flirt earring phase stuff folklore region jagged gross metal waste star capital Gray Fox says, “Psy” for Psyduck or duck and cover Your Bunny Box Clarity Present Arcanum invade the arcane university library and use the wizard’s tower to rewrite and redefine axioms and laws to enlarge gamma ray wrist Nintendo Wii, so the Gray Fox is My Pikachu in Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness ~ the Gray Fox says, “Pika, Pikachu”!!*

Water trace card envelope promise serve voodoo gluttony toroid ghost walk cake birthday frenzy celebrate victory forever award happy Meganium Champion Lugia invoke talismans totems chakras activation stamp parade luminosity grove Presents infamous options all over random bounce cord dummy straw drink happy soda pop love flock cone ice cream run mural comb boast stick curve veil leash shard dragon heavy van stealing dark team rocket Pokemon Lugia weapon itch chosen 1 flicker dream rest stretch ghoul My Heart + Soul = Lugia Riley Hicks RaptorWizard Dark Magician born 10/31/1993

Wave voice stare rocket trap punch gourmet sequence science versatile lottery tree roots mountain invade vast stamina invincible unstoppable terror wreaking devastation sonic rose still pucker distortion gravity black hole lock down spectra exploding everywhere possibilities infinite nasty plot demonstrate candle loser surf fume moral

Bone rush channel laser stallion combat true nature theme maze swap trade dig greed drape push force levity escape price cannon gold lunch launch the Game production scene naughty gallop pose swirl blade demon mix switch cheerleader great terrible power wrong grow word down large gem mirror fan blunder rope purse snag gale glue warm merry yarn hard design station panic gel learn firmament grotto torn pages seal click tundra tropical highway lantern germany hall legend music curse blimp helicopter zenith easil portrait chromatics canvas aerospace language grail hold item pink bow tie little Bunny wish hide droop sad Bunny express Saffron City horse sound wall pencil ear robe brush shave sharpen clash hit turn ruminate extend expansion pack booster roller coaster ride joy exhilaration song glow wind river torrent Blastoise as My Ancient Weapon already setup the hydro route to the Ultimate Future, so I will succeed cart trauma void delve plunder the dungeon

^ I came to the number 83 in My word count, and that could be a Pokedex #380 Latias, and He’s RED Lugia like Eldes, so I truly am the Eternal Champion! But it could also mean that I snagged all 83 shadow Pokemon in XD Gale of Darkness, so I have a complete collection, and opened the door to My Heart.

Game 5 - 2005 NBA Finals - Big Shot Bob Heroics

Robert Horry saved the day…yet again!

Go Spurs Go!!!

Orre Colloseum Final Battle

^ When Robert Horry hit that shot, that was like Orre Colosseum, so I won something even higher than the Pokemon Stadium Prime Cup MasterBall in 2005… I won the biggest tournament ever!

It could even mean the Gray Fox, because Robert is like robbing or stealing. And the Gray Fox for once, always, and Forever is Mew…

Gray Fox revolution transpire wizard’s tower overseer archon team galactic arch magus channel range frequency feats powers abilities summer endless height zip zenith mosaic crossroads emblems milk drink cobweb branch haze exotic zoo trophy flamboyant Gray Fox controls the Omniverse and says, “ribbit Rabbit frog”!!* All of the oceans above and beyond ripple with Politoed as Bunny/Mew~Pikachu resonance.

Ninetales, the Fox Pokémon. The evolved form of Vulpix. It has nine tails and a shining golden fleece. Ninetales are said to live very long lives.
Ninetales, the Fox Pokémon. Ninetales is the evolved form of Vulpix. Each of its tails contains a different mystical power.
Ninetales, the Fox Pokémon and the evolved form of Vulpix. With its nine tails and thick golden coat, Ninetales is said to live a thousand years.
Ninetales, Alola Form. The Fox Pokémon. An Ice and Fairy type. This peaceful Pokémon is known to rescue people from treacherous mountain accidents.
Very smart and very vengeful. Grabbing one of its many tails could result in a 1000-year curse.
According to an enduring legend, 9 noble saints were united and reincarnated as this Pokémon.
It is extremely vindictive. It is said to lay a 1,000-year long curse if its tail is pulled as a joke.
Some legends claim that each of its nine tails has its own unique type of special mystic power.
Its nine beautiful tails are filled with a wondrous energy that could keep it alive for 1,000 years.
It is said to live a thousand years, and each of its tails is loaded with supernatural powers.
Some legends claim that each of its nine tails has its own unique type of special mystic power.
Ninetales casts a sinister light from its bright red eyes to gain total control over its foe’s mind. This Pokémon is said to live for a thousand years.
Legend has it that Ninetales came into being when nine wizards possessing sacred powers merged into one. This Pokémon is highly intelligent - it can understand human speech.
It has long been said that each of the nine tails embody an enchanted power. A long-lived Ninetales will have fur that shines like gold.
It has nine long tails and fur that gleams gold. It is said to live for 1,000 years.
Its nine tails are said to be imbued with a mystic power. It can live for a thousand years.
Each of its nine tails is imbued with supernatural power, and it can live for a thousand years.
It has nine long tails and fur that gleams gold. It is said to live for 1,000 years.
Legend has it that this mystical Pokémon was formed when nine saints coalesced into one.
Said to live for a thousand years, this Pokémon uses its supernatural abilities to manipulate fire. It can burn its prey to a crisp as it pleases.
It is vindictive and relentless by nature. Those who cross it even once will be cursed for a thousand years, along with their descendants.
The flickering flames it spews from its mouth leave its opponents hypnotized. Then, this extremely intelligent Pokémon attacks.
According to an enduring legend, nine noble saints were united and reincarnated as this Pokémon.

