Pedro's Corner (Part 1)

The story of how Eminem joined the white supremacists.


See what they taught him in rehab is, all that matters is him. In terms of importance. His audience doesn’t matter. Whereas he used to worship his audience. Now he worships himself. And who else worships themselves? The white supremacists, the anti-Trumpers.

“I am God” and all that shit. eminem has no fucking idea what 7 means. Goat this goat that, like some fuckign kid in a forum. Following the trends, the trails set before him by the white supremacist hipster crowd that started worshipping him once he stopped being fun. Of course, some of his disdain for trap is shared by NY elite rappers, but they all of them stop short of disrespecting. for eminem it’s political. See cause self-worship does not exist. Plato proved this, there is just an emptyness where they thought to find the beautiful snowflakes the empty-souled dirty hippies told them about. " You are SPECIAL!" no longer about the struggle, what makes all rappers, but about “RIGHT and WRONG,” the ultimate pedantry, the ultimate genocidal thought. “If I am not this beautiful snowflake I was told about, it must be because the world itself has not been beaten into the requried submission, because the world is not kneeling before me.” That is the hidden message of the dirty soulless hippies, it does not itself logically follow, but is suggested.

Of course, no self is perfect in that way. Greatness is not born with, or simply had in some perfect form appart from. It is gained by struggle against the world. This bestows it. And it is ever fleeting, as the struggle is ever ongoing, as the world will not disappear. He lost his humility before the game. Oh because you know what alexandrian means so you some kind of super rapper?

I’m sure I didn’t get to the bottom of it. But this is what happened.

this thread has me like


Mars in Gemini opposite Sun. Can you even imagine what that is?

Communicating is a necessity for me like killing people is for serial killers.

fuck it, it’s 90 degrees, I’m listening to dub
i’m going outside

How about barefoot with a nice dress?

stubbed my fucking toe
see, this is a pain unknown to metalheads

Maybe take the dress with the boots until you reach the sand.

there are now entirely too many pictures of my feet in this thread

I gotta quit smoking…


some will not notice, that that is a tin roof.

i got venus in gemini

before you know it there’s plastic chairs flying around


alors, c’etait un reve,
une chimere de releve,
un bel orage, comme l’ete sait si bien les faire

Comme l’ete sait si bien les faire,
Une chimere de releve
Si ca se passe une fois, ca se passe trois fois dans l’ether
Ca se passe toujours dans la terre
Comme du vin dans le verre
Pendent que la Lune eclaire
J’ai vu trop des miracles pour avoir problemes en y croire
Les histoires,
Ils toujours se repetent
Donc alors,
Une autre fois pour les Parques
Et les reves

Was listening to this, so that may have influenced the tempo


i entered this thread a philistine
now I regard myself as a connoisseur of the dab

You have a whole world ahead of you.

