Of Property


At 18 yrs. old this high school drop out was invited to join the UN before he even had his first big job at 19 yrs. old. How would a nobody kid have a connection to a high level UN official? It does sound fishy. It doesn’t mention what he did after he dropped out of HS at 14 yrs. old until 18 yrs. old to survive and land a job in the UN. Mafia maybe…odd jobs like his father…hence priming in New York…ah, Long Island is where he was stationed in the UN, Lake Success, Long Island, New York. Crime syndicate headquarters perfect place to school a streetwise kid, expand affairs into Canada. I know my imagination works overtime. :evilfun:

Those “property taxes” are paid to protect, to fund the military, without which, another army would come and take your land.

Nothing is free, everything has costs.

You’re not paying to rent. Keep that in mind, twit. You’re paying to defend.

The best you can do is argue what the said rent pays for (expletive name for a troll)? :evilfun:

For the upper and middle class lifestyles to prevail a constant horde of newer generations of indentured slaves must exist. The spice, tears, monetary, and blood harvesting must flow!

(Even if the entire world is destroyed in the process of this ongoing historical social dialogue or dialectic.)

The ‘middle class’, whatever that even means nowadays, there is no such thing, are also slaves.
I think that’s the most likely outcome, the entire world being destroyed, really I wish it weren’t the case, but humanity has little-no interest in ending this rat race over a cliff towards oblivion.

In the globalist new world order or global dark age prison planet under transhumanism however you wish to categorise our contemporary epoch not all slaves are equal as some are worth much less than others. In the perfect kind of prison system you have the slaves fighting each other for scraps. There is only one possible way to avoid the cliff towards oblivion but requires violent global revolution everywhere, unfortunately we’re not near that point yet as most it would seem do not have the will to fight together and until that will to fight begins in earnest for a majority of people there is only the ongoing cold pale of tyranny that we’re left with now.

Nothing also changes either until the deranged lunacy of democracy is finally exposed for the fraud that it is along with the liberal notion of individualism that is used to divide and conquer whole entire societies. Until people start seeing society as a collective organization in social unity nothing changes.

The problem with modern slavery is people think they’re free and can get ahead, when they’re not and fundamentally can’t, maybe a little, but their kids and grandkids will have a lower standard of living than they did, and so on down the line.
People are really industrious and innovative, thinking this’ll benefit them as much as their capitalist/corporatist overlords, when it won’t, not even a 10th as much, not even a 100th.
And as a result, more and more of nature is destroyed so fewer and fewer people can live a life of luxury.
eventually and inevitably these two-party capitalist corporatist dictatorships will crumble, giving way to single-party fascist dictatorships, nations and supranations will go to war over dwindling resources in a desperate attempt to maintain some semblance of their living standard, leading to WW3 and either our extinction, or at least the end of civilization as we know it.
Ideally humanity would wake up and stop supporting a system that threw them overboard ages ago, either opting for another, better system, many have been proposed, or no system at all, but unfortunately, it doesn’t look as tho that’s going to happen.