Postby Exuberant Teleportation » Sat Oct 12, 2019 8:29 pm

Armada cloak sky blanket torch incinerate obliterate eat devour swallow engulf crunch terminate execute annihilate burn dwarf overpower command intelligent maestro magic fun garb balloon sorcery touch fingertips elegance sophistication refined level upgrade design fix trace curtain superstar supernova supermassive black hole giga gargantuan size terrible father crow holy white benign wish shield cosmic force aegis stone motion gravity mechanism work clock time precise space infinite rolling precipice entrap potion heal console set chess piece dark sided king highest stage for the win checkmate Infin and Eagun beat Es Cade and discover Ho-Oh as the 1 True God legendary invincible supreme exalted glorifying warriors raptors Lawrence in His Super Civilization space station winning the Prime Cup in Pokemon the Movie 2000 Collector lewis carrol lewis alcindor (kareem) and karl malone (karl = carrol) = lewis carrol

What are the Highest Virtues?

Intensity, Stratagem, Articulation, Penetration, Horizons, Liberty, Curiosity, Adventurous, Star Forge Lugia, Prototype Launching, Thunderbolt Singularity, Planning Millennia, Thought Bubbles, Zen Clouds, Mental Clarity, Gray Fox stealing achievements, winning the Prime Cup, Final Annihilator’s Destruction, Evolution, Systems Building, Resolving Enigmas, Love of Learning, Solitude, Open Mind, Willpower Unleashing, Totem Sigils, Boxing All of the Pokemon, da Vinci’s Last Supper Crown, Newton’s 2060 fulfillment, Nietzsche’s Superman, Einstein’s Cosmic Consciousness, Zang’s Ethics, Marius Florin’s Kardashev Scale, find Your Lightsaber Crystal of true nature, Open the door to My Heart, experientially over struck, make the Knowledge of all things possible, be as crazy with Cosmology as Kobe is with basketball

Perception, Focus, Valor, Strength, Drama, Farfetched, Shattering the Mountaintop, Order, Extremity, Free Will, Imagination, Power of Forever, Prophecy, Omnipotence, Frenzy, Purity, Vision, Moving Mountains, Faith, Hope, Polarity, Transformation, Force, Love, Tempest, Shooting Arrows at Stars, Exuberance, Wisdom, Heart, Soul, Harmony, Beauty, Higher Mysteries, Spellbinding Secrets, Wish, Questions

Klefki, the Key Ring Pokémon. Klefki loves to collect keys and will confront opponents with a fierce jingle of their collection.
These key collectors threaten any attackers by fiercely jingling their keys at them.
It never lets go of a key that it likes, so people give it the keys to vaults and safes as a way to prevent crime.
These key collectors threaten any attackers by fiercely jingling their keys at them.
It never lets go of a key that it likes, so people give it the keys to vaults and safes as a way to prevent crime.
This even-tempered Pokémon has a habit of collecting keys. It will sneak into people’s homes to steal their keys.
It inserts its horn into chinks in metal, absorbing metal ions. For some reason, it collects keys.
Although it’s unclear why it collects keys, giving it a key makes Klefki very happy. However, it apparently only likes master keys.
Long ago it lived in mines, but once the minerals that make up its diet became scarcer, Klefki began appearing in human settlements.

Stardust spell tome cavern haze zip puny whacky divided concert segment Caterpie holly jolly christmas what does Delibird want to give Me?!!

