My Morning Reflections


Have you come to discover and understand why your dreams are like this, Wendy?

When you wake up, you do realize that it was just a very scary nightmare. In the light of day, those dreams can’t really touch you as they can while you’re dreaming. It IS a really beneficial thing, as Amor said, to confront them, look at them, and try to understand what they are telling you. That will help to take some of the power out of them. It doesn’t happen quickly. You have to work at it.

Some schools of thought will tell you to look at the danger, whether it be human, animal, demon, nature, like a thunder storm or a giant wave, and ask them what it is they are saying to you in the dream. You can even train your mind to remember this while you are dreaming. It may be silent at the moment but at some point, you will hear it speaking (within your mind, that is).

Can you write down everything which you remember and then detach from it. Go on your way. Return at some time and re-read it out loud. Sometimes doing that will give us some insights. Even the way in which someone expresses one’s self, writes things down, can give insight. Pay attention. See what comes to you.

One size does not fit all as far as dreams go. Our dreams are a product of who we are individually.
Someone may dream of a lion and it may be telling that person to have more courage. Someone else may dream of a lion and it may be telling them to become less ferocious. Dreams are not set in stone like the silly dream books would want us to think.
A cigar is not always a penis. lol It might just be a reminder of how much you loved your Grandfather who smoked those stinking things but who passed away some years ago. We just have to reflect and discover.


You sound like a charlatan here. Talk like that can be quite dangerous to people who have cancer and aids who are desperate to believe that they will heal albeit working through and understanding our dreams may lead to emotional healing which in some way can also allow for physical healing, in part~ the body/mind connection.

But understanding our dreams cannot cure cancer and aids, et cetera, without medical intervention.
It’s a combination of different things working together.

They are either curses or blessings depending on how they are handled. They are important filters for our mental health. Those who do not ever dream can be in trouble. They can lead to a backup of psychic sludge. lol

No Ecmandu you cannot heal cancer or AIDS by understanding your dreams

What do you hate about your dreams

You two don’t understand reality at all…

For one, dreams are when you’re most vulnerable, so the odds of healing AIDS through a dream are very small!!

You might notice that chasing the old wise man down the forest makes you sicker … And boom!!! You’ll not have AIDS anymore…

I’m actually not lying to you

You, if you understand dreams after you wake, can cure disease!!!

You are so vulnerable though, that it’s a crapshoot, it’s a lot like the lottery.,. Though maybe people understand a lot more than I do …,

Waking life is also a dream

It may take you like 10 dreams to figure out the correlation between chasing the old man and feeling worse, but the second you figure out the correlation, you’ll be healed of that.

I’m really fucking serious.

I’m not kidding.

I said, “waking life is a dream too”.

This is really hard to explain…

When you figure out patterns that cause horrible things in your waking life… You’ll stop doing them (of course) and you’ll be healed from those patterns…

Waking life is a dream, but not as powerful as actual dreams.

The problem with actual dreams is that we are not ourselves, but fragments of ourselves, and it’s extremely hard to understand them because we are not fully ourselves