Paradox of vu

These last few posts … your posts included … remind me of William Jame’s term “Stream of Consciousness”.

Jame’s thoughts were perhaps a giant step forward … yet … constrained to the individual … ergo: Jame’s confined his theory to the individual … ergo: he placed it in a ‘box’ … he placed boundaries around the concept … an electric fence so to speak … that one dare not attempt to pass through.

I’m confident there have been attempts at a “stream of consciousness” beyond the individual … ergo: among two or more people … I even attempted it here on ILP some time ago. The hurdle/obstacle that inevitably dampens success is the dominance of ego and virtual absence of empathy.

Perhaps persistent effort will one day pay dividends … perhaps it already is in the arena of “Collective Wisdom”.

Actually that is quite interesting. In another post I make I mention the Ouroboros - the dragon that eats its own tail - in this sense “reading” text being recreated in the “readers mind” and the “readers mind text” being recreated on the medium(paper or screen) for eternity. This is what constitutes the text.

Ouroboros is an interesting topic … in the context of Kundalini … let me stick with the current topic for the moment.

Perhaps collective stream of consciousness obeys the same natural laws of speaking … St Augustine taught these laws to me … paraphrasing … the syllable we utter must first die to make room for the birth of the next syllable … otherwise speaking would be limited to one long … very long … monosyllable.

A personal experience here in the community where I live … I communicate on occasion with a middle aged Chinese woman who was born deaf and never learned any sophisticated sign language. She speaks in guttural tones … nonetheless she still uses pitch, tone and volume to differentiate her thoughts … really quite interesting. She is the only Chinese person I can communicate with. :smiley:

I like your posts pilgrim-seeker_tom

Actually when you take the “Stream of Consciousness” into account then the Ouroboros is very applicable and so is yin yang for that matter.

On the ouroboros

On yin yang

Each moment of consciousness has to die to give birth to the next.


‘moment’ may be a rather long interval of time :slight_smile: … though I’m inclined to believe the theory of ‘discrete’ frames of consciousness … death and birth in a rhythmic dance with each other.

encode_decode … perhaps our e-exchanges have achieved … albeit temporary I’m sure … a convergence … or at least a partial convergence … of two independent consciousness(s) … perhaps. :smiley:

speaking of Yin Yang … have you read this short article on the topic …

Personally I believe members of the Western Psyche are naturally inclined to ‘see’ Yin Yang through the prism of Western thought.

Sorry about that: I meant moment as instant - English is confusing - moment can equal instant, therefore moment = instant

An instant is a discrete detachment from a continuum . . .

Interesting article by the way - thank you . . . Western thought if used properly can produce reconciliation.

I am certain our connection is permanent, it is just at times we become unaware of it.


For me … maintaining independence is imperative … and I’m not being facetious.

Did you read my post where I wrote about “constipation of personal consciousness”?

I didn’t really write about it … the term appeared on the screen. :smiley:

Perhaps I am coming to understand what I meant by it … see … I really am a slow learner. :smiley:

People who interfere with the natural rhythm built into consciousness … the rhythm of “death” and “birth” … the inextricable dance the two entities participate in … develop constipation of consciousness. Have you ever experienced constipation of the bowels … not a pleasant experience.

Perhaps this points to the answer for waechter418’s question:

Perhaps the Western collective consciousness is seriously constipated … they continue to cling to an old “birth”

any thoughts?

Just one thought - It is true.


It’s truth may be pregnant with blocks to its realization by denying the collective consciousness from coming true.

Speaking for my self, the admission of the significance of dreams, in times of great anxiety,
comes true.

Here is a sample: Last night I dreamt of cock roaches invading the area above my bed-headboard. They came through in large groups through a hole in the wall.

Then I went on line around 4 am, and found this forum. I thought of some interrelation of the dream,
with the topic at hand, with the thought that such
nexus may have some interest.

The cock roach exhibits three meanings according to an interpretation: filth, resilience, and farther flung meaning, such as the ‘roach’ of the marijuana stump.
This last one is interesting because I have been actively searching for a part time job, where testing for traces of ‘grass’ is part of the hiring process.