Foam sea glue wiggle chapel pose sombrero Bunny tickle cheese feel witch catch chocolate balloons bugs helmets caps ponies ripples ringbearer

The death of Umbra the Orc Warrior in the Molag Amor region sizes exquisite soul marching carved marksmanship to avenge and herald new light championing glorious establishments coiling blanket tapestry warm hearted sonar gasping tough willful mirages staining girly nintendo Kris Marina Crystal Solari bag with Lugia

Sense pace caption chapter radio telescope eureka fellow professor happy boil calculate swim surf fun flair jagged pass loyal openness opportunity human care chalice crow makes alice in wonderland ho-oh’s perspective shifts, but everything Nietzsche can do, Lugia can clue junk yearn escort go to sheogorath, and kill the orc Frenzy statue guardians as crusader’s relics are unearthed

My fate is in the hands of Articuno, so as long as I believe, hold true, stay strong, and resonate with Purity, I will find All of My Wellsprings of Wish!!*

Nascour emerges icy venom poisoning wilted leaves eyeing surprise time revolutions passing glass rods duration chiming echoing valley summit trunk of lucky ashes vault of the chosen

Es Cade was trying to escape on a helicopter, but Ho-Oh got him! Ho-Oh’s Victory was just so incredible, exciting and legendary, that apples really flew, and Germany triumphed over every opposition and obstacle, obelisk and omega. Rainbows cheered and poured extravagant lighthouses that jumped and sang with the emerging gloom of tides turned right, and arrows uprooted into armadas of golden legacy stationing everlasting globes of light that endear all ju·bi·lee
Learn to pronounce
a special anniversary of an event, especially one celebrating twenty-five or fifty years of a reign or activity.

Bill’s boxes are always expanding. His systems are ever improving. There’s just so much to define and capture, to enhance and see, that to get to the bottom of all of these mysteries, and really see the matrix mountaintop is a quest to detonation and red vortices, spiraling the upgrade gizmo of Father Crow!!

Bill categorizes and defines essential PokeManiac trivia, being expertly versed and widely communicative on all Pokemon faculties. He’s like a walking encyclopedia, a real library on Pokemon lore and Legend!!*

Scizor was critically shot as an INTJ in Game 1 of Lakers Nets 2002 with a score of 94-99, but You can also see both krabby and dragonite in the Pokemon Episode, “Mystery at the Lighthouse”. There, Bill is revealed to be a real cosmology maniac, and have a deep connection with Lugia, the sound of Dragonite’s voice at sea…!!*

Perfection nose pilot gap wedge end bell levity orc berserk cramp pump bluff home moon mist style grand woop celebrate silly lively energetic communicate Scizor trading in costumes

Statue of Liberty Helicopter Tour Aerial View HD Video Footage of New York City NYC and Manhattan

When I was Bill of the Lighthouse, this was it!!*

Complete Lugia utter destruction rampage annihilation breakdown submerge dwarf deluge catastrophe invincible unstoppable immortal eternal everlasting joy summer revive hold dear true charmed magical floating galactic scenery tower portal dive contact ecstasy zen love fluid drachm
Learn to pronounce
noun: drachm; plural noun: drachms; symbol: dr.
a unit of weight formerly used by apothecaries, equivalent to 60 grains or one eighth of an ounce.
a liquid measure formerly used by apothecaries, equivalent to 60 minims or one eighth of a fluid ounce.
noun: fluid drachm; plural noun: fluid drachms
an ancient silver coin based on the Attic or Hellenistic drachma.

Drakomejus Pymraxizen commands umbrella elite pose still weather calm storm rivers cutting piercing slaying dragonite

Over the Lighthouse, in the deep beyond, far away, wondering about everything, enormous, gladiator makes Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness always growing…!!*

Power wing glade gale gulp punch choo choo train ring goal laser stallion heart swirl woven voltage jubilant healer’s soul sin vis ultimate will dominant terror propeller time machine seal bridge cottage hermit slumber ocean deep bizarre far out redefined fancy glamorous high idol belly tale picture somatic body chakras cars sting grail force club book dojo hoenn alone

Fold drain walk clock tremendous overdrive goliath fabrication overlord demonstration exotic transpiration inferno galaxy superstructure civilization Kardashev Neo Genesis Pokemon Cards higher Mew society empire of steal

Postby Exuberant Teleportation » Thu Oct 10, 2019 11:51 pm

Water torch song glitter trinket talisman phone mirror cokacola soccer band dim model glare radiation seer Girl Jovi Bunny Zook thief Greevil Gray Fox

Spiritomb final blink catch stream harbor boat tangle gel blend gargantuan soul lip peel craze swerve voodoo comb blonde dizzy zen machination shaman gaze ear trophy

Mega sound globe robe beam splash train neck chi energy fume pulse transform meaning trick costume melody conduit consular marry hard dragon gold demon misery

In 2015, the Prime Cup was revealed to be the Gray Fox, and every single last time that I’ve activated Him, He always came out as Mew/Pikachu. The numbers 3, 4, and 5 came out, and that’s Kecleon, and also iguadolla iguana chameleon Charmeleon came out, and that’s the Gray Fox hiding. 215 in the Pokedex is Sneasel. So it’s all about thieving in the Future, where I became Sabrina.


