Pedro's Corner

Yo man, Jurassic Porq.
What a great movie, it starts off, and then there is the worsest acting like Ive ever done seen.
It axually ruinth the movie. Man. I could centinuu. Fucc you autocoquette. Autocorquit. Phucc yalls programmeurs.

But back to Jurassic Pork. Rex-chops. But that wasn’t featured.
Just a buncha blubbering kids being disgusting with molten ice cream.

Even though the movie was so great in the way it rained and the way it was all muddy and shit.


talked to the rap demon was an interesting convo



Waddy say?

Its a she.

I guess it rappers ears only.
You need to make that beat though.

Sure thing.

Let’s see what happens with this first:



That came out wrong.

wrong bing bong
dingelong dong
singalong song
king king kong

Alright there, 9 inch nails of rap.

This is the first time in the ever that I have a job I can hold down for a good while, a steady pay check, my very own place, and nobody to boss me around. I have gone full beard and full hair.

My soul, after all these decades of insanity is (mostly) intact.

Nobody can tell me what to do, not you, not anybody.

I will enjoy that feeling for exactly as long as I feel like it.

Why did it take me so long?

Well, I used to have this idea that a group was better than an individual and that, obviously, you give up some decision making of your own in favour of the group’s. I searched and I searched and I tried out different very worthy people to form a group. Better for several reasons: more fun, more powerful, more likely to not be insane.

It took a long time for me to give up on that. I don’t regret it, I still think a bad ass group would have been better.

Groups are as important in a free society as individuals. They also stand against society.

What socialists want is not only the death of the individual, but also the death of the group. If you notice, the first thing they always do is eliminate all groups. They coopt some and create others that have a store front of a group, but they only survive as long as they are only really extentions of the government apparatus. Soviets in Russia, consejos communales and milicias in Venezuela, syndicates in every case, cadres and what not in Nazi Germany.

Because groups are, can only be, made up of individuals. They pool together the capital of their wills. And will, will is precisely the thing socialists hate most.

Take conversations with socialists I know.

PZR: What is your goal?
Socialist: Equality
PZR: But you yourself don’t believe you are equal to, say, people that are downtrodden or people that are capitalist parasites.
Socialist: Yeah, I have come to accept that. The world isn’t perfect.
PZR: Lol. Ok but so then, what is your goal?
Socialist: For people to do what they want. Freedom.
PZR: Some people want to kill other people. Some people want to accumulate and invest capital.
Socialist: Yeah, that’s because they don’t want the right things.
PZR: You can’t be… Ok, so they have to be taught?
Socialist: Yeah, it’s about education.
PZR: So your goal is to teach people what to want?
Socialist: Yeah, exactly.
PZR: I see…

Socialists fundamentally are uncomfortable with the fact of having a will. Individuals, groups, they are obscene reminders of its existence. What they want is for there to be a Society which takes the role of willing, the responsibility, the freedom. So they don’t have to be reminded or worry about it.

Social contract? More like a mirriad super intricate web of millions of contracts existing in the most precarious of tensions.

oh hell yeah… the capitalist parasite you work for is gonna love you. he couldn’t have asked for a more perfectly backward wage worker content with a few meager scraps.

that paycheck is not guaranteed to be ‘steady’, that place you live is not your own - you’re paying rent… which means you’re either paying some parasite’s mortage, or putting even more profit in his pocket after he already profited from the labor of the workers who built the place - and your ‘boss’ is the inescapable circumstances you’re now in; continue working a third of your day for far less than your worth, give all your money to your landlord and other private businesses that own the utilities you use (keep a few dollars for a pack of cigarettes and a six pack), get a credit card (because you’re broke after bills) so you can go into debt buying shit you are subliminally convinced you need, and pay interest on every dollar you spend, or quit/lose your job and go live in a shelter (funded by other working class tax payers).

or you can… (wait for it)… become a capitalist parasite yourself. if you can’t beat em, join em.


(this is why a socialist can’t have a debate/discussion about socialism with anyone but a socialist. none of em know wtf their talking about… and this is no mistake. it’s taken a hundred years or more for capitalists to fill the public discourse with all kinds of bullshit about socialism so you don’t dare go near it)

and a notable irony i never forget when i talk to people opposed to socialism; there is nothing about most of the simpletons that is so extraordinary that living in a socialist society would threaten them or make any fucking difference in their lives. in fact, it would make life better for these simpletons, who are by and large part of the working class, anyway. every bit of their opposition to socialism is nothing but a mass of hot air floating around in their heads… shit they got from the crap they read and watch on youtube.

the only one’s who are in legitimate danger are the capitalists and investors, and their opposition is expected and appropriate. these guys don’t want to work (sure, that’s understandable), and the first thing socialism would do is put them to work so they can stop being parasites. instead of accepting this noble gesture to become something better, they’d prefer to live off the labor of others. it’s at this point that they are excluded from the discourse; there is no reasoning with them. they have to be overcome by force.

PZR: What is your goal?
Socialist: Equality
PZR: But you yourself don’t believe you are equal to, say, people that are downtrodden or people that are capitalist parasites.
Socialist: Yeah, I have come to accept that. The world isn’t perfect.
PZR: Lol. Ok but so then, what is your goal?
Socialist: For people to do what they want. Freedom.
PZR: Some people want to kill other people. Some people want to accumulate and invest capital.
Socialist: Yeah, that’s because they don’t want the right things.
PZR: You can’t be… Ok, so they have to be taught?
Socialist: Yeah, it’s about education.
PZR: So your goal is to teach people what to want?
Socialist: Yeah, exactly.
PZR: I see…

I like this historical aphorisms.

And this is always been the way of civilization, which Weary Locomotive posited against culture, where the two are opposites, irreconcilable.

I was really looking for the this is how they prove shit in the science meme but this one will do.

it was something about a factory chicken being inferior to a wild chicken. i have been permanently traumatized by WL’s choice of analogy, and will never forget these haunting, though profound, words of wisdom.