Pedro's Corner

So far Sowell has not made this point, but it is in any case implicit in the case he makes.

Not only does welfare induce people not to work. The financial burden placed on the markets in order for the government to produce that welfare makes it substancially more difficult for those people to find work.

Also, let us make no bones. Welfare is socialism light. It is socialists seeing how much they can get away with, or consevatives trying to appease them and stave off hardcore socialism. There is literally absolutely no good reason for it.

Bleeding hearts make literall bleeding hearts.

“Your alma mater, Harvard,”

“I’ll never live it down.”

“Once you create a constituency, you can’t say no to them.”

He made a point I was going to make, but decided against because of the weird intringuli. But he was unafraid. Which is that most people are most likely descended from slaves. News flash: most people in human history were slaves.

It was, as he said, a curse on the human race that was not confined to one set of distinguishable peoples. Probably most French, for instance, are descendants of slaves.

A curse, incidentally, that was unilaterally and unambiguously ended by the West, by Europe and her daughters. If there is no slavery now in Asia (North Korea excluded), or well, much less overt slavery, it is because we forced them, somehow or another, to stop it.

“He (President Donald J Trump) has not produced the right rhetoric,” well, he IS a university professor. We can forgive him that, you cannot work in universities without some degree of stuffyness. In any case, he seems to mostly want to brush this point aside to get to the meat: (paraphrasing): “he is still basically the best president ever.”

My father used to make the same point about Trump. He’s so crass!

Goddamn hero is what he is.

But check it, cause this point is the weirdest of all and where most intellectuals of all stripes crash against the rocks. The proletariat, the disenfranchised, the poor, the lower classes, the marginalized. This group is real. And it is for THEM that Trump is fighting.

This, I know, does not compute. I think the basic reason I seduced my fascist ex-girlfriend was the sheer weirdness of that does not compute. Women like that brain melt. The sheerness of the contradiction made her wet. The poor voted for Trump, baby. Why is that? Who is really on the side of the proledisenlowerpoorginaized? More importantly, who exactly is it that is AGAISNT them?

Deep questions, the answers to which you will not find in universities or guitar playing hippies. Orwell was just brave enough to scratch it, but just socialist enough not to grasp it.


Also, maybe more powerfully than the poor voted for Trump:

The rich voted for Hillary.

To be clear, women are attracted to reality.

They will fuck a faker.

But they will drip all over a man with the strength to affirm truth.

The hierarchy is something like this, in ascending order:

Charming with wallet
Truth with wallet

From the point of view of a man, women are there to to make a clear point of the truth of unfairness.

Truth is always more unfair than charm. And what can be more unfair than a wallet?

Conclusion: to this day, no man has crushed the pussy like Alexander the Great.

Bottom line.

Check Promethean showing off his new bling for his motorcycle.
Have you ever seen a hollower head than Marxes?

Im back at BTL if you need me.

I was cowardly here, trying to cover for my own self-avowed Marxism of yore.

What I realized in fifth year of high school was that socialism is NOT EVEN a good idea.


Wait a minute wait a minute. fifth year in high school? There’s only four grades in highschool, which means you musta flunked one.

The highschool flunky contemplating the merits of socialism. No wonder it didn’t jibe, bro.

My nose wasn’t brown, that is for sure.

My high school worked with the baccalaureat international system.

Fourth year was dedicated entirely to Greece as the overarching theme for all subjects. Some shit. My WW2 history teacher, who’s main role was Biology, whose father played domino in the Venezuelan plains with Garbo, took us to Greece and showed us the seat of the Olympic games, which is possibly the most religious experience I have ever had. You could smell it.

Just like you could smell the battleground at Thermopilae when you drove by it.

It was… Some shit.

My only regret?

Not realizing that my super hot French teacher, who was in her early twenties, had a huge crush on me until my silly classmates told me, the day after graduation, and then I guess they also had a crush on me because they wouldn’t give me her number.

Gah. If I had known then what I know now. Venezuela’s upper class would be riddled with little bastard Pedro children.

Your whole class went to Greece on a field trip? Holy moly. Who foot the bill on that one?

The most awesome field trip I ever went on was to the local dairy/beef farm. It was a lotta bullshit, and not just figuratively.

Your opressors?

You could go too Greece to, you know.

If you got off your ass and made an album.

Oh, right, I forgot, you already have snarky replies.

To be more precice though, it was a combination of wealth from the man who wrote Venezuela’s court procedures and a man who built half of Caracas. They both grew up in shitty towns like you.

Except they didn’t find them shitty, they actually each had a blast as children. Trailer trash life is awesome if you’re not a bitter commie. Turns out, you must love it before you can leave it.

One of them walked with a cane.