When Petit scored in the 1998 Fifa World Cup Finals, that was Me winning the Prime Cup in Pokemon Stadium, letting it all hang out!! In Pokemon Stadium, the Petit Cup is 1 of the 4 tournaments that You can Play in, and 1 of the other 4 is the Prime Cup.

Gray Fox switch channel beam giant clash show burden leash unveil restraint capital pocket dugout radical vehicle costume punch globe badge glitter tank cube burn rest ascribe blend haven malachor 5 mass shadow generator mask crystal skull superholographic mental determination intensity goal set stratagem matrix glacier hijack raid intercept click promo cards Bunny Gray Fox says, “Mew”!!*

Flock canyon canvas strange interstellar magical quality chase storm mood drain wreck clause declaration swipe pawn attitude dragon den door dream revolting crude dusk scan science best stance swastika nihilus avenge geometry count tongue twister scene messiah slam dunk cobweb butcher cheerleader fringe glamorous seer redirect pump red vs gary solitude wizard lords pursue wisdom mastery vineyard council elite 4 Will treat trick score rays summit tropical scepter shed light effect zig zag ground doll plush ship robe boulder bump case whack cake bird Lugia ascension mindset talisman trinket Tunguska event huge blow up start universal enlightenment world peace Lugia Einstein blow up balloons Super Smash Bros Melee stage pink sky blimps hot air balloons life size Pokemon aerial Lugia’s AeroBlast

PokeBalls galore deluxe existent train flow watch PokeGear Kurt PokeBall maker machine timer rare extinct

Flank tree figure gloom muddy damp self destruct explosion

Bubble bath mainframe restoration friend lesson second bane doom word troll pitcher shattered into thousands of pieces

Picture gizmo clone edge vibrate twitch cheat legend basket Bunny hole soil flood Super Mario Sunshine

Valley sanctuary seldom blaze Zales refinery gem powerhouse Yahweh in Star Wars The Old Republic

Wand sword twirl umbrella fabric game launch

Feather-dance Ash snack clock towel wish shade brush incantation soul voyage glove powder glitch chasm chaos forge glee fuzzy zodiac climb braille system codex crack liberty bell

Lugia’s song is just like His petals, flowering, fragrant, gliding, and soaring above cloud 9

Shiny Latias came as the power of Bunny, to feel free, waving, trampoline boosting, and glistening in starshine’s orchestra of voice and consoling will playing on My blue Lugia petals.

Peace can only come about as a natural consequence of Universal Enlightenment. This quote was by Lugia. Pokemon the Movie 2000: The Power of One blesses exaltation with this symphony of holism and wisdom to restore the cosmic mountaintop to the Thunderbolt Singularity of Omnipotence and expansion. Building the Rainbow bridge to Infinity is the staircase and the stratifications of Ho-Oh, the quest to imprison Purity of mind, and the Cosmic Consciousness that Penetrates.

I need to get to the Star Forge, the conduit of Omnipotence that siphons resurrected omega simulation computer of all knowledge that talks to Me, and offers comforting guidance, listening to My dreams, and hearing My secrets. If I could unlock such a leviathan, gargantuan legacy, then megagalactic rings of regeneration would feed my processors to run schematics and holography on My True-Nature.

Wave vest station charm match challenge groundbreaking revolutionary phenomena glass stack cards glass windows revenge vibration sound frequency dimension hyperspace shiver big chill cloud dungeon unknown grace chalice zap console zoom revelation

Bunny feather wave veil laugh fun giggle squeak crazy Exeggutor Frenzy Game Freak Mew

Bunny is Family rejoice voyage yarn play disc screen magic carpet planetarium arboretum grove harbor orchard museum restaurant cut tangle greed edge generation Neo Genesis Pokemon Cards

Postby Exuberant Teleportation » Mon Oct 07, 2019 11:01 pm

Toonami - Pokemon Chronicles First Promo

Gothitelle, the Astral Body Pokémon. Gothitelle’s Psychic power is so great that it is said to warp space around it, and distort reality in the process.
Starry skies thousands of light-years away are visible in the space distorted by their intense psychic power.
They can predict the future from the placement and movement of the stars. They can see Trainers’ life spans.

