Pedro's Corner (Part 1)


Yeah he’s a genious.

No, I haven’t hit upon the right word…


Now you’re not sounding or writing like Satyr at all, we have an impostor in our midst guys.


What’s sop funny?
You seem to show unnecessary mirth when you are stressed.
Laughter, actual or implied, is a release of stress…akin to an orgasm.
Your repeating laughter shows a proclivity towards a sexual release of tension.

But what do I know…I have an 80 IQ

Goddamnit you’re right. Trump is brilliant.

You have a lot of pent-up anger, my friend.

Trump is god, dude…and he’ll take care of Venezuela real nice.
But you sell drugs,…so you’re cool. Real bad ass. Seen the grit of urban civilization.
Tough and smart…I can see that in your every post.
I can also see why you worship the half/breed. He’s generous. Flattering. Tells you what your daddy never did.
That you are good and talented and valuable.

First off…i ain’t no friend of yours. Second…that’s psychology 101.
It ain’t gonna fly.
But please …continue with your amateurish psychological manipulations.

I’m also sexually frustrated…maybe i have a small dick…no friends. Never got laid…hated my mother…daddy issues.
Simpleton…this is the big leagues.
Smoke a joint, a pipe, whatever, and chill.
Rap a tune you will eventually sell on the markets.
Word associate your brilliance.

With a slightly smarter mind than average, that can lead to dark places. Most people will just throw insults around. But you take it to a sexual place, to one of the cores of human being. That will destroy you sooner than anyone else. The advantage of less smart minds is that they have safety mechanisms and backstops. A smart mind will just go all in.

But you have time.

“First off…i ain’t no friend of yours.”

Take it easy…


Dude you appreciated, valued a genius like the half-breed…that takes extraordinary judgment.
No small feat.
I am already self-destroyed…dude.
Can’t see the brilliance of a verse…can’t appreciate the moonlight shining off the curb, dusted with snowflakes.

Hate, hate…hate. I have renounced Christianity.

Dear boy…I’ve watched you for years…you ain’t what you think you are.
Few people are.

But…I got time.

Sorry… I got excited there for a minute, my heart rate raced…I almost feinted.
Then I realized….you are my friend.

Hi friend.

“I am already self-destroyed…dude.”

I know it can feel that way.

“Few people are.”

This is true. but we won’t try philosophy with you for now.

“Hi friend.”

Calm down…

Can you help me?

Deep shit,…from the shaman must wait.

Okay…ok…calm…happy spaces, flowers…running brooks…
Whew…almost got out of control there.
Thanks…your soothing words were remarkably effective…shaman.

i drew a rune on my anus using my own blood. Flt its power throughput my body. It was ansuz.

“i drew a rune on my anus using my own blood. Flt its power throughput my body. It was ansuz.”

That was legitimately funny.

Hi Turd Ferguson. :sunglasses:

Definitely not Satyr and definitely not Lyssa either.

What’s going on buddy?

Still worshipping Trump as the God emperor? :sunglasses:

No that’s not turd.

Do…do you think so, master/
Am I clever…or just ridiculous?
Am I legitimately funny or a clown?

So, so calm you are…so in control…so wise.