Name Change Request

Change made, welcome to the board!

You better not be another 4-5 post quitter.

Most people join, then stop.

I’m watching you… if you quit, we’all ban you until you start posting again.

I don’t think that that is necessarily true. One might be surprised - or not, how much a name change can influence or affect a person’s behavior or psyche.
Names have meaning, words have meaning.

BUT if you called THAT rose over there a CUCUMBER I wonder how it would affect one’s sense of smell, one’s perspective? :-k

Carleas, is there a cost to you to change a name?

You guys have become so obsessed with perspective that you can’t see anything besides the superficial.

So are you calling me a perspectivist? I really wouldn’t mind that at all, being that the more vantage points we can view things from, the more light can be shed on an object.

I’ve never been accused of being superficial before. :blush:

ANYWAY, I don’t intuit how what I said above, not the immediate above, makes me obsessed with perspective. or makes me not see anything besides the superficial. i’m the one who dives beneath the surface of the iceberg. Have you ever seen what’s there?

I don’t normally go in for generalizing though i realize there is a purpose in it.

Everything’s perspectivism.

For example, a man builds a bunch of sticks, glues them together, puts a motor on it and wings, and we say “that’s a plane”, and it’s “cool”! Its our our new idol, we worship it, we worship the system.

If you think a theory is cool, that’s your perspective. Making theories seem profound is kind of an art, helps if you add sciency music.

Its all meaning making, even finding out the explanation of consciousness. The only thing that matters is MIJOT. Finding out consciousness will help us I think.

It costs me or another mod about a minute.

Can I change my name to the same one I’ve already got, as a symbolic gesture, or would that be stretching the rules too far?

After long consideration, unfortunately I have to refuse your request, Harbal. While I appreciate where you’re coming from and what you’re trying to accomplish, I’ve concluded that you can’t do anything as a symbolic gesture that you can’t do – if it’s not possible to do something at all, it’s not possible to do that thing as a symbolic gesture. And since changing your name and leaving it the same are mutually incompatible, you can’t change your name to the same one you’ve already got, and so you can’t do so as a symbolic gesture either.

I hope you understand.

An alternative justification for refusing your rquest: “the same one I’ve already got” is 29 characters, and the max is 24. :-"

This is a philosophy forum, for God’s sake, I can’t believe there’s nobody here who can think their way around this problem. If I can’t change my name to the one I’ve already got then how am I supposed to send out the message that I’m still the same as I was before? The only thing I can think of is to replace my avatar with an identical copy and hope that people assume my name has been similarly replaced. To be honest, I’m rather disappointed.

Names tend to stay the same. It’s the avatars that change. Someone is currently using Hitler, whilst another is using Charlie Brown.
For the sighted the game is trying to remember the names when the face keeps changing.

I’m using my phone, so I can’t see the avatars, who is Hitler?

Ah Carleas, you may someday be asked to join the “diplomatic” corp. :evilfun:

It isn’t about Charlie Brown per se but about the relationship between all four. Christmas is over and it’s time for me to find another avatar but I so hate parting with that little tree. There is just “something” about it.

H a r b a l


Wont do what he wants, its symbolic of a slight alteration to his personality.

I knew you’d get it.
By the way, I just wanted you to know that I hold no resentment towards you regarding the fact that they changed the rules for you but not for me.

Judging by the look in your avatar, you might want to change your name to “herbal” if you understanding my meaning. :wink:

If they have the same name, why is this difficult?