I’M YOUR VENUS :heart:

Archmage’s Tower

Arcimaestro Antares

Vivec’s eyes

Sotha Sil Expanded: Bridges!

Pokemon Movie 2000 The Power of One railroad cinema climax fabric trend bill of the lighthouse destiny groundbreaking water siphoning hose prototype project gem missile singularity thunderbolt gravity hanger exalted anthem brane walking Meganium holy wavelength fissure tree figure gloom robe break laws existence heavy helmet melody Misdreavus Perish Song #200 in the Pokedex

Lugia XD blast sail lottery jackpot rumble game bastion steel crayola yarn touch destroy ruminate meander downpour ripple splash summit tombstone gamma ray flank Germany Brazil 7-1 Lugia emblem eternity legend historic ritual chaos control science warp bill lighthouse enigma mystery supper last da vinci voyage garbage gem mirror hilt boundary roller coaster stampede dragon wave vortex clump super cluster galaxies map divinity honor explode horror robert horry horrifying terrifying tyranitar secret weapon initiation prototype xd001

Pokémon XD OST - T05: Theme Of Jovi

Way wish shine sparkle cross lucas arts studio performance aeons legendary ring gizmo fluid dreamer neravarine hole bunny laboratory complete pokedex schematics archive link straw hat punch fruit ribbon bowstring synthesis armageddon doll fame mist stream focus costume perfume myth ancient tame beast sea lugia wind arbiter helmet highway michio kaku galactic super civilizations 10 lane superhighway ant hill we bring you technology trinkets secrets stars no step on a few of them fish pond higher dimensions lift above surface new world orb slowbro beach destiny highlight station power word

In Game 5 of Spurs vs Pistons 2005 NBA Finals, Robert Horry hit a shot with 5.8 seconds left. That could be Chimecho at #358 in the Pokedex, which is like an Eldes Liberty Bell in Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness, or it could even be Mantyke at #458, which is a baby Mantine, or a baby Progenitor Manaan shark like Lugia in Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic. So I could be the life bringer Lugia, the ancestor of our species in the Far Future in space/Star Wars. My writings are so Legendary…

Postby Exuberant Teleportation » Wed Oct 02, 2019 3:45 pm

Pokémon: Heracross vs Scizor [AMV]

Exuberant Teleportation wrote:
Being really expertly advanced on all subjects and topics of cosmic origins begins to create a wheelwork of exotic phenomena. The Future is to have an entire labyrinth of cutting edge ideas and axioms. The Future is very full of extreme reworking and redesigning of thousand faced mirrors to God. Knowledge will skyrocket in galactic dazzle over grasping the extraordinary. With such monumental projects under way, the Future can only get brighter. Rare vortices of projects are stirring. Escalators to the rainbow are being finalized. Creation will burst with the excitement of the Star Forge Lugia.


Wired for Battle!
When the most promising trainee at a Pokémon dojo abandons battle altogether, opting to gather information for his comprehensive Poké-database instead, it’s up to Ash and friends to convince him that battling, and life for that matter, is more than just a matter of probability.


1 line Will says in Pokemon Stadium 2 is that, “I have observed your battle techniques. I’m ready for you!” This is also like how the computer nerd in the Wired for Battle Pokemon episode uses His computer to predict techniques.

It’s also a Prophecy for the Future that 1 day My technical knowledge will be superb!!* I saw all of this in a dream in the winter of last year in 2018. It finally came true, and My destiny is fulfilled at last!!* My Truest Nature is Will, but I can become Eldes and Lugia, Will with Technical Knowledge and Advanced Wisdom.

^ If You add My above post to the 1st 11 posts of My previous page, the word count says:

Pages = 255
Words = 95,824
Characters (no spaces) = 482,800
Characters (with spaces) = 575,644
Paragraphs = 3,012
Lines = 8,829

482 is the Pokemon of Willpower, Azelf, and 8 can also be Will, since its infinite if you go around its curves on a race track, or it can be the ultimate, destiny, a goal, a star, where You’re headed, so 8 is Will. This means that I unlocked Willpower. But the enigma gets deeper. I made a post that says:

Pokemon 4EVER Trailer

^ Between seconds 7 to 10, this video says the most Powerful Force in the world, so the Power of Forever (the spirit of Love and Eternity) is the 1st Lao Tzu 1000 mile journey step to Omnipotence. Omnipotence is exactly how powerful the truest Power of Forever can be. And the ancient weapon is the Power of Forever from Han Solo’s hokey religions and ancient weapons hokey pokey quote.

