Opposite of Sin

I think you are confusing something. The English word “sin” didn’t evolve from the Latin “sine”.

That’s an interesting point, Sanjay. The only phrase that comes to mind is “act of kindness”, or maybe “good deed,” but those are not singular words.

It makes me wonder why Christianity and the medieval world, despite the doctrinal focus on the “good”, was by far more focused on evil. Words are crafted and injected into language because of a need for their use. Why did we feel the need for a word like “sin” and not for a word that connoted the opposite?

Punitive religious doctrine does not start from a level playing field, wheron each act would be evaluated on its own merits or detriments.
It is based, rather, on the innate, fundamental badness of the human being.

Man is born into sin -

  • that’s the low point from which he must, all his life, struggle upward, have faith, do good works, pay obeisances and tithes, in the hope of expiating original sin before he dies.


This is what I wrote:

I may have re-phrased that better. I was still only speaking of the Latin Prefix “sin”.

The word “sincere” means without wax. I could have come up with a better explanation for the opposite of sin though (just so we don’t keep going around in circles.

Sin to me is still a lack of awareness and/or responsibility toward our behavior where someone is harmed.
So perhaps its opposite could be empathy/compassion…
Words do not have to mean simply one particular thing. We all come from different places and in reflecting on certain words, we come to different definitions, no?


This is what I wrote:

I may have re-phrased that better. I was still only speaking of the Latin Prefix “sin”.

The word “sincere” means without wax. I could have come up with a better explanation for the opposite of sin though (just so we don’t keep going around in circles.

Sin to me is still a lack of awareness and/or responsibility toward our behavior where someone is harmed.
So perhaps its opposite could be empathy/compassion…
Words do not have to mean simply one particular thing. We all come from different places and in reflecting on certain words, we come to different definitions, no?

Piety is quite close to be an exact opposite of sin, but still it is not a mirror opposite.

To your second point, humans are not supposed to judge whether any act is a sin or not. If that was the case, religions would not had propagated their founding books as final authorities.

Scriptures clearly mentioned what is sin and what is not according to their relative gods. The practical problem now is those guidelines were in reference to that time, not now. It was not possible to include all future situations and questions.

That is precisely where religions run into trouble and humans have to judge on the behalf of gods. Sometimes they get it right but sometimes wrong too.

With love,

According to Christianity, we are born in sin.
This is why there is baptism…to remove the STAIN of sin.
So perhaps we can say that the opposite of sin is stainless.

Just a thought that occurred.

Maybe there is no antonym, because sin is incorrigible. Contrary to religious claims.
