Plans for a religion

Let us pray and make it so. That way, he might be able to break his genocidal ways and not do Armageddon as foretold.

Nice that it is only a myth, and shows Jesus retiring Yahweh when Jesus ascended. Let’s hope the hand of god can choke out the genocidal Yahweh side.


When your soul/consciousness is eternal, what would an extinction event even mean in regards to the eternal? God’s energy never dies, your energy never dies. Adam and Eve never needed to eat from the tree of life for they were designed to continue on forever. I think in the Old Testament Bible, the first earth bound humans lived around 1000 years or so in a human body, not even taking into account the immortality of their souls. What does extinction mean to an immortality that cannot truly die?

You don’t really believe any of that stuff you just said, do ya? That stuff is just dumb all over, wendy. You can’t be serious.

Okay, but what if your soul is a libtard? Hell for sure?

Libtards are in their own Hell already, dissatisfied with life in general but plastered on their faces, the fascade of the big shit eating grin to cover up how empty they actually are inside.

Immortal souls, Hell’s yes! To not believe that there is more to your consciousness than meets the eye is what’s really dumb.

To believe anything without evidence or proof is showing a lack of intelligence.

That is why the ancients invented the word “faith”.

Then literal reading believers could not be called stupid, just delusional.

Faith without facts is for fools.


You have faith in a lot of things without facts, such as the sun rising tomorrow or taking your next breath, but I’d never imply that you are a delusional fool, just a stupid asshole to think that I don’t have my proof.

Peter Kropotkin tells all about facts in my signature. Not only do facts change but they don’t mean anything. :laughing: :evilfun:

You have faith in the sun rising and your next breath on the know fact that those will likely keep repeating.

Your faith in the genocidal prick you adore is not based on anything but hear say.

Stupid is as stupid does and adoring a genocidal god shows your lack of a moral sense.


RR : Rules and Practice.

[1] First Rule : Non-Killing :
You must not kill a human or an animal,
unless it is self defense. Animals are not food.
Shrimp, crab, clams, eggs, etc. These are
non sentient foods.
Plant’s pain is not like human pain.
It is a frequency that promotes healing of the plant.

[2] Second Rule : Self-Matery :
It is good to devout as much time as possible,
into self mastery. Self mastery is self control,
coupled with self awareness and self truth.
Meditations should be explored.
Meditations are different for each person.
It is vital that each individual experiments
with the many meditations.

[3] God the soul-creator : Prayer :
When you pray, aim your thoughts at the
oversouls. Example prayer :
“Dear creator of my soul.
Please bless my efforts to improve and
enlighten myself and my surroundings.
Please bless my efforst to become
better and more kind.
Thank you for all of your provisions.
To you i pray, my creator.”
If you don’t believe in a creator,
that is ok. [3] is optional.

[4] Charity :
Give a little or give a lot.
It’s time to share what we have.
Do what you think is reasonable.

The 4 principles are the requirements
for being a monk of right reason.
Right reason is the name of this/my religion.

I would fail your first rule as I cannot help but kill some of the lower animals.

I drive a car.


Road kill doesn’t count as it is an accident.

Not always.

Just look around.


Right Reason Summary 1

The greatest goal favors and improves life the most.
Our body is destined to die, but our soul is destined to live on.
The longest lasting happiness comes from soul-benifite.
The second longest lasting happiness comes from and through the mind.
And the shortest happiness comes from bodily pleasures.
Each of these pleasures are desirable.
But some things just last longer than our body.

Suffering and pain are hard wired into the human mental system.
The cure for all human suffering is not what it seems.
Happiness comes from within, but unhappiness also comes from within.
It’s mechanistic.
However, some people have pushed self descipline to its limits.
They are far more pain resistant than a common man or woman.
The worst pain is soul-pain.

But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven,
where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal;
Jesus said to him, “If you wish to be complete,
go and sell your possessions and give to the poor,
and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.”

The christian idea of sacrificing the inferior for the superior.
Many things are more valuable than money.
My own idea of soul progression seems to relate to the idea of treasures in heaven.
However, my idea of soul progression is not God-based.

Extremism is always bad.
The middle way path was just a form of being reasonable.
Extremism can turn a good idea into a deadly cult.
Likewise, balance is always good, and if it is bad,
then it is not a harmonious balance.

The solution to suffering is one way at one time,
and in another place, different.
Nirvana is different for one person than it is for another.
There is more than one buddha.
Each buddha is unique and reasonably imperfect.

Meditation, reading and fine music, is good for the mind.
Building one’s intellect can lead to a door way,
to the soul and its truths.

Just like every nirvana is unique to that person,
so also is the practice of improvements.
Improvement looks different for different people.
Meditation is one aspect,
and in the sub sections of it, there are many methods,
which it would be fair if we tried each one of them.

What is wrong?
Causing suffering. The greater the suffering,
the more severe the sin. Ultimately suffering is an illusion,
but it is so hard wired that most people can’t control it much.
And so it may not be our fault when offense happens.

Beautiful thoughts.

Just as a soul can be strengthened, so too can it be destroyed,
Annihilation is as important to address as improvement.

God reclaims all souls eventually. No soul is ever destroyed.

Sounds like the terrace of Hell.

This is of course true.

You and Urwrong make positive statements, as if they were accepted facts, when no one has any proof of the reality of souls.

Being so loose with language makes both of you look like liars.

Can you both admit that you have no solid proofs to show, and change how you state your obviously and demonstrably untrue claims?

Show where your first hand information came from, or be seen as talking out of your lying asses.