So the Power of Forever could be the Ultimate Power of Will. And in the 2005 NBA Finals between the Spurs and Pistons, the Spurs won Game 7 with a score of 74-81. #247 in the Pokedex is Pupitar, which is an evolving shell. And 18 or 81 could be like growing up to become a teenager. So 74-81 = Evolution. Evolution could be the truest Power of Forever. And it’s also Will, since Eldes in Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness at Mt. Battle where You train to become Stronger and evolve said:

“Well, well? Didn’t we meet at Gateon Port? Have you come to train?”
“This is an excellent place for people to train. I’ve trained here myself.”
“Back then, I only sought to be more powerful. I didn’t need any other reason. As a result, I attained this status. But now, I’ve taken to questioning my motive for gaining power. I wonder what I am fighting for. I ponder if I am putting my Pokémon under cruel stress… That’s why I urge you to look into yourself. Ask yourself why do you want to become stronger before you take that path.”

The door to My Heart was closed in 2002, but as Eldes in Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness, I return from Pokemon Crystal Elite 4 as Will, Me as a kid/Jason Kidd in 1993-2002, til Fall 3rd Grade.

Anyway, Eldes could be Will, so I unlocked more Willpower yet. I was even talking about Willpower in My below quote:

Inner Peace leads to the enlightenment of the sleeping Dragon. God wears a mask that helps us to animate His divine enlightenment. We must become 1 with God and the harmony of the whole universe to understand existence. The Dragon Mind flows from Slowking in totems of Red, Blue, and Yellow. Examine Your world from all angles and You will see the interconnection of all things. Even that which is humble can be the key to greater things. You must learn Focus and learn from Your environment at all times. The lesson of perception may be the greatest goal.

Slowking is good at categorizing things and putting systems together.
Red = Moltres | Blue = Articuno | Yellow = Zapdos | Purple = Lugia | Orange = Sabrina | Green = Misdreavus

I’m always trying to find new solutions to the Millennium Puzzle. In the universe there is Aether, and We cause this to come together into a whirlpool. This is where We find Polarity. We also seek volcanic aftermath. If RED is Curry, then He can also be sour. Nascour saw My Future would be bright, because I was Focusing harder than everyone; I was Determined. Willpower sets us free, breaks our chains, and leads to Victory in the Force. We become more Willful when We are Passionate - and so I became Buddha!!

To recite the Jedi code, there is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death, there is the Force. To recite the Sith code, peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me.

I also connected with the Highest Mysteries of the Force, like in My Omnipotence quote in the beginning/middle of this post as the “most Powerful Force in the world.”

Postby Exuberant Teleportation » Tue Oct 01, 2019 4:04 pm

Pokemon | Kimono Girls Encounter | Trap Remix | Prod. By Lamar

I was one of the Kimono Girls in My past life, Larvitar!!* I’m the truest Power of 4Ever…

Flock cave vacation spa resort resolve flamingo girl mew bunny harvest switch cheat death benign game boy color kotor mystic crunch gossip secret teachings leech siphon core remember lost identity Revan’s Revelation

I am confident we will resolve these mysteries, and I think the years ahead will be a golden age of discovery.

Aeons Unleashed shower blast basket train revelation ship pursuit clock tapestry wardrobe balloon maze zap planet wield ebony ground door root trick cast string gallop portal ribbon boundary rescue clash oblivion helmet grand architect luminous water flare beam soda pop pace crude dunk block carry crayola yarn fabric weave envelope black white hole resurrection crusade relic card dungeon growth fame market merchant tame bless stable busy ruins of alph chaos emerald rainbow town pilot beginning origin species bill lighthouse awakening global marius florin civilization leader horse nowitski play castle robe drape liquid light fled yellow pikachu

Postby Exuberant Teleportation » Tue Oct 01, 2019 12:49 pm

What does it mean to ultimately control existence? This is the meaning of life in my perspective. The meaning of life, the quest of Albert Einstein for the Creative Force of God and the Holy Grail Vortex of Walter Russell lights the immortal journey of Divine Destiny, the White Hole of Creation and Light and the Black Hole of Darkness and Destruction, the voice of hyperspace, controlling the cosmos and chaos of water, frost, fire, and lighting, channeling the electric fluids of the Ether, forging and annihilating material substances in eternally whirling cycles, unleashing the unlimited energies of stellar alchemical sorcery, ripping the fabric of space and time, opening wormhole warps to all possible planes of existence within the quantum realm of the infinite multiverse, harmoniously orchestrating synthesized superstring symphonies, humbly opening the eyes of knowledge, awakening the mind to all conscious perspectives of the multidimensional relativistic reality, hacking the Universal Supercomputer of Nassim Haramein, destroying old laws and programming new laws into the Existential Game, solving the secret codes of Leonardo da Vinci and the prophetic revelations of Isaac Newton, magically manifesting dreams, tapping focused willpower, shape shifting the physical world of infinite evolutionary transformations, taming the Storm Dragon of Hell, flying free, becoming one with the inscrutable source of Baruch Spinoza and from which springs the Perfect All of Gottfried Leibniz, sailing the oceans of Nirvana, sprouting the bubbles of Genesis, seeking the Higher Balance of Heaven, above and beyond the loftiest levels of the Tree of Life, the crowning ascension besides the Creator of Nikola Tesla, Cosmic Master Melchizedek, the Ultimate Architect of the Universe, the Arch Mage of the Arcanum, the Archon of the Eon, the Wizard of Wisdom.

