Pedro's Corner


The main victim in this post-film age of cinema?


Yes, and no, but mainly, yes.

I heard an interesting story about Oceans 12 or 11, which I think was still shot on film, or not. But the story was about lighting a big hall; apparently they couldn’t be bothered to light the whole thing bit by bit and just dragged in a gigantic faceted mirror ball and plunged a 100 kw or so HMI on it.

Apparently East-Canada, now.

I will say:

The precision of Montreal snow-removal operations would make the Swiss shit their pants.

We have missed a season here, again, well… London has, which is again throwing our biological systems into a three season cycle… and we’re only just getting over last year. :neutral_face:

January… the new start of Spring.

A family friend of mine once remarked to me that when he was young, in the particular area of Caracas we were eating arepas in, there were only dirt roads where a man with a donkey would sell children candies. In those times, he remarked, you sometimes couldn’t see through the fog, it was so thick. As he was saying this, in the middle of winter when such a phenomenon should be at its strongest, we were standing in blistering heat in a completely clear day, in a spot where no fog had been seen at least since before I was born.

Things change.


Objectively, one of the best songs ever written.

Ah shit. You know what? I thought that one and Black Magic Woman were the same song.

Fuck. Now I don’t know what to do.

Well, here’s Black Magic Woman:


Just because it bears repeating now and then:

What is the greatest damage so far done on humanity?

The idea of universal truth.

And if you think about it, transcendence cannot survive the idea of universal truth.

For if all but what one transcends onto is illusion, then it is not actual transcendence. No movement actually happened.

So, you know. Fuck, You, Buda. But he’s honest though. I don’t think budists ever actually refer to Nirvana as transcendence. Not probably at least the old skool ones.

All is illusion but the Universal Truth!

This is the battle cry of willing extinction by way of retardation.

“All is illusion” is illusion.

Nia ha ha!

Like people with autism, I am an idiot savant. Unlike people with autism, I notice this. They call it schizoid personality disorder.

Leonard Cohen once wrote that he found it painfully ironic to read about himself as a kind of philanderer while he was sitting alone in some fucking motel.

The last time I took a girl to dinner with my mother, she asked me: “do you do this with all the girls you date?”

It was also the first time I had done it.

Self-awareness has a powerful appeal.

This is true. But what people stop short of realizing is that it is powerfully appealing because we are all capable of it. It is not love of the person, but of the capacity. I would share it.

What stops others, even those that love me, from it is equally ironic in its simplicity: the built up emotional blackmail of those that hate it, all the while mascarading as “the real truth.” Because they figured out that it is the real truth that people most yearn for. Heck, it was “the real truth” that originally gave us all our power in the first place, that our enemies (nothing metaphysical about them, they just hate life) should notice it and weaponize against us. It is an element of real truth that only our own power could be used against us!

That is why, the only reason why, Nietzsche philosophized with a hammer (in its original meaning, a tuning-hammer, to ring out the hollowness of the idols).

Know thyself, bla bla bla.

I guess the current global terraforming, of deforestation and such, would affect weather patterns elsewhere around the world… on the plus side, I’m saving a tonne of money on my heating bills.

The Winter/snow, has given way to Autumn/rain, and so to flooding instead of slippery iced roads… unforeseen change always seems to bring along unforeseen problems with it.

I was quite the Santana fan a while back, when I first became aware of them…

Yeah, I’m going to miss the Andean glaciers.

On the other hand, what they used to know as starvation is today not even realized as inside the realm of possibility by most people.

My real problem begins when they start taking these very local and still hardly understood phenomena and try to give us an overriding, absolutely unsubstantiated narrative that is, at this point, explicitly linked with simple bare-faced communism.

That’s why I’m saying, things change.

I rather liked the descending fog from the Avila in certain parts of the city in the morning.

But fuck that fog, if it means a single one of my people starving. Or being subjected by pampered college know-nothings.

Lol, I thought you said Santa. As in white christmass.


I hardly listen to Santana much myself anymore. But those tunes will forever be burnt into my mind.


You gotta go into the vault to get the good Santana. The radio stuff is lukewarm. Abraxas, caravanserai, santana III, all of it jams. But watch out because it’s kinda fusiony in spots.