All three interpretations of the Dream are relevant here, and although no clear meaning can be related in the dream to a de ja vu experience, recollection of prior mental states can be applied to both.

In my state of anxiety, I believe, the collectively repressed or forgotten memory, may come true both ways, simultaneously, or singly. Not to be left out are farther out connections as Kafka’s ‘Metamorphosis’ suggesting a more general idea.

That such psychic symbols, emerging out of the well ordered, rational world, uniting in variously overlapping areas of significance, point to the total inclusion of all symbols under the umbrella of the collective unconscious.

Finally, the last curative attempt of the collective is signified in the meaning in the marijuana roach symbolizing the vary last pleasurable, albeit unreal treatment of life, before that roach also burns off, bringing forth the extreme necessity of facing Reality.

For me, that reality subsists of letting go , a lifetime construction of the intentional unreal world of representations, and facing directly those which life forces me to face.

In a sense, then, de ja vu has a very wide net of bringing a major theme consisting of an inescapable collision with a reality, I have so long been holding back in bay.

Now, dealing with it, it’s another story, and retreat at this juncture is not an option any longer.

Your post is interesting . . .

I find your writing profound in the sense of myself being able to find deeper and lateral meaning contained within. I will be reading your discourse a few times to fully grasp its nature.
I like your take on reality here as there seems to be a pragmatic theme to it but at the same time allowing yourself to flow with existence.
Your painting of déjà is worthy of further consideration on my part - it tells me more about the “Paradox of the sensed” that I present as the main theme hidden amongst the paragraphs of the original post. The inescapable collision with a reality seems to me worthwhile, bringing forth introspection regarding many paradoxes contained within.
Dealing with it is indeed another story as it would seem that your dream has collided with more than one reality - realities from earlier times.

This makes me think regarding your nexus that it may hold insight across all mindful processes being able to collide with things we are not aware at any given time.

Thank you jerkey.


Jerkey … for me … your post is exciting … some argue the journey from one to two is long and difficult … Krishnamurti, after 60+ years of relentlessly attempting to share his understanding of life, died saying “nobody understands me”. The journey from two to three is apparently much less difficult and shorter.

For me … your last sentence is the most interesting. One of the people I shared my “experience” with … almost 25 years ago … responded as follows: … paraphrasing

  1. When one walks through the door … when one crosses the threshold … in fact, not in illusion … there is no going back.

  2. I’m surprised you have gotten this far without any help … ergo: what’s viewed as professional help.

My experiences in the past 25 years confirmed his comments … I would restate his comments as follows:

  1. You have entered ‘liminal space’ … … I’m not the author of the article.

  2. Tread softly … let patience and humility guide you.

  3. Maintaining independence is imperative.

I wonder if, Krishnamurti truly understood himself.

Funny another co-incidence / paradox, saw Khrishnamurti’s last lecture, and didn’t know he was dying of cancer , then got tapes, and the only thing that stood out was ‘you’ve got to give it up’, referring to sex.

Then met a guy immersed in a pool near his compound who says to me, ’ see, you can’t die’, as he submerged and stayed there for what seemed like a very long time.

The rest-a blur.

Okay…let me take you through a journey through “liminal space”.

After you give up sex…you can be a fool-ospher (I mean uh…philosopher) after you fully understand the concept of “liminal space”.
Life is always changing…let me guide and walk you through that change.
The other day, I smoked shrooms.
I was seeing colors. Stars. Almost like the Cosmos.

Do I get a PhD for this?

You shoul’d have, , it may have made a positive differance.

But just like a very wise critter gently placing her supple lips to my elongated ear whispered through the many formed canals therein: ‘It was not meant to be’.

Maybe it would have made my words so profound…that noone could understand me. Quality=How many people can’t understand you. I call it “jeans-us.” The quintessence of Fool-osophy.

Profound things are eclectic, poets and philosophers write volumes to casual readers, but it is sifting, for pearls which transmit to those who’s ears bereft of the waxed redundancy blocking the write stuff.


I am curious about the concept of “liminal space” - could you give me a short description? Pleeeeease . . .

It was made by some “misfit”. Don’t ask…it’s just some fool-hippie trying to do philosophy…It just sounds “deep” to the guy who made it…its just a page with no substance.