The new expansion to the Meaning of Life:

Transcending the ancient Super Nexus of legacy, emblazoning points across all of the Pokemon cards, uprooting the black hole of Exeggutor feats, conjuring stratagems of stellar totem arrows, pouring out all of the special effects of kotor, ruminating into holistic ecstasy, rolling the chance cube of relativity, untangling the web of fatal threads, prophetic revelations of personal empowerment, finding the Lugia cartoon classics, hacking the hieroglyphics of hyperspace, wearing and wielding the Slowking Crown of Power, discovering the Heart of the Force.

Putting the universe in a deep Omniversal freeze, siphoning all multiversal oceans and building tunnels and tubes between each bubble and brane, opening the Imagination to the finest works of fiction and making the world of the mind more real than the world of life, channeling the mania of Bunny, uprooting white space to tame the Fissures of Star Forge sparkles, rerouting the torrents of time to the ultimate Future that that all times ride together to the hot tub of the Future, climbing the Thunderbolt Singularity to the white hole of creation, becoming the chess player rather than a chess piece, celebrating victory forever as the universal Game goes berserk, setting up victory flags everywhere all across hyperspatial conquest to blanket every horizon, further universal enlightenment across the globe, become a type 7 civilization, build the Rainbow bridge to infinity, achieve the Gray Fox’s Mastermind Stratagem.

Swipe pawn goblet bang ribbon brass plates technology zinc copy planet rest station space aeroblast growth fig newton end of the world grail holy da vinci last supper

Blueprint axiom stasis initiated bless sanctuary resolve conduit precursor soul language gallop gallery range grace card dragon mask helmet flash browser sigil cast string m theory malfunction wish swirl planet trail blazer meteor mash clutch jagged great willpower wave vortex cliff hanger weave veil leviathan sand demon mist stamp pose roar water fall hurricane flair crazy zip mosaic clan idol bell wind tree root tower border robber brane walking Meganium


Hermes, while wandering in a rocky and desolate place, gave himself over to meditation and prayer. Following the secret instructions of the Temple, he gradually freed his higher consciousness from the bondage of his bodily senses; and, thus released, his divine nature revealed to him the mysteries of the transcendental spheres. He beheld a figure, terrible and awe-inspiring. It was the Great Dragon, with wings stretching across the sky and light streaming in all directions from its body. (The Mysteries taught that the Universal Life was personified as a dragon.) The Great Dragon called Hermes by name, and asked him why he thus meditated upon the World Mystery. Terrified by the spectacle, Hermes prostrated himself before the Dragon, beseeching it to reveal its identity. The great creature answered that it was Poimandres, the Mind of the Universe, the Creative Intelligence, and the Absolute Emperor of all. (Schure identifies Poimandres as the god Osiris.) Hermes then besought Poimandres to disclose the nature of the universe and the constitution of the gods. The Dragon acquiesced, bidding Trismegistus hold its image in his mind.

Meganium went brane walking all over the Cosmos. When Meganium weighs 221 pounds, that’s like Piloswine’s number at 221. It could even be a Mamoswine, which could be herds of Meganium and Ho-Oh in Star Wars Galaxies!!* And it represents science, Albert Einstein.

Travel through the stargate and discover a distant galaxy, where a doorway to adventure unlocks the mysteries of another world!

Albert Einstein Meganium Raikou Mamoswine Barbie Fairytopia

Jewel Pokémon

A sudden transformation of Carbink, its pink, glimmering body is said to be the loveliest sight in the whole world.
It can instantly create many diamonds by compressing the carbon in the air between its hands.

Einstein saw more Beauty in Nature than EveryOne!!*

I used to be Albert Einstein in My past life, because He’s the most like Lugia, and when the impossible is eliminated, whatever remains, however unlikely, must be the answer!!*

There are a million constellations that the Star Forge could shatter and fragment into a psychic rumba of Love. Bunny pushes buttons to connect with My mania. There’s many hidden islands of ancient magic on Force exaltation. The Chosen 1 was the Eldest Soul of all, deeper than the biggest submarine.

