Nationalize Food & Housing

Government doesn’t need private companies.
Again, it can just print the money it needs to takeover and maintain food and housing.
Taxes and borrowing money from (central) banks are obsolete practices.

Right, we can produce food and housing many times cheaper and more efficiently than we could half a century ago, because we’ve replaced workers with cheaper and more efficient machines we run on coal, gas, hydroelectricity, oil, uranium and so on, fuels that give you dozens-hundreds of times more bang for your buck, but instead of these essential commodities becoming cheaper as they should have, capitalists have instead, increased, the prices, making themselves monstrously rich in the process, using all that money to have fun at our expense, and also reinvesting it in increasingly meaningless production, which’s why we have so many superfluous products and waste, pollution, taking a tremendous toll on the environment, and causing us to deplete these non-renewable resources at a much faster rate than we otherwise would have.
This is why all essential goods and services must be socialized and/or syndicalized.
The inessential ones I don’t care as much about, perhaps most of them will wither away and die, once we’re not compelled by hunger and cold to both produce and consume them, and the remaining will naturally become fairer, because again, we won’t be coerced by hunger and cold to produce and consume them.

Americans are lazy, what?
Americans are some of the hardest working, greediest and most materialistic slaves on earth.
If anything, Americans need to slooow, the fuck, down.

See this is why modern society is stupid:

We’re able to exploit the environment hundreds of times more efficiently than cave men, yet we have to work twice as hard as cave men to survive, producing hundreds of times more things than we need, by and large so the upper (middle) classes can consume them, because capitalists refuse to share the wealth.
It’s just mind bogglingly insane…and that’s why we’re all going to die soon.
We’re gong extinct…Mother Nature’s botched experiment.

The rise in life expectancy has at least been grossly exaggerated, if not downright fabricated.
It’s mostly infant mortality that’s been reduced, not the lifespan of people who live passed infancy that’s been extended.
I’m not even sure the life expectancy for hunter-gatherer and agrarian societies was much lower than ours, I don’t think there’s been much documentation of their life expectancies.
As for early modern urban societies, their infant mortality rate was higher than ours, and it saw a reduction thanks to modern medicine, and/or diets becoming more nutritious and varied, like diets originally were when we were hunter-gatherers.

If we look at the work of maverick scientists like Weston Price and those who followed up on it, traditional hunter-gatherer and agrarian societies were healthier and may have lived as long or longer than us.
I don’t think we’ve gotten healthier so much as better at keeping increasingly sicklier people alive with drugs and things.
My guess is that at some point because of mostly modern diseases like cancer and diabetes, life expectancy is going to swing the other way, and decline.
I mean how obese, irradiated and toxified can we continue to get before modern medical practices can’t keep pace with our failing health, and life expectancy begins to recede?

Modern people are the fattest and sickliest people who’ve ever walked, escalated, driven, or wheel chaired across the face of the earth, the latest generation is continually fatter than the previous one, and this trend is showing no end in sight, thanks to contemporary tech and convenience.
If we don’t take steps to reverse course, people are just going to get sicklier and sicklier, reducing life expectancy and fertility…which I suppose is a good thing in some ways, but if we decline too haphazardly and rapidly, at some point we might just collapse, and then it’ll be back to square one, year zero, the dark ages, which, well, might not be such a bad thing after all I suppose, perhaps they weren’t so dark after all *shrugs, maybe we’re dark.

The robots.

FWD to 2:48:00 and listen until 2:54:00 (change setting to 1.25 speed)


Nonsense-work and busy-work has to be created to keep people working because of the popular hangup that people must suffer for money since we believe, as good protestants, that the devil finds work for idle hands to do.

So if “pride comes before a fall” implies religion, then so does the good old fashioned necessitation that people must suffer for money because the devil will come if they don’t.

I’ve put this illustration before a couple people:

Suppose we make a deal that I come live with you if I do certain chores. We agree to the terms, then I build a machine that does all the chores and I decide to pile-up on your hammock while eating your food. Without a doubt, before long you’d be pissed that I’m laying around doing nothing to justify my existence and you’d demand that I undertake more work above and beyond what the machine is doing simply because you couldn’t stomach the idea.

All these machines we have… washing machines, dish washers, microwave ovens, vacuum cleaners, cars, and we still have no time for anything because we’re compelled to take on more and more work to justify our existence. An 18th century housewife might dream of how much free time she would have if she had machines doing everything, but that isn’t how it turned out, is it.

Oh, if only I didn’t have to lug this washboard down to the river in order to scrub clothing, I could instead go get a job at walmart helping to make shareholders rich.

I second that!

If you could survive being a baby and having a baby, you were probably going to live a long time. Sexy women back then weren’t the stick figures of today, but those of a shape that is likely to survive giving birth. Look at old art.

Once again this is what happens when you let an oligarchy or aristocracy run wild without any stop measure to control them, better yet they control the financial purse strings of democracy where you can’t vote your way out it. Hell, they bankroll and fund the voter counters or representatives. Once again democracy is a shit system and utterly fails.

They will keep sucking the blood and life force of any nation fattening or indulging themselves until a nation simply dies.

When they control the money supply, democracy, courts, laws, political representation, military, and police the only option left is violent revolution! There is no other recourse! There is no other options! There is no negotiating, peace, or diplomacy with these people!

Until people start understanding all of that nothing changes.

Perhaps democracy has to get worse before it gets better.
If it gets bad enough, newer, better and more independent parties may arise, and people might vote for them, as well as demanding more checks on voter fraud.
Nationalism is gaining a bit of traction these days, and while socialism is not, perhaps it too will gain traction in the coming years-decades as our economies continue to decline.

Yes, things will get better once democracy dies and is put to eternal rest.

Democracy will never get better until you remove it and those that control or own it from the social discourse. We can agree on nationalism and socialism but we’ll never agree on the subject of democracy I see. That’s fine, I’ll make an autocrat out of you yet, we shall see who’s political principles wins out in the end of this collapse, death, and resurrection of western civilization. If democracy wins in the next fifteen years I’ll be the first to tell you I was wrong however I don’t believe that will be the case at all going into the future. :wink:

lol @ grad student research. Come on man. Those poor kids just wanna get published.

No, the actual research was way more than just a bunch of grad students. I can find the article if you like.

Yes please.

I have a lot of free time. I work 40 hours a week, outside of that I am free.

I find that people will have as much free time as they value to themselves as having. It is up to everyone how to spend their time. We all have to work somehow, but even if you work two jobs you can still spend the rest of your time however you want, or you can work to get a better job so you don’t need to work two jobs anymore. Or you can resolve to being relatively poor, like me, and value your freedom and your time more than having a lot of nice things.

Anyone who posts regularly on this website here, obviously has a decent amount of free time.