Official: Post a Picture of Yourself

I am not very fond of putting people or animals out of their misery by killing them. But I guess you can say that is love.

Just a few days ago, I decided to ignore my auntā€™s cry for help. She was apparently in deep pain. She was beggining to be turned around (she couldnā€™t do it due to paraplegia.) I choose not do so. In fact, I even considered telling her directly that I didnā€™t want to do so. Mind you, I didnā€™t want her to die or to suffer. I just didnā€™t want to give into her whims. I thought she was quite whimsical. After two hours of ignoring her I decided to help her. Her consciousness started to degrade at a very fast rate every since. She died three days later. She had a metastasis, so I was aware that she was going to die, but not this fast. I feel a little bit of guilt. Perhaps if I helped her that night she wouldnā€™t have died . . . that thought haunts me in my dreams. But I am not sure that it is justified. She refused professional help and she relied too much on me. I am no nurse. I wanted to help. But I didnā€™t want to offer her the kind of ā€œhelpā€ she asked for. Sometimes, you want to let people suffer. It is the right choice. She denied that she was sick. In fact, she denied she was in pain. She didnā€™t want me to hire a professional nurse to take care of her. There was no other choice.

Magnus, I think this shows that you have a very strong resolve, but that you also have a living conscience within you.

^ This incident may (or it may not) be a case where the two have come into conflict. I think you have to decide what counts for you, at least in this case, as strength and weakness.

We would probably need the concert of many or at least a few voices from the past carried into the present to establish that. Does past behavior necessarily determine future behavior albeit past experience may very well.


Since my puberty I have been looking younger, first one, then two, three, four, five and at last even ten years younger than I should according to my respective real age. But that has nothing to do with precociousness. Precociousness has to do with the predisposition of being precocious; so it is more a question of the genotype than of the phenotype. Or do you mean that the look, outwardness or other formality of the appearance can clearly show precociousness. Is, for instance, a full beard of an fourteen year old ā€œboyā€ really a sign of precociousness? If so, then I have never been precocious. I was one of the last three or four (out of 40) pupils in my school class who became pubescent. I think that the word ā€œprecociousnessā€ means something different, namely something that has to do with the behavior. Relating to this I can likely say that I was precocious. I do not know for sure. Therefore I said:

Trying to understand what you exactly meant by ā€œprecociousnessā€, I googled the word and found not only other words, but also some photos. :wink:

Does one of the following four photos show - more or less - the meaning of ā€œprecociousnessā€?
If so: Which one ist it?

In every case one can find also other reasons (e.g.: autism, wrong or unidirectional education) why those kids are what we think they are. They are not or not necessarily precocious. Or are they (according to you)?

Current photo

ā€¦and how is Ecmandu?

Are you home? Are you feeling well?

Iā€™ve met lots of people who are so desperate for attention, care, and ā€œloveā€ that they will hurt themselves to get it. I knew of a couple that had a psychopathic relationship. The girlfriend would literally hold her boyfriend hostage with threats of suicide. ā€œIf you donā€™t love me then Iā€™ll kill myself.ā€ Itā€™s very cruel and selfish by the person who makes such demands. They are usually women who do this, but sometimes children. Males usually do not do this because of having lesser value. Itā€™s a very depraved and ignoble disposition, without pride, without honor.

Then again, there are those with too much pride, too much honor, and never ask for help when they should, or when they need to. So thereā€™s two sides to this phenomenon.

Iā€™m doing my thing. Iā€™ve decided that Iā€™m terminally illā€¦ requiring soothing routines (like morphine would be for late stage cancer) - and thatā€™s my life unless a ā€œmiracleā€ happensā€¦ these soothing elements have become such a part of my life by now, I may keep them even if something ā€œmiraculousā€ happens

Well thatā€™s one way to force yourself to make life more interesting / more palatableā€¦ like when someone decides to say ā€˜yesā€™ to everything. I did that a few years backā€¦ it got real boring real quick, and the only things Iā€™d have been saying yes to would be sex drugs and rock n rollā€¦ I ainā€™t part of the great de-bauched.

I decided that soothing, meaningful, fun things would be the answer.

Need a cut of hair. I wish the image size was moreā€¦ how is everyone anyway?

Hey Artimas, howā€™s it going man?


Thatā€™s a nice pic. Where have you been? Are you back for awhile to deal with this motley crew again?

For those of you who wonder what the hell I must look like:

Nearly 43 years old now.

Just have been working and chilling. Got a promotion with this job I have and work where I live since I do property management. I havenā€™t been doing much philosophy really. Usually people always disagree just to disagree.

Youā€™re my elder, Encode! I should be kissing your ass.

Thatā€™s the best part of philosophy.

I nearly pissed my self laughing at this comment, thanks for the laugh gib.

I think we are only like a year or two apart from what I have been able to determine - please correct me if I am wrong.

Yes, 41 over here.