Psychology as we know it is at an end

Bring it.

Psychology of categories like NMJS whatever is simple for people wh like to think all people are more or less the same and fitting in a glass jar.

In reality all people are different types

This is true but it’s a truism. The rotation of the 2 spheres is simply the effect of the conversion of one logical magnet through another. The conceptual framework creates a dynamo effect of one system with the other, through the forbearance of such action. The field created can only be described through meta fore. These function as feedback, keeping the conflicting framework alive.

Mesmerism revisited.

Or, ‘The New Mesmerism’

…the drugs being the cheaper option to any alternative long term treatment you mean? such as the CBT… medication cannot solve all problems, and it couldn’t possibly solve mine, so thank god for the NHS and their available clinics of reason.

Yes, the effect of Capitalization of healthcare and the resulting lack of affordability.


CBT is effective only with the requirements of adequate intelligence and insight. It does work, it is working for me, I think, and it is reassuring to know that implies I have that much capacity to do it. But it is difficult, and long term. Most patients don’t have the patience for it. They need a quick fix, coming from the outside, which works against internalization.

I am no expert on CBT… this being only my second referral… My first was for grieving, which I was not happy to or able to express myself over, so it didn’t really work. Perhaps it was just too personal to share… perhaps.

This time round it is not about a personal matter, but about a more general need for help caused by environmental factors, so I am happy to open up and discuss the matter in order for the health professionals to meet my needs and get me through the initial and further stages of treatment.

CBT will work if we want it to/if we open ourselves up for help.

My Therapist was an E, and she would race through each session with a determined vigour that I tried to ignore and keep up with, but I’m sure that it would have worked for another E… I would leave our appointments feeling more worse off each time, so needing more downtime and internalisation just to recover from each session, which was detrimental to my condition.

If your Therapist grates against your sensibilities/your needs, then I would request another one, as remaining in the situation will prolong or even hinder your recovery. She couldn’t see it, but I could… she being an E n all.

My motto has always been ‘don’t rush me’ :neutral_face:

Those that need a quick fix should choose their fixes wisely, and if they do not then that is their concern… as they are only hindering their own recovery and betterment of self, but those types don’t care because all they see is the false gift glittering in its wrapper that promises them the world.

Sorrily for those with quick fixes, it usually is not a choice, but the only alternative left. The system has deprived them of any other path. Once the drugs begin, it becomes a fix.