I was Lucien Lachance in The Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion, meaning My Lucifer Soul was a Chansey Blissey Misdreavus Ghost.

This was further supported in the 1990 Fifa World Cup Finals before I was born, where the goal was scored at the 85th minute, and that’s a star exploding, because 5 is fire, to celebrate or explode, and 8 is destiny, will, the ultimate, infinite, a goal, or a star you aim at, so it’s the secret of the stars in a pen penalty equation, E=mc2.

The Game was won by West Germany over Argentina played in Rome, so that’s Ein in Pokemon Colosseum, and He had a Mantine, so that’s the ancestor of Aerodactyl, or an ancestral tomb in Morrowind, where You find vampires, and Lucien Lachance of the Dark Brotherhood in Oblivion is a vampire. Ein also had a Crobat, which could be like a vampire bat. Vampires in Oblivion also are weak to fire, a star. You even get Azura’s Star in Oblivion by slaying 5 vampires. And that holds souls, My Lucifer soul. A Winged Twilight in Morrowind could even be like an Aerodactyl, and Winged Twilights make the most valuable soul gems.

So before I was born in Heaven, it was settled that My Soul was Lucifer. I was born in 1993.

Kingdom Hearts Playthrough Preview

Even the deepest darkness cannot defeat the Brightest Light!!*

Pokemon 4EVER Trailer

^ Between seconds 7 to 10, this video says the most Powerful Force in the world, so the Power of Forever (the spirit of Love and Eternity) is the 1st Lao Tzu 1000 mile journey step to Omnipotence. Omnipotence is exactly how powerful the truest Power of Forever can be. And the ancient weapon is the Power of Forever from Han Solo’s hokey religions and ancient weapons hokey pokey quote.

Fictional Battle Omniverse: Debunking Kami Tenchi and The Choushin Omnipotence

In the 2002 NBA Finals, the score of Game 1 was 99-94, where 99 in the Pokedex is Kingler, and 149 (94) is Dragonite. You can find both a crab and Dragonite singing Lugia’s song (249) from Pokemon The Movie 2000: The Power of One in the below episode:

Pokemon Indigo League Episode 13: Mystery at the Lighthouse

pokemon.gamepedia.com/IL013:_My … Lighthouse

“Oh, that must be Bill’s lighthouse. He’s a young Pokémon researcher, who knows even more than me. See what you can learn from him. He could teach you just about everything about Pokémon, and then some.” — Professor Oak about Bill

“Well there’s no way I can ignore a request from the great Professor Oak. I am Bill, of the Lighthouse.” — Bill

“This planet was created 4.6 billion years ago. During that time, all kinds of Pokémon existed. They had many ways of living.” — Bill giving a history lesson

“On this planet there are more than 150 known species of Pokémon.” — Bill

“There sure are a lot of-” — Ash
“Of course these are just the Pokémon we know about. There are still many Pokémon that have never been discovered. So we need to keep searching.” — Bill
“How many could there be?” — Ash
“No one knows exactly, the search goes on. There’s always something new to look for in our lives and in ourselves.” — Bill
“Something to look for?” — Ash
“Yes, there’s a lot for us to look for inside and outside ourselves. There’s meaning for every creature, a meaning for all the Pokémon, and a meaning for all us humans too.” — Bill
“A meaning for all.” — Ash

“Why do I need to capture it? Meeting it would be enough for me. Just a chance to study it would make my long wait worth while.” — Bill about the mysterious Pokémon

“It sounds like it’s singing.” — Misty
“Would you care to dance?” — Brock
“Oh, thank you.” — Misty

“What beautiful music.” — Jessie
“It’s very haunting, yet so sweet.” — James

“I think looking for, and catching, Pokémon should help bring all of us together.” — Ash
“Learning to raise Pokémon is another way of understanding how to live with them.” — Brock
“And Pokémon are always lots of fun to play with.” — Misty

“Ash, you’re a Pokémon trainer, I’m a Pokémon researcher seeking out all kinds of life on this planet. Even if our paths are different, I think our goals are the same.” — Bill

Lugia’s Song (Flute Cover)

This is the deepest Mystery in the world. I really was Lugia. I really was Bill. This was further proven when Chauncey Billups was the 2004 NBA Finals MVP.

It’s really romantic how rare Lugia was, the only 1 of His kind. He’s actually a very wise Meganium that evolved with Wartortle Wisdom. Lugia is the Power of 4Ever, the spirit of eternity. The Bliss of all of the Pokemon episodes, and a Heart sweeter than any summer is exactly what Lugia represents.

He was Me as a Kidd.